Chapter 11

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In Your Love

Chapter 11


Hotel Dhoon Castle

Room Number 302

Sanskar was sitting on the couch looking at Swara who was unconscious...

Lot's of things were coming in his mind making him disturb..

He was just stairing at her remembering about the big blast that happened 2 hours before..

Flash Back..

Without paying any heed to her, he open the door and there was

A hard pull on his hand making him angry on her..

She pulled him with all her strength making both of them fall on the road apart and there was


Sanskar was numb to react seeing his car burning with fire while Swara becomes horrified seeing the scene

"Nahiii(Noooo)" Shouted Swara at the top of her voice seeing the car burning with fire leading her to lost her sense..

"Swara" Sanskar called her who was laying few inches far from him..

"Swara open your eyes..Swara" Sanskar called her taking her head on his lape..

"Swara" he Pats her cheeks while his heart was about to burst seeing her lifeless...

"What should I do now" He said to himself looking at unconscious swara and the car which was burning...

"Swara" He called her with love and care caressing her hairs while his eyes were wet..

He thought to inform it about his dad but jerks his thoughts thinking how much he will be worried listening the news..

After thinking a Lott he decided to call Their hotel and told them to send a car...

Within few minutes the car was there and Sanskar walks near the car lifting unconscious swara on his arms..

As soon as they were in the hotel he was welcomed by the staffs and the manger..

"Sir what happened" Asked the manger looking at Swara..

"Call the doctor immidiately" Said Sanskar making his way to his private room along swara.

Flash Back Ends..

"S sa sanskar" A faint voice enhance in the room making Sanskar to come out from his thoughts...

Sanskar looks at Swara who was mumuring his name while shaking her head...

She fisted her hand on the bedsheet tight while tears we're rolling from her closed eyes making him worry for her..

"Sanskar" Shouted Swara waking up getting flashes of the car blast making Sanskar shocked..

"Swara" Sanskar went near hear and was shocked as before he could say anything else she hugs him tight while crying...

"Are you alright" Said Swara while cupping his cheeks making Sanskar to stair her

"You didn't got any hurt" Said Swara checking his hand and face while tears we're continuesly flowing from her eyes..

"Swara I am fine.. nothing happened to me" Said Sanskar trying to calm her who was so much disturbed due to the blast...

"I was so scared Sanskar. I was not knowing what to do when Atul informed me about the blast" Said Swara hugging him tight hiding her face into his chest

"Thank God your fine or else" Swara couldn't complete due to her sobs..

"Or else" Sanskar asked wanting to know patting her back who was so much shocked due to the recent happenings..

"If something happened to you I will die Sanskar.. I will die..I Love You Sanskar I Love You and I Can't Live Without You" Swara poured her inner feelings in front of him crying, which she had been hided from so long making Sanskar shocked..

His hand slips from her back listing her confession as he was numb to react anything..

He stood like that while she was holding him tight crying hidding her face into his chest...

"Swara" He gasp feeling her whole weight on him..

He aparts her from him who went unconscious due to stress...

He made her lay on the bed carefully putting the conforter above her.. He looks at her with mixed emotions...

"Sanskar where are you" Shouted Poonam as soon as Sanskar received her called who's voice was filled with tension..

"Mom" He very well know his mother was tensed but reason was unknown..

"Are you fine my son" Poonam's boucr was soft making him smile..

"I am fine mom. Nothing happened to me.. She saved me" Sanskar looks at Swara while talking with his mother while other side Poonam become shocked...

"I knew it.. I know something bad is going to happen" Poonam's voice was heavy and he clearly guess she might be crying right now..

"How is she" Poonam asked with a heavily beating heart..

"She is fine.. nothing happened to her either but she is terrified after the blast" Sanskar's words makes her calm but listing about the blast she become horrified..

"B blast" she stammers while tears falls from her eyes thinking about what could happen...

"Mom don't worry we both are safe, We are in our hotel,till then Swara become Normal" His voice was soft while his gaze we're on Swara

"Take care of her and yourself, you both are so precious to me" Poonam's talks went above his head but knowing his mother's feeling right now he didn't ask any further questions...

After talking with Poonam he was feeling little bit relief...

Taking a glance of Swara he went to washroom to fresh up as he was tired physically and mentally...

"N no no p please d don't me" Swara was mumuring in her sleep while tears were falling from her eyelashes..

"P p please I it painsss a lot, please l leave m me" She fisted her hand on the sheet shaking her head, rubbing her feet on the bed..

"Noo please" She shouted loud waking up with a jerk..

Sitting on the bed folding her legs she cried bruising her face in between her knees...

"Sanskar" Swara Wishpers remembering about the accident...

She was about to shout his name again when she heard sound from washroom...

She wipes her tears while sobing..

"No Shona you can't be weak, you have to be strong for Sanskar" She spoke to her self with a determination while her face was showing tiredness...

After making her self presentable she calls Atul..

"Ma'am are you ohkey, what about sir" Atul shooted his questions once receiving her call..

"He is fine Atul. When and where the bomb was planted in Sanskar's car and who did it" Swara's words were stern while her face was showing same emotions

"It was planted while the car was in Khanna mansion" His words makes her shiver..

The person entered in the mansion to harm Sanskar while there are tight security.. this thought it self makes her gone crazy..

"How is it possible Atul.. there are gurds in the mansion and how can any stranger went inside and left after doing it without their knowledge" shouted Swara being shocked plus anger..

"I don't know ma'am" Atul said bowing his head making Swara hell angry..

"Go to hell with your incomplete information's Mr.Atul singhania" Shouted Swara loud making Atul guplup in fear

After cutting the call she threw it on the bed..

Swara turns with an angry face and become shocked to see Sanskar in front of her who was standing with wide open mouth looking at her..

"What" Swara said seeing him who was standing just in a towel..

"Few minutes before you were like a scary kitten and now tigress" He said being surprised, walking near her making her to take her steps back..

"Who are you" Said Sanskar blocking her way near the wall making her to looks at him..

"Who is the actual you Swara" He Wishpers near her ears sending shivers to her spine..

"I am not able to decide who are the real you" Said Sanskar looking at her while there were few inch gap between their face..

Her breath was Heavy due to the close proximity while he was looking at her eyes trying to know her..

"Is there anything more to know about you" He said directly looking into her eyes while she avoid the eye contact...

"I need to freshen up" She said freeing her self from his cage making him smile sarcasticly..

"I know still there are a lott your hiding about you, but I wish at the end your not going to betraye me again" Sanskar said loud which was audiable to her while she smile painfully..

"I won't let you to know about my past Sanskar" Swara mumurs to herself before entering washroom...

"Sir is ma'am fine now" Asked the manager walking near Sanskar who walks inside the office area.

"Don't worry she is fine" Sanskar spoke in a bossy way taking a seat behind

"Who is she sir.. it's second time you brought her here" Said the manager while Sanskar glares at him..

"She is just no one" Sanskar's words were harsh while the manager nodes..

"No more questions just leave from here and make sure no one enters here" he yelled knowing he won't stop his enquiry..

Sanskar rested his head on the chair closing his eyes...

"Sansuuuu" A sweet voice encholed in his ear while leading a smile crept on his lips..

"Hehehehehe sansu you won't catch me" The little girl's face was blure while he can see his little version's face clearly who was running behind her, who was wearing a maroon colourd frok..

"Shona stop" He runs behind her trying to catch her but it seems impossible to him..

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh sansu" Her painful voice makes him scared

while Sanskar's smile fades away from his lips seeing tears on her eyes...

"Shona" 10years old Sanskar bends in front of Swara who got hurt in her elbow...

"Ahhh it's paining sansu" Swara yelled in pain as he touched the area where she got hurt...

"Sorry sorry" He Wishpers feeling bad seeing her crying who's face were red by now...

"Now I will die" Swara cried looking at the blood while he rolls his eyes..

"I don't want to die so soon sansu.. please save me" she was crying looking at the blood while he was not knowing what to do..

"Shhhh I won't let you die so soon Shona" Sanskar wipes her tears while she smiles wide blinking her eyes...

Sanskar took his hanky and ties it on her elbow making her smile..

"Your best sansu" She kissed his cheeks while he smiles at her..

And this time her face was clear to him.. Her big doe eyes.. Her creamy cheeks and those black hairs...

A smile was on his lips yet again getting the clear view of his dream girl who used to irritate him always but today he saw something else for the first time..

Everytime he used to get dream of her irritating him and both of their stupid tom and Jerry fight but today what he saw was something new..

He felt so good getting clear view of her.. His dream girl.. His Shona..

"Where are you Shona" He Wishpers to him self opening his eyes where were longiness to meet her.. to see her..

"I need to know about you more and I know it's only Dadi who will tell me about you" Said Sanskar to himself thinking something deep...

Room Number 302

Swara was sitting on the bed wearing the White coloured bathrobe,biting her nails in tension..

She become scared as there was a knock on the door..

With slow steps she went near the door and looks outside with the hole, removing the curtains, to know who was there..

"Sanskar" Swara Wishpers seeing Sanskar who was watching his wrist watch...

"Now what should I do" She said to her self closing the curtains as there was another knock...

She walks near the Almira and looks at his shirts pants and other stuffs..

"Can't he keep a single dress of girls" She speaks to her self with a pout looking his stuffs..

"But shona why will he keep girls clothes in his wardrobe" she scold her self for thinking such stupid things..

"Don't he have something named patience" Swara rolls her eyes taking one of his shirt and pant hurriedly as he was knocking continuesly...

"Is she still inside the washroom" Sanskar thought not getting any reply from her..

"These girls are impossible" He said taking the key from his pocket...

Within few seconds he opens the door and closed it without looking inside the room...

He turns around after locking the room and his eyes pops out seeing the senerio in front of his eyes...

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh" Both of them Shouted in unison making the whole hotel shaken(😂😂😂😂😂)...

To Be Continued..

Prcp - Shekar to announce Sanskar's engagement with 👿👿 While everyone stood shocked including Swara who's eyes were wet...

New Entry😉

Stay Blessed ❤❤

Isha 😘😘

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