Can't Afford to Relate

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When I was younger, I had asked a girl with so much acne how it felt to have so much acne. I can't remember her reply, but I don't have to, because three years or so later, I began to have acne. I can now relate.

In uni, I always heard this girl talk about how her parents clashed all the time to the point of getting physical at one point and again, I asked how it felt to watch her parents do all that. I remember her reply. "Hmmm, you'll not understand", but now I do. Approximately three years after asking that silly question, it happened. It started as minor clashes here and there, but it finally happened. My parents really went physical in my presence. I had to separate the fight. It looked funny and disappointing at the same time, I can't tell why. But it was also heartbreaking, so I guess I can now relate too.

My youngest sister came back from school and we were both in my room seeing a movie while my parents were sorting out their issues with my grandma in the living room, she said she wished she could get  what they were talking about. I envied her at that point. I knew what they were talking about, I was a witness even, but she didn't, and she wished to know. If only I could copy the memory into her head and erase it from mine. But I couldn't do that. Even if I could, I wouldn't.
"I wonder how all those people their parents fight feel," was what she said next. I had to pause my film. She shouldn't say that. She should take it back. That was probably what got us in this mess in the first place. I had asked asked the same question just like I did when I asked about the acne and I can finally relate. We can't afford to relate all over again. Or maybe I should start asking super rich and successful people how it feels to be super rich and successful.

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