Chapter 2: Peace vs. Chaos

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Everywhere you looked was a mess of destruction. You couldn't look within a foot without seeing burnt foliage and buildings. Trees were on fire, spreading the destruction even more. Purple and black goop swarmed the fields. The sound of screaming, people fleeing for their lives, hung in the air, and you could practically smell the fear; you could hear the evil; you could see the worst among it all: the dead bodies.

This was a battlefield, a battlefield where chaos and calamity were winning. A battlefield where there was no sign of ever having peace again. There was just too much destruction. Too much grief. And not enough people willing, or possessing the power, to stand up and fight. But the champions had that power, and they had the will, the duty, to fight back.

"Now, you all know Little Guy's plan?" Daruk shouted. Everyone nodded. They had to do what they were chosen to do; they had to protect Hyrule, and defeat the evil of Calamity Ganon. "Then let's move out!"

"Wait, Link!" Link stopped. Zelda was panting behind him. They had to move, he could hear the metallic sound of the guardians quickly advancing towards them. The large towers that looked over the castle were spewing out Malice filled Guardians. There was no time to stop now. But Link chose to listen. Zelda knew the danger they were in, and wouldn't have them stop unless they had to.

"Yes, princess?"

"What's the plan for us? What are we doing here?" Link knew he had to answer now. This was the scariest part, and he didn't want to worry Zelda.

But now was the time. They couldn't wait any longer. The Calamity has struck, and there was no choice for them but to do what they had to do. "We are...we're going to confront Ganon." He said, getting straight to the point.

"All right," Zelda said. "Let's go."

They ran, ran like the entire fate of Hyrule depended on them...which it did.

The sound of Guardians grew louder.

They reached an area covered in broken rubble, and they became surrounded by Guardians. Link pushed Zelda aside and fought. He slashed at the machines, cutting their legs, and parried their blasts, breaking them down in one hit. He shot bomb arrows at the Skywatchers right before they could fire. He hated doing this. The guardians were dug up along with the Divine Beasts. They were supposed to help protect Hyrule, not help destroy it. Ganon used his power to turn these mechanical menaces against them.

While Link was busy trying to hold off a Guardian, he heard a blast from behind him. "LINK LOOK OUT!" But she was too late. Zelda stepped back in fear. A black cloud of smoke filled the air. Had she truly lost him? Had she lost one of the closest friends she ever had in life? She heard a noise, a human noise. The guardians all stepped back as Link rose to his feet. He was weakened, but still strong. He jumped and stabbed his sword in the eye of the Guardian that shot him. He continued to battle, parrying and slashing away. After what felt like an eternity in a pit of fear, Link fell back, having finished the job. They stood there in a mass pile of broken guardians. But the battle wasn't over. Another Guardian stood on top of one of his dead friends. Link's shield was broken, and his sword was heavily damaged. One more hit and it would be finished. Never the less, he rose to his feet, preparing for a final blow. The guardian pointed it's targeting laser at him, but he didn't move.

Zelda saw what he was doing. Link was going to draw its fire while she could escape. She would never do that, not if it meant he would die! "Princess, run!" he shouted. The entire moment seemed to go in slow motion. She could hear the laser power in up. The machine started to beep rapidly. In no less than a second, Link would surely die!

Zelda thought back to what Mipha had said. Think of those you love...

I have to because they are counting on me. She imagined her father, her dead mother, Link, Urbosa, Daruk, and all the champions. She thought of Hyrule and everyone in it.

"NO!" She shouted at the last second. Zelda pushed Link aside and raised her hand. Link was going to rush and push her back, but Zelda's hand started to glow with magic. The golden light beaming from her was blinding. She had found her power, and now she was using it to protect those she loved. A bright flash and the Guardians were dead.

"Was that... the power!?" She turned around and found Link on the floor. He was unconscious but heavily injured. He needed help NOW!


Meanwhile, the rest of the Champions had their own problems. Revali was surveying the sky, looking out for any survivors who couldn't make it out. His job was easy because everyone already fled or was dead. Revali spotted some Guardians flying around and dove straight towards them. He flew around and shot bomb arrows into their eyes. He hated the Skywatchers, even when they were on their side, but especially now. The Rito were the commanders of the sky. He swooped down and checked on Mipha's progress. 

She was busy healing some of the people retreating from the castle. She heard a noise, almost like a child screaming. She turned around and saw a small child being perused by a Stalker. It was a horrifying sight. She knew she had to do something, so right when the Guardian was about to fire, she grabbed a nearby Knight's Sheild and parried away the laser, destroying the Guardian in one hit.

"You're safe now," she said to the child. He wrapped his arms around her, then the mother came with a desperate look on her face. 

"Thank you! Oh, thank you so much!" The mother gave Mipha a quick hug and turned to flee with her child in her arms. Mipha felt proud, she saved that Hylian's life! Just then, a bright flash came nearby on her right. She found it! She did it! She knew that had to be Zelda's sealing power, nothing else could match the glow of that power. An instinct pulled her, she followed two Sheikah warriors going in that direction and worried something may not be right.


Daruk and Urbosa were busy too. Guardians swarmed around them, not giving them a chance in a battle. Daruk spun around, smashing his Boulder Breaker into those nasty Guardian faces. He used his power to deflect the lasers, which was useful since they all fired at the same time. Urbosa, on the other hand, fought them head-on. She parried with her Daybreaker shield and sent bolts of lightning, destroying the machines in one hit. There were too many, they overtook her and managed to get a shot. Urbosa, the chief of the Gerudo, fell to the ground.

"Urbosa!" Daruk rushed over to try and help his friend, but in his grief, he let down his guard. He felt the explosion behind him knock him down. He wasn't about to fall, he was a Goron! He would just get up and get up, no matter how hard he was pushed. But there would come a time that he was pushed to far. Laser after laser hit him, he staggered toward his friend and fell right beside her. 

Revali saw his fellow Champions fall to the ground. That didn't scare him, it only made him crave for revenge against his enemies!

"FOR THE RITOS!" he shouted and dove toward the nearest Skywatcher. He shot bomb arrow after bomb arrow, taking out everything in sight. For once, there wasn't any time to show off, he had to finish them quickly. He got reckless, aiming for clusters of Stalkers on the ground. A laser shot his back, and he fell to the ground in a cloud of smoke and feathers. Revali, the greatest Rio warrior, dead. At this, many started to lose hope. If people as strong as the Champions could fall, did they stand a chance to even survive at all?


Back over at Link, things weren't much better. He lay asleep in her arms as a tear ran down Zelda's face. "It's going to be all right Link. Everything will be fine." He heard a hum and glanced toward the Master Sword. It glowed once, twice. "So he can be saved?" She asked. 

"Princess!" She snapped her head up. Two Sheikah men were running towards her. They knelt in front of her as she acknowledged them. "Are you alright m'lady?"

"Yes, I am fine, but he is not," she said pointing towards Link. "Bring him to the Shrine of Ressurection. His life is in your hands. We are about to lose him!"

"ZELDA!" She snapped her head up again. This time, her dear friend came running up towards her. Mipha was out of breath but didn't stop to relax even when she reached them.

"Mipha!" She collapsed forward. Mipha brought her back up to her feet. "Are you ok?" Zelda asked.

"I'm fine, bu--LINK!" Mipha ran over to him. He was severely injured and would die if he wasn't taken care of. He's going to die...he's going to die, and my world will fall. For a moment, she forgot about the other champions. She forgot about the danger they were in, and that Zelda was watching her. She gave in to the grief and cried. She cried and until her eyes were dry. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Zelda next to her. She had tears in her eyes too, but her grief didn't hide the fact from her that they were in danger.

"Mipha, I know this is hard, but we have to go," She turned to the Sheikah. "You two, bring him to the shrine NOW!"

"Princess..." one of the guards spoke up. He looked sick and hesitated when he talked. Zelda could tell that whatever he had to say was bad news. "...the other Champions have fallen as well." He gestured to two wagons that were riding their way. In the back of one was Revali and Urbosa; in the back of the other was Daruk.

"We have to get them to the Shrine too! Mipha, help me--"

"Princess," Zelda turned her head up to meet Mipha and the guards. She tried to blink away the tears in her eyes, but nothing could make them go away. "It's too late. They're gone." Zelda started shaking. She looked in Mipha's eyes and saw that that was the truth. She stumbled behind the cart and shook the Champion's bodies. He was right: they were dead. Their limp bodies poked out of the back, and Daruk's dragged on the ground.

Zelda went and spoke with the Sheikah at the front of the wagon. "Get their bodies to their families and homeland. Keep them safe." She turned to Mipha and the first two Sheikah that came. "Let's go. We don't have much time." They carried Daruk to the other cart. It took all of their strength since he was so heavy. Zelda and Mipha climbed into the cart. Mipha held Link in her arms and began to heal him as much as she could. She knew it wasn't enough, but at least he won't end up sleeping for a hundred years or something in the Shrine.

Zelda led her wagon along the Regencia river. They didn't have any time, so she steered clear of any Moblins or swarms of Keese that were in their way. They once spotted a sleeping Hinox, but were able to get around it. Mipha couldn't help but remember her promise to Link. They were sitting on Ruta's trunk while Mipha tended to a wound on Link's arm. She made a promise to him, a promise to always be there whenever he needed her. She would always be there to heal him. She was doing that just now.

But I was too late and now we may loose him.

They made their way to the river of the Dead. Mipha carried Link down while Zelda detached the cart from her horse. "Mipha," Zelda said to her friend. "Take good care of Link. I am going back to the Korok forest to return the Master Sword." She lifted the ancient blade in her hands. "Then I'll go deal with Ganon. I need to seal him for good before he can hurt anyone else." They both stood and remembered the screaming, and the Guardians killing and taking hundreds of innocent lives.

"Take care, Zelda." She embraced her and they parted without looking back. Mipha proceeded to remove Link's Champion tunic and trousers, leaving him in his boxers. She placed them in two chests by the pool and moved a third one which contained a Hylian Hood. Mipha noticed some more wounds on Link. She began to blush at the sight of his bare chest as she moved her hand gently over it. When she finished, she placed Link into the pool in the Shrine. She knew this was risky. If Link stayed asleep for too long, he may forget who he even is. But this was the only way. There's only so much my healing power can do. Mipha thought sadly to herself. I will stay here with Link. I have enough supplies here to last a few days. Hopefully, I've healed him enough so he won't spend so much time sleeping.

Mipha was shocked at how much had happened. The Calamity struck, hundreds died, even three of the Champions are dead. And now Mipha, the Zora Champion, was sitting alone in a cave, waiting for her own champion to awaken.

A/N: Hello everybody! I am SUPER sorry for not updating on any of my stories recently. It's not that I had writer's block, I actually have been writing down a bunch of ideas for some stories, but I just haven't got the chance to get on my computer and write! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the story! Please tell me if it was too short, and feedback or ideas for future chapters/stories are always welcome! Stay safe, and see you next time.

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