Chapter 4

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In Your Love

Chapter 4


Khanna  Mansion


As sheetal was resting Sanskar took swara to the garden are not wanting to disturb his baby sister who need more rest nowadays...

"Dost" Called swara who was making different things from toy blocks..

"Hmm" Said Sanskar looking at her who's gaze was somewhere else...

"Butterfly" Said swara clapping her hands while looking at it..

Sanskar turns his head and saw the butterfly..

"Let's go and catch it" Said swara excitedly while Sanskar's expression changed..

Without waiting his answer swara walks near the butterfly with slow steps while Sanskar was getting blure flashes in front of his eyes...

Flash Back....

"See finally I caught you.. now where will you go" Said 10yrs old Sanskar looking at the butterfly which was on a jar..

"Very bad" Shouted someone from back making the bottle fall from his hand due to sudden shout..

"Hey you potato what do you think we are deaf" Said Sanskar looking at the little girl aged 5yrs who was looking at him with angry face..

"Don't call me that.. Even I have a beautiful name unlike yours.." Said the girl making faces..

"Huhh Your name should be potato instead of Shona" Said Sanskar stucking his toungue while little Shona fumes..

"Leave the butterfly" Said Shona placing her hands on her waist in a bossy way,angrily

"No ways.. You have no idea how I catch it" Said Sanskar taking the jar from sand..

"It's wrong..what will happen if someone cage you" Said Shona feling bad,looking at the butterfly who was flying inside the jar wanting to go out..

"Shona ki bacchi I won't leave you" Said Sanskar angrily as swara snatches the jar from him...

"First catch me" Said shona running in the whole garden..

"Where she has gone" Said Sanskar as she dissapares from his eyes...

Shona sit on her knees behind a tree bad so Sanskar wasn't able to see her..

She kept the jar on sand and opens the cap of it making the butterfly free..

"Sorry from sansu's side" Said Shona cutely as the butterfly sits on her hand as if saying thank you for saving her...

"Go" Said shona while flying the butterfly hight with a bright smile...

"Youuuuuu" Shouted Sanskar as he saw shona freeing the butterfly...

"How dare you do that" Said Sanskar angrily pulling her hairs...

"Leave me you monkey sanky" Shouted Shona pulling his hairs...

Both were yelling at each other pulling their hairs with angry face...

Hearing their sound both the mothers came and drags both a part with great difficulty...

Both looks at each other with anger filled eyes as if they will eat each other right now...

Flash Back Ends....

"Ahhhh" Sanskar wince in pain holding his head getting the blure flashes...

"Who is that girl" said Sanskar to himself...

"Where is Swara" Said Sanskar being panicked not founding swara there...

He got up worriedly and tries to find her Calling her by her name...

"Swa" He Couldn't complete as he saw swara laughing and giggling with a butterfly which was sitting on her shoulder

He couldn't blink his eyes seeing her beautiful smile..

He was just Admiring her and was not able to take his eyes from the cuteness which he was witnessing after years..

A smile was crept on his lips seeing her so much Happy...

Both were happy unknown of the fact a pair of eyes were watching them with haterd filled eyes...

"I will not let you ruin my grandson's life" Said the person revealing her self as Dadi who was watching them from her room's window...

"Is this xyz Assylum" Said Dadi dialing a number...

"Yes it is.. May I know who are you" Said the receptionist of the mental asylum making Dadi Smiles winningly...

"I am talking from Khanna Mansion.. A girl is here who had run away from Mental Assylum so I just called you to inform as you must be searching for her" Said Dadi while the evil smile wasn't leaving her lips..

"Ohkey will send our people's to bring her and sorry from her side if she had create any problem" Said the girl with a sorry face .

"It's ohkey just send your man's asap" Said Dadi and hangs the phone with a wicked Smiles...

"Now I will see how long you will be here" Said Dadi looking at swara who was laughing whole heartedly with Sanskar unknown of the fact a storm is coming on her way which will change her whole life yet again...


Sheetal's Room..

"What happened mom" Said sheetal looking at Poonam who was lost in thoughts while feeling sheetal..

"Don't know why this girl remains me of Shona" Said Poonam with a flow making sheetal confused..

"Shona?.. which shona mom as far I knw I am your Shona" Said sheetal making Poonam realize what blunder she had done.

"Mom what happen what you are hiding" Said sheetal looking at her mother's expression which now had changed into a frown..

"Yeah she resembles me of you.. when you were small" Said Poonam trying to cover the topic...

"Than why you said she resembles of Shona.. you can say she is like you aslo" Said sheetal who was not convinced with her mother's talks..

"Don't think more.. My meaning was like that only" Said Poonam avoiding eye contact with Sheetal...

"Take rest for a while" Said Poonam walking out with the plates leaving a confused sheetal...

"I know mom.. you, papa and Dadi are hiding something from me and Bhai" Said sheetal taking an old picture under her pillow...

"I remember you guys used to call me Sheetu not Shona but suddenly you and papa Started calling me Shona" Said sheetal looking at the picture where little Sanskar was pulling both of the girls hair..

"Who is she in this photo with me and Bhai and why I got this one from store room..Is she your real Shona mom" Said sheetal looking at another girl's face

"I should ask Bhai about it.. he must be remember her, I was small so I don't remember anything" Said sheetal hiding the pic under her pillow...


Sanskar's Room...

He was standing near the window lost in thoughts....

"Who is that girl, in my flashes" Sanskar said to himself not able to understand anything...

"Bhai" Sheetal's voice make him come to his senses..

"Sheetu why are you here huh!!" said Sanskar looking at sheetal worriedly...

"Bhai I am fine" Said sheetal as Sanskar makes her sit on the bed confortably..

"Now say what happen why are you looking tensed" Said Sanskar holding her hands..

"Bhai do you remember our childhood, we both and" Said sheetal looking at his face while his expression changed..

"Did there was someone else with us in our childhood" Said Sanskar looking at her while she srugs her shoulder..

"Bhai I don't remember much" Said sheetal looking at Sanskar who was thinking something deep..

"Sheetu I don't know much, I am getting flashes of a little girl with us.. I am sure it's not you" Said Sanskar while sheetal become scared..

"Bhai what if I am not your real sister" Said sheetal while her eyes become wet

"Pagal" Said Sanskar looking at her..

"It's not like that.. even you were there" Said Sanskar wiping his baby sisters tears..

"Are you sure" Said sheetal while Sanskar nodes..

"Bhai you are right the" She couldn't complete as they heard some voice from downstairs...

"What's going on" Said sheetal looking at him with tensed face..

"Let's go" Said Sanskar helping her...



"Let us take her Mrs.Khanna" Said a lady who's words were strict...

"No no I won't go" Said swara crying hiding behind Poonam..

"Hey girl you have to go" Said Dadi walking near Poonam while swara holds Poonam tight...

"Noo Noooo they will beat me" Shouted swara loud while crying making Poonam angry on Dadi..

"Look, she isn't troubling us.. let she be here may she will recover soon" Said Poonam looking At the lady making Dadi angry..

"What are you saying Poonam.. she is mad and her place is in mental Assylum not here" Said Dadi looking at Poonam angrily.

"You had called them right.. Ma what is your problem with her even shekar gave permission" Said Poonam giving an unbelievable look to Dadi..

"Listen Mrs.Khanna she is not one to you guys.. She is not any of your family member so you can't stop us taking her.. we can take legal action if your not giving her to us" Said the lady making Dadi smirk and Poonam shocked..

"What's going here" Shouted Sanskar  listing there conversation..

"Sanskar they came to take her and let her go.. it will be better for her" Said Dadi while Sanskar glares At her..

"She will not go" Said Sanskar with a Stern face while swara was looking at the ladies with fearful eyes hiding behind Poonam..

"But" Dadi couldn't say as Sanskar didn't let her...

"Enough" Said Sanskar loud making Poonam and Dadi shocked..

"Sanskar" Said Poonam looking at him with anger as he rised his voice on Dadi which is against her upbringing..

"Mom if someone do mistake than we shouldn't be quite right.. this is what you had thought me and sheetal isn't it" Said Sanskar as he know his mother would be hurt due to his behavior towards Dadi...

"Now you may leave as swara is not going anywhere.. we are enough capable to take care of her and I bet we can take care of her better than you guys" said Sanskar mocking...

"We are sorry Mr.Khann you can't keep her as your no one to before i said I can take leagal acting on you And your family for it" Said the lady making everyone Shocked except Sanskar...

Dadi was shocked as she don't want anything happen to her grandson as she know how much stubborn he is...

Poonam know how much stubborn her son is and feared what if they really do something against him as far as she knw he won't let anything happen to his family..

"Where are you shekar.. please come here" Poonam said in her mind as the situation was going worst..

Sanskar looks at sheetal who was shaking her head saying no with teary eyes and Dadi who was really scared not knowing what will he do...

He looks at Poonam who was having no expression Making him difficult to Take any decision...

He couldn't able to look at swara and  bows his head helplesly while tears flaws from his eyes making the lady smirk..

"Go and get her" Said the lady to another two ladies making swara shout in fear..

"Nooo nooo I will not go" Shouted swara as they hold her while others were feeling shame on to themselves except Dadi not able to save the innocent soul...

The ladies drags swara holding her both hands while she was trying her best to not go with them..

Sheetal was unable to see her like that.. With shaking hands she dailed Aman's number...

After receiving the call Aman become confused as he was not able to hear anything.. later he become Shocked Hearing Swara's pleading and crying..

He cuts the call and rush to Shekar knowing what was going in...

Shekar become shocked hearing it.. without wasting any time Aman and Shekar both drove off their car to mansion....

"Dost" Yelled swara while crying making Sanskar to looks at her..

His heart ached seeing her in that worst Condition...

"Dost they will beat me please save me" Swara Shouted crying vergiously trying to escape from them...

He looks at Poonam who had closed her eyes while tears were falling from her eyelashes...

He then looks at sheetal who was praying folding her hand Infront of the idiol...

His gaze falls on the red color which was kept in the temple then at swara who was been dragged from the mansion harshly...

"Ekh minute(one minute)" Said Sanskar holding Swara's hand making them stop on their place..

"What you said.. we can't stop you guys from Taking her as She Is not a part of our family" Said Sanskar while everyone stood confused not knowing what's going to happen...

"Yes and if you try to stop we can put you and your family behind the bars" Said the lady sternly and pulls swara's hands but couldn't drag her as Sanskar was holding her another hand.

"Are you leaving her hand or should I call police" Said the lady looking at him angrily while Poonam become Shocked...

"Sanskarr" yelled Dadi Being shocked while Poonam and sheetal stood numb not knowing how to react seeing what had he done...

Swara become numb as Sanskar filled her hairline with the red powder making some of it falls on her nose...

"Sanskarr" Another loud voice came from the entrance making them shocked...

"Are you ohk"Said Aman holding sheetal by her Shoulder while she nodes.

"Do you have any idea what have you done" Said shekar while swara was standing like a statue...

"Now you have got your answer.. so leave.. leave right now.. just leave" Shouted Sanskar ignoring his father's question glaring at the ladies...

They become afraid seeing his anger and went from there while swara looks at Sanskar with moist eyes...

To Be Continued.....

Prcp - Dadi slaps Sanskar and says something which make him Shocked 😱😱😱...

"It wasn't part of our plan" Said shekar looking at the person in front of him who was wearing a black hoody👿👿👿

Stay Blessed ❤❤

Isha 😘😘

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