Romance - Cameron

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An Original Work



Cameron Baley finally felt like she was getting her life back on track. She was over him. She was over her mistake in falling for the guy who was already married. She was over the way she'd let herself believe him when he'd said his marriage was over. She was over the pain of everything that had happened. 

She was over her idea that they would have a future. 

At least...until she finds herself stuck in a house with him. For a wedding. And they're both in the wedding party. 

And there she thought she'd be able to avoid him for the rest of her life...


I know, I know. You've heard it before: this one is basically just a bunch of random scenes strung together into a general story arc in my head. a couple jotted lines. That's it. It may happen, it may not. I don't even have a name for Mr. 'looks-like-Liam-Hemsworth' yet.


To be completely honest? Cam had rather grown to hate weddings.

It seemed like an awful lot of fuss for very little...well, substance. Really, in this day and age? What was the point? What changed? Most couples were effectively married in deed if not in name by the time they made it official; living together, meshing schedules, coordinating finances.

All that fun domestic stuff.

So all weddings seemed to be good for was getting a piece of paper confirming a commitment already made in even if it had not been explicitly declared. 

That and an excuse for a party...and those were pretty hit or miss, really.

Oh, and that wasn't even counting how complicated and expensive weddings made things if the relationship fell apart...or imploded.

Really, Cam thought they were far more trouble than they were worth. But it wasn't her wedding. It was Kelly's.  And Kelly had been looking forward to her wedding day since she was a little girl. That was what was important, and Cam wasn't about to forget that.

So here she was, mentally preparing herself for another perfectly pleasant if boring wedding as she followed Kelly and her fellow bridesmaids into the kitchen. Already it sounded like the groom and his men were waiting inside.

Only to hesitate just inside the door at the sight of a painfully familiar tall, dark-haired man smiling and laughing with another who had to be his brother as they both leaned casually against the counter.

This was certainly not going to be a boring wedding.

Not by a long shot.

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