In Your Eyes

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"I always wanted super powers when I was a kid. But now that I have one, I've
realized that it's not all that super."

Chapter 1

The school hallway at New Reigns Academy always seems so quiet and empty when the classes starts. Then a student was just making her way inside the school, she didn't seem to be bothered that all the classes have started or the fact that she's late.

She's Irene Lee. A very gifted girl! Was named smartest girl in school after passing 2 previous semester with perfect scores in all subjects.
But no one knows her secret, it's not only her intelligence that makes her special. This girl possess mind reading abilities! Some might think of mind readers are those women wearing extravagant clothes with magic crystal balls and are very talkative. Well, she actually looks and act the opposite way, she always wear minimal colored outfits and is a very soft spoken person.

As she entered the school the guard didn't even bothered asking for ID or if why she's late. The fact that Irene is a well-known student and is also very recognizable, with those silky black hair that only reaches her shoulders and her milk white fair skin.

Irene's mind reading ability triggers when she makes eye contact with someone, that's why she avoids eye contact all the time. Irene had experienced a lot of traumatic thoughts from strangers, making her uneasy with people. This is also the main reason why Irene started to become an introvert.

It's already 9:13, Irene is late so had no intention going to her class at this point, so she just thought of visiting the library to spend some time. As Irene was about to pass a long line of classrooms she saw another student just standing outside.

It's Hale Rollins! Her classmate from elementary! Though Hale and Irene were actually close back then, they never built a good friendship due to Hale's misfortunes with her. It all started when Hale accidentally stepped on her pet rabbit and then Hale never showed up to one of their school's program where they were supposed to be dance partners. This led to a young Irene being annoyed of Hale so much, that his mere presence makes her so irritated.

But it seems that Hale is pretty annoyed too this time.


Earlier that morning the science club embarrassed him by vandalizing his locker and placing a note that says he was kicked out of the club. Some of the students who were there felt bad for him as it was some kind of bullying, but Hale seems to ignore all that and moved away from the scene.


But Irene didn't know the morning news about Hale! She was so irritated that she was about to pass by him, and was so determined not making eye contact because she don't want to read minds. Specially those of Hale's.
'I can't stand this guy! Ok, Irene just pass by him like you usually do. He ignores you anyway so don't be startled.' Irene said to herself. As she was about to pass by him.

Irene walked faster, she was near him already! tightening her fist, trying so hard not to make eye contact! And after the longest seconds she could imagine, she passed by him!

'Finally safe!' She said to herself.

"Hey! Wait up! I don't have any class, can I tag along?" Hale asked trying to catch up to her.

"I'm pretty sure you have class right now" she calmly replied though she feels a bit uneasy talking back to Hale.
'Why on earth are you talking to me? Ughh!!!' As Irene is already screaming inside her head.

"Apparently I do... but since I'm not there so, that means I got no... You do get it right?" Hale tried to convince her but Irene was already walking into the library.

Other than those horrible things that Hale accidentally did to Irene, there are more things why Irene hates Hale. She hated Hale's wavy hair! And especially the way he talks, she hated how friendly Hale was to other people and called his friendliness a big lie. Maybe because after that whole incident with the dance, Hale never talked to her again. Not until now! Other than that Hale is a decent person, he looks good and is pretty much very approachable. But all these good things about him is still not enough to make up for Irene's hatred for him.
Irene was already inside the library, she then glanced back at Hale. She saw that Hale was spacing out beside the librarian's desk staring at a wall.

'I wonder what's wrong with this guy, he ignores me after all those years then he starts talking to me suddenly'. As Irene walked and passed the first book shelf, a working student walked by and looked her in the eyes.
Her eyes gleamed a bright blue for a second and her mind reading ability triggered as soon as their eyes meet. It seems that the working student has a crush on Hale! and is worried that hale got kicked out of his club.
Hale was about to leave but suddenly Irene walked back at him,
"Hey! I'm sorry, on what happened this morning, they're so mean to you! Isn't that what you want to hear from me?" she asked without even looking at him. Though she mean it, it sounded sarcastic and unreal of her to suddenly utter those words.

"What? Oh. Yeah... I was. But I actually don't need sympa... I was just actually... You know what? You're the smartest girl in this school but can you please look at my face when you're talking? Please?" He replied with a little anger on his words. He seemed to be pissed off! It seems to him that Irene was just talking to him out of pity and a bit rude for turning her back the instant he started talking.

Irene was shocked with Hale's reply! But not knowing what she said was a bit over the line too! She then turned her back and pretended to look at books. Trying to hide that she's also getting agitated the way Hale talks to her.

'This guy! I was just being kind! Ughh!' Irene continued mumbling, while she took some books from the shelves to read.

'I guess I'll just read some of these, rather than reading what's inside of that
gleeful mug's head.'

But Hale approached her despite their war of words. The tension roused again as Irene seems to become more irritated by Hale's actions, he tried to get near her by looking at books too! And as Irene was about to sit, Hale quickly sat in front of her across the table. She then continued to sit where she intended to, but was clear as the sun that she's uncomfortable that someone is following her.

Irene was about to start reading, but before she could even open the book she saw Hale staring at her. It was uncomfortable for her, but she still
continued reading and then glanced at him again and caught him doing the same thing.

"Please leave! I'm busy!" she said while looking down at her book.

"I'm reading too you know!" he quickly replied.

"No you're not! You don't have any book to read" she said while looking across the table seeing he got no books with him.

"Well actually, I'm just here to say sorry for what I said before getting here. I
guess that's rude saying that. But at least look at people when you talk to them to show sincerity. Cause it annoys me a lot!" Hale making a point and tries to make eye contact while talking.

But Irene kept on ignoring him and continued reading the books she brought. But suddenly she then stared at him in the eyes! Irene is now on the verge of exploding for all the annoyance Hale brought her...

"I don't think you're rude when you said that, but that's the way I talk to people! Not because I'm smart! It's just because I believe ears and mouths are used for conversations! Not eyes looking at faces! I'm not a good actor like you so please stop forcing me to do that." She said to him, while keeping a low voice even though she was obviously angry.

Irene was expecting to read Hale's mind by accidentally looking at his eyes as she was carried away with her emotions. But she was dumbfounded that no thoughts inside Hale's mind was sent to hers. Her anger vanished immediately and was replace with embarrassment, after realizing she was already gazing into Hale's brown eyes.

But Hale took it to another lever! He believes he was just stating his case and for him Irene was just a smart girl who don't have good manners. And just too boastful about her talents that she didn't want to listen to anyone but herself. He then abruptly stood and directly faced her across the table. He then got near Irene face to face.

"Thank you!" He then smirked. "Oh! Yeah! 'Miss Irene Lee' since I'm not a member of the science club. I guess I'll be joining your art club soon." Hale slowly talked trying to intimidate her, he then continued getting close to her face.

Irene's face turned red! As their faces got near each other! Irene
was about to turn her head down due to the embarrassment. But instead. She accidentally head-butted Hale! Hitting his nose in the process.
As Irene stood up! She saw Hale down on the floor bleeding from his nose!

"I'm so sorry! Your breath smells like brewed coffee!" Irene quickly bowed and asked forgiveness.

'Oh-my ahhh!!! This is so embarrassing!' she said to herself.

The librarian heard the sudden thud, and was about to stand and hush
the noisy student. But instead she saw Irene rushing out of the library!
The librarian was curious why Irene was rushing out! She then got to where Irene usually sat and where the thud was heard from. What she saw surprised her!
The librarian saw Hale on the floor with bleeding nose and a book on his
forehead. The librarian was in shock and called the nurse immediately. Apparently what happened was, Hale tried to get up and Irene was still in shock so she instinctively threw a book at him! Hitting his head! And knocking him out again.

Irene was aimlessly running at the hallway, but then ends up at the comfort room. She then ripped the door open and entered. She was feeling so embarrassed and was breathing deeply from running,

"Ahh!!! Hale Rollins I hate you so much!!! I hate those brown eyes! Those wavy hair! And you're brewed coffee breath!!!" Irene shouted in front of the mirror! Gasping for air after shouting so much, she then realized there were other girls inside the huge comfort room. Irene breath heavier inside the room! She is not used of being surrounded with other people, especially after screaming those words she became more embarrassed.

Before even turning her back, she already knew what their thinking! Seeing their eyes in the mirror, she could already tell what they thing of her. She couldn't help all the embarrassment so she just opened the faucet and washed her face, trying to calm herself down in the chaos she brought to herself. Then while staring at herself in the mirror Irene sounded off to the other girls inside the room,

"All girls have these days right?" Then smiled,

"I know we all feel the same, thank you for your comfort".

One girl quickly replied "we've all been there so you go girl!" And the others seems to agree too.

Irene quickly got out and was so down and tired. "Why is this happening to me? I just want to go home now" as Irene walked out of the school teary eyed.

Irene was walking alone on her way to the station, when she remembered the reason why she was late for school. Early that morning her mother had insisted that she should study at a private university or even abroad because of her talent. But Irene feared that her mother might go overboard and work nonstop at her parlor, just to sustain the money for her studies. So she declined her mother's offer.

Her mother didn't took it nicely as she continue on forcing her of what she wanted. The two then got into an argument, and Irene had to leave the house just for it to be over. As she left the house she was a bit worried on how her mother would feel about their argument. And now Irene is still unsure if her mother had already moved on about their argument, so she decided not to go home yet as it is still very early and uncharacteristic of her to be home so early.

She wanted to pass her time and ended up at a nearby park. Irene felt peace! No one was there it's still class and office hours after all. She then gazed at a tree while sitting on a bench beside it.

'I wish people were just trees so I couldn't read their minds.'

Sighed Irene as she felt comfort to those where her powers don't work. Irene kept on gazing at the tree, she remembered the time when she looked at Hale's eyes. She was irritated with him personally, but she still curious of what happened back in the library.

'I guess my gifts doesn't work on people I hate'

Then she laughed at herself,

'How can this day be so bad? First mom and now that Hale. I'm really going crazy right now'

Irene can't seem to keep her emotions in tack, as her tears run down her cheeks.

'Why can't I just be normal?'

Irene's tears keeps rolling down her cheeks uncontrollably. She remembered the times when she tried to make friends. After talking to her new classmates she would suddenly be silent and put herself on a far corner away from them. For she already know what they think of her, and at a young age Irene was already in fear of criticism and that only grew even more, along with her powers. She knew her parents struggles even though they're hiding it, smiling at her just to keep her safe and to keep on supporting her needs. She knew her classmates jealousy from one another, the secrets they make and the bad things they think about her. And more than that she feared the minds of those strangers she pass by day to day. The anger, the sorrow and the evil intentions. She already felt all those kinds of things, especially fear at such a young age.

While Irene wipes the tears off her face, she also remembered that she lasted years with all that being experienced every day! She was that strong, and no one knows how hard it is except for her.

'I've been here already. So why am I sad? Cheer up Irene you've already passed this challenge!'

Irene happily cheered herself!

'I really hate that Hale, but it would be really fun talking to someone face to face. Without knowing what's on their mind that is. And especially not Hale, anyone but him.'

'But why can't I read his mind? When I already looked at him eye to eye, Just why? Of all the people in these world why is it him that I can't read? Uhh! Why is he the only one I can look eye to eye?'

Irene seems to be irritated by her ideas! She started stomping her feet to the ground while groaning with annoyance of Hale. She finally have lost track of time and forgot her problems, though it was just redirected to Hale. And more than that she became more annoyed that Hale is the only one she can look eye to eye without knowing what's on his mind.

Slowly the park became filled with more people, it was already lunch break. Then a group of students were about to pass by Irene! Luckily she acted quickly and lowered her head and reached for her bag. She acted as if someone was texting her.

But in her surprise there was really a message for her! It's from a friend on a social networking site where both of them don't actually know each other by their real name and only uses avatars as their photos.

Irene couldn't help but smile when she started reading the message.

"My crush talked to me first thing in the morning! I couldn't tell you the name though! >O< How's your morning Eneri?"

"XD so happy to hear that! Me? Not so good. Haha. I just met my "reverse" crush! XD the one you'll hate till the end of time"

Irene replied with a grin on her face. Now she seems to be more at ease when she realized she does have a friend, though not in person she still counts it as friendship. For she can actually tell this friend all the things she think of, the sorrow and the joy she experience.

"I wish we could meet soon Resse! But when I'm ready! hahaha XD"

A follow up message from Irene but she noticed her friend is no longer online. And also she saw the time and was already 11:30. She grabbed a sunglass from her bag and wore it, and before she left she looked back to the tree she was gazing at. She smiled and then left.

Irene started walking again and now to the station, she passes by a lot of strangers. This time she seems confident with her sunglasses on but still keeping her head down.

Meanwhile Hale is still on the school infirmary recovering from his injuries. He was about to get up but suddenly someone entered the room so instead of getting up pretended to be sleeping.

The person entering the room came rushing to his bed and was screaming,
"Hale!!! Please Hale!!! Don't leave me!!! Don't go to the light yet!!!"

"Ah! For Pete's sake please keep quiet!"
Hale shouted back to his annoying visitor!

Hale sprung up off his bed and sat, his visitor is a current classmate and a longtime friend named Vernon Yu! Vernon is like brother to Hale, they were friends since elementary days and were both part of the basketball team back then. Though his not that tall Vernon is actually very good at basketball, using his speed and high basketball IQ.

"Hey! Aren't you even happy I visited?"

"Not at all"

Hale replied while having a poker face, after a few seconds he noticed that Vernon lost his smile and then burst off laughing!

"hahaha! You look so stupid with those bondages! Especially that on your nose!"
Vernon laughing so hard sitting at a chair across Hale's bed. But Vernon suddenly got serious.

"Come on man, who did this to you? I'll get them back for you"

But in Vernon's surprise Hale laughingly replied'

"hahaha! Don't worry I can surely manage a small Irene Lee"

"What? That Irene Lee? I taught those science club members beat you up?"

"What? Those guys? Nah!"

"Woo! You got me worried there."

Vernon replied with relief. But Hale continued smiling at his bed.

"But I do want a revenge on that Irene."

Hale said to Vernon as he smirked and looked like having an evil plan.

But suddenly the school nurse came in and explained something to Hale as Vernon too was listening,
The nurse seemed to be worried about the hit on Hale's head and suggested that he should get more check up at the hospital in the city. The nurse also told Hale that he will be excused from his classes and can return on Monday again. This was all due to the school concussion protocol due to some bad history with it, the nurse also reminded Hale about his serious back injury.

As the nurse left both Vernon and Hale seemed a bit down.

"It seems that I still can't join the basketball club. But for now I'll be joining the art club to get my revenge"

Hale jokingly said to Vernon,

"Well, we can't help but wait. But if you want me to help with that revenge just call me! I'll get going I still got classes."

Vernon happily uttered that to Hale as he left the room.
Emptiness filled the room and Hale was just staring at an empty corner, he then smiled. It looks like Hale still couldn't forget Irene and what happened.

'Irene Lee, I'll surely get back at you after you did this to me!'

He said to himself.

Then a girl entered the room and told him he could leave anytime. But Hale stayed in the room for a bit, and left after a few minutes.

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