MCU - Dear Bucky - Posted & Complete

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04/23/18 - Update

'Dear Bucky,' is NOW COMPLETE!    


An MCU Fanfiction



We all know how close Bucky was to Steve, stepping in not only as a best friend, but as family when Steve was left alone after his mother's death.

But what about Bucky's family?

Who was going to receive the condolence letter Colonel Phillips signed after Azzano? We're told he was the oldest of four children, so who were the siblings he left behind?

What follows are a collection of letters exchanged between Bucky Barnes and his youngest sibling; his baby sister, Beatrice.


There's a good chunk of this one written, but my muse is currently focused on other projects. We'll see when I get back around to it.


Sneak Peek

June 20, 1943

Dear Bucky,

I know you only shipped out last week, and that you are probably nowhere close to reaching your base camp or wherever it is that you military men stay when you've been shipped out, but I can't seem to help it. I miss you already. You would think the time you spent away at training would have gotten me used to the idea of not having you around. But it's so different knowing you aren't even in the same country as the rest of us.

It still doesn't feel real, that you've gone off to join the war. I keep expecting to come home and find you bickering with Danny or teasing Mother or giving Jack tips on how to talk to girls. It's so different without you here. It is—I don't want to say dull, because it isn't. Jack seems to be making sure of that. You told him to try and keep our spirits up, didn't you. He's doing the best he can, and it's an admirable job, but he just isn't you, Bucky.

But it really does feel different. I know, I keep saying it, but it's true. There's a very real sense that everything has changed. Of course, it has. It changed the minute the war started, even before America joined it. But it feels different in a way I never expected.

I don't know when you'll get this letter. Maybe it will be waiting for you when you arrive. I like to think it will get their first. It can be a little reminder of home when you reach your base. To keep you from getting homesick. Not that you'll admit that.

Be careful, Bucky. Please? And hurry up and win the war. You've barely been gone and already Danny is lording over me and Jack like he's the man of the house. I suppose he is, after a fashion, with you gone, but he's really trying to hard. It's really quite insufferable. He tried to tell me I shouldn't go to the pictures yesterday simply because there were going to be boys there. One of them was Jack, Bucky. I mean, honestly.

But I suppose I shouldn't complain about that too much, either. He's going to be leaving in a couple of weeks too. He's expecting his orders to report for basic training any day, now. Soon enough he'll be leaving for training and then after that he will be off to the Front. Just like you.

And now Jack's talking about enlisting too! If he does, that's going to be all three of you gone. What will happen to Mother and I if all of you leave us? It will definitely be boring then.

Be safe Bucky. You are my favorite brother, after all.

Just don't tell Danny and Jack I said that.

Lots of love,

Your sister,


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