X-Men - Alex Summers/OC

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An X-men Fanfiction



Still working on it. ;)


Yet another entry.....this one a Havok/OC. No  finalized name yet, though I'm rather favouring Dawn or perhaps Lorraine, atm.

I'm also debating the idea of her being the sister of Logan's OC, Theia....we'll see about that one.

Gist that I've got so far will be that she was a post-First Class student, which is where she meets Alex. Lovely relationship stuff ensues before he gets shipped off to Vietnam and...you guessed it: still working on details. But she will be around during Apocalypse. 

Mostly because I want to play with a Mutant who can control plants/nature and Charles' 'favourite tree'. ;P

Yeah, I know I'm crazy, but the idea wouldn't leave me alone and there it is. A story idea grew from there.

Other than that, details are still being developed. 

Will probably be post-First Class to the end of Apocalypse and possibly into Dark Phoenix.

08/05/20 UpdateSo in working on one of the other stories in the series, I got on the idea of an OC reaching back to XM:FC that I kind of like. At first I was thinking that it would fit Theia, but it might also suit this OC. I still haven't decided yet.

The idea would be that she would be the youngest of Shaw's people, in a similar position to Erik's as a child - discovered very young and taken advantage of and manipulated - and obviously the story would go on from there. 

On a related but slightly separate note, I'm also debating bringing the tragically underused Riptide in on the series as a mentor to whichever of these two OCs I ultimately link with the Hellfire Club.....and possibly pairing him with Hank....I don't know, to me his calm confidence would just pair so nicely with Hank's insecurity and temper to my mind. *shrugs* 

We'll see. 

Also, tell me I'm crazy... I'm also considering making Scott Alex and Dawn/Lorraine's child instead of Alex's baby brother.....



Nothing I can share just yet.

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