Chapter 7: The Letter

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Well guys this is Chapter 7! Things are getting more intense and I want to keep it like that. Enjoy ;)

Ash's POV:

It was a couple days since I woke up from the events and I had asked Nurse Joy if Pikachu and Greninja could keep me company so they were also in the room. Greninja was sitting in a chair and Pikachu was curled up on the other, both were sound asleep.

She also said I could walk around again so I decided it was a good idea to go see how my friends were. It was the middle of the night but I really wanted to see how my friends were. So I got out of my bed and walked out the door, without waking up my Pokémon.

I was doing my best to keep quiet since everyone was most likely asleep and I didn't want to disturb anyone. I was walking down the hall when I started to hear voices. I walked toward them and they were getting more clear and I noticed one of the doors were open and some light was coming from it.

I walked to the side of the door and peeked inside. I saw Clemont, Alain Sawyer talking to Nurse Joy. Audino was right next to Sawyer, whom was still sitting in his chair, looking really anxious.

"So Nurse Joy, what's my condition?" he asked. Nurse Joy and Audino looked at each other with defeated looks. "I'm afraid I have to tell you that, the damage to both your legs and your spine was too great. I hate to say it but I don't know if you'll ever be able to walk again".

At that moment it felt like my heart stopped for a couple minutes and I almost punched the wall in frustration. I looked in and saw that Sawyer was crying his eyes out. Clemont and Alain started patting him on the shoulder, trying to comfort him.

"Is there any other way to change this?" Alain asked very concerned. "Well he can walk again with crutches but even that will take a lot of physical therapy to accomplish," Nurse Joy replied.

I felt nothing but shame and sorrow and I had to keep myself from punching the wall as I was trying to be quiet. I'm sure no one would hear me because they were too focused on Sawyer, but I didn't want to take my chances. Then I heard Clemont bring up something I wanted to hear but at the same time, didn't.

"We can do this, we just have to work hard and hope," he reassured to Sawyer. "While you're here, what's Serena's condition?" he asked. From what I've heard, at least from the confinement of my bed, Serena had still not waken up. I knew she was hurt bad, but I thought she would've woken up by now.

"She's still under, I'm sorry to say," she said regrettably. "Were doing everything we can though." I was on the verge of tears but I kept quiet as I was listening. "We understand, thank you," Clemont said.

I heard Nurse Joy and Audino walking out and I needed to think fast. There was an empty room right behind me with the door open. I quickly rushed in the room and hid behind the corner. I waited for them to pass and then I walked out, trying not to make a sound.

From what I've heard, Serena's room shouldn't be that far from Sawyer's. I walked for a bit and found a door, cracked open. I went against my better judgement and opened to door to go in. The room was completely dark except for the moonlight that leaked in through the windows.

I walked to the edge of the bed and looked to find that Serena was still fast asleep. She seemed to have no injuries on her, I guess I have Nurse Joy to thank for that. She looked peaceful as the moonlight touched her. Without thinking I placed my hand on top of hers as it comforted me a little. I couldn't see much but it also looked like Serena smiled a bit in her sleep. That caused me to smile a bit too.

"I'm so sorry about this," I said quietly. "If I was stronger this wouldn't have happened." Then a single tear escaped my eye and fell on my hand. "I wasn't strong enough and it caused all of my friends, especially you Serena, to get hurt."

I let go of her hand and turned towards the door, as tears were flowing down my eyes. I can't put my friends in danger like this again. Next time, they might not be as lucky as they were this time. Plus their next time, might also be their last. I decided I needed to make a call to someone.

I managed to pull myself together and I went over to phone stations to call Professor Oak. It was late at night so I didn't expect him to be up, but to my surprise he answered. Although it was really late, he didn't look tired at all and happy to see me.

"Hello there Ash!" he said happily. "It's nice to see you again after all the events that took place." "I'm just glad to still be in one piece," I replied. "Hey, I need you to send me over these four Pokémon," I said as I typed down the four I wanted. "I'll send over four of mine too," then I put down four of my current ones, leaving Pikachu and Greninja on my team.

We then both put down the pokeballs on the transfer machine and my four were swapped with another four in a blue light. I then equipped those four on to my belt and turned back towards the screen. "Thanks for everything Professor. I can't thank you enough!" I said to him with a tear almost coming down my eye. "It's no problem Ash. I wish you good luck on your journey!" he said before the call ended.

I guess I should've told him that I wasn't going to probably see him for a while. I thought to myself. This may be the last time I see anyone. How will I let them know I'm gone though?

That's when an idea popped in my head. I went back into my room and there was a pen and some paper on a little table. Before I did that though, I returned Greninja to its pokeball. Pikachu was also still asleep but I knew as long as I remained quiet, he wouldn't wake up.

3rd Person POV:

Somewhere in the middle of a forest somewhere, there were three figures sitting around a black cube. One of them was a women with long, hot pink hair. The second was a man with short, lavender hair. The third was a small, cat like creature with a gold coin on its forehead. The two people were wearing black uniforms with big, red "Rs" on them.

They were gathered around a small black cube that suddenly flashed a blue hologram on from it. Once it materialized, it showed a man in a black suit sitting down with a bigger cat like creature in its lap. There was a small red "R" on the right side of his suit.

"What is the situation in Kalos?" the man asked. "The Kalos region is secured but Team Flare has sadly escaped," replied the woman. "And they escaped with some of that Megalith too sir," said the other man. "What's our next move boss?" asked the small cat Pokémon.

"I want you to go to these coordinates," he replied. "I have many allies in this region and from what I've heard, things are getting really strange in that part of the world." The coordinates then popped up for them, showing them where they needed to go.

"I want you three to go there and keep an eye on things. If you have any trouble, my allies will help you out."

The coordinates then disappeared and were replaced with the picture of a man. He seemed to have tan skin and white hair. Was wearing a white shirt under a black jacket. Around his neck, was a golden chain as well.

"A helicopter is on its way to pick you up. Tell me once you get there and wait for further details," he said. Then the hologram turned off and the woman picked up the cube.

"We should get moving," she said. "The boss wouldn't want us to be late for a mission." The other two then nodded and sprinted off into the forest to find the helicopter.

Serena's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes as I saw the sunlight creeping through the curtains on the side of me. When I opened them, I was in a bed and I had determined it was morning. I got up slowly and looked around the small room I was in. I had determined I was in the Pokémon Center but I had no idea why.

My door suddenly opened and I saw it was an Audino that did it. As soon as it saw me, it ran out the door and down the hall. After a minute or two, I saw Clemont and Bonnie rush into the room. Bonnie immediately put me in a hug and I gave her one back.

"You're finally awake," Clemont said shocked and very relieved. "Yes I'm awake," I said back while still hugging Bonnie. "Is everyone else okay?" I asked. "We've been better," I heard a voice say from the door. I looked towards it and saw Alain, Mairin and Sawyer there. Alain had a huge bandage around his waist and Sawyer was in a wheelchair. I then broke the hug and focused on them.

"What happened to you?" I asked. They wasted no time in telling me the details. It was horrifying hearing the details of their injuries. But at least it was nice hearing that there were no fatal injuries. When they were done, I realized there was someone missing. "Where's Ash?" I asked. Is he alright?"

"He's still asleep," Nurse Joy said. "Do you want to see if I can wake him up?" she asked. "Actually, if it's alright I would like to see him." I said. "Well you should be able to walk around, but just don't push yourself."

I then got out of my bed and the gang was walking with me to Ash's room. I had a feeling he was alright but I wanted to make sure.

When we got to his room, I opened the door but something was off. There was no one in the bed nor in the room. "Where is he," I asked and then everyone came in the room confused.

I looked on the table and found there was a piece of paper with some writing on it. "What's that?" Bonnie asked and everyone turned their attention toward it.

"It's a letter from Ash," I replied. Everyone then turned to me as I started to read it.

*Flashback* Ash's POV:

Dear everyone,
If you are reading this letter, it means that I'm already gone. Look, it's not you guys, it something I need to do. I hurt all you guys because I wasn't strong enough to stop it. I feel if I stick around you all, I'll put you all in more danger. I don't want to lose all of you. So I'm writing this in hopes that you all have good luck in the future.

Sawyer, I'm sorry that I hurt you so much, but I hope you'll be able to overcome that and become the great trainer you want to be. Don't let anything slow you down nor discourage you and show all your opponents what you can do!

Mairin, I didn't know you for long, but I hope you'll accomplish whatever dreams you run towards. You have a good and stubborn heart so I know you'll do great. I'm glad that your Chespie is alright and I wish you good luck!

Alain, I hope you can continue to be stronger. Just know that, I understand the situation you were put in was not an easy one and I forgive you. I hope you'll be able to make up for your faults. I know you've got Mairin to help you with that. I don't blame you for anything and I wish you the best.

I was beginning to get teary eyed as I continued to write the letter.

Clemont, I hope you can be the best  gym leader you can. I also wish you good luck to be a better inventor. I know you can do it because of your determination. And do your best to watch after Bonnie. You probably get it a lot, but family is more important than anything in the world. Good luck, my friend.

Some more tears started falling on the table as I kept writing.

Bonnie, I wish you good luck in becoming a Pokémon Trainer. I know that you have the potential to do great things. I never had any siblings but if I did, I would want them to be like you. Take it from me, your love for Pokémon will get you far. Don't cause too much trouble for Clemont though, he cares about you a lot. Goodbye and good luck!

More and more tears started lowing from my eyes as I wrote. There was one more person I needed to write to.

Serena, what ever you do, don't stop smiling. I know you can make it as a great Pokémon Performer and as Kalos Queen. I believe in you and your Pokémon. I'm very happy that I got to meet you again. It was more memorable this time because I finally got to know you better. Your determination and your bravery will get you far. I'm sorry I let this happen to you and everyone and hope you can forgive me but I don't expect you to.

I just want to let you all know I'm happy to be part of your life. And I'm also happy you're a part of mine. Keep on smiling and you all will do just fine. I wish all of you good luck in the future and know I'll be rooting for you all.
-Good luck, Ash

I started to break down in tears as I finished writing. I was leaving behind my friends who I had considered family. But it was for their own good and I hope they could understand it.

After I was done, I grabbed my bag, picked Pikachu up in my arms, and quietly walked out the door. When I did, my walking suddenly turned into running as tears were still flowing down my eyes. I just kept running and running, as I was getting further and further away from the Pokemon Center.

Clemont's POV:

"...and know I'll be rooting for you all," Serena had finished reading. We all just stood there in silence from what we had just heard. I was left stunned, angry and very astonished.

I looked down and Bonnie had tears running down her face. That sight made me feel my heart break. Then Bonnie rushed towards Serena and started bawling with tears running down her face. Serena leaned down and started hugging her as she started to cry too.

I had understood the reasoning as to why Ash did this. I know that he blamed himself for everything that happened, but I didn't think he would do something like this. I was left just confused on what I could do.

With nothing else I could do, I walked over to both of them and hugged them both, trying to comfort them. Then soon enough, Mairin, Alain and Sawyer joined in and we were all just in a group hug in the middle of the room.

3rd Person POV:

Somewhere in the Sinnoh region, there was a building on an isolated island. Inside that building, lies an almost pitch black room save for the moonlight peeking in from a small barred window. Besides that, room only had that, a door, four walls and a ceiling.

The room was completely silent, all that was heard was the wind coming through the window. Until suddenly...


A huge chunk of the wall exploded inward to the room followed by a cloud of smoke. Seconds after this occurred, alarms sounded off and the room was now visible from the red light.

Inside the now visible room, were three people. One was a man with short hair. The other two were women, one also with short hair, the other with long hair. All were adults and wore prison jumpsuits.

They all awoke and stared toward the place of the explosion. "What's going on?" the man asked.

Once all the smoke had cleared, a figure appeared in front of the partially destroyed wall. It appeared to be a man and was mostly covered in a white and blue suit except for their face. His face appeared to be a very light blush white with a blue moustache. He also appeared to have a visor covering his eyes.

"You three are coming with me," the figure said.

"And why should we do that?" The blue haired man asked.

"Because if you do, I will help you to accomplish your goal, the figure said.


Up on the snow peaked mountains of Unova, there was a figure walking alone. The figure was wearing a white and blue suit and wore a visor over their eyes. Their face was a teal color and they had blue hair covering part of the visor and went down to their neck. The figure looked female and the area she was walking had lots of trees.

Eventually, she was stopped by three other figures. They wore all black and only their eyes and hair were visible. All three of them were male and carried weapons.

"Who are you and why are you here?" One of them asked. The woman didn't say anything and instead brought out a small projector.

A small hologram of a man with blonde and blue hair in a metal suit appeared. "Hello you three," he said with a sinister smile. "It's great to see you all again."

To be continued...

So guys that was Chapter 7 and I honestly got a bit emotional when writing this. I hope you guys got emotional when reading this too. I don't know when Chapter 8 will come, but it'll come. Until then, take care and I'll see you next time! ;)

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