Game of Thrones - Jon/OC

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A Game of Thrones Fanfiction



With her village destroyed and her parents dead, Elen and her little brother Olly find themselves dangerously alone in the Gift. While Castle Black offers the potential of a safe haven, it's not exactly a safe place for a girl. But for a boy? And with winter coming, Elen is running out of options. Jon Snow/OC


This one hit me like a bag of rocks when Season 6 started, so even though I never planned on writing an OC-centric Game of Thrones fic, well, here I am. 

And I say "Game of Thrones" rather than "A Song of Ice and Fire" because I'm going TV-verse on this one. Not that I won't be drawing on supplementary material from the books to flesh things out, but I'm following the show on this one. It was going quite quickly...but then Captain America: Civil War happened...and yeah....backburner on this one too....

It should be fun, though, if a little tricky to implement while sticking fairly close to show canon. Especially with developments in Season 7 (since the idea came about and developed during Season 6). But I think I have a way around the ones that are...contradictory with my vision for this one. Ways that involve the insanely rare Jaime/Dany pairing....Yeah, I'm not sure where that one came from, either. All I know is I'm watching the first real trailer for Season 8 and, I don't know, the idea just started niggling away and now here we are. 

Season 8 Update: Let's just say that fears about what the last season could do to this story after events of Season 7 have been totally allayed by Season 8. I have ALL the ideas, now and know *exactly* how this one is generally going to play out. CX Yay!



Elen Baele stood staring down at the body at her feet. She hadn't even bent down to see if there was any chance of life. If it had been a deer or a goat even a rabbit, she'd have said they'd taken all the good bits, leaving behind the rest for the crows.

But it wasn't a deer or a goat or a rabbit. It was hard to tell who it was. Long, blood-matted locks of hair were tangled over the hidden face and the body had been mutilated nearly beyond recognition.

But Elen knew who it was. Even if she hadn't seen the Wildlings ravaging her village she'd have known. She recognized the tattered remnants of clothing that still clung to the body.

It was what her mother had been wearing when she'd sent Elen out to look for late season roots, plants and herbs in the woods beyond their village.

Not far away she could see the crumpled form of her father, arrows sticking from his back as he lay unmoving in the dirt. All around her the people of her village lay still and cooling in the late autumn air. A few flies buzzed around the bodies, braving the cold for a chance to gorge on the blood clotting on the semi-frozen ground. The air stank of death and Elen's gorge rose, coking her even as her grief did.

There was nothing left. It was all gone. Her home. Her friends. Her family—

But then she caught a glimpse of movement out of the corner of her eye. Her nerves were so on edge that at the sight of the huddled form moving beside the overturned wagon a shriek ripped from her already raw throat.

But her heart recognized what she saw before her mind did. Before she could even think to react, she was running forward, her basket tumbling from her arms just in time for her to gather her little brother into them.

Olly had survived.

She wasn't wholly alone. She wouldn't have to face the coming winter alone, now.

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