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Waking up to a small headache, as well as blurry memories of a night I don't remember experiencing is not really fun, honestly.

I grunt low in my throat, a hand immediately raised to my burning forehead in the hopes of lowering the thrumming pain. What did I- oh... wait, I think I remember. The karaoke, and the drinks. So many glasses of that pink juice. It was good. Deadly, but good.

"A survivor, she finally awakens" a deep voice rumbles from my left, ensuring that I grow slightly more aware of my environments. We're moving... yeah, this is a seatbelt. I'm in a car... for the trip, of course.

A cold bottle is pressed against my temple and I accept it, my eyes always shut because I just know the light would blind me. I am not a vampire, but I sure feel like one right now. A vampire who has slept for centuries and was forced out of sleep by mistake.

"Drink it, it should make you feel better. It'll be bitter, though" a gentle voice speaks from my right, so soft and sweet. Its tone goes in circle in my head, it's nice to listen to. Whose voice is this? None of my mates sound like that.

Still, I drink the bitter liquid in one go, a grimace on my lips while the bottle is taken from me. The scents pull at my senses, Seokjin's coffee, Yoongi's salty sea, Namjoon's pumpkins and- what's this... is this cake? Strawberry cake?

My nose follows the scent until my cheek finds a shoulder to rest on, nose pressed over the sweetest scent gland, and I sigh comfortably while a breath hitches in the throat beneath my lips. This smell... I love it, who kept this from me until now? Why am I finding out about it only now?

This smells like omega pheromones... omega... omega!

My eyes open right away, the sudden discovery keeping my body fully locked in place as I find Seokjin with half of his body twisted on the front passenger seat to observe me, not an ounce of emotion flashing across his face.

No, he doesn't need to when I can smell his amusement. A light grin pulls one corner of his lips upwards when our eyes meet, and every single one of my muscles tense. This is... last night, with Woozi... oh my god, Jimin, of course!

I pull back in the middle seat, wide eyed, then glance at the omega who stares back at me with the same expression of shock and restlessness, for he certainly wasn't expecting for me to act this way after the behaviour I showed him while drunk.

How much more shameless can I get is what I'd like to ask myself!

With my hands on my knees, I bow as low as is humanly possible in a car. "Jimin, I have done horrendously bad as your mate last night. Please forgive this lowly alpha, for I have committed the unforgivable. Have mercy and give me your last words before I throw myself out of the car".

I allowed my fears to get the best of me and gave him the worst possible meeting, can I even fix this? No, I cannot. It's better if I die and reincarnate into a better wolf. Yeah, that's it, I'll just climb over Namjoon, open the door, then jump-

A clear, melodious giggle leaves Jimin then, and I quickly look up to find him covering his mouth as he laughs in glee, eyes creasing into moon crescents, such a pretty sight he makes like this. Is he not mad at me?

"There's no need to go that far, you have committed no wrongs, alpha" he muses gently, eyes still creased happily, though I can also sense the huge relief coming from him, which... it makes sense. I'm sure he must have been afraid of how I would behave upon waking up.

Really... were I not so drunk last night, I would have been fine. I would have had an internal crisis over him being an omega, sure, but on the outside, I would have been fine. It was never my intention to make one of my mates fear me.

"You're too kind" I let out with yet another low bow. "I'm so sorry, I swear I would not have reacted the same way with a sober mind, I gave you a poor image of me. For that, I am ashamed of myself".

My head throbs then, and I wince just as Namjoon hands me a bottle of water. "Choices were made, and now you have to live with the consequences of those choices. Such is life" he says simply while the others nod in approval.

"I'm never drinking again" I utter while opening the cap to drink the content. Gosh, I need to pee.

"Can we stop somewhere with a bathroom?" I ask after putting the water in the cup holder at my feet, I must look like shit too. I have not a single recollection of getting into this car, Yoongi and Seokjin must have moved me while I was sleeping.

"I can stop at this convenience store" Yoongi answers smoothly before flashing the blinkers so he can turn into the shop's parking lot. Thank goodness that it was near, because I don't know how much longer I could've held on like this.

"It's good that we're here, I'll get us all something to eat inside" Jin says as he undoes his seatbelt. "We've been on the road for a couple of hours already and we still have two more left. We're about to get on the highway, so there won't be much until we reach our destination".

"I'll come with you" Namjoon says as he too makes a move to get out of the car, which Jimin mimics, not wanting to be left out. Yoongi grunts softly as he closes his eyes for a minute, "I'll stay here and get some shut eye. Get me a coffee, Jin, will you?".

"Will do, babe".

I'm inside the building before any of them can even reach the door, and the sign for the bathroom has me running there like someone trying to hold in diarrhea. If the door is locked, someone will die and it will not be me.

The knob turns, the door opens, and I hurry inside before locking it with a cheer of victory. Luck is on my side after all!

Doing my business has never felt so good, and as I wash my hands, I make use of the water to arrange my hair a little, as well as rinsing my face. I should be glad that I don't look any worse, I doubt I'll be taking a shower before the end of the day. We'll be going to the beach anyway.

Wasn't I wearing a pyjama last night? I ask myself after a moment of silence. I stare down at my cozy outfit, then shrug. Knowing them, they were more than respectful and only wanted to make me more comfortable.

Once done with what little I could do here, I leave the bathroom and begin my search to find the others in the shop. They can't have gone back to the car already, right?

I search the first aisle, then the second where I finally find Jimin standing by a display of cookies looking undecided. I join him in silence, eyes taking in the different flavours and wondering why he's hesitating when he could have them all instead.

"They all look good, I can't choose which one I want" he mumbles after a while of pondering, and I hum before grabbing the biggest bag with the tongs. He watches as I get a few of each, which would leave us with... twenty or so cookies for the road. That should be good enough.

Jimin gapes as I put the tongs back where they were, bag closing with a satisfied nod of the head before I head for the counter to pay. As I remember only now that I don't have my wallet with me, it is good that I find Seokjin at the cash register right as he is about to pay for his selections.

The Moon Goddess is on my side yet again, it seems. I make a run for it, drop the bag next to the other stuff my pack alpha got, then grin confidently when he eyes me with a raised brow, Jimin close behind with a sheepish look on his face.

"I don't have my wallet, please pay for the cookies" is all I say, and he sighs before having the man weigh the bag to add to the receipt. I knew I could count on him.

I kiss his cheek as a thank you, which has his soul swooning with an endeared smile, and as soon as it's scanned, I grab the bag back, then proudly give it to a stunned Jimin before going out for the car where Namjoon has joined Yoongi after getting the desired coffees.

I get back in the middle seat and wear my seatbelt under their curious staring, feeling rejuvenated already, headache an old memory thanks to the drink Jimin gave me earlier. It was bitter, but it works very well.

When everyone comes back and we resume our road trip, I remain chirpy for a good ten minutes before I fall back asleep, head resting on the strong beta's shoulder, but hand held by the sweet omega.

Jimin's POV

"Well... that was cute" Jin muses after finishing one of the cookies I gave him, since he paid in the end. I tried to pay him back for them, but he simply waved a hand and said it was no big deal, leaving me unsettled, although grateful.

I still have no idea what happened back there. Y/N appeared by my side all of a sudden, took all the cookies in the display, then made the pack alpha pay before giving me the bag, looking all pleased with herself as she went back to the car.

Now she's fast asleep, her soft snores covered by the music on the radio while a good ambiance remains in the vehicle.

Yoongi adds with a small, pleased smile, "I think this trip will be good for her, maybe this change of air was what she needed to break out of her dormance. This felt a lot closer to the real Y/N that we have yet to truly get to know, but then again, it's possible that she was only like this because of yesterday. Maybe she's trying to make up for the scare she gave her omega, it's hard to tell".

He sighs at the end, he doesn't like that he doesn't know.

I look down at Y/N's hand between my own, fingers softly caressing her knuckles and finding there a skin so soft. They've known her for longer than I have, Seokjin and Yoongi, yet it seems like they know just as little about her as Namjoon and I.

They know of her life story, but they don't know about the Y/N who experienced that life. Seeing them so confused about what she shows of herself tells me that she has yet to show who she truly is to the world and that's... sad.

Is what she showed us before falling asleep part of the real her? Or was that her fitting into a specific persona she was conditioned to use to convince me that she is what I need? That she can be the perfect alpha she believes every omegas need?

It really is hard to tell.

"There's no point thinking about it now" Namjoon says after a moment of reflection. "What if she also doesn't know yet what kind of person she is? Won't she try different things until some feel closer to what she wants of herself? Let's observe as she discovers who she is, and we too shall learn about her in the process".

"Wise words as always" Seokjin muses softly as he gazes at the outside world that feels like an other universe from ours. It's quite the strange feeling, like this car is a protection from what happened, and what has yet to happen.

I hope we get to have a very good time this weekend, all of us.


I ended up sleeping some more on the way to the hotel, and only woke up to the pack alpha gently shaking me awake after we made it to destination while Namjoon took care of helping a wobbly Y/N out of the car.

Contrasting heavily from earlier, she looks more unresponsive this time as we reach the suite they reserved at a slow pace, every bags in our hands while the beta guides her with tender murmurs and a warm hand to her back and arm.

Entering inside the apartment-like suite happens without a hitch, and as she ends up sitting by the window of our top floor to blankly stare at where the beach awaits us further down the street, we try to put away our luggage so that they won't get in the way while we move about the place.

Yoongi smiles lightly when he sees me staring at her with concern, and he too gazes at her with a soft sigh. "It happens, sometimes. It's like... her body can't bear to feel anymore, so she disconnects for a while. I'm sorry that you're seeing her in this state, Jimin. You've gone through a lot since last night".

I shake my head as I set my bag on the side of the dresser. "I've gone through a lot less than her, that much I can tell. Is there no way to help her?".

Seokjin hums lightly as he joins us in staring at her while Namjoon seems to have gone to the bathroom. "We've tried everything we could think of, but nothing worked so far. That's why we want her to meet a therapist, and why we will, too. We're not knowledgeable about her type of trauma".

I make a soft sound, I think it's very kind of them to seek that kind of help for her, with her. Looking out at the bright outside sun, I purse my lips before staring at the two alphas again. "Would you mind if I tried to take her out to the garden in the backyard on my own?".

Surprised by my request, Seokjin and Yoongi share a curious look before nodding at me.

"As long as you two remain nearby, I don't see why not. Call us if anything happens and we'll be there in a heartbeat. In... let's say an hour, we can meet back here for lunch and then be on our way to the beach, considering that her state has gotten better by then".

Spurred on by their authorization, I slowly make my way to where Y/N is sat, teeth nibbling on my bottom lip until I reach her side. I squat down to her level, head tilted slightly to the left as I try to catch her gaze.

Y/N's eyes... it's like they have no glow in them right now, like they don't have that spark of life anymore. I really want to make them shine again.

Taking her hand in mine, I gently pull until she stands with me, but it's like a mechanic doll who does anything I want of it. It's an unsettling feeling, although it also makes me feel that much more determined to make this outing into a success, by any means possible.

"Come with me, alpha, let's go look at the flowers" I muse softly before pulling her along with me, a small smile to the alphas on the way, and then to Namjoon as he steps out of the bathroom looking like he heard everything that was said between us.

He pats my head softly, then Y/N's before joining Yoongi and Seokjin, and we leave into the hallway after I've grabbed one of the two room cards.

The way down to the main hall happens without a single word uttered, her fingers soft between my own, only broken by the occasional squeeze, as if she's trying to break out of her daze but can't find the strength yet.

I can't help but gaze at her as we near the entrance made of tall windows, the golden sun falling over her looking like a blanket of fire. She looks so beautiful, even like this. But more than anything, I want to see her smile even more, or at the very least, I want her to look at me and see me.

I bring her outside to the garden we walked past earlier, every steps we take leading us towards a calm corner where not many people are found as to not make us too uncomfortable. Humans have never been much of a problem to me, but other wolves can be scary sometimes, especially unmated alphas.

In that sense, I do understand how Y/N feels towards abusive wolves, we simply haven't experienced that abuse from the same second gender.

Once we've reached a nice spot filled with enchanting and fragrant flowers, I slow down to have a look at them with a sense of satisfaction within me, then turn my gaze in her direction to see if she's reacting to them the slightest bit.

Her eyes are downcast on the closest hues of red and pink, and she blinks slowly, her scent of rosemary melting into the aroma of the garden like she always belonged in a place like here. Looking at her amidst all those colours... she does belong, I observe.

As the queen, the most beautiful queen.

"Look how pretty they are, alpha" I murmur as I point at some other flowers a bit further from where we're standing, hoping to get a reaction out of her. Her eyes shift to where I'm pointing at a little faster than a second ago, and that glint wavers softly into her gentle orbs.

Her fingers twitch, and her next inhale has her shoulders rising high before falling just as softly.

Slowly, one breath after the next, she comes back to me.

A first crease of her eyes, and then her fingers intertwining properly between mine instead of hanging limply within my hold. I smile in relief when she turns her gaze to me, and it surprisingly feels so natural when I caress her hair with a tenderness that I feel she craves for.

"There you are, my alpha" I say softly, heart melting in ways I didn't know possible when her face shifts into adoration, like the me she sees right now is worth worshipping. It makes me feel shy, yet proud at the same time.


The way she says my name sounds like velvet to my ears, a caramel tone to it that makes my insides into goo. Her pheromones push out then, pleased and almost praising as they wrap around me, coiling around my skin and into my heart like the most gentle vine.

I want nothing more than to lose myself in her warmth when she makes me feel this way, like I am something precious and worth loving, so when she sits down in the grass between all the flowers, only to open her arms next? I am kneeling so fast.

She chuckles at the sight, then carefully pulls me over her lap at my hopeful expression, my head pushed against her pulsing scent gland and her arms wrapped around me like she means to cradle me directly into her soul until the end of eternity.

This peace... I wish it would last forever, I find myself thinking as I close my eyes.

A kiss pressed onto my temple, and a purr begins to seep out of my chest. "Jimin" she repeats again, herself beginning to rumble like a very contented alpha. "So kind, soft and caring. So forgiving" she muses, peppering kisses over my hair and nape with every words she utters.

Chills course through me at her every touch, my scent of strawberry cake fluffing up with every passing seconds. So this is what it feels like to be held my a mate, by an alpha. This is what it feels like to be loved and cared for.

"Are you feeling better?" I ask without moving from my comfortable spot, nose pressed against her throat and loving every push of her scent. She smells like she's feeling better, but alphas are known to be able to modify their pheromones despite their emotional state so it's hard to tell.

Another kiss onto the shell of my ear, which causes shivers to break across my spine, and I release a shaky exhale. Every kisses of hers feel like they are leaving behind marks of their own, both inner and outer marks that will forever decorate my skin.

"Much better, thanks to you".

I relax into her hold, hearing that I could help her as I wanted... it feels good. "Such a good omega" she adds with another tender kiss to the same spot over my ear, loving the reaction she can produce in doing so. It's almost embarrassing, but it feels so right that I can't bear to pull away.

I can tell that caring for me like this is also helping her to heal from all that her body and soul endured recently, her purrs turning louder as she begins to rub her cheek over the crown of my head, so loud that I can't hear my own anymore. It's enough to pull me into a daze, a safe headspace for cuddles.

"You make me feel like..." she starts speaking again before pausing, her mind trying to gather her thoughts to better convey what she wants to say. I rub my nose over her throat in languid strokes, hoping in doing so to ease her nerves.

"It's strange. You don't make me feel bad for not being at my best. My parents used to get mad at me whenever I showed the slightest sign of weakness. I thought every omegas would react the same, but you... you cared enough to show me patience and forgiveness. You brought me to the garden because you wanted to make me feel better, you held my hand and spoke softly instead of scolding me for not being... what I should be".

Her words break my heart down to its roots. Hearing that she used to be scolded for not being perfection, and that she expected it from me, it hurts deeply. No one who is alive and living can be perfect.

To be perfect... one has to be without soul, without heart, without dreams and without feelings. Dolls are perfect, but not breathing, living beings.

"I only did what I thought was right" I say with a soft hum, arms meeting around her back to soothe her. "I wanted my alpha to be happy. I wanted you to look at me and smile. Said like that... it sounds selfish, but I just wanted that spark of life back in your eyes".

"That's not selfish" she counters, rosemary dancing softly around us like a free spirit.

"Sometimes... it's like my consciousness gets pulled out of my body. Everything turns into a blurry, dizzying dream and I can't get out anymore. But your scent... it kept guiding me closer to the surface, instead of away from it. Your touch... warmed and reassured me, instead of hurting. You made it safe for me to come back".

A lump forms in my throat at her sincere words, tears rising in my eyes despite my trying to swallow them down. I made it safe for her to come back? She caresses my back at the shift in my scent, a soft hum past her lips.

"You aren't selfish for wanting me to see you, to smile at you. You are kind, because to get to that result, you were ready to bring me to a place that you thought would make me feel good enough to make that sensation of peace rise within me. You didn't want a fake smile, you wanted a real one. You needed your alpha happy so that you yourself could be happy. That's how kind you are, Jimin".

My tears slide down my cheeks and over the warm skin of her neck, and she hushes softly while hugging me tighter to her.

I'm so glad. What she said... it's true. I really can only be happy if she is. I wasn't going to let anything stop me until I could find that pretty smile on her lips again, or at least that warmth back in her eyes. She saw all of that so easily.

"Such a sweet omega you are" she muses at my quiet sniffles. "So good to me. I can't promise you that I will always be the best alpha for you, but I promise to try my best every time the sun rises again. I might fail at times, maybe it will happen often, but I will always try to get better for your sake".

I shake my head slowly, hand raised to wipe my face before I pull back slightly to gaze at her, the wet sheen in my eyes reflected in her own. "Not for me. Do it for you, Y/N" I correct her, jaw held tight because otherwise, I think my chin might begin to quiver.

"Don't be better for anyone but yourself. If one day, you wake up feeling like being good to yourself includes not being the alpha that you feel I need, that's totally fine. I can take you in my arms then, just like you held me, and keep telling you that it's fine to be not the alpha, but just Y/N. We can become wolves without second genders for a time when it gets too difficult to exist, anytime you need".

It's her turn to shed tears as I speak, the look on her face speaking volumes of how she feels about my sweet promise, and my turn to hug her close, with her head in my neck and my arms tightly wrapped around her.

Together, we cry softly, our healing pain accompanied by the rustling of the wind in the flowers, and their hues sending messages of love through every senses allowed to us.

Unbeknownst to us, three wolves look and listen from afar, eyes glistening with hundreds of emotions as their chests overfill with pride, heartache and love. None could have predicted how beautiful this pack of ours would be as days pass, and souls unite.

This is the journey of healing, and nothing less.

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