One week after

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Its been one week since the plague.  Its just you and me on our own hiding, hunting, surviving.  We had a few close incounters.  That day in the mall, when we were raiding for supplies there was  a swarm  of them.  You came running to me, scared to death with a mob of those monsters on your tail you were carying one little loaf of bread. I ran to you with my bag full grabbed your hand, and together we sprinted to the car.  It was so close for a minute i thougt i had lost you.  Do you remember what I called you back then when we were young and alone.  I called you my "Star"  because you were my only light in that time of darkness.  The only star i would see each night.  Look how far we've come.  Remember when we would drive all that way just to find survivors to have a family again.  Would we ever find anyone?  Those were the questions you would ask me.  Do you remember that my Star?  I would always reply don't worry we'll have a family again.  Otherwise were running away from nothing, just the two of us.  I would always reassure you we would be fine, and we'd fined a place to call home.  Look at us now with our own family.  Remember that day we found another survivor?  Well do you?  She was only 10 years old and she was on her own.  Do you remember her name?  It was grace.  Do you remember Grace?  She was raiding a gas station, and she was very shocked to see other survivors.  Do you remember that?  She ran to us , and if i recall she actually hugged me, remember that my precious Star?  We took her with us after finishing the raid, and filling up on gas.  We drove with a new friend that day.  Ever since then our family only grew remember Star?  We only grew from then on.  After driving with our new companion we found a gun store.  I just couldnt pass up such a good opertunity.  I didnt want anyone getting hurt so i snuck in to the place leaving you two in the car.  When i came out i ran right into a monster remember?  Its i good thing i took those martial art classes.  I knocked him down with a quick round house kick, and remember how he flew into the brick wall, and his whole head smashed in?  I ran with my loot, and i didnt stop till i made it back to you two.   I wouldnt stop driving until we were miles away from that horrible city of San Francisco.  You looked at me with admiration,  we know knew in that moment the monsters could be killed after all.  Know look at us know they call us the monster slayers.  Well once we got out of that place, and we were in a new place an actual town.  Grace is the one who spotted that hotel.  We actually got a good night sleep that night in real beds.  I took an actual shower remember.  For the first time in a year my hair smelled good.  We actually smelled great.  Well look at us know, clean all the time always smelling good we couldnt have it better Star.  Once we left the hotel to see if we could get some food we spotted a small group of monsters.  Well since we knew they could die I thought since there was so little of them I thought I could  use the gun.  That was our first mistake. Remember?  I shot them all down, but that's when it happened the noise of the gun had summoned a whole swarm of them they were rushing at full speed. I picked up Grace grabbed your hand, and we ran faster then we thought possible all the way to the car.  We were a block away when i saw the car was surrounded by the monsters as well.  I turned and ran straight toward the next car i saw.  In the nick of time we slid in the hyundai and look at that the car had the key in it.  I turned on the engine and we sped away so fast I thought we would lose a tire.  We evantually came upon an abandoned farm house.  We snuch inside, and we were so scared we all stayed in the same room, and took shifts just in case we had to make another dash.  When I woke up in the morning I couldnt find either of you.  I sprinted down the stairs, and I saw you two sitting at the table with 4 adults.  Actual adults.  I crumbled to the ground I was so happy i burst out in tears.  3 whole men, and an actual women.  The women came over, and gave me a cup of coffee to drink.  We ate breakfast with them, and then we all took off together in their SUV and our hyundai.  We drove until we found there whole group of survivors.  AT least 20 people.  Men, women, and other children for Grace to play with.  At that moment i thought everything was going to be perfect I had never been so wrong.... At the exact moment Grace went to go to play with the kids, and i had lost track of her a monster burst through the door everyone started to scream, and run.  I yelled her name, but you grabbed my hand and pulled me away we had to get out alive.

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