Chapter 18

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Something is chasing me. I can feel its energy behind me, making the hair on the back of my neck stand up. My breathing had become heavy a while back, but now I'm flagging. My strokes are slower, clumsier. I finally stop for a breather behind a rock. I whirl around, my eyes widening as I come face-to face with my sister.

Naia grins maliciously at me, the pendant clutched in her fist glowing brightly. All the color drains from my face as I recognize what she's holding. The Lost Soul Pendant. Faster than I can blink, her hand is clasping mine, her eyes closed as power emanates from the stone.

I try to take a breath, but I can't even manage a weak gasp. My eyelids flutter, my grip slowly loosening on Naia's hand. Darkness has started to creep into the edges of my vision, beckoning to me. I want to fight it, but I can feel the strength slipping away with every jagged breath I take. I always knew death would take me, but I'd never imagined it would be like this. My vision faded to black as I took my last breath, surrendering to the darkness.

I jolted awake, trembling violently. My chest rose and fell rapidly as I breathed, in and out, in and out, until I'd reassured myself that it was just a dream. I was safe. The world tilted as I rose and swam to the bathing room. I scrubbed my skin until it stung, then dressed in a long purple dress with gray trim.

Jay was waiting as I swam out of the bathing room, worry in his gaze. If the dream came true... I shuddered, tightening my grip on his as we swam to the kitchen. The others were already awake, their expressions identical to Jay's. I was so worked up from my dream that it took me a minute to remember what had happened.

A shock wave suddenly moved through the water, causing all of us to lose our balance. Jay gripped my arm as I swayed. As soon as I'd straightened, fear hit me like a rogue wave. The only other time I'd felt an emotion like this was... Naia. I threw on a jacket, grabbing my notepad before swimming out of the house.

I swam faster than I ever had in my life, flying past buildings and startled mermaids and mermen. I didn't stop until I reached Rosewood Manor—or what was left of it. The once-grand exterior was ruined, the windows and roof cracked and broken in spots. All the color drained from my face as I swam through the doors into the entranceway.

Naia was floating a few feet away from me, Eliza leaning on her arm for support. The former's eyes were wide, her face pale. I swam to them, reaching for Eliza. She clutched my arm, sagging against me.

I turned my full attention to Naia, my eyes spitting fire. What did you do? My hands stayed still, but my eyes spoke volumes.

She opened and closed her mouth several times before shaking her head. When she raised her hands, I noticed they were trembling slightly. I... I don't know. It's never happened before. I started thinking about Tiger Shark and all he'd done to hurt you, Meri, and the others, and this rush of anger just rose inside me, growing with every breath I took. The minute I exhaled, the entire building started to collapse. I barely made it out before I heard the shock wave.

I shook my head, eyes wide. Eliza had opened her eyes and was looking at me blearily. I started to help her swim into the open water, but before I could, a hand grabbed my shoulder, restraining me. What are you doing? I managed to sign. The frightened facade was gone, replaced by smugness.

Naia grinned as she clutched a familiar-looking pendant at her throat. My mouth opened in a silent scream as the breath was knocked from my lungs, the world fraying at the edges of my vision. I knew I needed to get out, but I couldn't break free from Naia's iron grip. My eyelids fluttered, darkness slowly creeping into the edges of my vision.

My hand was suddenly wrenched from hers, my body swaying in the water as I struggled to keep my balance. Eliza's face swam in my vision, worry etched onto her features. I gasped as she gripped my hand and swam, dragging my limp body through the water. I was dipping in and out of consciousness as we arrived at a familiar house. I tried to take a deep breath, but could only manage a tiny gasp. Naia had taken too much from me.

Blurry faces swam in my vision, clearing every so often to reveal dark green eyes wide with concern. That sweet darkness sang to me, its call impossible to resist. My chest rose and fell one last time before darkness swallowed me whole.

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