Gray Sky, Cold Water

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I went sick and couldn't update faster. But here's the latest chapter on my work. Also it's not edited yet, thank you for your understanding!

Chapter 3

Hale soaking wet and all, still haven't moved an inch from where Irene and Sandra saw her. His head still planted on the wall, and the wall seem to support all of his weight. But not only that, the wall did not only supports his weight but also prevents all the things inside Hale's mind from exploding out of his forehead.

A lot of memories stormed into his mind. A melody started playing, an anti-love song that requires a lot of love to be sung. Hale's childhood flashed back to him, his brain being drilled with the pictures of him as a child. His heart shook seeing himself with her mother, smiling. And his father taking a photo of them. Playing back like an old movie, all gray and shaky.

Then Hale dropped unto his knees, his forehead scrapped the wall where it stayed for a while. On bended knees Hale watched the floor where all the water from his head dripped, his wavy hair turned straight covering almost half of his face.

Tears crawled out of his eyes tasting the skin on his cheeks. More memories came flashing back. A sweet memory of their family on the beach. A colorful and fun day, until suddenly turned gray.

Water engulfed the gray sky on Hale's view! He struggled and all but the water kept on hugging him tighter! Now the water is dragging him down trying to lay him down in bed! All he could do is shout and struggle like the child he is that time!

But before all of the gray sky turned pitch black. A hand grabbed him, tight. But freeing. Then a hug, cold. But safe.

But Hale taught it was still the sea that's keeping him. So he continued to struggle and shout! But as soon as the gray sky turned blue, all she saw is her mother's worried face.

He no longer struggled instead grabbed on tighter into her mother's embrace. This time he went way back, like a baby afraid of losing her mother's caring arm.

The soaked Hale clutched on to his left chest! Crying, while feeling the emptiness inside his heart. Shivering not because his soaked, but because of the loneliness he felt. As he missed the arms of her mother so much!

This moment came crashing down on Hale so fast he didn't mind anyone seeing him. He didn't even notice that there was someone about to pass him by again.

But the footstep sounds stopped. This someone passing by threw a jacket at his back. He was a bit startled! As the purple and blue varsity jacket went flying unto his back and some part unto his head! 

"I'm still waiting for my ice! I hope it didn't melt and became someone else's shower!" She shouted those words to Hale with a bit shaky voice and sounded like she was about to cry.

It was actually Irene! But after saying those words courageously she quickly ran as fast as she could back to where she came from!

The sad expressions on Hale's face vanished instantly! The smell and warmth of the jacket comforted his lonely heart. And redrawn his expressions with a smile.

And as Hale was about to turn his head to see who it was from, it turned out that no one was there anymore! His mind went into question mode if who was that person, as he was just about to thank him or her.

He sat now! This time pressing his back to the wall and wearing the jacket that was thrown at him.

'I'm sure that's a girl. Hmm but what did she said about me? Did she said, she was waiting for her shower?' Hale continued to question himself about what he heard!

'Or she didn't melt for the shower? Ahh chu! I should get going now, or else I might get a longer setback'
A very different Hale said, as he was evidently different from the Hale that was crying moments ago.

Hale went home excusing himself for the day after being soaked wet for almost an hour! He was already drying up by the time he went out of the school.

But, what really happened to Hale?  Let's hit that record scratch! And do a rewind movie style!

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