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I'm going to try a new little thing in this chapter after the change of POV - instead of using "her" for the reader like I usually do, I'll use "you" as it flows better for my brain since I always use first person for the reader's pov. Will only apply for this story at the moment but I might begin to use it for newer stories if you guys like this!


A pressure on my forehead and I stir awake, the salty sea being the first thing that I smell as I furrow my brows lightly, what was that?

"Oh, he really didn't lie, it works".

"Does it? Let me try".

Another pressure on my forehead that brings over the heavy scent of coffee and I finally register what's happening, Woozi's last words echoing in my mind as the answer itself, did I end up falling asleep in the end?

I open my eyes sleepily to find my two handsome mates smiling at me from the open door, fascination in their orbs as they observe me fight against the heavy veil of a good nap, how is it possible for an alpha to be so cute?

I close my eyes again to rub them with my hands, a grunt past my lips, I still feel so heavy and it's really annoying.

"How... how long did I sleep for?" I ask in a daze while I hear my seatbelt click undone, eyes opening in time to see Yoongi pulling back just enough to ease me out of the vehicle, hands steadying me so Seokjin can close and lock the doors, have we arrived at their place?

"Half a hour, dollface, we took the longer route to give you more time since you looked exhausted. We have to get up to the second floor, can you walk up the stairs?".

"Just look at her, she can barely stand on her own, of course she can't walk up the stairs" Yoongi replies in my stead before gazing down at me. "Wrap your arms around my neck, sweetheart, I'll carry you myself, that'll be better than having you trip and get hurt".

I nod shyly before doing as told, and Yoongi's heart skips a beat when I rest my face in his neck while his arms pick me up to cradle my form against his chest, my rosemary scent settling into his lungs with every deep inhales he takes, it's such a comforting scent, calming and healing - he loves it.

Having Seokjin walk behind Yoongi as he brings us inside the building of what appears to be fancy condominiums and up the flight of stairs means that I have him right in my line of sight, and I feel myself blush when he notices me staring openly.

"You look still so sleepy, baby, how do you feel?" he asks gently with a caress to my hair when the alpha holding me pauses in front of a door to enter the pin code, the fresh air that welcomes us as he opens it a nice feeling, the heat has always served to make me more tired so their air conditioning should help to wake me up some more.

"Exhausted" I answer with a pout in my voice, they can tell that I'm not enjoying feeling that way and it makes them want to bring me to their bed immediately for a much needed nap and cuddles, maybe they'll ask later, after I've had the promised tea and cookies, they have nothing to lose.

"Take her to the couch, Yoongi dear, I'll go fetch a blanket from our bedroom" I hear Seokjin demand as he closes the door behind him, and Yoongi hums before complying, my shoes only removed once I'm sat on the couch of their cozy living room, I'm being babied so much right now.

But I love it, it feels so natural with them.

It doesn't take too long before the tall alpha comes back with the mentioned blanket in his hands, and when he gently settles it over my shoulders, when their merged, relaxed scents wrap around me to caress my senses in a beckoning invitation, I droop on my seat with a soft sigh, they smell so good.

"Give us a few minutes, doll, we'll get started with what we talked about earlier, okay? Do you want the cookies warmed up in the oven? They taste even better when they're warm, the chocolate melts on your tongue - it's a delicacy" Seokjin sounds very convincing as he makes that offer with curious eyes so I easily nod my head with a small smile, much to his delight.

He hums happily while walking back to the kitchen where Yoongi is already working on heating the water and I take that time to observe what I can see of their home from my seat, the decoration pretty simple though warm, they own many plants that all seem healthy and striving, which adds that colour that would be lacking otherwise.

The windows allow in a lot of natural light and the walls are very tall so it gives a sense of space that you would not find in my home, it almost feels like it's easier to breathe here, as if the extra space puts less pressure on my chest, it's nice.

"What kind of tea do you prefer, sweetheart? Is green tea fine?" Yoongi asks after taking a glance at how I'm doing, and my light hum of approval makes him keep one tea aside while putting the rest back in the cupboard, it should help me feel better since it's known to be good for overwhelmed alphas.

I snuggle into the blanket in contentment, to have their scents right under my nose like this the best feeling in the world.

They sure have a nice home, and nice scents, and a comfortable couch.

Even the rug is warm underneath my toes, all fluffy and soft, it makes me wonder how long they've been living here together.

"How did the two of you meet?" I find myself asking aloud at that thought just as Yoongi joins me in the living room, coffee table pulled closer before he hands me the warm mug, a warning to be careful because it's hot, as if the steam isn't a warning all by itself.

Seokjin joins us and leans against the wall of the passageway to have better sight of us as Yoongi sits on the couch next to me, a similar mug in his hands with the same tea that he gave me, we both blow on the hot liquid while the standing alpha smiles, mind trying to remember how he first met Yoongi all those years ago.

"Didn't we meet at the beach, babe? Six years ago?".

Yoongi frowns in thoughts before taking a sip of the tea, a satisfied hum leaving him when the taste is just as he wanted.

"Wasn't it at the local library in our hometown? I remember smelling so many books in confusion that day, I initially thought someone had perfumed one with vanilla to cover up a coffee stain, and I, for some reason, really wanted it. It all made sense when I saw you searching for me, we went to the beach later that same day though".

"Oh, right, I remember now. That feels like so long ago, I can't believe where we started and where we are now, not to forget that we find ourselves with one more mate against all odds. Fate sure works in strange ways".

I bashfully glance at Yoongi and Seokjin's creased eyes before turning my head the other way to drink the tea that I was given, and the taste as it flows on my tongue and down my throat is divine, soothing in ways that I really needed, this tea is better than those you can buy outside.

"I hope I'm not ruining anything by being here... some wolves don't like having more than one mate, I wouldn't want to impose too much if it's something you need to adjust to" I tell them after a moment of organizing my mind, I know that they've welcomed me in easily, but I at least want them to know that I can... pull back a little if it's something they need.

Seokjin chuckles softly and I look up with a pouty look on my face.

"Oh baby, I assure you, you are not ruining anything. In fact, we're absolutely delighted to have you as our mate, and seeing how soft and adorable you are is enough to have us want to keep you in our pockets forever, such a cute little alpha you are for worrying about us like this".

Warmth spills into my soul at his words and there is no hiding the little purr that begins to rumble in my chest, cute little alpha? They want to keep me in their pockets?

Hearing the sound of my purrs makes the two of them purr as well, and goodness, if they can't have that nap and cuddles later, they will not survive the night, how can they already be so irreversibly in love?

"Is the tea to your liking?" Yoongi asks in a means of keeping himself from pulling me closer to have me rest on his chest, he's so used to receiving and seeking the physical touch that he always craves with Seokjin whenever he wants that his soul is telling him that he can do the same with me, which he knows is not true until I give them permission.

I softly nod my head with a smile, and the sight of my body engulfed in their favorite blanket, Yoongi's favorite mug between my slender hands as I raise it to my pink lips and my scent turning all warm on them... Seokjin needs to force himself to move from his spot and back to the kitchen to avoid doing something he shouldn't.

He needs to take care of the cookies anyway, he would feel so ashamed if the promised snack ended up burnt.

Yeah, they hadn't taken into account that bringing me to their home would make them feel so touch-starved.

When the busy alpha comes back with a plate of warm cookies, I immediately begin to salivate at the sight. They are round and thick, huge and of a dark brown that can only state of the chocolate's quality, they weren't joking when they talked about their specialties being the most delicious, I would add "in the world".

"Here, be careful since they're very hot, but I'm pretty confident that you'll like them. I don't know how it'll go with the tea though, I didn't try them together yesterday" he explains before glancing at Yoongi, but he shakes his head in a silent answer, he didn't try the mix either.

"It's fine, I'm sure it'll be good, and even if the tastes don't mix well, it'll still be good" I muse as I set the half-empty mug on the coffee table to take one half of a cookie, eyes sparkling when I find the melted chocolate in the middle, what kind of heaven on earth is this?

The first bite is absolutely scrumptious, warm gooey texture that makes my taste buds spark with life, and when I close my eyes with my head lulling from one side to the other in pure delight, Seokjin and Yoongi melt on the spot.

An alpha like me shouldn't be possible. The Moon Goddess must have made some sort of mistake when she created me, not that they're complaining, the sight before them so precious that it deserves its own museum.

They're beginning to understand why the omegas keep coming for me and they suddenly feel a wave of possessiveness surge to the surface, they don't want to share me with other wolves.

Woozi, they don't mind, but any other wolves will have to go through them first.

"Is it good?" Seokjin eventually asks me with hearts openly displayed in his eyes, he could observe me eat his food like this forever, the nod I give him in response all he needs to know that he will cook me anything I desire, anytime I desire it.

"It's delicious, the best cookie I've ever had, just like the tea" I finally let out after swallowing my bite, a hand reaching out to grab the other half that's already cooling down, I can't deny the possibility that I might get chubbier because of them if this is what they give me whenever we see each other.

They chuckle softly at my words, the two alphas looking endeared as they see me alternate between the snack and the tea, my energy already climbing back to a more tolerable level, and though my pheromones speak of my wolf's urgent need for a break, I at least look like I'm doing much better.

"Babydoll, I'm sorry if this is me overstepping a boundary, but I truly believe that you should take a few days off from work to give your wolf time to recover. Helping that little girl was a good thing to do, but you've made it to your limit now, a single night of sleep won't be enough" the eldest finally decides to speak up about his concern when I choose to snuggle back in the blanket after I've had enough of the food, he can't keep quiet about this any longer.

Yoongi nods his head and I make a soft sound before letting my gaze fall on the two of them.

"I'm quitting my job. Woozi said that it's a good thing when I told him earlier, that it's not a place where I should work all my life. He's not wrong, it wasn't really the ideal job, not to forget that he's going to quit soon anyway... I'm going to have to find something else now" I admit softly, and their eyes widen momentarily before relief floods their frames and scents.

"Oh thank goodness, that's very good, sweetheart, anything but that toxic environment. You can come work with Jin and I if you want, unless you have something in mind?" Yoongi offers with an easygoingness that takes me by surprise, especially when Seokjin matches the energy with a brief nod of the head, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"I- I don't have anything else in mind but... I can't possibly bother you like this when you just opened your store. I'll feel bad if you have to pay me, you're my mates" I utter with a concerned frown as I glance between the two of them, but that seems to be a criteria that doesn't bother them in the least when they both quirk an eyebrow.

"So what? I pay Jin, he pays me, we pay you and we get to spend every day together, everyone wins. I shouldn't have to mention the fact that you know a lot about art, I think you would be perfect for the job. We need someone who knows more than just colour names, we need someone who can recommend what the customers want, someone who can answer questions asked by beginners. We're not that person, but you on the other hand...".

I meet their confident gaze before biting on the inside of my cheek nervously, can I be that person?

It's true that I have bathed in the world of arts for as long as I can remember... I had art club after school and learned a lot from the teacher there, that gave me the necessary knowledge to further experiment with new things on my own later. In that sense, I surely know more than someone with only theory under their belt, but is this really fine?

What if I'm not as good as they imagine me to be and I end up disappointing them? What if someone comes up to me with questions that I can't answer? I never went to art school, it's not like I know everything!

What was I thinking? Self-acquired knowledge can't be that good, can it?

"You're overthinking. Do you want the job, or do you not want it? Yes or no. Five, four, three-" Seokjin suddenly changes their method without warning, and when he begins to count down just for the sake of it, my heart rate immediately climbs into the sky.


"I- y-yes! Please, I want it, I'll take the job" I hurriedly blurt out before he can make it to zero, this sudden of a panic making me stare at them with an expression on my face that reminds them of a scared bunny, and they understand why Woozi keeps calling me that, it fits.

"Now that's a proper answer, that wasn't so hard, was it?" Yoongi croons with a laugh, his husky voice sending me on a blushing spree, I can't believe they got me this way!

"That was cheating" I whine with a pout that I want convincing, but Seokjin is not having it when he shakes a finger in front of him sassily.

"It's not cheating, baby. You were thinking about this and that when what really matters is if it's something you want to do or not, I simply made you blurt out the real answer faster. If you weren't interested, you wouldn't have answered so desperately".

I huff and puff before hiding in their blanket, these two alphas...

"Don't get mad, babygirl, it's going to be fun, I promise. No omegas will bother you either, we'll make sure of it, it's a good deal, isn't it? You get to work with us, we get to scent each other, you can get free cuddles whenever you want and last but not the least, a special discount on art supplies and books, what's not to like?" Yoongi coos as he bumps our shoulders together, it makes me purse my lips shyly as I peek in his direction to stare at him.

"I get to have all those things if I work with you?".

The alpha perks up before nodding his head quickly, hair bouncing on his head as he does.

"Of course. Scenting and cuddles are available anywhere though, you only need to ask for them and we'll take care of you" he muses with badly hidden expectations, he looks like he really wants me to say that I'd like that now.

I lick my lips before looking down with a blush, blanket further wrapped around me, they're alphas so... it's fine to ask for cuddles, right? They're not omegas, they're not wolves who depend on me. I can depend on them.

"Then... I'll work with you, thank you for taking me in. I- I'd really like cuddles too, if you're okay with that. I miss cuddling, I haven't had any since my brother and I moved out of our parents' house" I mumble the end softly, it makes their hearts break a little.

It's a good thing that we could meet today, they don't want to imagine what would have happened to me otherwise.

"Anything for you, sweet doll. Do you want to stay for dinner? We can either drive you back home later, or it can be tomorrow morning if you'd rather spend the night. Either way, we're going to love having you with us" Seokjin asks as he begins to clear the coffee table, plate of cookies and mugs grabbed so he can bring them to the kitchen while Yoongi keeps his gaze locked on me.

My eyes widen at what I just heard, heart filling with warmth in my chest. Can I really stay the night? I would be crazy to refuse this offer, spending a night in their arms will certainly have me addicted to them in no time.

"I... want to stay with you, I don't want to go home today".

A pleased hum.

"Let's get started with this cuddle nap then, Jin will join us in a bit".

Their POV

Yoongi has you in his arms, your face in his neck and your breathing so soft that he knows you've fallen asleep before Jin could even join you in their bed, your exhaustion pulling you out of consciousness now that you're safe in a mate's hold.

Your rosemary has turned all soft on him, and as you snuggle deeper into his warmth to flee the cold that manages to find your skin despite the thick layer of blankets covering the two of you, Yoongi's heart melts further, his nose finding a place in your hair that smells so good, he's never felt so possessive of someone before you, a feeling that he knows Jin shares as well.

It's a new type of feeling that he's not used to experiencing, and while it's a little scary to feel that he wouldn't hesitate to properly rip a head off of someone's body if it could bring you peace, it's also... not quite that new. Like that darkness was always there, crawling beneath his skin, and only just now found a reason to peek its head out slightly.

He inhales your scent deeply, eyes shut to better focus on it, and a purr begins to build in his chest the more he registers that he currently has the softest alpha he's ever met in his arms, a new mate that they didn't know they had before this morning.

You're like a miracle, the most beautiful gift in the entire world, and they want to cherish every inch of you, they want to love you and give you the life that you deserve instead of the one you ended up living because of the mindset you were forced to uphold because of your parents.

To feel the weakness of your wolf with such an intensity... it hurts him in the depths of his soul.

An alpha wolf should be strong, its pheromones should be heavy and fragrant, they should scream your title aloud to let everyone know that you are not to be messed with, yet right now, he can barely tell that they are there with you.

Right now, you feel like a little pup that has yet to present and it's... sad. Yoongi currently feels so much love as he gets to hold you tightly, but he also feels a lot of sadness, because had they met you sooner, you would not have reached such a weak state.

"Is she already asleep?" Jin asks as he enters the bedroom, his steps quiet as he walks around the bed to have a look at you, it's not hard to see that your exhaustion got the best of you after all, he's only glad that it could happen with them by your side, you need someone to watch over you right now.

Yoongi hums low in his throat, your face pushed against his throat before he kisses the top of your head, after which he opens his eyes to gaze at his older mate, it might be dark in their bedroom right now with the black curtains, but he can see him very well.

"Yes, she melted in my arms within a minute and that was it, she was completely gone. Aren't you going to join us?".

Jin chuckles before nodding his head, heart turning endeared when Yoongi gently lifts the blanket from behind you to make space for your other mate, you're going to wake up fully sandwiched by the both of them and it pleases them for some reason, they can already imagine your pink cheeks as you realize that you're trapped between your two mates.

"Of course I'm going to join the cuddling, you silly alpha. I just wanted to have a look at the options we have for dinner, but it's a bit hard to know what to make since we don't know her likes and dislikes yet so I gathered the different menus we keep receiving from the restaurants around here, I figured we could choose one together later" he explains as he climbs on the bed and under the blankets before molding himself to your back, it has Yoongi humming in satisfaction, that does sound good.

"She's so soft, all small and she smells delicious" Jin muses softly as he drags his nose against the back of your neck after pushing your hair to the side, he's been thinking about doing this all day, the careful drags against your scent gland closer to your throat enough to have your breath hitch cutely even in your sleep, it's adorable.

"I know, she's like a gift sent by heaven" Yoongi muses back, his forehead snuggled against Jin's when the latter gently rests his cheek against your own, it's a special feeling to have their small pack grow like this, they didn't know they needed it until it happened and now they can't imagine going back to a life without you.

It doesn't matter that they met you today, you're already making their instincts restless, you make them want to protect and love you with all that they have, they would certainly fight against the entire world if it was needed.

And your parents are not out of the equation.

They are incredibly angered by what they did to you, and rightly so. Omegas have no rights to decide what it is that an alpha should do or even how they should behave towards other wolves, and it makes your two mates tremendously mad because the result that came out of this was that you ended up trying to do the impossible and that your health declined.

Yoongi didn't lie when he told you that it's a common thing amongst alphas who grew up in households of omegas.

Their - and yours - second gender is powerful and intimidating, so when omega wolves end up with a newly presented alpha within their grasp, young and gullible, pure and malleable, they jump on the opportunity like they just entered a build-a-bear shop.

Everything that they find lacking in a regular, well-functioning alpha, they try to keep that from happening within their own home, without realizing that by enhancing their own quality of life, they diminish their child's.

It's like omegas expect alphas to have an infinite amount of pheromones at their disposal, like it doesn't take a lot out of them just to soothe one.

And to know that you have been dealing with omega drops from complete strangers on the daily because you feel bad for saying no, because it was ingrained in your mind that you would be a bad alpha for letting them handle something that they were taught to prevent?

That is not okay.

"We're going to have to teach her the proper ways of an alpha since she's never had anyone do that for her. Doing what is healthy for herself will be hard since omegas aren't fond of us putting them second, but it's so important. She can't keep acting like everyone's hero all the time, she's going to burn herself to death if she keeps saving every poor wolves coming her way" Yoongi utters softly when his mind finally comes to a conclusion, and Jin sighs deeply, a kiss to his mate's forehead before he rests his own against it once more.

"We will show her the ways, babe, but you can't go too fast. She's been living like that for so long, it's going to be hard to change the way she thinks and works. If she sees someone struggling, you can be sure that it's going to hurt her more to ignore them than it would to help them, even if the reality is that she's hurting her wolf by doing so. You can't change that kind of brainwashing in a single day, you have to be gentle, constant, understanding. Ask too much of her and you're going to scare her off".

Yoongi grumbles a little at his mate's retort, but he still knows that Jin is right. He couldn't help himself earlier today when he spoke up about the abuse, but he can't do that every single day, it's only going to stress you out otherwise.

What he can do is show the example, he can show you that it's okay to not be the hero you were asked to be, he can soothe you when you feel upset about it and then show you that this is how life goes.

Thousands of omegas in the entire world have drops on their own everyday and they're not dead. No, instead they learn ways to keep that from happening again, because those who grow up with a healthy mindset know that alphas are not drop preventers, they do not exist for their personal use.

The omegas around you will need to learn to deal with that reality on their own, because Yoongi cannot let that happen anymore. He cannot, and he won't.

You spoke yourself about how hard it is for you to help everyone, so he will see to it that you do not have to do that anymore. Jin will do the same too, because despite what he just told Yoongi, he knows that you can't be left alone just yet.

Not because you can't handle yourself, but because he's afraid of the people surrounding you that act like raptors. Are you aware of the difference between a good omega and a bad one? He wants to make sure that you do know, and that can only happen through observations.

With that said, it's a very good thing that you're going to work with them. If the abusive omegas who know about you end up following you there, the both of them can step in and show you their true nature in a safe environment. It's certainly going to be hard for you at first, but they're going to be there for you, they won't let you process this change on your own.

Yoongi's arms tighten around you, a reminder that you are currently safe in his embrace, away from abuse, and he calms down with a deep inhale of your rosemary and Jin's coffee, the vanilla that surrounds your bond helping to vivify the soothing that his soul requires, it's hard to sit still when there's so much that needs to be done.

"It's going to be alright, Yoongi. She's in good hands with us, we'll take good care of her, there's no hurry. You can't change the world in one day, but you can make it safer little by little, and that's exactly what we'll do" his eldest mate murmurs for his ears only, and Yoongi nods his head softly before snuggling around your form and within Jin's hug, everything will be fine.

"Yeah... I know you're right. I just want her to be well, but I can't force her to follow my ideals, that would make me the same as her parents and I don't want that. There has to be a middle ground that won't put her health at risk, right?".

Jin smiles before humming lightly, his cheek resting over Yoongi's head as he locks the both of you in his embrace. He loves it when Yoongi realizes by himself when he's about to follow the wrong path, no matter how righteous his thought process is, even though sometimes he does need some guidance.

It makes him feel proud, because it never fails to show him that his mate has a very kind and loving heart, and that all he wants is for his loved ones to be happy and well. They might fight at times when their ideals happen to clash, but when he takes some time to see Yoongi's side of things, he can never remain angry for too long.

And anyway, it's not like it's a bad thing to be more proactive. Jin is more peaceful in his approach, and sometimes, it means that things have time to deteriorate before being fixed. In his eyes, their mix of differences creates the perfect balance, and he believes that you will find in that balance a space in which you will be able to grow healthily.

Only time will be able to tell for sure though, but he has a wish, and he hopes to see it come to fruition one day.

When Yoongi begins to doze off, the coziness of your cuddling teamed with your soft breathing and your scents sending his mind into a restful space, you begin to wake up slowly, brain becoming aware of the sensations surrounding you, ones that make you feel like you are floating on fluffy clouds.

Seokjin's lips curl upwards at the sight of your sleepy eyes trying to open after your short nap, and it's such a shame that he couldn't see that happening from a kiss to your forehead like earlier, he found that to be the cutest thing ever and he already longs for the next opportunity.

"Did we wake you up, baby?" Jin asks you as he caresses your cheek softly, his heart melting into a puddle of butter when your pretty little eyes flit towards his own to process your current situation, a sight that he finds amusing because he knows that you're not used to waking up as the filling of a taco.

"N-no... I hadn't realized that I'd fallen asleep again... I'm sorry, I must be more tired than I thought" you answer sheepishly, and he shushes softly before kissing your temple, his soul relishing in the purr that builds in your chest, he could listen to that sound forever.

"Rest when you need it, especially when you need it. Are you comfortable? Do you want to move? It must be hot under the blanket with the two of us wrapped around you like that" Jin asks you, eyes looking into your own to see any kind of discomfort, and you bring him immense relief when you shake your head with a cute smile.

"It's perfect, though I have to admit that you'll struggle getting me out of bed if the blanket stays in place. I get sleepy when I'm in a warm space" you admit, and Jin makes sure to store that information in his mind as he hums, your little conversation enough to get Yoongi awake again, his eyes blinking in confusion before he notices that you're awake too.

"Oh, you're up, sweetheart. Didn't wake you up, did I?" he asks you with a little bit of a slur in his voice, his concern rising up because he wanted you to sleep more, you need more rest, a lot of it.

He cups your face between his warm hands to better focus on your face, and the giggle that leaves you at the face he makes, makes him huff softly, why do you laugh at him now when he just wants to see how pretty you are?

"You look like a grandpa when you make that face" you tell him lightly, and Jin's first reaction is to laugh while Yoongi frowns in amusement, how dare you tell him that he looks like a grandpa?

You look so proud of yourself at that comment and with the way you giggle and smile, gosh, he finds himself wanting to kiss you so badly.

"I'll kiss you if you keep laughing like that, babygirl, careful" he warns you, and when you freeze mid-giggle, the skin between his hands turning into a deep shade of red as you take in how serious he is, Yoongi feels a purr gradually gain in strength from both him and Jin, you're a sight for sore eyes, you really are.

Yoongi dips his head to kiss your scent gland instead, something that he knows to be more acceptable as your mate despite this being your first day of knowing each other, and he loves feeling you melt in his arms, your purr catching up to theirs in terms of loudness, your scent pushing out in constant waves as he lets his lips graze against your sensitive skin, something that can only worsen when Jin decides to mirror his action on the other side of your neck.

"Our pretty alpha, it's so hard to resist you, dollface" he croons when you begin searching for your breath, every teasing touch to your skin causing your heart to skip a beat, they can feel it underneath their lips, underneath their fingertips, it's an addicting sensation.

"W-what... what are you resisting?" you dare ask between two cute little gasps, and Yoongi almost allows a growl to slip past his lips at the sound of your voice, he adores to have a mate so affected by them between his arms, it's completely different from when he's alone with Jin.

"A curious wolf, aren't you? But it would be better to take it slow, hm? Unless you'd prefer to be kissed senseless right now?" he teases you, thinking that you might back down in embarrassment, but when your eyes meet his head on, lashes fluttering sweetly before you tempt him with puckered lips, Yoongi needs to bite on his tongue to muffle the rumbling that flows from his throat.

"Does his kiss taste like sea water, Seokjin?" you ask softly, and Jin's lips twitch into a grin when he finds Yoongi's pupils turn dark, how bold can you be right now? He wonders how long you could keep that up before surrendering to them.

"He tastes sweeter than his scent lets you believe, babydoll. You know those beach themed drinks? That's what he tastes like, it's quite addicting once you get a taste. Go ahead if you're curious, I think he's already willing to let you experience it for yourself, look at him" your eldest mate whispers in your ear, and when Yoongi finds your eyes fall on him with interest, he needs to restrain himself before he steals your lips in a moment of hunger.

"What do you want, Yoongi? Do you want to resist me, or do you want to kiss me senseless?" you taunt him with a pleased smile, and that is all the alpha can take before he leans in close enough that he can feel the near contact of your lips touching.

"Don't go regretting it when I can't hold back anymore, babygirl, you did this to yourself" he warns you, and when he finds your eyes crease with mischief, oh, he's in love.

"Who said I would regre-" he doesn't give you time to finish speaking, unable to wait any longer as he dives forward to feel your plush lips against his own, and they're so soft, all of you so soft that he needs to feel more, his hands gripping onto your hips before he pulls you over him and flush against his chest, your gasp giving him all the space he needs to push his tongue inside in a hunt for yours, and goodness, you taste... warm.

Like a carefully made tea, your rosemary used to make that special drink that could heal any types of illnesses, he could drink you forever, and the smoothness of your tongue as he tastes you properly sends his mind into a frenzy, how is he meant to stop when this is what you feel like during kissing?

Your hands close into fists as you clench your fingers over his biceps, legs straddling his stomach to better hover over him, and Yoongi's hands run through your hair and down the back of your neck to pull you back in when you try to break the kiss for a breath that you will have to take in his mouth, he warned you that he would kiss you senseless and he doesn't like lying.

Jin observes the sight from the side with a pleased grin on his face, he's honestly surprised that you can keep going despite the pink that is beginning to cling onto your cheeks, Yoongi is a very good kisser and he has no doubt that you're currently getting the best first kiss that you could ever ask for - considering that it is your first, not that it matters.

He does have to keep watch so that his mate doesn't overdo it, because what Jin can handle doesn't mean that it is also what you can handle, and so when he finds you struggling for a very needed breath, he pinches Yoongi's waist to let him know that it's time to slow down, a sign that the alpha understands well.

He gradually slows down the pace of his lips dancing over yours before releasing your neck, and he gets to enjoy one last peck from you before you slump over him, out of breath but otherwise more than happy about what just happened, a sight that makes Jin coo, especially when he finds Yoongi's eyes sparkling with joy.

"Aigoo. My cute little babies, what am I to do with you, hm? Watching the two of you kiss like that most certainly fed my soul, but not my stomach. How about we order some food soon before we die of starvation? I'll leave you to cuddle some more, but do join me soon in the kitchen, okay? We need to decide where to order the food from".

Yoongi huffs while you nod your head, and Jin ruffles both of your hair before scooting to the edge of the bed where he slips to his feet, and he takes one glance back to find Yoongi murmuring sweetly to you with a hug before exiting the room, his heart feeling at peace, this evening is going wonderfully well so far.

And if Yoongi could have the appetizer, Jin wonders if he could have the dessert.

He hopes you will say yes.

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