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It's been almost two weeks since the day Bogum and I met up with Ji-cheol and Dong-wook at the restaurant, and while we haven't made plans to meet again soon, we regularly stay in contact through text messages to get to know each other better.

I've been getting messages from both wolves asking for updates on my health almost everyday and so, when I told them this morning that my pheromones finally got back to how they should always be, they were more than thrilled before tasking me with dosing my usage so that they would always remain within a healthy range.

In their words : It's better to send the omegas to the nearest clinic than to care for them yourself, otherwise you create an addiction and they keep coming to you afterwards.

I couldn't really deny it since this is exactly what ended up happening for the longest time, but I can't say that it has been a problem as of late with Yoongi and Seokjin by my side, they keep a good eye on me and not a single wolf has bothered me in days, which I am incredibly thankful for.

My brother stayed around for a bit longer than initially planned to spend more time with me and my mates before going back home, and I can safely say that my life has gotten more stable recently, all thanks to my two wonderful mates who have kept me in their home with them despite my apartment being repaired already.

Adjusting to work with them went smoothly and I'm starting to adjust to my new reality, though it's hard for me to think of all the paintings that I lost to the breaking in caused by my parents, which was confirmed after an alpha officer forced them to speak the truth.

I was told that I could sue them, but I honestly felt like it was too much, so I left them off the hook with the condition that they would never try to harm me ever again. Bogum wasn't very happy with that but I didn't want to waste any more energy on them, I just wanted to be done with everything and that seemed like the best way to do that.

I try not to think about that situation too much, but sometimes I do still wake up in the middle of the night with a nostalgic heart.

I don't want to miss them, but it's stronger than me. They were my parents, the people who I loved dearly. I saw them as these loving omegas for so long that the hate they ended up revealing to me still feels like a lie.

Sometimes, I just want to believe that it was all a very bad dream and that I simply have yet to wake up. I cling onto a lie with a tight grip and I can't seem to let go no matter what, it's been bothering me more and more but I don't know how to stop.

Why is it so hard to face the truth? Or am I only afraid of admitting that I wasn't deserving of my parents' love?

"You're zoning out, dollface".

I blink slowly before looking up from the pile of paint brushes that I was tasked with organizing on the shelves, and Seokjin smiles softly when he sees the familiar glow of memories in my eyes, something that now happens from time to time when I get lost in the past.

"Oh... I'm sorry, Seokjin. I've been trying really hard to focus on my tasks but it's not working so well this morning" I admit before grabbing a package to fit on the shelf, and my pack alpha hums deeply before doing the same to help me get it done faster.

"It's okay, baby, you're doing your best and we can all see it. How about we close the store sooner today? We could do something together, the three of us" he makes an offer that takes me aback, and a pair of arms hug me from the back before I can refuse.

Things have been going well for them so far, wouldn't it be a shame to leave now when there are still many customers to greet today alone? It's a lot of money they lose if they go along with that plan.

Yoongi nudges the side of my neck with his lips and I instinctively tilt my head the other side to give him more space, something that earns me a pleased purr and a sweet press of his lips onto my warm skin.

He then sighs into my neck before raising his chin to rest over my head with a squeeze of his arms around my waist, his salty sea a little bitter to the nose despite the vanilla that always surrounds us like a second skin.

"You've been struggling a lot this week, sweetheart. Jin and I, we're sincerely worried about you".

My heart sinks at those words that I wasn't expecting to hear, and he continues while swaying us from side to side softly, an attempt at easing my soul so that his next words could be heard without causing too much stress or pain, he's not sure how I'll take it but it has to be said.

"We even began to wonder if getting you therapy could be a good idea, if it's something you would like to receive. These days, we honestly just bring you to work with us because it's better than leaving you behind on your own, but I don't know if it's really helping you like we wish it would. We want to help, but we're not sure how" Yoongi explains gently, and I purse my lips guiltily before looking down.

It's true that I've been going through ups and down nowadays... I need to stop being so lost in the past but the problem is that most of the time, I'm not even aware that it's happening until one of them pulls me out of my thoughts.

What's happened already happened and the future is mine to forge, so why should I give that power to my parents when they're already out of my life for good? That's a concept that is easy to understand, but to act on it is an entirely other matter.

So normally, therapy would be great and I would encourage anyone to seek the help they need to get better, but... for that person to be me? For an alpha to get therapy? That's... I don't know how to feel about that one.

I don't need therapy, do I?

"I... can you give me some time to think about it? I just... therapy seems a bit much, I just need to..." I pause before shrugging lightly, because I don't even know what it is that I need.

"I just need some time, I guess. I used to paint whenever I'd feel some type of way before so... maybe I should get back into my hobby, that could help me to let go of everything that I shouldn't carry with me any longer".

Hearing me say that gives the two alphas some hope, because they were seriously beginning to wonder if I would never mention painting again after the incident with my parents. Starting over can be painful so they didn't know how to bring up the subject first.

"You don't have to give an answer about therapy right now, all we want is for you to know that if you ever feel like you need it, then we're willing to make that happen and that it's okay to seek that kind of help, regardless of how strong you think you have to be" Yoongi answers first, and Seokjin continues after putting his focus back on me just as my eyes tear up the slightest bit.

"Yoongi and I were thinking about making you some space in the living room in the eventuality that you would like to paint again, it's probably not ideal but... there isn't much space anywhere else otherwise. What do you think? We'd have to move things around a little, but you could get started there while we try to find a better home in the meantime".

I stare at the both of them in confusion, what does he mean by... better home? And sure, the living room might feel a bit small if we install my painting equipment there, but I could always put everything in the storage when I'm done, everything doesn't have to stay out all the time.

Seokjin cups my face and kisses my nose before continuing with stocking the brushes away, there isn't much left anyway so it would be better if he gets done with that task now that he got started.

"We moved into the condominium because it was just Yoongi and I then and it suited us, but we noticed during the past week that its size has been stopping you from truly feeling at home. There's no space for you to claim and it's been bothering us, so we thought... maybe it's time for us to get a bigger house. Since you're staying with us, we want you to be comfortable and right now, we know that our current home isn't giving you what you need".

I gape at him as he folds the box to put away for another use some other time.

"It's not- I haven't been unhappy there or anything, I didn't-"

Yoongi shushes softly when my heart begins to sound like a growing storm before kissing the side of my head, pheromones pushing out until I relax against his chest where he holds me close with his strong arms.

"We know, sweetheart. It was meant to happen from the moment we met you so don't worry, hm? We'll visit houses together and we'll buy the one that suits everyone, alright? If there's even one thing in there that can't be fixed with some work on our side, we keep searching until we find the right one. Also, I don't want to see you going along with everything we say like a mindless doll anymore, speak up when needed, don't keep everything to yourself like you've been doing during the last two weeks".

His tone is firm as he says the last words and Seokjin observes in silence as the words sink into my head and down towards my heart where it stings harshly, my scent of rosemary wavering because of the way my emotions are getting caught in a fight of nerves.

A mindless doll... that hits really hard for some reason.

Is that how I've been acting nowadays? I can somehow see it, I didn't really share my opinion on anything recently, be it about food, music or even movies. I just nodded my head to everything they'd say and... that must have made them very uncomfortable.

"I... I'll do better from now on. I'm sorry Yoongi, Seokjin, I didn't mean to be so... lifeless" I utter softly, and they both share a small smile before dropping a few kisses onto my skin, kisses that soothe my heart while their scents soothe my soul.

"We know, baby. We're here for you, always, okay? Let's clean up the store for now, then we'll be done with work for today. We can think about what it is that we do later, after we've eaten a good meal, how does that sound?".

"Hmhm... we can do that. I'll- I can mop the floor first?" I ask while trying not to feel too bad about how they're having to cut the day short because of me, and Seokjin pulls me into a tight hug when he sees a wet sheen to my eyes.

"Do whatever you're comfortable doing, my sweet baby, and don't worry about anything because there's nothing wrong with how today is turning out to be. It's not about us ending work early because you're being a burden, it's us taking a break from work so we can spend quality time together instead, do you see the difference?".

I rest my ear against his chest where his heart is beating before closing my eyes so that I can let it lull me into a more peaceful state, and I nod my head after a few seconds of timing my breathing to follow his own.

I don't think I'll ever stop feeling lucky to have gained these two perfect mates. They could've complained so many times about me, but instead they decided to give me even more love than they already would to help me in my healing.

I really need to do better for them.

"Hmhm. Thank you, the both of you. Thank you for being so patient and supportive for me".

"It's the least we can do, sweetheart, you deserve so much more".

???'s POV

With a hot cup of coffee in hand, I make my way inside my museum to see how the preparations for today's art exhibition are going, because we are running on a short timer right now and there were a lot of last minute changes to apply after one of the artists suddenly backed out and changed her mind.

It wasn't hard to replace her, but it did cut short some of the time I could've spent on other things to fix her indecisiveness and I'm not a big fan of that.

It's the last time I will ever allow something of the kind to take place when there's less than 72 hours before the promised opening date. Maybe adding a penalty fee will make them think twice about pulling that trick on me again. I think I'm nice with everyone so I don't like it when people treat me like a idiot.

I greet the few staff working on some minor adjustments on the way while taking in every details that I walk past, content with how things are going, there's only a few minutes left before we open the doors to the public and I want to make sure that everything is perfect.

"Is everyone ready for the opening? Are the attendants properly dressed?" I ask my assistant as I finish one last round of the exhibition area, my eyes on the time letting me know that there's a little less than ten minutes before we get our first visitors and possibly customers.

I can see that a line is forming outside and I could recognize some influential faces who promised to come by when they'd have the time, which I appreciate.

"Everyone's ready. Eunwoo and Tzuyu are waiting for your signal to open the doors while San and Irene are about to take positions in their given spots to keep things orderly and organized. Sakura and Joy are also ready for the reserved tours, of which half of them are for an esteemed art school, they're going to send their classes over throughout the next few days for education purposes".

Rowoon answers smoothly as he walks by my side in his pristine work uniform - it's important to me that we look the part because this museum is running on donations from some of the richest people of Korea, we can't show them cheap.

I hum before nodding to Eunwoo when we make eye contact, it's good to see that they're looking excited as usual. Running art exhibitions can be stressful, but there's something very... satisfying about it that makes us long for the next one whenever the event ends.

Seeing the visitors enjoy the treasures I worked hard to find makes me want to keep doing my best, and it's what keeps me going every day.

I glance towards the line of people outside again, and unbeknownst to me, a particular trio catches my eyes for a second longer than the others before I move on to adjust one last thing that was bothering me, after which I signal for Tzuyu and Eunwoo to start allowing them inside, the bottles of water cold and available on the nearby table for everyone since the weather is rather hot these days.

I send Rowoon to assist the attendants and then stand by the first hall to greet the visitors, many faces whom I have seen often ever since my first exhibition a few years ago, it's always nice to see them as eager as I am to see my new discoveries and it's often the same people who end up purchasing some of the artworks, which means I have to maintain a good relation with them.

I direct a few different groups in opposite directions to make sure everyone has time to take in the art without walking onto one another, a few chitchat here and there when some people want to make a good impression by looking like they know what they're talking about, and I'm just about ready to leave my post to let Rowoon continue in my stead when a very unique fragrance of vanilla reaches my nose.

My wolf immediately howls with belonging as I inhale a lungful of it and I pause where I am when three distinct scents follow through with ease, like the vanilla only exists to adore and cradle them into its loving arms with blushing cheeks and a sweet smile.

Overly aware of what this means, I look behind me to find the source of it all and indeed, here they are, the three beautiful people I had noticed earlier looking absolutely magnificent as they walk inside the museum.

A smile blooms onto my lips at the sight, and I just know that they are the ones my soul will forever feel love for.

I can tell that they're all alphas due to the musk that is one with their scents, a comforting weight that balances everything out perfectly, and when they too pause upon smelling my own scent of pumpkin spices, there's no doubting what is going on anymore.

The stunning woman standing at the front of the group lets her eyes search around the room until they fall on me, and I am instantly bewitched by her gaze that reminds me of a siren trying to pull me in with the sound of her voice.

She looks soft, yet strong, someone I can depend on while also being someone who will depend on me, and I can tell that my instinct of survival wouldn't do such a good job against her - I could let her do about just anything to me if that's what she desired.

I can't believe I have finally met my mate - or mates, as the two alphas behind her can only be mine as well, there is no ignoring the pull that I feel towards them and the soothing that their scents brings me.

They all seem surprised to see me, but more than surprise, I mostly feel overwhelming joy about this turn of events. How long have I been waiting for this day after all? I can hardly believe that this is finally happening.

After grabbing three bottles of water under my employees' curious eyes who aren't oblivious to what is going on, I wave one hand to invite the three alphas to come over here where it's less crowded so we can talk without being bothered by the hundreds of people taking space in the room.

While I'm currently on the job for a work day that technically just began, my mates will always come first, and it's something Rowoon seems to understand quickly when he takes over for me by keeping some other well-known faces from heading my way - he's a smart kid and I'm for once pleased to see him take the initiative.

I smile giddily when I see my three mates ease their way in my direction, and the mass of people already walking around the exhibition room is a little hard to pass through before they can reach the calmer area where I am impatiently waiting for them, but the two tall men tower over the others in such an impressive way that humans and wolves alike can only make way for them when it becomes clear that they just want to reach the other side.

I do take a mental note to try and fix that before tomorrow though, because if those alphas struggle walking through such a short distance, then other people will face the same problem and anything that can go against a smooth experience is something I must work on.

When the trio finally stops in front of me, I hand each of them a cold bottle while taking in all that they are - from their scents to the way they hold themselves, and while the lovely lady appears a little shy at the moment, it's a relief to see that the two bigger alphas are not trying to protect her from me, though they do form a rather thick wall behind her to keep others from staring too much.

"I woke up to the feeling that today would be a good day, but I think I underestimated just how good it would be now that I'm seeing you here. I'm Kim Namjoon and this is my very own museum. May I have the honour of knowing what my mates are named?" I inquire with a bow that I want elegant, and the one who smells of coffee smiles while ruffling the youngest's hair - her scent of rosemary is somehow endearing with how light and fluffy it is.

"I'm Kim Seokjin, and this is Park Y/N and Min Yoongi. We weren't expecting to meet another mate so this is quite a surprise for us. We've met this sweet alpha only about two weeks ago while Yoongi and I have known each other for years".

The one named Yoongi nods before staring at me with a curious tilt of the head. "You said you own this place?".

I take a few seconds to glance at the different art exhibits that we can see from here, and a sentiment of pride fills me when I give him a positive answer.

"It was a project of many years, but I could finally buy this building four years ago when the previous business closed down. I had to remodel the whole space but it was all worth it since this museum is now claimed to be the best in the area. Is this your first time here?" I ask back, and while the two men nod their head, Y/N shakes hers.

"I- I came here once, it must have been two years ago I think. I came with my best friend, but it was near the end of the exhibition so there weren't many people then, unlike today. We must have missed each other that day" she reveals an information that makes my heart twist with immediate grief, pumpkins sinking in on themselves until they all topple down in thousands of different directions.

I could've met her two years ago? Wasn't that when I was busier looking for artists most of my time? I didn't spend as much time in the museum then as I do now, and that cost me two years of my life where I could've had her by my side.

Their eyes sharpen right away at my reaction and it's instinctive when they try to reassure me with a push of their scents and pheromones, Y/N hesitant for only a brief second before her alpha instincts kick in - she steps forward to take one of my hands between her soft ones and then offers me a beautiful smile.

"I didn't say that to make you feel guilty, Namjoon, that was only an observation. The past doesn't matter, what does matter is that we could finally meet today" she says gently with her comforting voice, and I find myself smiling again at her kindness.

"You're right... there's no point in overthinking the things that I can't change anymore, thank you for saying that, Y/N" I utter softly, which pulls a relieved sigh from her, and when I stare at the two other wolves, it's to see them relaxed when they observe that her words helped me well.

"Since you came here to visit the museum, why don't you take the time to walk around for now? I have some things I must take care of, but once you are done touring the exhibition, may I invite you to my home? I would love for us to take some time to get to know each other without all these distractions".

Y/N and Yoongi both turn their gaze towards Seokjin at my offer, which lets me know that he must be the pack alpha, and after glancing at them with what appears to be delight in his eyes, the alpha smiles at me with a nod of the head.

"It would be our pleasure to accept your invitation, Namjoon. How much time do you need for what you have left to do?".

I look down at my watch to ponder over the question. It wasn't in my day's planning to get those things done so quickly, but this situation requires it and I would be silly to waste time that I could spend with my mates instead.

"Hm... I'd say two hours at most. Would that be alright? I'll see if I can get things done faster, but this is probably going to be the best I can do for now" I ask them with slight worry in my tone, I would hate to see them leave without me when we just met, but Y/N's eyes crease before she pats my hands and I instantly relax.

"We can take our time walking around so don't worry, we know how to be patient. Take all the time you need, we'll wait for you".

The two other alphas agree with a similar look on their faces and... gosh, I'm so thankful to have such great alphas for mates. I couldn't have asked for better, the Moon Goddess certainly knew what she was doing when she chose to put them in the same pack for me.

"Thank you. Please don't hesitate to ask my employees if you have any questions or if you need anything, they will make sure to be of help to you. I'll be back very soon" I let them know before taking a step backwards, and though my soul weeps upon having her hands release me, I turn around to leave them behind because the faster I can get this done, the fastest I can be reunited with them.

Your POV

Admiring all the artworks in the museum does a very good job of awakening my need to paint my own canvases again, and even after a third round to observe the same things over and over again, I always seem to find something new, a fascinating thing for me that makes me enjoy being here very much.

Seokjin and Yoongi went to sit down after the second tour since they were starting to lose interest, but that only served to allow me to spend more time to admire my favourite pieces without feeling urged to keep going and thus, the time Namjoon required to finish his work went by a lot faster than I initially thought.

I could honestly spend the whole day here and not find it in me to complain even once because while I take in the results of hours of work from all these artists, I always end up daydreaming about what it would be like to have my own work showing on these walls.

I know that it's probably never going to happen, my art isn't nearly as impressive as what I'm seeing here but I want to believe that one day it could be possible. It would certainly be a dream come true to be able to make a living from what I enjoy doing the most.

And so, it's while I'm looking at a beautiful scenery of a flourishing farm overlooking a river that I eventually hear someone walking in my direction, and when the smell of pumpkin spices follows along, strong and comforting, I look to my right to find the beta smiling as he stops next to me to stare at the same painting.

"The colours of Gaia. The artist behind this piece wanted to portray that the Earth is filled with an infinity of treasures that we all take for granted, such as the food that grows on farms, the water that travels the land, or even the sun that shines down on us every single day. She once went to the countryside to find inspiration for her next painting, and when she came to this sight, she felt like she was finally seeing the Earth as it was always meant to be seen. I never tire from admiring its beauty".

I can't help but observe Namjoon as he speaks, every soft edges to his face shining with wisdom as he shares with me the story behind what caught my attention the most today.

He looks so beautiful and elegant, like a prince born from a beloved fairy tale, that I feel like he could belong in this exhibition as a piece of art too, and I wonder If I would notice something different about him too whenever I would walk in front of him.

I turn my gaze back to the painting once more to take in every details, and this time, I notice how the colours all seem to merge and flow on the canvas with ease, the artist certainly put a lot of care into how she wanted to show the world through her own eyes.

"Hearing this story makes me like this painting even more. There's something about it that just... soothes. Maybe she's right when she says that this is how the Earth should be seen. We're destroying something so beautiful without a second thought even though it keeps sharing with us its many treasures... what selfish creatures we are" I whisper the end with a sigh, and the beta smiles.

"We are indeed selfish creatures, and we are also all at once stupid and desperate. We destroy something, and once we see that it's affecting our quality of life, we work hard to try and fix years of damage as if it's all it takes. I sometimes wonder if these paintings will one day remain the last proof that the earth was once filled with beautiful colours. That would be incredibly sad".

We remain silent for a few minutes following his comment, and he's right. Would the people of that future look at this painting and think that it can only be the work of someone's imagination? Would they cry for a world that no longer exists?

"That's something worth thinking about, thank you for sharing that with me, Namjoon. Were you able to do everything you needed in the end? Will you be fine if you leave?" I eventually ask him to break the silence, and he hums with a nod of the head before facing me properly.

"Yes, I left a few things aside for Rowoon since I know he can handle them, but I completed everything that couldn't wait another day. Where are Seokjin and Yoongi?".

I point towards the seating area from where we can see them talking together, Yoongi's head resting on our pack alpha's shoulder while they wait for us to be done, and I do feel a tiny little bit bad that they had to feel so bored in here.

Just a tiny bit.

"They followed me around for two rounds, then went to sit down while I went for a third one. They only came here with me to cheer me up, to be honest, we weren't supposed to stay here for so long" I explain, and Namjoon makes a sound at that information, his eyes falling on me as if wanting to see if I was cheered up in the end.

He doesn't ask, but I know that he would very much like to know what was so wrong that I needed to come here to feel better from the way his brows narrow the slightest bit. I nervously hook my fingers together before exhaling softly.

"Things turned... incredibly wrong with my parents a little less than two weeks ago and I can't seem to get over it, no matter how hard I try. I've been worrying them a lot with how I've been behaving so... taking me here was their way of trying to help me and let me know that they care. If you want to know - it worked. Being here made me want to paint again so that's very good, I needed that".

The beta's scent turns a little bitter, but he manages himself enough so that it doesn't worsen, though his eyes do show of his concern. Not knowing what happened in details makes him uncomfortable, but he also knows that asking for details would not be considerate of him.

"If being here could help, then that's all that matters. I'm glad you could get what you needed by coming to this museum" he says with his deep, soothing voice, and I smile to him at those words, eyes creasing in gratitude.

"We should join Yoongi and Seokjin before they fall asleep, they wouldn't want you to feel like they didn't enjoy being here because they did - it's just that one round was enough for them. I'm the abnormal one" I muse next to change the subject to something easier to handle and he chuckles before motioning for me to lead the way.

"If loving any kind of arts means being abnormal, then we are both in the same boat" is his reply to my statement, it makes me smile wide enough that Seokjin's face relaxes into a lovely smile when we reach the seating area where a few other people are also seated to read some of the books available.

"Are the two of you done? We can stay a bit longer if you want to stay here" he informs even though it shows on their faces that they would leave right now if they could, and Namjoon takes pity on them when he shakes his head - he will tease them another time.

"We can go, thank you for waiting for me. I have my own car so how about I have you follow me? I could have someone with me in case we lose each other on the road, it'll be easier to find the path again than if we go separately" he offers with a curious glance at each of us, and Yoongi is first to accept the plan when he sits up straight with a stretch.

"I can get in with you and Y/N can go with Jin, how's that?".

I shrug and so does Seokjin, which concludes the pairing pretty easily. No matter who I end up sitting with, I'll be happy because... they're all my mates. I'm not one to choose one over the other, and I could already talk a little with Namjoon so it's only fair that Yoongi gets some time with him as well.

The two alphas stand up from their couch so we can get going and after Seokjin reaches out to hold my hand, we follow Namjoon out of the museum while he says goodbye to his employees, all of them very kind people - they look like they love working here and I know that it's only because the beta's sincere love for what he does pulled them in.

Once outside, Namjoon shows us where he parked his car, which is in the opposite direction of where ours is and we split up in our respective pairings, Seokjin's hand pulling me along with him while Yoongi comments on the beta's vehicle with interest as they head over there.

We don't speak a word as we get inside the car, but it doesn't bother either of us as we wear our seat belts before sitting still while we wait for our two other mates to join our side of the parking lot since the exit is to our left.

"Thank you for bringing me here, Seokjin. It felt good to be surrounded by so many paintings again, I really missed that" I eventually let out in a hushed murmur, and he hums before grabbing my hand again to hold gently, thumb soft as it caresses over my skin.

"You looked like you belonged in the museum, walking around as if you were floating on purple dreamy clouds. Just to be allowed to see you like this, it was more than worth it, doll" he replies with a content smile and I blush happily, it did feel like I was floating on clouds, didn't it?

He leans in for a gentle kiss that makes me melt in my seat, rosemary leaves sprinkled all throughout the vehicle with its fragrant perfume, and Seokjin sighs against my lips when his senses shiver pleasantly, a happy mate truly is the best feeling in the world.

A grey car parks next to us, right by the pack alpha's seat and we both look up to find Yoongi staring at us with a quirked eyebrow, a glint of mischief in his eyes when he puckers his lips to tease us, and while my embarrassment coats my cheeks a vibrant red due to the fact that Namjoon is also staring with a grin, Seokjin seems pretty proud when he sends them a thumb up with a chuckle before nudging my side with love.

Windows are lowered to better communicate, but to my relief, instead of teasing me more, they rather focus on the path we need to take to make it to Namjoon's place, and I'm tasked with messaging Yoongi if we ever lose them from sight, though we are given the beta's address so that we can at least keep going in the right direction until we find each other again.

"You'll see, the building is not hard to miss, there's a gigantic marble fountain at the front and a metal fence all around the site. You'll have to follow me once we make it there because you need a specific security card to make it past the gates, but I'll call the management on the way to see if the security manager could get me a second one, you could leave with it and have a smoother entry the next time you visit" Namjoon explains while leaning over the steering wheel to better see us, and Seokjin nods.

"Alright, we should be fine if anything happens, I used to work near that place when I was younger so I know the area pretty well. That luxurious complex wasn't there at the time though".

"Yeah, it was built around ten years ago so it's not that old. I was lucky enough to have my parents buy me a unit when it was still in construction so I still live there, it's pretty great once you get used to all the fanciness. My neighbours aren't so great though, so don't mind them too much if we meet any on the way".

"We can handle them if they try to say anything, don't worry about us" Yoongi chimes in confidently and Namjoon hums deeply, looking pleased with what the alpha said - he knew that he wouldn't have to worry about us but he sure likes to hear it.

When all is said, Namjoon and Yoongi get going first with Seokjin and I not too far behind, and when sure that it is safe to do so, I feel him get a hold of my hand again, his palm against the back of my hand with his fingers intertwined between my own for extra closeness.

I smile at him before turning my gaze back to my window where sights move by quickly, it's been a while since I spent time in this area of the city - this is where I used to live when I was still at my parents' house, they sold it a few years ago though.

"It's a bit weird to know that we're going to a new mate's place today. I would've never imagined this is how our day would look like when I woke up this morning" I muse after a moment of enjoying the music on the radio. It doesn't feel real even though I could talk with Namjoon on my own earlier, but it is happening, isn't it?

Seokjin makes a soft sound as he keeps his eyes on the road, and he uses my hand to flash the blinkers so he can pass by a few cars to avoid losing Namjoon and Yoongi from sight.

"I know, I was very surprised too. I wasn't sure if our pack would get any bigger after your arrival but seeing as we're three alphas with a beta as of now... I'm thinking that we'll probably have an omega or two as well, though that might not happen, it's hard to tell".

An omega... that thought makes me tense the slightest bit while nausea begins to make itself known in the pit of my stomach, a poisonous vine that slowly climbs upwards where my heart is resting, unaware of the danger that looms nearby.

The idea of having omegas in the pack is making me incredibly nervous now, because I don't know how to act with them anymore. This whole story with my parents... what if the same thing happens again? What if my fate is to be surrounded by bad omegas?

A hand squeeze and I turn my gaze to my pack alpha to find him already glancing at me with concern in his gentle eyes.

"It's going to be fine, my sweet doll. We don't know if that's going to be the future of our pack yet, it's possible that it remains only the four of us until the end, and that would be fine. I'm sorry for mentioning that possibility so carelessly, I didn't mean to scare you like this" he apologizes as if he truly did something wrong, so I shake my head quickly to assure him that it's fine.

"You don't have to apologize, Seokjin, I'm the one who should be sorry. If I wasn't so weak and ignorant, I wouldn't have let omegas use me like they did for so long and I wouldn't be so nervous at the simple thought of them now, I did that to myself" I let out with a weak sigh, and oh boy does he not like what he just heard.

Seokjin pulls over to the side of the road in a swift but harsh turn before putting the car in park, and then he's unbuckling his seatbelt before stepping out of the vehicle without uttering a single word.

I gulp audibly as I process the new bitterness to his usually warm coffee, instincts screaming at me that I'm in trouble, pack alpha mad, my wolf utters, and when my door opens only to have him lean inside to unbuckle me too, I have never regretted my words as much as I do now.

I really went and used self-deprecation in front of my pack alpha, someone who has been repeating over and over again that none of what happened was my fault, that the omegas were the ones in the wrong for exploiting my kindness like they did and that I was brave and loving for helping them for so long despite it hurting me.

I just told that same wolf that everything he has told me so far has in fact not been understood yet.

"Get out of the car" he demands with a serious voice like I have never heard from him until now, and forget about being a brave alpha - right now, I am more inclined towards running away while I still have feet to use.

"Y/N, don't make me repeat myself".

With my lips pursed in shame, I force myself out of the car and onto my wobbly legs where I finally stand in front of a towering Seokjin, and I can't find the courage to look up at him when I feel his anger so vividly, so the ground is what I stare at while he pinches the bridge of his nose with a long exhale.

"I shouldn't be surprised to hear that my words have hit such a thick wall seeing as you were pretty much out of it during the past weeks, but I was still hoping that you would've at least understood what Yoongi and I tried to tell you so many times" he begins with a disappointed voice that makes me wilt further in my spot, is it too late to hide?

"Your fear is valid, Y/N. You suddenly learned that nearly every omegas around you lied and faked their drops at your expense, not to forget what your parents did to you, but to think that you believe this to be your fault? I cannot fathom why you would think that to be true even after the whole truth came out".

I clench my fingers together while trying to make myself smaller, lips into a heavy pout that would probably soften his heart if only he could see it, which he can't because I can't bear to see the way he would stare at me if I did look up.

By saying "the whole truth", I know that he's talking about how I was groomed to become the kind of alpha that helps every omegas without asking any questions, but to me... it's how I've always been so I can't push the blame on everyone else so easily.

I let myself be used because I was too stupid to see that they were all faking it, that's the direction my mind is taking me in right now, and I know that it's wrong but I can't help it. What kind of alpha doesn't realize that they're being played for years?

Seokjin sighs once more, a hand running through his hair to keep his calm, and we both notice how the familiar scents of our two other mates come over from the car that is parked further away. They must have noticed that we weren't following them anymore and stopped to see what was going on.

It's honestly really shameful for me to be seen like this, it's so obvious that I'm being scolded right now and I was hoping that Namjoon and Yoongi wouldn't have to see this.

Besides my parents and maybe my brother when needed... I was never really scolded by anyone until now and to have it be done by an alpha that I respect a lot, my own pack alpha, it's making me feel terrible.

"Damn it. I shouldn't be getting mad at you for this... it's totally natural that it would take you more time to understand this concept after what you've gone through. Tsk. Get back in the car, I'll let them know that everything's fine for now and we'll resume this conversation another time. Take that time to think about what you want to say and I'll do the same, it's pointless at the moment" he eventually decides after grounding himself into a calmer state, he can see that I'm currently in no state to handle this well and it's not what he wants.

He squeezes my shoulder softly with a kiss dropped over the top of my head and then he's leaving me behind to join Yoongi and Namjoon halfway where I imagine he will explain everything that just occurred.

With a whimper stuck in my throat, the warmth of his lips left behind disappearing as fast as it appeared, I follow his directives and sit back inside the vehicle before staring at my feet with a sunken heart.

I really can't do anything right since the day we met and today seems to be intent on putting it all in my face, with no escape available.

What must they be thinking of me right now? Do they find me pitiful? Namjoon only met us today, is he going to be upset that one of his mates is such a lousy alpha once he hears about everything?

I watch with a weary heart as they all glance in my direction and I immediately look away, unable to handle their gaze anymore knowing that they must be wondering about what to do with me.

Are Seokjin and Yoongi going to second-guess keeping me with them now? Are they already regretting that they mentioned getting a new place this morning? Should I go back to my apartment since it was cleaned up? Maybe it would be good to give them some of their space again...

The more I let my mind rule over my thoughts and the worse they get, with no one to stop me before I get too far, before I get stuck in this inner spiral of darkness and negativity.

I, an alpha, have terribly disappointed my mates this time.

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