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On a sunny day on October 29,1978, Keith Dean was sitting in the lunch room of his high school, a tray of food on the table in front of him.

His tray contained the school's food and a soda can that he had brought with his own money. He barely touched the food, finding the school's food a bit disgusting.

"..do you always just sit there looking mysterious?" Keith lifted his head and saw Laurie Strode sitting down in front of him with her friends and Anthony Phillips Blake.

It was honestly an odd sight to see Laurie and her group of friends hanging out with Keith.

Keith was one of the most mysterious people anyone could ever meet. He doesn't share much information about himself, and the only thing anyone really knows about him is his name, and the fact that Keith has a thing for seven eleven Slushies.

Keith was a rebellious spirit with an extra limb full of sarcasm. He was often found being thrown against a cop car with a grin on his face, and laughter escaping him like music.

Honestly, nobody really knew how Kieth became friends with Laurie and her friend group.

One day, they simply saw Keith getting arrested, and the next, he's hanging out with Laurie and her friends, drinking slushies at a gas station at midnight.

Sometimes, most people would see Keith at the school field after school, either encouraging Anthony or just simply insulting him.

He could go from "Go Andy!" To "you suck!" In seconds.

Keith and Anthony were a surprisingly odd friendship that had formed when Keith wormed his way into the friend group.

Anthony and Keith could go from insulting each to insulting someone who insulted the other.

They agrued like cats and dogs but defended each other in the end, just like Laurie and Keith.

Laurie and Keith agrued every second of the day, just mostly on different topics of things, that Keith never seemed to agree with Laurie.

But just like with Anthony, no matter how much they argue, they always defend each other. 

Keith couldn't say the same with Laurie's and Anthony's other friends, he barley interacted with them.

"..it's one of the ways I keep people from sitting on your seats." Keith spoke, a small grin on his face, reaching to grab his soda can and opening it.

"Like anyone would like to sit with you." Anthony spoke, reaching across the table and grabbing Keith's tray.

"People actually do want to sit with me," Keith responded, "It's you they don't want to sit with."

Anthony chuckled, "Yeah? Name one person who would want to sit with you?"

"Laurie." Keith said, gesturing towards Laurie, who shook her head with a small laugh,

"I don't count."

Keith huffed, "says who? He told me to name one person, and I did, you."

"She doesn't count. Are you gonna finish that soda?" Anthony questioned, and Keith kept his soda away from him.

"No, I just opened it to let out all the gas," Keith sarcastically said, "Yeah, I'm gonna drink it."

"So, Keith, what are you doing tonight?" Laurie questioned, butting in before Anthony could retort a comeback that could go back and forth until tomorrow or maybe next week. Nobody ever knows with those two.

Keith hummed, "me? Gonna visit my mom after school, long drive, you know."

"How far does she live again?" Anthony asked, tossing a mushy fry in his mouth, grimacing a little at the taste.

"Pretty far." Keith replied with a shrug,

"Hope you have a safe drive then. Try not to drive as crazy as you always do." Laurie told him, reminding him once more to drive safely.

Keith was a reckless driver, Laurie had always told him to slow down, to respect the laws of the road, If it wasn't for him, then for the others, for the mothers and children in a car that he could be driving behind or in front of.

Keith rarely listens to anyone and sometimes would still often be driving as reckless, but sometimes he would drive safe.

Actually, he would just drive slow to spite others.

"..it's like telling a Rock not to be a rock." Anthony joked, laughing at his own joke, and Keith sarcastically smiled before kicking Anthony in the knee.

"Ow!" Anthony cursed, throwing a glare at Keith, who stuck out his tongue at him.

Truth to be told, Keith never really told anyone that his mother was dead, and he was actually just visiting her grave, a quick stop on the way to visit his father in smiths Grove sanitarium.

Apparently, when Keith was barely a baby, his father killed his mother and ended up being caught and sent to a psych ward.

Keith lived with his aunt and uncle, who barely acknowledged his existence, and he would usually take a bus to visit his mom but ever since he got his driving license and brought a car after saving up from working different jobs, he was able to drive to visit his mother.

Barely a month ago, he was able to visit his father at Smiths Grove Sanitarium. His father never gave him a reason as to why he suddenly killed his mother, and Keith never really asked him about it.

The detective that worked his case had said it was out of anger after finding out that she was cheating on him with someone.

Turns out she wasn't cheating on him, and nobody really knew why he killed her. It remained a mystery, but the second Keith had looked into his father's eyes, it was like he understood a part of it.

It wasn't the understanding part that frightened him. It was the part that he thought he was turning out like his father that frightened him.

It's one of the reasons why he didn't say much about himself and lied sometimes when they asked him.

"You are such an as..."

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995 words

First chapter!

A bit boring,


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