Chapter 14

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In your Love

Chapter 14


Thinking something deep Sanskar walks to meet dadi...

"Dadi" Dadi become shocked hearing Sanskar's voice..

"This boy won't leave me today" Dadi talks to her self and walks near the door to lock it before he comes..

To Dadi's bad luck Sanskar place his leg in between the door making Dadi shocked..

"Sanskar" Dadi shouted being scared..

"Yes Dadi" he said looking at her as if nothing happened

"What are you doing, what if you got hurt" Dadi narrows her eyes looking at him

"Still you haven't tell me EVERYTHING about SHONA" Sanskar walks inside the room while Dadi stands near the door

"Dadi" Sanskar calls her sitting on the couch

"Hmm" Hummed Dadi turning towards him fisting her hand on her saari..

"You can sit and tell" Dadi guplups her salaiva not getting any idea to escape from her DEVIL GRANDSON..

"Sanskar beta we can talk tomorrow, you go and sleep" Dadi said looking at him who nodes his head in no while Dadi sighs

"Why are you hiding all these to me Dadi, please just for once trust me I will make everything Normal" His voice was reflecting his inner pain..

"For me It's not easy to hide all this to you sanskar but I am helpless, Shona had given her swaer to me" Dadi said giving a hopeless look to Sanskar

"Why why she want hide everything related to HER from ME Dadi, why" Sanskar shouted feeling a pinch of pain in his heart..

"Sanskar beta I want to tell you something" Dadi went near him while he gave a confused look to her..

"She had beard a lott after her Parents death my son" Sanskar was listing Dadi's words clearly..

"She is not what she is showing her self to us, she is broken beyond repair" Dadi said remembering about her nightmares

"Don't hurt her my son, she is already broken don't break her more" Dadi almost pleaded while Sanskar got lost in his own thoughts..

"Remember one thing Sanskar she is doing everything for you, IN YOUR LOVE" Sanskar looks at Dadi with a shock..

"She can do anything for you, your her WEAKNESS Sanskar" Dadi said remembering about something..

"Please just don't hurt her,or else she won't be able to overcome from it" Dadi pleaded as Sanskar walks away from the room..


Dinning Area

Everyone was having their breakfast silently..

"Shona are you ohkey" Sheetal said looking at Swara who was bitting her lips thinking about something

"Hmm" Swara just Hummed without looking at her...

"So Sanskar what's your decision" Aman asked looking at Sanskar who was staring at Swara..

"Hmm" Sanskar hummed coming back to reality

"What you had decided" Aman narrows his eyes while Sanskar gave a confused look to him..

"I mean about yesterday's proposal, about marrying Swara" Sanskar looks at Swara when Aman  said, who was just looking at her plate biting her lips

"Do I have any other Choice" Sanskar chuckles remembering how suddenly his dad announce his and Swara's marriage without even asking what he wants

"Yes you have many" Shekar said while Sanskar looks at him

"Are you sure dad you will respect my decision" Sanskar asked with a hope

"I will" Shekar gave a smile and looks at Swara who closed her eyes leaving a long breath..

Sanskar found something fishy and looks at Swara who had closed her eyes..

Thinking something deep he spoke

"Dad I wanna spend some time with Swara ALONE" His voice were sharp making Swara to guplup not knowing about his Intension...

"What" Shekar almost yelled Being surprised while everyone looks at him with wide eyes..

"You want me to marry with Swara right so I want to know about her, don't I have that right" Sanskar said casually while Swara was nervous..

"No no Sanskar nothing like that, you can spend some time with her" Shekar said while Swara looks at him with wide open mouth

"Not sometime dad A WHOLE WEEK" Sanskar said with a smile making everyone shocked..

"I want to spend a WHOLE WEEK with Swara that too ALONE in our FARM HOUSE" Sanskar smiles winningly looking at Swara who was bitting her lips in nervousness

Swara looks at Dadi while she gave a helpless look to her making her pout which didn't went unnoticed by Sanskar.

"Dad so can we" Sanskar said looking at shekar while suppressing his laugh seeing everyone's expression

"But Sanskar it's not good to live like that before marriage" Shekar couldn't complete as Sanskar intrupted her

"Ohkey then it's a BIG FAT NO from my side" Sanskar walks away smiling, putting his hand on his pant pocket leaving everyone shocked..

"Now what" Poonam asked narrowing her eyes..

"You go and make him understand" Dadi said while Poonam gave uninterested look to her

"I think we should let Leave them alone" Poonam said while Dadi gave a death glare to her

"It's his right to know about his would be wife ma, isn't is shekar" Poonam said looking at dadi and shekar..

"Shona" Shekar looks at Swara who looks at him with a frown

"ohky" Poonam smiles hearing Swara while others stood nervous including her self.

"Are you sure you can handle this JERK" Poonam and Swara's eyes widens hearing him..

"Hmm" Swara hummed nervously while everyone become happy..

"Dad" Sanskar looks at shekar who enters his room..

"So do you really think you should give a chance to this relationship" Sanskar nodes with a smile...

"Ohkey so you can go with Swara but.." He was interrupted by Sanskar..

"I know my limits dad" Shekar smiles at his son who was giving a bright smile to him

"You can take her but don't hurt her she is very sensitive" Shekar leaves patting his cheeks with a smile..

"Everyone is saying she is sensitive,is she really" He went into deep thought...

.......       .......     ........  .......

"Thank you papa" Swara said hugging shekar with a wide smile..

"Thank you so much for not forcing him for this relationship" Swara was smiling whole heartedly and why not..

She had request shekar not to force Sanskar for marrying her as she don't want to be any burden on him.. she don't want to be the reason of his anger..She don't want him to hate her more..

"Why do you love him so much" Shekar cups her face while she smiles..

"I don't know" she giggles making him smile at her..

"Did you got any clue why he is taking me to farmhouse" Swara said with a frown to which shekar nodes in NO..

"I don't know but as far I know my son he is thinking something big, so be aware" Shekar warned Swara making her more nervous...

Everyone was standing near the gate biding bye to the couple...

"Take care of her" Dadi said ruffling his hairs while he smile..

"And you too take care of him" Swara nodes nervously giving a smile..

"I hope you both will be back with a GOOD NEWS" Everyone's eyes pops out listing Poonam

"What" Poonam said as everyone was looking at her with wide eyes..

"Ma there is time for good news, they aren't even engaged" sheetal said looking at Poonam making her to hit her own forehead..

"I am not talking about that GOOD NEWS,I mean..." Sanskar intrupted Poonam while she sighs in relief

"Ma we got what you mean"Sanskar smiles while she Pat's his cheeks...

After taking blessings of everyone they sit on their respective seats...

Waving bye to everyone Sanskar draw off the car to their destination while Swara was looking outside all while..

.......   .......    ........    ...........   ......... .......

Swara was looking outside rubbing her palm while Sanskar was staring at her with a corner of his eyes...

"Staring is rude Mr.Sanskar Khanna" Gaining some courage Swara said looking toward him who narrows his eyes....

"What if he is staring at his OWN WIFE" Swara's eyes widens as he winks at her....

"Yet I am not" Swara said to which he chuckles..

"If you forget let me remind you, it's me who had filled your forehead with vermilion"

Sanskar grins more seeing her facial expressions as it was her dialogue for him..

"Whatever" Swara makes faces while turning her face..

"You look cute" Swara looks at him with amusement who was giving a wide smile to her making her heart to beat fast..

Her hairs flew as soon as her doe eyes met with his brown ones..

Without a blink both were lost in each other's eyes forgotting the fact they were in car..

Their eyelock was broken within few minutes as the reality hits Sanskar they being in a car and he was driving it..

Composing him self he concentrate on driving while Swara shift her gaze outside yet again....

Swara looks at the farmhouse as soon as she was out from the car..

with slow steps walks inside while Sanskar went to park the car..

Looking at the beautiful garden a smile crept on her face as nothing was changed..

She caresses the beautiful name plate where KHANNA'S & MITTAL'S were written in bold letters..

She remember how she used to come the farmhouse with her parents and Khanna's for holidays...

"Why Sanskar took me here" her heart Wishpers to her self...

Flash Back..

Swara felt a slight pain in her head when she woke up...

Ignoring the pain she made her way to the washroom.....

After getting ready she excitedly went to Dadi's rooom where dadi was folding the bedsheet....

"Dadiii" Like a kid she back hugs her shocking dadi with her sudden act...

"Pagal" Dadi Wishpers hitting her cheeks lightly who was resting her chin on Dadi's shoulder...

Swara laughs seeing Dadi's expressions while Dadi shook her head mumuring THIS GIRL WON'T CHANGE..

"How are you know" After completing her work she make Swara sit..

"I am fit and fine Dadi" Swara get up from her place and hugs her...

"But you know I missed you" Swara closed her eyes tight to feel the motherly love

"Your buttering me" Dadi caresses her hairs with much love..

"Shona" Dadi called her breaking the hug..

"Hmm" she was little annoyed as she wanted to stay in the hug where she was getting the warmth of a mother...

"Last night Sanskar ask me about Shona" Swara become alart listing Dadi..

"I couldn't stop my self and told him the truth" Swara widens her eyes in horror

"W what you told him" She stammers being scared of the fact he knows EVERYTHING about her..THE REASON OF HER KIDNAPPING...

"I told him that your our Shona.. His SHONA" Swara looks at Dadi who was narrating her face off with Sanskar, last night..

"And" Swara questions with a hope..

"I told him that your doing all these for him" Swara's heart skip a beat listing dadi...

"Did you told him a... ab..out.." Dadi intrupted her as she very well know about what she was asking...

"No I didn't, but" Dadi paused looking at her who sighs in relief

"But what Dadi" Swara asked holding dadi's hand with her trembling hand due to fear

"I think you should tell everything to him Shona" Swara shake her head in no while her eyes were reflecting fear..

"Shona" Dadi cups her face who is in worst condition thinking about, HOW WILL HE REACT KNOWING THE FULL TRUTH

"Before he comes to know it from somewhere else it's better you to tell him," All while Swara was shaking her head

"If you tell him his pain will be less Shona" Dadi tried to understand her but was she in a condition to understand...

In her wildest dream, she won't let him to know about the truth, as much as she know him he will BLAME him self for HER PAINFUL PAST...

"Beta" Dadi called her caressing her hairs..

"I won't dadi, I will never let him know what happened THAT DAY" Swara walks away leaving Dadi behind...

Flash Back Ends...

"I know one thing Sanskar you took me here to know The truth, trust me Sanskar I will never ever say it to you" She wipes her unshed tears making her self strong..

Other side Sanskar walks inside after parking the car with a smile...

To Be Continued...

Prcp - Swara was melting in his arms who was leaving numerous kisses on her face 😉😉

NOTE : Next Chapter on Next THURSDAY 😊

Stay Blessed ❤❤

Isha 😘😘

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