Chapter 16

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"Sooooo, what are we doing today?" I asked as I appeared at the breakfast table. Ciel raised an eyebrow in my direction, giving my feet a pointed look. I sighed as I took them off the table and back into the boots on the floor.

"Killjoy." I mumbled, to which he rolled his eyes. He then looked at me as I devoured the ramen that Lucifer and Sebastian brought me. I almost choked upon hearing his words.

"You should go home."

Everyone in the room froze, and I blinked at him, then shrugged, "Okay," and went back to my ramen.

"...That's it?" the servants asked in an awestruck but confused voice, before turning to Ciel.

"Young Master, what's wrong?" they asked.

"She has no reason to stay here. She should leave." he said, and I continued with my ramen, fully aware of all the stares on me. I sighed when I was done with my ramen bowl. I set it down and grinned at them.

"Guys, s'fine. I wasn't welcome in the first place, but since I'm awesome, I tend to make myself feel needed. Sadly, Ciel's cleverer than I thought, and it's not lasting as long as I thought it would.' I said, going into over depression mode, which they knew meant I was just acting.

"...Cleverer. More clever. Fuck this." I mumbled, feeling one of my canines slice my tongue, and I stuck it out with a pout.

"...I bit my tongue." I said, and they all sighed. Mayrin handed me a cup of ice. I sucked on a cube, wincing every now and then as Bard gave me a hankie. I thanked him, wiping my mouth and patting a fussing Finny's head.

"Oh, I'll go pack. NOBODY TELL PLUTO I'M LEAVING, SO HELP ME GOD I'LL EAT YOU." I said, glaring at them. They saluted, and left. I 'tsk'ed, swallowing my ice and healing the cut on my tongue. I looked to Ciel with my bored expression, my eyes feeling duller than I intended them, and nodded curtly.

"Lucifer and I are leaving now." I said, raising my hands over my head to stretch and crack my joints. I did my neck, then sighed.

"Later Sebby-chan. Ciel.' I said, then snapped my fingers twice. Lucifer came with my stuff, though not sure why, I could see in his face. Upon noticing my expression he didn't question, just did as asked, handing me my coat.

"Well then," I said as I got to the door with a playful smile, "Where to next?"


"Young Master, why did you kick her out?" Meyrin asked, and Ciel narrowed his eyes at the figure of the girl and her servant.

"The girl is a monster," he said, smirking as he saw her visibly stiffen. "I'd rather she not be anywhere near my manor." he continued. He saw Kuroi's face turn from shocked, to betrayed, to defeated, then resigned. It was interesting, seeing the usually carefree girl go through such a range of emotions, and he would be lying if he said he didn't care for her. She made it hard not to.

But she needed to go home. He saw it in the way she stared out the window, bored, then suddenly sad. He knew that feeling of wanting to have those you loved back. She could have it, but he couldn't. And he hated her for it, but she stayed away from them by choice because she wanted adventures. She was even careful not to mention them in front of him because she knew what he felt.

That's why she had to go. Ciel refused to have someone so kind in his manor. She was the ruler of Hell, the Devil's master, yet she was as kind hearted as a child her age should be. Ciel sighed as the two disappeared in a flurry of shadows. His eyes widened, however, when they returned, only for Kuroi to cover her face with a hand, ruffling her hair with the tips of her fingers that reached her bangs. Her eyes told stories he could never dream of, but then they suddenly closed off, unseeing, then happy as Pluto bounded up to her. She sighed, and lowered the hand over her face. Looking at Pluto was all she did, yet he stopped as if stung, and whined, shaking the whole house.

Kuroi ignored it, turning away and moving forward. As the dog attempted to follow, her shadow raised from the ground and held him down. He yelped, as if hurt, but Kuroi simply tilted her head and closed her eyes. She seemed to be in pain, but then that expression was gone as sadistic pleasure took over.

After Pluto calmed down, whimpering softly every few seconds, the shadows retracted, and Pluto was now turning black, instead of his pure, soft white. He snarled at her, and she nodded in satisfaction as he tried to claw at her face, some unseen force holding it back.

"What... is she doing?" Ciel asked Sebastian. He received no response, and looked to see the demon with a blank face.

"You said 'She is a monster' and 'I refuse to have her anywhere near my manor,' did you not?" he asked, his words cold, and Ciel nodded. But what did that have to do with...?

"Noblesse-sama... is making sure she never comes anywhere near your manor again." Sebastian said, just as Pluto spat fire at Kuroi, and she disappeared.

Ciel's eyes widened.

"...I just wanted her to go home." he said, and Sebastian nodded in understanding.

"I know, Young Master. You did the right things; she would not have gone if you had told her she needed to see her family."

"Then why does it feel like I just hurt her?"

"Because you have."

"And how is this the right thing?"

"She is the Noblesse. Any association with her will hurt both parties." Sebastian said in a voice much softer than Ciel was accustomed to, "No matter how right or wrong it is."



"Kuroi-chan!" A happy voice coming towards me at top speed made me look up, and I broke out into an involuntary smile. Naruto

"Hey you," I greeted, and he stopped suddenly as he got in front of me, then pulled me into a hug with a concerned look on his face.

"What's wrong?" he asked, and I blinked, before I felt myself tearing up. I clutched his jacket, feeling people crowd around. Arms around my waist made me sniffle. Akira.

Comforting hands on my shoulders. Sakura.

A hand on my head, gently ruffling my hair. Sasuke.

"Am I a monster?" I asked quietly, and all froze as they pulled back to look at me.

"Who said it." Akira didn't even make it a question.



"Ciel said he didn't want a monster like me anywhere near his mansion."

"...Ciel. Ciel Phantomhive. What the fu-"

"I don't care that he said it," I began, and they gave me surprised looks, "I just... is it true?" I asked, not caring about the desperate look in my eyes of the pleading tone my voice had taken on.

"No." they all said at once, and I blinked, surprised.


"You're far from it. If you still have it in you to cry because some bitch called you one, then you're far, far from it." Sasuke said, surprising everyone with his colourful language.

"If you don't care about him calling you one, but about being called one in general, then you're definitely not." Akira added, and I looked at him, confused.

"You're making no sense to me right now..." I said, muffling giggles in Naruto's orange jacket.

"Get on my level, then." he replied, and I rolled my eyes.

"Kuroi," I turned to Sakura, and she smiled at me, before wiping my tears.

"If you can be that awesome without being the bad guy, then you're not one." she said, and I smiled at her in thanks.

Naruto then turned my face to his, and he stared at me quite seriously.

"If you still have us with you then you're definitely not a monster." he said, and I almost burst into tears again, but this time I was happy.

"I feel like I should tell you something now." he began, and I looked up, nodding as I wiped the tear tracks from my face.

"Some people are coming in about an hour an a half. I think you'll be pretty happy to see them." he said, and I frowned in confusion, a sign for him to elaborate.

"They're from the Sand, and-" I was gone, and running through the village, screaming. Sorry, Naruto.

I made it to Tsunade's office and grinned at the Council Members.

"I'm baaaack,"

"Oh no..."

"And guess who else is going to be here~"

"Oh God, they told her."


"Great, more headaches."

"Stop drinking like an old woman and you'll find you won't be getting hungover, Tsunade~"




Sucky chappy, forgive me?

So yeah. Akira (The REAL Akira) is gone, so... yeah. I just wanted a comfort chapter, but my fingers kept freezing throughout the chapter, so I made it really short.

And SIGH. The bastard left me with almost a thousand followers waiting for me to dance to KPop. If you haven't guessed already, shizz happened and we pinky promised I would, so I don't have a choice -_-

Thank you to EssentialInsanity for sending in a request; Sorry, Sorry by Super Junior; and to zany-zhanelle for suggesting BAP's Warrior or One Shot

I'll take the first four song requests and you guys get to vote on which of the four to do.
So, options are:

1. Sorry, Sorry - Super Junior

2. BAP - One Shot / Warrior



Two more spaces to fill, guys. Private message me or post on my wall before I get to 1,000 subs. Hopefully it'll take a while xD





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