In Your Arms, Where I Belong [Oneshot][Completed]

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This is my first YunJae story that I'm posting.

I'm pretty new to writing here, so any feedback is very much appreciated.

It's technically a one-shot, but I may write a Yunho POV version later on. I hope you will enjoy the story :)Title: In Your Arms, Where I Belong

Length: Oneshot (1973 words)

Author: creampuffcookie

Rating: PG-13

Warning: This fanfic deals with boyxboy relationships and contains hints of YAOI.

Pairing: YunJae

Genre: Romance & Angst

Disclaimer:This story is purely made up by creampuffcookie. If there are any similarities, it is purely coincidence.

In your arms is where I belong (Jaejoong POV)

Looking at the man standing at the altar, he couldn’t stop the lone tear which streaked down his pale cheek.

[4 years and 7 months.]

That was the duration of time spent away from Korea, establishing themselves in Japan, away from the watchful eyes of fans and the media. That was also the lifespan of their love relationship.

It was so easy to fall in love with him. They both came from outside Seoul. They were both lonely and struggling hard to make ends meet. They were both always there for each other when things got tough. So it wasn’t a surprise to anyone how their relationship had quickly progressed from mere training buddies, to flatmates, to best friends. They were practically inseparable in the beginning, but soon they were just inseparable, period. Everywhere one went, the other was always nearby. It started out innocently enough, but as their touches grew more lingering, more longing, the dam of emotions that each were holding back burst. They were in love with each other.

Reflecting on how they had confessed to each other now, he realised truly how grateful and thankful he was to Heechul for being the trigger to their confession. But back then, he remembered clearly the deep, smothering jealousy and anger he felt towards the pretty Heechul for being a tad too close, a tad too friendly and mostly, a tad too touchy-feely with his best friend and object of infatuation. He remembered how his jealousy had built up to a point where he had broken down and snapped at Heechul for taking his chips. Of course, the chip-stealing wasn’t the main issue. It was the fact that Heechul had taken his chips and fed them to the other boy. He had seen Heechul’s fingers brush against the younger boy’s pretty lips. It had pissed him off, more so when he saw Heechul draped all over his crush, laughing merrily with the other. His sudden outburst had shocked both of them. It even shocked him.

He remembered how he had fled the restaurant they were at that day, followed by the other. He was fast, but the other boy had longer legs and was faster. He had caught up with him in a matter of seconds. He had unleashed all of his feelings while tears streamed down his cheeks. He could hear himself blubbering out his feelings, words spilling out of his mouth like verbal diarrhoea. But right then and there, with the other holding onto his slim waist and trying without success to get him to calm down, he could not have stopped himself even if he tried. And then the words he had been keeping hidden in his heart for over a year slipped out.

[I love you, damn it.]

He had felt the other stiffen at his confession and cursed his mouth for running ahead of him yet again. He had tried to wrestle himself from the other’s grip, but the other was not letting him go. The next scene was one he would always remember for as long as he lived – the way the other had cupped the back of his head and pulled him flush against his body into a deep, smouldering kiss, effectively silencing him and halting his attempts to run away. Their first was not a simple, chaste kiss. It was of the soul-searing kind, laden with feelings repressed for the longest time on both parts. With the city night lights glittering around them as they kissed, he had felt truly blissful for the first time in a long time. The other had pulled back after a while, uttering the three words that had sealed their relationship.

[I love you, too. I want to be yours, and I want you to be mine.]

They had debuted as Dong Bang Shin Ki not long after they got together. It became slightly difficult to date and hide their feelings from the prying eyes of their fans in Korea. But then, they received news that they were to expand their reach to Japan and were to debut there soon. He was scared, they were all scared – they were only 18 years old on average after all. However, his time there in Japan with him was the best 4 years and 7 months in his life. But he should have known that happiness could never last forever, at least for him, for both of them. They were both guys after all.

It was ironic how coming back to his home country, the one thing that he had sorely missed during his stay in Japan, was what had brought about the end of their relationship as lovers. It was like being splashed with a bucket of ice cold water, after living their lives like a dream in Japan. Their comeback to Korea had wedged a huge gulf in their relationship; friends, family, fans, girls, all of them had a part to play in hastening the end of his love life. He would never forget how their management had asked them to be less touchy on shows and to be manlier, to suit their new image. He would never forget how it was the same management, coupled with the insinuations from family, friends and fans, which had forced them apart and forced his love into the arms of the girl he was currently standing beside at the altar. He had cried oceans of tears during that period o f time, refusing to eat for days and locking himself up in his room, wearing only his ex-lover’s favourite sweatshirt, breathing in the scent that was distinctly his – the scent that he loved so much, while the other was out with his new girlfriend, to provide fodder for the media. Matters escalated faster than everyone could have predicted and soon, the announcement of the wedding of Dong Bang Shin Ki’s member to his sister was made. He remembered very clearly the feeling of his heart shattering at the announcement. But he did nothing to stop them.

Standing slightly behind the couple now, tears rolling silently down his cheeks, Jaejoong was struck with the bitter taste of regret. It was only the wedding rehearsal, but still he hated the sight of Yunho standing beside someone other than him. That should have been him up there. It could have been him up there, if only he’d fought just a little harder and held on a little tighter to Yunho and their relationship.

Longingly, his eyes roamed over his love’s back, starting from the thick luscious locks that he would never get to run his fingers through again, to the strong, lean back that he would never get to hold on to again, to those endlessly long legs that he would never again have wrapped around his waist, gripping him tightly in the throes of passion.






[Shit, did I just say that out loud?! Stupid, stupid, stupid...]

Embarrassed with his mouth running ahead of him yet again, Jaejoong turned around and ran out the door.

He was short of breath, his lungs hurt, but he kept on running. He didn’t know how far he’d run or how long he’d been running until he felt a pair of hands so familiar, grip his upper arm and roughly spun him around, pulling him into a crushing hug. Feeling Yunho’s arms around him once again, Jaejoong could only latch onto the other’s neck, returning the embrace. He did not have the strength left to pull himself away from the other’s arms. He never wanted to, ever again.

“Jaejoongie... You pabo. I thought you didn’t want me anymore...” Yunho spoke, burying his face into Jaejoong’s warm chestnut-coloured hair.

[Huh? What is Yunho talking about...?]

“I was never going to go through the wedding with your sister. She wouldn’t have either; it was her plan, after all. Anyway, I could never do that. But you wouldn’t look at me or talk to me after the management told me to date a girl to boost our publicity. Even on our 5 year anniversary, you didn’t meet me at the Han River like we promised before we came back to Korea. I thought that you hated me. I only wanted to make you a little jealous, you know? Just like the first time with Heechul...” Yunho rambled on and on. For the first time, it was him whose words tumbled out, uncontrollable – over the years, it seemed as though Jaejoong’s habit had rubbed off him.

Jaejoong’s mind was in a whirl. Yunho’s pretty lips were still moving, mouthing words Jaejoong knew he ought to be listening and paying attention to, but simply could not process at the moment. All that occupied his mind was those few words Yunho had said.

[“I thought you didn’t want me anymore.”]

[Where on earth did Yunho get this idea from?]

He could not help his confusion at Yunho’s words. It sounded to him as though Yunho was saying that he thought that Jaejoong had decided to end their relationship. But the management and their families and all the others were the ones...weren’t they?

[Am I missing something here?]

Jaejoong, whose face was pressed into the taller man’s neck, tried to bring his face up to ask Yunho what he was talking about but was instead pulled into a tighter hug.

“...I don’t care anymore. I love you and I’m not going to let anyone stop me from being with you! I’ve already asked Su, Chunnie and Minnie and they’ve all supported me. I’ve never seen them so happy when I told them about it. Even your parents gave me the green light. They said that now’s a good time too, since spring is coming and everything always looks so much more beautiful in spring and that it’d be the perfect occasion...”

With every word Yunho uttered, Jaejoong felt himself being drawn deeper and deeper into confusion. Wriggling against Yunho, Jaejoong tried to get his attention. Finally, he managed to get his head out from under Yunho’s chin to look up at the younger man.

“Yunho-ya, can you please stop rambling and explain to me slowly. You’re starting to sound like me and I haven’t understood a single thing that you’ve been saying,” Jaejoong said, an adorable pout on his lips, eyebrows drawn into a frown.

He heard the younger man chuckle at his words, making him pout even more. But the pout was quickly wiped from his lips when the other went down on bended knees, holding his hands, uttering the words he had never dared to dream of again.

“I love you, Jaejoongie. I love you with all my heart. And I want to spend the rest of my life loving you. I cannot promise to never make you cry, but I’ll promise to love you and only you, forever. You will make me the happiest of men if you say you’ll marry me. Will you marry me, Jaejoongie?”

Looking at the earnest expression on Yunho’s face, Jaejoong couldn’t help but bursting into another round of fresh tears. He pulled Yunho up and flung his arms around Yunho’s neck, nearly knocking him backwards with the force of his hug.

“Yes! Yes, Yunho! Yes...I love you, too.”

After Jaejoong’s enthusiastic acceptance, Yunho carried him and spun him around, giggling and whooping with joy, tears of relief glistening in his eyes. Slowly, Yunho brought Jaejoong down, making sure his feet were safely on the ground before swooping down to capture his lips in a long, passionate kiss. The joy, the love, the exhilaration; they felt just like when they were 18. He was back in his Yunho’s arms again. He was back where he belonged. They were in love and getting married. They were finally happy together, and that was all that mattered.

Extra (End)

[He looks like an angry little kitten. A cute, angry little kitten.]

Yunho couldn’t suppress the chuckle he’d been holding in all evening at the thought, earning him an adorable glare and an even more adorable pout from his Jaejoongie.

It has been exactly a month since Yunho had proposed to Jaejoong, who was currently latched onto his arm, and who had been latching onto his arm ever since they arrived at the Kim residence. With his fiancé’s hands and arms wound tight around his right arm, Yunho could feel numbness creeping in but didn’t have the heart to tell his lover to loosen his hold, especially in the current state he was in.


Jaejoong’s mother had invited the young couple to dinner with the whole family since it was a rare off day for them. And Jaejoong would have gone happily for the family gathering if it was not for his 5th eldest sister – the one who almost married his Yunho. He didn’t care for his fiancé or his sister’s explanations of their so called plan to make him jealous and win him back. None of it mattered except for the fact that his own flesh and blood, his own sister, had held his Yunho’s hand and dared to stand beside him at the altar, even if it wasn’t to say their wedding vows, when he hadn’t yet.

And Jaejoong didn’t like it one bit that the two were now in the same room, eating dinner and chatting like nobody’s business. Worst of all was that they were not noticing that he was right there with them, sulking and fuming!

Making a small sound of dissatisfaction at the back of his throat, Jaejoong further tightened his grip on Yunho’s arm, trying to grab his attention. But instead of having his Yunho’s beautiful eyes on him, he heard Yunho chuckle. Frustrated beyond belief, Jaejoong sent a last glare to his sister before yanking Yunho up hard from where he was seated, dragging him away from his sister and making his way out of the house.

“Umma! It’s late already so Yunho and I will be going back now! We’ll pay you a visit another time so there’s no need to see us out! Bye!” Jaejoong shouted as he walked past the kitchen where his mother was busy washing the dishes, dragging Yunho by his arm all the while without pausing until they were safely out of the house and standing outside his car.

Once there, he pushed Yunho against the door, pressing up against him. Bringing Yunho’s boyishly handsome face down closer to his, Jaejoong said hoarsely, face flushed, “No. More. Talking. With. Her. Get it? No more talking and no more touching until we’re married and I have our wedding band safely on your finger! Jung Yunho, you are my mine! Now, promise!”

He was deadly serious and still fuming, which was why he almost lost it when he heard Yunho burst into giggles. Almost, but not quite, because the next thing Yunho did was possibly the best thing he’d done all evening and was enough to placate him.


Unable to control the secret pleasure he found in ruffling Jaejoong’s feathers, Yunho burst into giggles and glomped Jaejoong.

“My adorable Jaejoongie! You know I love you and only you! It’s just that you looked so cute pouting and glaring at me that I couldn’t help myself! Don’t be angry, darling, hmmm?”

Without waiting for a reply, Yunho flipped their positions and kissed Jaejoong full on the lips, tongue licking at the plump lower lip of the older boy. Yunho stroked the sensitive spot on Jaejoong’s neck in lazy circles with his thumb, grinding his hips into the older boy, as he teasingly kissed him. Heavily aroused by Yunho’s ministrations, Jaejoong couldn’t control the moan that escaped his mouth. Seeking more, he squirmed a bit in Yunho’s hold, trying to angle himself better between Yunho’s legs, when Yunho pulled away. Whimpering at the loss of Yunho’s hot mouth on his and his body heat, Jaejoong tried to pull Yunho back into the kiss. It was just getting good, after all. But Yunho pulled away once again.

“Jaejoongie... I heard some sounds... I think... I think your family’s watching...” Yunho breathlessly uttered against his mouth.

Shifting his head a bit to get a look behind Yunho, Jaejoong spotted his mother and sister both trying unsuccessfully to appear as if they had not been peeking at them through the living room window.


“Yunho-ya... I don’t care who’s at home right now but you’d better continue what you started when we reach home... or else! Now let’s go, I’ve got the keys.”

~ End~

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