Stargate SG-1 - Jack/Sam

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A Stargate SG-1 Fanfiction



(nothing concrete yet)


In the last few days, the fam decided they wanted to make their way through Stargate SG-1 again. And since they were holding me prisoner with puzzles....I ended up watching the early episodes along with them while I worked and what do you know? It reignited my interest in this story. 

It's a High School one that I'm likely going to completely revamp and reimagine, but the bare bones will likely remain the same: after their run-in with the za'tarc detector in Divide and Conquer (S04E05) Sam and Jack act on their feelings (to which end, I'd (hand-)written a small one-shot that I now need to locate - before my days of actually going so far as to write actual smut - that will likely end up becoming the basis for my prologue) and it results in a little girl named Miranda. 

Now, looking back at what I'd written back when I first started this story in H/S, it desperately needs to be revamped. Just how much of a revamp remains to be seen, but in the original incarnation, the bulk of the story was set to take place once Miranda - or Andy - had grown up enough to join the Stargate program. . .and of course, trouble would ensue, of both the family drama and save the world varieties. 

Now, though, I'm thinking it might be much more fun to keep the bulk of the focus on little Andy's childhood and how her existence would affect the events of the show. 

The idea has also begun percolating that, instead of a Jack/Sam story (no matter that its pretty much my serious OTP of any fandom, which is saying something....) we might make it a Jack/OC story instead.... It is my thing, after all, and it would make a little more sense, in some regards. I mean, no matter if they managed to not have a 'relationship' while agreeing to co-parent in some capacity, one of my issues with making this story work is that I just can't quite see both Sam and Jack agreeing to some of the missions in the show  and risking both of them getting killed if there was a baby/child waiting at home, you know? No matter how much the SG Program meant to both of them, I just can't see them risking leaving Andy alone.

So there's that to consider, too.

We'll see. It will most likely end up being Jack+Sam=Andy, or it might be Jack+OC=Andy with the ultimate pairing being Jack/Sam. Or the Jack/Sam might disappear altogether.... Who knows. I think serious writing will have to commence first. *shrugs*

Regardless, I anticipate lots of angst, sweetness and fluff. Because it's me. And I seem to do that a lot....



"We don't have to do this, Cater. We can find another way. It—it can be you who takes her, instead of me."

"No, Si—Jack." "This—this is the way it has to be. I know I'm not ready to be a mom, yet. I know this. Yet, holding her..."

"I know."

"I don't know if you do. Holding her? I—I want to keep her. Desperately. But at the same time....holding her like this, it also feels we're making the right choice. Like I'm making the right choice. And that—that conflict of emotion is killing me."

And as she tenderly, reluctantly, passed the tiny newborn into Jack's arms, there was no question she was only barely keeping a sob at bay. As Jack straightened, the first of her tears spilled over. God, it broke his heart seeing her like this. It felt like a knife twisting in his chest.

"Carter—Sam," he murmured, settling on the edge of the bed. "I'm not going to cut you out of her life." She flinched as he reached out a hand to her, but Jack pressed on, gently turning her face to meet his eye. "She's still going to know you."

Slowly, Sam shook her head, her grief and pain plain on her face.

"It's not going to be the same, Jack," she whispered, her voice shaking with a surprised sob. And his gut twisted, quivering at the sight, the sound, of her heart breaking. And something deep down urging him to reconsider...but he pushed it aside.

They'd made this decision for a reason. It was their best option. Their only option if they wanted to keep the precious baby girl squirming in his arms in their lives. Jack inhaled a slow, bracing breath as he looked down to their newborn daughter.

"I know," he whispered. "And I'm...I'm sorry. I wish..." But he couldn't say it. He couldn't voice it. To voice it was to make the wish real. To give it that much more power to hurt him. Them. Both of them.

"You wish what?" He looked up at Sam's plaintive, whispered question. But he didn't say anything. He couldn't. He couldn't even bring himself to finish the thought. And he saw the instant she knew. She sucked in a shaking breath, her jaw setting with resolve. And she reached out to brush her fingers against their daughter's cheek one final time.

But as he paused in the doorway, fighting and failing against looking back to take a final look at Sam where she was watching him walk away with her daughter in his arms, the wish completed itself, lodging deep beneath his breastbone next to the hollow, aching hole Charlie had left.

...that things could've been different.

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