Chapter 1

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In Your Love

Chapter 1


Hotel Dhoon Castle

A man aged 25 years were walking to and fro near a room...

In his face there were tension and worriedness...

"Hello Sanskar sir" One of the staff happily said while he gave a warm smile to the staff..

"Why did you call me.. is there anything important" Said the staff looking at him with confused

"Jhon there is a girl inside the room.. Right now I have to rush so please take care of her" Said Sanskar while jhon looks at him with wide eyes...

"Sirrrrrr girl" Said jhon being shocked..

"Jhon just do what I say or you can leave the job" Said Sanskar being frustrated making jhon shocked...

"What Happened to you sir.. your changed" Said jhon looking at him worriedly

"Go and tell Maria to take care of her and tell to call me if something happens" Said Sanskar looking towards the door and then jhon..

"Ohkey sir" Said jhon and walks away from there while Sanskar makes his way inside the room...


Room number 505

Sanskar enters and saw the girl jumping on the bed tightly holding her teady laughing and giggling..

She was unaware of the fact a pair of eyes were watching her...

Sanskar frowns seeing her who had jumped from the bed with her teady..

She went near the side table where a chocolate box was placed..

She opens it and her eyes shines with happiness seeing so many chocolates in it...

She took the whole box and sit on the bed in Indian style placing the box on her lape still not leaving her teady...

She unwrap the cover and throws it on the floor making Sanskar to make faces..

She licks her lips seeing the choco ball while her eyes were shining with happiness

She put the choco inside her mouth munching it..

one by one she unwraps the covers and was throwing the covers on the floor making it messy...

Sanskar was making horrible faces seeing her who was making the floor dirt...

"Kidooo" Wishpers Sanskar walking near her who was buzy in Munching choco's...

She shift her gaze towards him listening his voice while he stood numb seeing her..

Her big doe eyes to which anyone can go crazy was blinking several times while Chocolate was spread around her pink soft petals making him to guplupe...

"I am not kidoo" Said the girl while her soft creamy cheeks become read in anger...

"Ohhh.. ohkey than who are you" Said Sanskar looking at her unbelievably as she yet Again got buzy with her teady and choco...

"Kidoo" Said Sanskar intensionally wanting to know about her..

"Swaraaaa" Shouted the girl angrily making Sanskar shocked..

"I am not kidoo. I am Swara" Said swara who was looking at Sanskar angrily as if she is going to eat him not taking her name correctly...

"Swara.. nice name" Said Sanskar to which she shows her most beautiful smile..

"Sacchi (really)" Asked swara innocently while blinking her eyes several times forgetting her anger..

"Mucchi" Said Sanskar sitting near her facing her...

"You want" Said swara forwarding a choco to him with a bright smile..

"No I I" He couldn't complete as she put one chocolate ball inside his mouth and claps childishly while laughing seeing his expression...

"Shona" Words slips from his mouth unknownly while swara looks at him with teary eyes...

Sanskar becomes shocked seeing tears in her beautiful doe eyes where were joy few minutes before..

"No no don't beat me" Said swara while hugging her self along her teady being scared as few flashes came infront of her eyes hearing the name "Shona"...

Sanskar become shocked seeing her in vulnerable state..

"Hey kidoo" Said Sanskar trying to calm her...

"Don't beat me please" Said swara while crying baldy..

"See look at me I won't beat you" Said Sanskar trying to hold her but she was going back..

"Don't come" Said swara sobbing badly...

"Ohkey ohkey I won't come near you but please don't cry" Said Sanskar who is in the verge of crying seeing her state unknown to him...

"Kidooo" Sanskar almost yelled seeing her collapse on the bed unconscious mumuring same thing..

"Heyy kidoo.. open your eyes" Said Sanskar patting her soft cheeks being scared...

"Ohh god what Happened to her suddenly" Said Sanskar to him self looking at her

"Aman" Said Sanskar dailing Aman's number with shivering hand...

"Dude where are you.. You know office is so boring without you" Said Aman as soon as receiving his call..

"By the way did you found your valantine" Said Aman sitting on his his favorite place(on the table😄😄)with a naughty smile

"Dude forget about valantine just come to Dhoom Castle hotel,Room number 505 and please bring a doctor with you.. it's urgent Aman please" Sanskar said in one breath in tension making Aman to fall from the table

"Ouuuchhhhh" Said Aman holding his elbow..

"What happened" Said Sanskar hearing his voice..

"Fell from the table" Said Aman with a cute frown

"Dude please come soon I am in big disaster and don't tell anyone specially dad" Said Sanskar looking towards swara who was unconscious..

"Ohkey just wait I am coming" Said Aman and cut the call...

"Don't know now what he had done" Said Aman leaving a long breath and left from the cabin..

"Aman" A voice came being making Aman shocked and to stop on his palace..

"Where are you going and where the hell is Sanskar" Said the man who is non other than Shekar looking at him suspiciously...

"Sir i have an important meeting so I am leaving will be back soon" Said Aman and walks outside fast as much as he can while shekar was looking at him with anger...

"I won't leave you both.. I know why your leg isn't stopping in the office today" Said shekar looking at the employees who were emerge in there work..


Khanna Mansion

A girl was sitting on the bed holding her baby bump looking extremely cute with an angry pout watching Tom and Jerry...

She looks towards the door as a lady in her mid age came inside the room with a plate filled fruits...

"Shona why are you angry" Said the lady holding her shoulder..

"Because of your son" Said the girl while her cheeks become red in anger..

"You know your looking so cute like this.. Same like Sanskar" Said the lady and smiles while feeding her fruit's...

"Mom don't take his name.. let they come I will kill them" Said the girl while eating like an obidient kid..

"Ohkey.. we will see them when they come home" Said the lady with a smile..

"Poonam" Came a voice from downstairs making them disturb..

"Dadi is calling you" Said the girl with a smile...

"Coming ma ji" Shouted Poonam shaking her head..

"Go and be with your mother in law.. I am not anyone.. No ones love me here" Said the girl while making a cry face..

"Don't do drama and finish this" Said Poonam and walks outside while the girl looks at her with a pout..

"Just come I will show you who am I" Said the girl looking at a frame which was hung in the Wall where she was hugging Sanskar....


"What happen ma ji" Said Poonam walking near her who was sitting on the sofa..

"Make tea for me my had is paining" Said Dadi holding her head where she had tied a cloth....

"Are you ohkey ma ji.. should I call doctor" Said Poonam being worried..

"Poonam if I need a doctor I will tell you" Said Dadi shooting daggers to her..

"Just bring tea for me I am going to room" Said Dadi and left from there while Poonam nodes..

"Don't know why ma ji dislike doctors" Said Poonam hitting her palm on her forehead...

She jerks her thoughts and left to kitchen


Hotel Dhoon Castle...

Room No.505

Doctor was checking swara while both Sanskar and Aman were sitting on the sofa looking at the doctor...

"What happened to her" Asked doctor looking at Aman..

"Say what happened to her" Said Aman looking at Sanskar giving a confused look..

"I Don't know.. she was fine and suddenly she faints" Said Sanskar looking at doctor..

"Actually she was behaving strange.. I mean she was behaving like a kid" Said Sanskar while both Aman and the doctor looks at him shockingly..

"Do you know her" Doctor asked looking at him

"No I just met her today in my car.. she was hiding behind it like a scary kitten.. she was mumuring something" Said Sanskar explaining about their first meeting...

"I can't say anything about her weird behavior just bring her to me when she will get her conscious" Said doctor while Sanskar Nodded...

"Right now she is stress and need rest" Said doctor with a genuine smile..

"I won't prescribe any medicine right now as it will be not good giving it to her before knowing about her health" Said the doctor and went out with a smile...

"Yaar she is looking so innocent.. Only God knows what might happened with her" Said Aman looking at swara's face...

"Hmm your right" Said Sanskar and sits on the sofa again looking towards her..

"Aman now what should we do..We can't keep her here alone.. I know staffs will take care of her but still" Said Sanskar in delima while Aman was looking at him deeply..

"Your right but you can't take her your home you knw your dad and dadi" Said Aman while he nods...

"I can take her with me but there is no women in home right now" Said Aman to which Sanskar nods..

"I have decided" Said Sanskar looking at swara..

"I will take her to my home" Said Sanskar while Aman's eyes popped out..

"Dude are you serious" Said Aman looking at him shockingly...

"Yes" Said Sanskar with a determination...

"What about dad and dadi" Said Aman looking at him with tensed face..

"I will handle them" Said Sanskar looking at Aman..

"God who is she.. Why do he met with her when he was wishing you to send his life partner to his life" Said Aman in his mind looking at swara and then Sanskar who was sitting on the sofa looking at unconscious swara.....

To Be Continued....

Prcp - Sanskar brings swara to his home and his dad's reaction....

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Stay Blessed ❤❤

Isha 😘😘

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