Ch-12 Costa Atlantica, the Ship of Destiny!

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                In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), his blessed descendents and noble companions.’


Dedicated to you my dear reader, for your amazing awesomeness ;)

Chapter Twelve

Costa Atlantica, the Ship of Destiny! 

Minnesota, U.S.A.

“Maryam, Maryam sweetheart you have a mail!” Sufyaan’s voice called as he mounted up the stairs to his daughter’s room. 

It had been two weeks since the wonderful night of reconciliation and the way both understood and behaved towards each other now would make one swear that it was impossible to believe such a deep breach had been there between them only a month before.

Sufyaan found his daughter sitting on the carpet working on her laptop in the midst of a clutter of stationery stuff while beside her lay open a large sketchbook in which she added something from time to time. Upon his entrance, she looked up yawning and smiled while she stretched.

Smiling back, Sufyaan handed her the long, slim envelope as he took a seat upon the nearby bed.

Still yawning, Maryam took it with one hand while with the other she gave Sufyaan her sketchbook and indicated at the open page.

“What do you think of this Abba?”

It was Saturday noon and she had been working on her sketches since morning. Looking at the mail, Maryam remembered another letter that she had received. From her mother. A letter which she had read feeling cold and neglected, the same emotions she had always felt from Sally. Yet, in a way, the letter was heartbreaking too. Initially, she had been furious learning what her mother had done, scheming to separate Sufyaan from his own daughter. But upon sharing it with her father, she tried to understand how he had put up with this psychologically disturbed woman for so many years. And in the end, Maryam tried to forgive, even if she couldn't forget the intense hurt of all these years.

Sufyaan slightly frowned scrutinizing her sketch and finally said after some moments,

“Good, but dearest I think it would be better if you added that fur thing around the shoulders like you did in your previous one. It is, it is…”

Maryam laughed exclaiming,

“Oh, Abba, this is a summer creation and I cannot…”

“But child, there are no sleeves and the back is...!”

“Alright, alright,” Maryam pacified him taking back the book and making a few changes. “Are you satisfied now?”

Sufyaan looked at it again and nodded grudgingly.

“Short sleeves huh? But why is it they look like that?”

“They are transparent.” Maryam said, twinkling mischievously.  

Sufyaan scowled but grinned upon catching the twinkle in her eyes.

“Teasing your old father?”

Maryam giggled wrapping an arm around his legs and resting her forehead on his knees. 

“You know Abba you made so many changes to my previous designs that when I submitted them I was sure of a rejection but it was not only approved, they even complimented saying that my designs were ‘refreshing’ and I hope now when I submit my latest thing they say that it is enchanting!”

Sufyaan smiled, stroking her hair and said,

“They will Insha Allah, whenever you show me one of your designs Maryam I picture you in it, and I disapprove of it only when I find that something in it is cheap and trashy, not fit for my queen to wear.”

Maryam raised her head and gave a bewitchingly tender smile.

“If you go on treating me like this Abba, soon it would be hard to shake me from the belief that I am not a queen.”

“So be it, for even if not to others, to me you will always remain my little queen.” Sufyaan said making her smile again while she shook her head fondly.

To Maryam’s investigation, the pure white envelope revealed nothing except her name and address and at the top right corner was engraved a small flying bird in gold.  The symbol looked very familiar, where had she seen it before?

Sufyaan watched her as she carefully opened it and extracted a crisply folded letter.

Maryam looked at it curiously for heady sweet smell seemed to be emanating from the paper.

Her face slowly changed as she read it and finally handed the letter to Sufyaan for reading.

As he read, she noted the frown of worry deepen into his brow. For the letter had been from the modelling company in whose fashion show she had participated last month. It said now that she was selected as the second runner up and her reward was by Dove, which had sponsored it. Ah, she understood now why the little bird had looked so familiar. 

But when Sufyaan finished reading, his frown vanished replaced by a beaming smile. “Thank God! At least you didn’t come first, for that would have meant you would have to represent as the brand’s ambassador for six months!”

Maryam laughed, highly amused. “Oh Abba, I think you are the first person in our country to be glad that his daughter didn’t get to represent the popular Dove!”

Sufyaan nodded seriously. “But the second runner up gets what?” He pursued the letter again and paused. “A fortnight cruise aboard the ship Costa Atlantica?” 

“And a week in Singapore.” Maryam added, extracting the cruise ticket from the envelope.

“On 18th ? The next Sunday?  And it starts from Dubai’s port?”

To all questions, Maryam nodded glancing at the ticket. “Its final destination is Singapore. But it is alright Abba, I am not going…”

Sufyaan neatly folded back the letter and handed it to her shaking his head. “For my sake, you opted out of modelling and have taken this fashion designing course instead, and it would be selfish of me now if I did not allow you to this trip. Besides, sweetheart you have always wanted to travel.”      

“Yes, but I am not going anywhere without you Abba.” Maryam declared, placing the letter and the ticket back inside the cover.

Smiling at her words, Sufyaan watched her thoughtfully.

“Will you go if I tell you that I trust my darling completely?”

Maryam looked up at him and twinkled merrily. “But that’s it, though he trusts me I don’t trust him at all as long as there remains our beautiful neighbor Miss. Forbe while I am gone!”

 “Maryam!” Sufyaan exclaimed then laughed reluctantly. “The single mom is pretty I guess but that doesn’t mean I entertain thoughts of affairs or marriage with her. Alhamdulillah, I am satisfied as I am now and marriage to me means only one thing, yours!”

“For which you have to wait another six or seven years.” She said promptly.

“But Dadima would say another thing…”

“Oh, will she?” Maryam paused, waiting for his answer. 

Ever since that night when he had began to say all the things that his mother had taught him, Maryam had taken her as a sort of role model and would come and ask suddenly, ‘Abba, do you think Dadima would approve of this?’ or ‘What do you think she will say if she saw me doing this?’

 And Sufyaan always remained honest in his replies.

“So you think she would want me to marry young? But I didn’t even complete my studies properly, besides I don’t know when I will start a career…”

“You will soon be twenty Maryam and who said you can’t study or pursue career after marriage?” Sufyaan asked, pulling her up to sit beside him.

“I think you win Abba but who will marry me?”

He looked at her dancing dark eyes and said softly,

“Yes only few would be worthy of my Maryam, but as they say Dhoond day tho Khuda bhi miltha hai (If the search is sincere, one may find even God) so yeah I think we will find somebody for you. And you know sweetheart, yesterday I found that though there is really no Masjid here for miles, there is one Islamic centre close by, soon we will go there Insha Allah and who knows, may be there we will come upon some good man for you!”

 Maryam smiled hugging him.

“But I am not going to marry soon nor am I going to leave you alone…”

 “So you don’t want to take this cruise?” Sufyaan asked, following her gesture and enveloping her closely in his arms.

 Maryam nodded against his chest.

“But I saw that one of the ports in which the ship would stop was Goa…”


“And Goa is in India.”

“What?” Maryam’s head shot up. “Really Abba?”

“And who knows maybe you could even catch a train from there to Hyderabad…” He said looking into her surprised eyes.



“You really want me to go?”

“Yes but I want you to go with me, to take you to my home there, that is, if it is still there, I want to be the person to show you all those things which you had only imagined and wondered until now…to be the person to show you my people, my mother…”

“Then it is decided I am not going at all, never mind if the ship stops in Goa or wherever.”

“But Allah alone knows whether these dreams of mine would ever be fulfilled dear heart, you know what I told about my father rejecting me after my marriage to your mother and it was the same with the others too except perhaps my mother. I wonder what she thought, what excuses she found for her son…for they did not allow me to talk to her.” Sufyaan recalled a little bitterly though it went away upon the mention of his mother.

“So you see that is why I sort of want you to take this trip, though I am sure more than two weeks without seeing you would drive me crazy. But at least Maryam I would know within myself that I had not been selfish and that you would get the satisfaction of visiting your father’s motherland even if it is only for some hours cause dearest heart it is Hamara India!”

Maryam sighed, “The cruise begins on the next Sunday so I guess we have more time to discuss and decide about it, so c’mon tell me now Abba what do you think of this design?”


 Dubai, U.A.E

It was the noon of Friday and peace seemed to enshroud the home of Habibullah as the children finally took their nap after what was an absolutely mad morning, as Humaira will put it.

“Saif bhaiya, if you don’t mind may I come with you?” She asked Saif who looked about to depart somewhere, his hand upon the half-opened door.

 Saif turned and paused and to Humaira it appeared that he even frowned.

“But Humair I don’t think I want to take you to where I am going now…” He finally said, though his words were softened by his smile.

“Ah that means I must really come and check upon my brother…who knows maybe…?” Humaira teased, smiling back.

Saif shook his head exclaiming, “Bad thoughts Humair, seek refuge in Allah!”  

Humaira laughed softly seeing the grin that accompanied his teasing words.

“So may I come?”

“Why Humair you are never obstinate, really want to come huh?”

She nodded. “I don’t know…I just have this feeling in me to go where you are going now and only Allah knows where it is…”

Saif gave her a queer look. 

“Alright I will take you with me, go wear your abaya and all that but promise when you come back you won’t tell anyone as to where you went with me.”

“Oh Jazak Allahu Khair bhaiya, and yes By Allah I promise!” She said, flashing a smile and hurrying away.

Not wanting to disturb Habib or Heena, Humaira just sent a message to them before leaving with Saif.

Upon their way, Saif refused to reveal their destination and only teased her back to her merry teasing.

It was only when they stopped before a large building with many arcs surrounded by lush palm trees that Humaira read the words upon it, Al Wasl Hospital.

 Her heart skipped a beat. “Everybody alright bhaiya?”

Saif smiled reassuringly as they entered inside.

To Saif’s inquiry, the receptionist slightly frowned and repeated, “…Ward 16?”

Only after becoming satisfied with his pass and credentials, that she nodded and mentioned the directions.

Humaira who had been a mute witness to her brother’s doings looked at him and he looked back whispering with a grin, “Contacted that sheikh guy and he arranged this as a favour even though he knew our decision of the marriage concerning him. Nice man he, for it is really hard a guy getting permission to this particular ward here, by the way it is the maternity you know…”

By which of course Humaira did not know whether he was teasing or being serious.

Knowing not what she was expecting, Humaira entered upon the strange atmosphere and paused looking around her.

It was a place filled with cradles and toys and babies and toddlers. Two elder attendants seemed to be having a tough time as they rushed around comforting, playing, chiding from one little soul to another. They both looked upon their entrance and smiled saying Salaam.

Removing her Niqaab as there seemed to be no men around, Humaira smiled back replying their greeting and asked softly to Saif, “Who are they bhaiya?”

“Orphans.” was his quiet reply.

She turned to him immediately but he had already gone forward and taken a child in his arms, while his face lit up with the tenderest smile she had ever seen.

Somebody tugged her abaya and Humaira looked down to see a little boy who was younger than Yahya, smiling shyly up at her.

Humaira sat down and took his small hands with a warm smile. “Assalamu Alaikum.” She said and began a complicated sort of babyish conversation with him with which he seemed to be very much delighted.

Two more little ones joined her and one of the attendant woman whispered Thank you dear as she passed by her after half an hour later.

Humaira did not know nor cared at the moment where Saif was, for her whole attention was diverted from one task to another of the tiny tots.

It was two hours later after splashing water on her face and knowing that some of the little ones were finally asleep that she came out searching for Saif.

 She found him standing at one of the farthest window, his back towards the ward.

Softly going up behind, Humaira was about to call him when something stopped her and the next second she heard his deep voice murmuring against the ear of a child whom he was carrying in his arms.

“…ya Allah protect them and guide them as you protected your beloved Prophet Muhammed S.A.W, for O Rahman! He was an orphan too… Like these tiny souls, he never saw his father too and his mother, O Allah! You of all know the day when he stood there in the wilderness beside her grave, a boy barely six years and only You must have been aware of what went inside his little heart then... but O Allah You took care of him and nurtured and helped him always and I ask by his name now ya Allah take care of these little ones too, for it is You and You alone Who are the Best Supporter of all!"

Humaira pressed back her mouth with both her hands to stop the cries that seemed to escape her heaving heart, yet even then a sniffle escaped making Saif turn suddenly upon her.

Her tears only increased when she saw his own glistening in his dark eyes.

The parting from them was something which long remained etched upon Humaira's heart. Both she and Saif knew that like today had been the first time they had seen these children, today would become the last time they saw them too, for the day after morrow they were returning back to India.

"...Oh nobody knows who the parents are dear, the police tries to find them but they are all abandoned you know and we at the hospital do our best until something better comes their way..." had been the elder woman's words to Humaira's question.

"It was tough finding an orphanage here," Saif began on their way back. "For there seemed to be really none here except the one to which we went now, it was our Ustad (teacher) Maulana Wajid Sb who encouraged us all Aalim students to visit the orphange at least every Friday, there is one close to our Madrasa to which we usually went...some of my classmate friends had seen no home except it, for they grew up there, studied and became Hafiz and now are pursuing Aalim course with us. Maulana Wajid Sb repeatedly used to say this Hadith,

A man once came to the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu'alaihi wasallam, and complained that he feels hardness in his heart. The Messenger of Allah said, "Would you like that your heart becomes soft and that you acquire what you need? Be merciful with the orphan, pat his head and feed him from what you eat. This will soften your heart, and enable you to get what you need." 

Humaira felt that her heart had not only softened but melted away as soon as her hand had touched the little one's head who had tugged her abaya, smiling shyly at her.

The next day in the evening when Humaira came back home with Saif from the last shopping trip of Dubai, both Umar and Yahya took each of her hand and made her sit down. When she did, they immediately covered her eyes with a cloth and begged her not to pull it away. 

Then Humaira felt herself dragged and soon they entered inside a room. Umar asked her to bend and removed back the cloth. Blinking she straightened and almost jumped when both the children shouted in her ears, "Humair Di Surprise!" Except of course Yahya pronounced it as 'Churpiseeee!'

The whole room was in wild disorder and upon the bed was a chair with some sort of shiny cloth covering it. 

"Here have this Humair Di." Umar said joyfully, giving to her the heavily worked dazzling scarlet and golden dupatta of her Ghagra.

"Why what the..."

"You don't know how to wear?" Umar interrupted asking sympathetically, taking it back from her hands and asking her to sit down upon the bed.

Both he and Yahya who was barely able to hold it somehow managed to drape it behind her back like a mantle.

Then they gleefully clapped their hands and made her sit upon the mounted chair on the bed despite her protests.

The next surprise or shock to her was when they produced a colourful paper crown and placed it upon her head.

"Humair Di you are our queen!" Umar solemnly declared before bouncing off the bed making the chair and its occupant tumble down heavily.

"Ya Allah!" Humaira began but was silenced when Yahya placed the crown back upon her hair and soon both the children started dancing around her shouting wild cries.

It was upon that scene that Habib and Heena entered. While her brother bit his lip to suppress back the laughter Heena was not so delicate as she looked at her sister in law and laughed almost to the point of tears.

"I am a queen, nobody laughs at a queen!" Humaira declared indignantly while she adjusted back the paper crown upon her head that had half-fallen upon her forehead.

"Tee hee..." was the answer of Heena who was still unable to control her mirth while the children revealed to Habib that it was their churpise to Humair Di.

"You look good Humair." Habib assured her after having done an excellent job of holding back his laughter.

Humaira knew she looked ridiculous and dimpled as she said pointing at Heena, "Thank you bhaiya, you may remain while I banish her from my kingdom!"   

Heena snorted and then when realization hit her almost shouted, "What have you done to this room you two little..."

Habib patted her shoulder and said, "Not now Heena not now, wait till I go besides we have yet to give our surprise to Humair."

"Oh yes I forgot, you have it with you now?"

Habib nodded and took some papers from his pocket. Selecting one he handed it to Humaira who took it curiously.

"What is it Bhaiya?"

"Unfold and see Humair." Heena said going and standing beside her.

At first Humaira was not able to understand much but when she saw her name she grasped everything quickly and gave a squeal. She looked up at her brother and said as if in disbelief, 

"But this is not true bhaiya..."

Habib smiled. "But it is Humair."

"How in Allah's Name? No no am not going to believe this..."

"Ask Saif."

"What! Saif bhaiya knows?" And the next second she flew out of the room.

When she entered upon him in his room, Saif who was lying on the bed sat up immediately and stared at her opening his eyes wide then finally burst into loud laughter.

"Oh." Humaira paused and it was only then she remembered her queen's attire and again adjusted back the crown.

"Ya Allah Humair I assure you, you always look fine, no need for all this er..." He paused unable to find the suitable word. "...and what is it that you are wearing upon your head?"

Another time Humaira would have come back with a retort but now she just went and sat besides him and said quietly handing the paper to him, "Please tell me bhaiya this is not a dream."        

Saif took it and smiled upon reading it.

"No Humair it is true, tomorrow is 18th right? And we are going back India Insha Allah, only not by flight but by ship!Keep this safe, its your ticket."

Humaira still sat as if her mind was unable to digest such a piece of news and murmured, "But Costa Atlantica... it would have cost so much bhaiya."

"Not that much Humair," It was Habib who answered, upon entering and hearing her statement. "You know I wasn't able to take you to all those places which I did to Saira, Misbah...why even Ammi Abba visited more places when they came and stayed with us. Besides Heena said you really bought not much for yourself, except to stuff your bags with gifts for others."

Humaira rolled her eyes yet smiled back to his soft smile.

"So some days back I asked Saif what you liked very much and the first answer he gave was seemed you had just told him that you really wished it was olden days so that one could travel by ships and Alhamdulillah when I tried, I was able to book tickets for all you three in the cruise ship Costa Atlantica. It sails tomorrow evening Insha Allah and one of its port is Goa. I kept it as a surprise for you Humair. Also you all can easily go back to Chennai from a train there, I have reserved tickets for that too and Saif don't forget to collect them all from me..." 

"Abba knows?" Humaira whispered.

Habib chuckled. "Yes it was a bit difficult convincing him but at last Ammi assured him saying that our Saif is there with you."

Upon that Humaira giggled making Saif glare.

Then as she started to laugh, Saif began to make strange gestures of gagging clutching first at his head then his stomach.

"And pray what are you doing Saifullah?" Habib asked dryly.

"Practicing seasickness bhaiya..."

That stopped Humaira's laughter and she gave her brother a disgusted look which in turn made him laugh heartily. Leaving him she turned to her eldest brother.

"Oh Habib bhaiya Jazak Allahu Khair for everything, and oh where is bhabi?" 

As she exited the room, both Yahya and Umar went inside carrying what looked like a crown similar to Humaira's but more clumsy and bright.

"Saif bhaiya!"

They both chorused and attacked their prey.

Alex's gaze rested for the third time upon the girls whom he had identified as Muslims. And the same question repeated in his mind for the third time. How are they different from those other women around?

Maybe it was that showy piece of cloth upon their heads. What was that he had read they called it as? Hijab? For their tight revealing clothes were no different from those of other women sitting and chatting there.

 A girl from that Muslim group caught his glance and smiled at him almost dazzlingly.

Alex's eyes froze and he turned them away. He did not know what he had expected, yet he knew he was vaguely disappointed somewhere deep inside.

And why the hell he was wasting time here sitting in his hotel's lounge? He asked himself in boredom and then remembered it was because of Wilson.

Wilson had texted him towards noon and asked whether he remembered about the surprise which he had promised to give Alex after a fortnight in Dubai. Alex had replied he did not remember about any da** surprises. For that, Wilson's reply had been, 'Wait in your hotel's common lounge at seven. My surprise will reach you by then."

Alex glanced at his watch.  It was seven fifteen. And there was yet to come even a sign of that surprise...Another five minutes, Alex told himself grimly. After that, he would no longer sit here staring back at faces foolishly. To be honest though, what he thought was, staring back at foolish faces!

Suddenly Alex found himself looking at a heavily built man with dyed blonde hair who seemed to be making his way towards him.

His shirt seemed to be on the verge of ripping although most of its buttons were already undone. On either side of his arms were eye grabbing tattooes done in dark ink.

"Hey I am Sylvester but call me Sy." The man said upon reaching Alex. "May I?" He said indicating to the seat besides him but sat down without awaiting for an answer. He looked around him with a convivial smile and blatantly checked out all the girls seated near by.

"I get that you are Dr. Alex Montex..." He began again after some moments when there had been no response from Alex. "I am Sy." He smiled again.

"Heard you before."

"Oh thank God you can hear!" Sy exclaimed dramatically.

Alex rubbed his temples. "Wil sent you?"


After a pause, it was Sy who again began. "You don't want to know why?"

Alex sighed.

"Look, it was you who came, just state or give what he sent and get the hell lost before I kick you mood is really not good now."

"Oh alright man. No need to piss off!" Sy shrugged and took some papers from his pocket, handing them over to Alex.

Alex read them quietly and folded them back.

"So he expects me to go there tomorrow? What if I don't go?"

"Dr.Wilson said you will take the cruise if you are not already bored to death here after a fortnight..." Sy grinned engagingly.

Alex smiled back a little at his absent friend's accurate sort of observation.

"God man that is really good! why don't you do it more?"

"What?" Alex snapped.

"Oh your smile. Why the heck don't you smile more instead of giving us heebie-jeebies with those eyes of yours?"

Alex relaxed again but did not smile back though his eyes lost their frost. 

"And may I know who you are that Wil thought fit to choose so that you could persuade me for the voyage?"

"Ah I thought you will never ask that!" Sy grinned and winked at a passing girl who rolled her eyes. "I am? I am Dr. Alex Montex, the Captain of Costa Atlantica. It has been a great pleasure to meet you!"


A/N ;)

Well Alhamdulillah! we are here finally, you ready for the grand cruise? ;))))

With Duas and Salaam,

abdurRahman (Gudi ;))

p.s. I am sorry for not replying to so many of you, I will Insha Allah as soon as I manage some time, for indeed I love to reply, Jazak Allahu Khairan Kaseera! ;) 


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