MCU - Tony's Little Sis (The Prodigal Stark?)

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An MCU Fanfiction



Meg and Tony had never been close. Technically, he'd been her guardian when their parents were killed, but he was certainly not guardian material. So once she could go, she was gone. 

But then something happened in Afghanistan. The last thing she expected when she got Pepper's call was to end up reconnecting with her estranged big brother over the whole thing or drawn into the world of Superheros and SHIELD. Or connecting with a rather dashing CIA agent... OC/OC; 'Tony's Little Sister' story.


Tentatively titled: The Prodigal Stark

Very temporary Synopsis...

So Meg, the bizarro but weirdly compelling idea of an OC who is not just Meg...but Margaret Stark (though she'd go by something like Meg/Margaret Carbonell or Collins; Maria Stark's maiden name according to the MCU wiki) wouldn't let me rest. She wants to be in my story-verse too (still trying to come up with a name for that...btw) But she wasn't quite jiving with Loki to me. But he seemed the most suitable and any other idea just didn't click or was already paired (thought about a Bruce/Meg pairing for a few minutes there...)

But then at work one day, boom. There it was. My solution...though I still sometimes I hate my brain...making things even more complicated... -_- ...Meg's getting an OC of her own. Name still tba, (Though I'm heavily leaning toward Michael (surname undecided)) since I haven't settled on it yet, but he's going to be either an MI6 or CIA agent (who looks suspiciously like Matthew Goode ;) ...go figure) who's been sent to debrief Tony after his escape from the 10 Rings. Meanwhile, Meg will have just made it 'home' thanks to Pepper reaching out to her despite not being on the friendliest of terms with dear big brother Tony. And it'll go from there on through the Iron Man films and beyond. We'll see how far. It may end up merging with Briana's story after IM3 or ending just before with Briana's story becoming the 'sequel'. 

I may also be integrating a rather compelling alternate idea for the Mandarin's attack on Tony's house as posited by Nando v Movies (check it out. It's actually quite compelling) over on Youtube. So some canon divergence will be likely....moreso than Meg's existence already implies, of course. ;) 

I may also be working her into CA:tWS since my brain has decided that it finds the idea of Michael as Alexander Pierce's long-lost/newly revealed son too intriguing to pass up.... *le sigh* 

Thoughts? Feel free to comment or PM me! If there's one thing I like doing, it's talking about my projects and ideas :P

Companion Story to Haven, The Ghost and my other upcoming MCU fics. She's even - sort of - already made her debut over there! ;D

08/04/21 Update: So yeah.... there I thought I was set on pairing Meg with an O/C, but then my brain decided to hop on a 'What If' express. What ifs that include Scott , Sam (which many of you can probably guess I am not impressed with, given that I'm a solid Samtasha stan), Rhodey (pretty close to a solid no there too, since I love my plans for him to be her second big bro and the two of them ganging up on Tony) and - probably the one that has the greatest chance of happening at this point - Dr Strange. Because I just can't get over the idea of Meg's deadpan 'you think you have an ego? Have you met my brother?' XD long story short, apparently her pairing isn't as decided as I'd thought it was...

*le sigh*



"Hey." Meg turned at the distinctly British voice. Sure enough, coming up behind her was a tall, dark-haired British suit, focused curiously on her. She frowned for a moment before her memory kicked in. "Carbonell, right? You were trying to talk to us about civilian casualty stats a few months ago." He held out his hand, "Michael Ellis, MI6." She shook her head, feeling foolish for forgetting his name...even if she hadn't quite forgotten the rest of him.

"Right, of course. I'm sorry. I suppose I'm a little distracted." He smiled faintly, an eyebrow lifting for a second as he accepted her apology.

"So you were sent out here for the Stark story? I didn't think that was your territory." She raised an eyebrow of her own at him.

"My territory? I'll have you know I'm rather versatile, Mr Ellis. Besides, you could make the argument that this sort of story that falls into my realm of interest: high profile civilian captured and held by one of the more organized and better funded of the extremist factions operating out of the Middle East and the implications of such a bold move?" He chuckled.

"I suppose you have a point." She eyed him critically for a moment, a sudden thought pushing the question to the tip of her tongue. She just couldn't turn it off, sometimes.

"What's MI6 doing here anyway?" She nodded in the direction of the podium where she knew Tony would be delivering a statement. "What's the UK's Intelligence Agency's stake in an American business man's rescue by American Forces from Afghanistan? I didn't think British forces were involved?"He chuckled again, something in his expression shifting minutely. Suddenly he was all business. 

"There are details of Mr. Stark's captivity and escape that we are interested in hearing." She hummed at the answer, eyes narrowing with curiosity...and no small amount of growing concern. Her gut suddenly twisted.

Hadn't Tony already been through enough?

But she pushed it aside. Of course international agencies were going to be interested in Tony's experience. It was a potential trove of intelligence. She nearly scoffed cynically.

It was then that she noticed the British agent eying her curiously again. She met his gaze, brows rising with silent question. 

"Where's your press badge," he asked after a moment, his brow furrowing slightly. She hesitated for a moment, glancing down at the observation; it did feel rather odd not to be wearing one. But then, she wasn't here for work.

Before she could do more than open her mouth to deflect, she heard her name, causing both her and Ellis to turn. Around them, the crowd was beginning to come suddenly to life, the bored murmur of the waiting reporters and officials milling about growing to a dull roar as questions and comments began flying through the air.

"Meg!" Hearing Happy's voice immediately had something in Meg's gut easing while her chest suddenly felt tight. Not far behind her brother's driver/bodyguard was Pepper. And next to Pepper...

A breath Meg hadn't realized she'd been holding gusted out of her when she caught sight of her brother. Before she could help herself she was pushing through the crowd, meeting up with Happy halfway to her brother, grateful to her brother's companion for his help in clearing the way. It was only a moment longer before Tony caught sight of her. A flicker of something she couldn't quite decode passed across his tired features before a wide, characteristically irreverent grin curled his lips.

"The Prodigal Stark returns," he declared cheekily, sending a rush of surprised murmurs through the cluster of reported flocking around her brother. Meg scoffed, shaking her head.

Only to impulsively throw her arms around Tony. 

"I thought my brother had been killed, you idiot," she snapped back, ignoring the way her voice wavered even as he returned her embrace, clinging to her. "Of course I was going to be here when I heard you'd been rescued."

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