Ch-14 Getting to know -Umar, Him and Her!

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                In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet and Master Muhammad (s.a.s), all his blessed descendents and noble companions.’


Dedicated to my Naba, to the love and friendship we share for His sake ;)

Chapter Fourteen

Getting to know –Umar, Him and Her!


“And they call this bread in this land?” An indignant Humaira asked, poking the hard and stiff loaf with her finger.

“Correction –in this sea, yes, they call this as bread.” was her brother’s calm reply as he broke the loaf with much effort and tried to chew the crumbs. It did not take him many moments to realize that the process was a difficult one, making him look warily at the queer smelling cheese and queerer sauces. It finally succeeded in making him sigh and moan dolefully,

“Ya Allah, bear witness that I am grateful to the food You have bestowed now…though my stomach refuses to accept it.”

“I wish they had given me that wheat flour, I would have made some chapattis for you instead of this…this thing called…” Her anger still seemed to be there as she continued to glare at the loaf.

Saif’s moaning only seemed to increase at her words. “Ah Humair you are heartless to remind me of your soft chapattis now when I have to eat…”

Immediately her glance softened as she looked up at her brother.

“You do know Saif bhaiya that you don’t have to keep fast today as we are travelling…skip today and the coming Thursday, you can continue it after we go home Insha Allah.”

Saif smiled shaking his head.

“Can’t Humair, this Nafl fasting on Monday and Thursday has become more than a habit…it is more than three years since I started it and now can’t just skip, I did once or twice for some reason I don’t remember but it made me feel so empty as if I had missed doing something very important…”

Humaira smiled back and said,

“Well I agree with you about that feeling Bhaiya, I get that when I miss my 13, 14, 15 fasts of every month.” 

“So you follow that Sunnah huh?” Saif inquired, trying to continue eating his Suhur breakfast renewing his chewing effort. “Ever missed fasting those three days?”

“Some months yes but otherwise I always manage to keep fast Alhamdulillah; you know Ammi and Saira Di do too.”

Saif nodded appreciatively. Then finally giving up the struggle with the bread, he turned his attention to the fruits instead.

“And who do we have here now up so early?” He spoke after some moments, his teasing look and tone only making his younger brother grin as he stood there rubbing drowsy eyes with his sleeves.

“Eating Suhur Saif Bhaiya? Shall I join?”

“With pleasure my brother.”

“Of course not Umar.” said both the elder siblings together.

Umar seemed not to mind his sister’s words and promptly sat down on the sofa near the table upon which the infamous breakfast was spread that Saif had ordered using the late night service.

Humaira caught his hand that was extended towards the food and indicated towards the direction of the bathroom.

“I think you are forgetting something like washing up, brushing…”

Umar groaned and looked at Saif for support who merely grinned but was non-committal until Umar gave in and dragged himself to the bathroom.

“How can you ask him to join just like that Bhaiya?” Humaira shook her head disapprovingly.

“Ever tried eating without brushing Humair?” Saif asked with an innocent air, finishing an apple quickly.

Not wanting to be drawn in his teasing, Humaira rolled her eyes and stood up to prepare for Fajr Salah.

Almost four hours later, the trio was seated at their table in the MDR, and Umar looked disappointedly around the people after finishing his breakfast.

“…but Humair Di, no one is speaking Urdu or Tamil and everybody is speaking English so fast.”

“Not fast Umar. It is their language; they are speaking it normally…and if they hear you speaking Urdu, they will think you are speaking very fast.” Humaira said trying to ease her younger brother’s baffled look.

 But Umar remained unconvinced and said gloomily after staring at Saif who had just spoken something to their waiter.

“Even Saif Bhaiya speaks it so fast.”

Humaira sighed and looked at her elder brother who smiled and messed Umar’s dark hair.

“Now what is there to worry about this language thing? No doubt you will learn to speak English ‘so fast’ too by and by Insha Allah, come on now…”

Umar shook his head vehemently. “No I won’t learn to speak it. I don’t like it. It is so confusing, I don’t understand it!”

“Alright then, we will leave it now. Later Insha Allah I will talk to you about this.” Saif said getting up, knowing well when it was better to stop comforting or arguing with his young brother.

Under a big, shady umbrella, Maryam sat on a chair with a dreamy look in her dark eyes, her elbows resting upon the wooden table in front, her chin supported by a soft palm.

Her thoughts were centered upon her absent father wondering what he was doing now. Her anger of yesterday against him had vanished, replaced by a feeling of deep loneliness making her realize how much she missed him, though it was not more than two days since she had last seen him.

She thought of his hopes and jokes as they took the much-awaited trip to the Islamic centre. They had gone there during the aft-noon and the place had been empty except for a few persons. But to Maryam who had so much wanted to meet another Muslim girl or woman in person, she was disappointed to see that the few people who were there were all men.

They greeted both her and Sufyaan like old friends and as her father stood talking with the man who looked like the leader, Maryam’s gaze eagerly took in all the surroundings. It came to rest upon some shelves of books, the result of which was she borrowed almost a dozen to her home. Some of which she had even brought in this trip knowing that if she was going to avoid places like the Bar and the Club of the Ship, then she would have ample time to spare.

Then her thoughts unconsciously, or was it consciously? came and rested again upon the man whom she had met twice. The first had been when she was explaining her name’s proper pronunciation to Laura… Maryam wandered again as she mused where Laura was? She had not seen her during breakfast…most probably still asleep with all the late night dancing and drinking at the Club. But again her mind seemed to pick the thread from where she had stopped and her heart quivered strangely as she recalled the moment when his eyes had met hers.

Then there had been last night at the MDR. The din and commotion of it had suddenly lulled and Maryam had looked up towards the entrance to see what the cause was.

It was then that she saw him again, but he seemed to be not looking at anyone except the woman by his side to whom he was talking and smiling.

Maryam did not know why her heart had stood still, whether it was upon seeing him again, whether it was seeing him smile or whether of the thought that the fully covered woman beside him may happen to be his wife.

Only after they were seated at some distance, after some two tables beside hers, that she first saw the boy.

The resemblance between them was easily to be seen yet Maryam somehow understood that the man was too young to be the father of such a big boy. Most probably his brother, but the woman?

Her thoughts were rudely broken by loud angry childish voices and she turned her head to see a little group forming about two children who seemed to be quite close to blows.

Maryam knew in a flash that the smaller of the two was the same boy who was with that man yesterday.

 After the room service breakfast with which Alex was properly disgusted, he strolled upon the deck near the shops and restaurant, dressed in denim shorts and a fashionably crumpled shirt open at the neck. Like always, his tall presence gave his long chestnut hair and slight beard an arresting quality and air making people look twice wondering at his identity.

Those who were close to him did not fail to see the icy coldness of the blue eyes and felt that they did not want to be the person to disturb the frozen depths beneath those eyes.

Searching for an empty table beneath the large umbrellas upon the deck, Alex paused when he saw a man walking briskly towards his direction.

The first thought that came to his mind was ‘Terrorist’. He saw that the tall man had a full black beard and was wearing a skullcap upon his dark head. His dress was like the ones seen in TV worn by Taliban men yet was startlingly pure white.

Hearing some loud childish voices to his right, Alex turned and looked towards it.

He saw a small crowd had formed around two boys who seemed to be fighting and kicking each other.

“Umar Farooq! What is the meaning of this?”

It was a man’s quiet deep voice vibrating with anger and Alex was surprised to know that the man whom he had just seen walking towards him had spoken it. Yet what surprised him more was that the man had spoken in Urdu and in a moment Alex comprehended that this man was the same one whom he had heard talking with a woman last night who turned out to be his sister.

His keen glance took in the following scene as the smaller of the two boys immediately stopped fighting and stood up trembling and fuming.

Saif controlled his anger with a herculean effort and repeated, “I asked what is the meaning of this?”

Glaring daggers at the other boy who had got up too, Umar looked directly into Saif’s eyes and declared hotly,

“Saif Bhaiya, he insulted the way I talk!”

Involuntarily Alex’s lips twitched at the boy’s answer and he noted that the man too compressed his lips to suppress a sudden smile.

“We all know Umar how bad your speaking English is…” Alex heard the man called Saif say in a gentle tone to his younger brother.

“What Bhaiya? Not my English! Who talked English?” Umar replied madly annoyed. “He insulted our Urdu.”

“He knows Urdu?” Saif gave a surprised look at the other boy who had stood glaring at Umar during this exchange.

“Of course not, He is from Kerala and talked in Malayalam. I did not say how funny the language was, but he began by saying that our Urdu was a stupid language.”

“And you both communicated in…?”

“Tamil of course.”

“Oh,” Saif turned to the boy and asked gently. “What is your name child and do you know Urdu?”

The boy shook his head. “Aadi.”

“Then why did you say that it is a stupid language Aadi?”

The boy pointed at Umar. “He laughed at me when I spoke in Malayalam.”

Saif looked back at Umar who seemed to be not a bit ashamed. “I told you Bhaiya how good I was, I didn’t start the fight and I didn’t say how funny his Malayalam was, I only laughed, I really couldn’t help it.”

As Saif shook his head in exasperation, Alex bit back a smile turning away his head slightly.

His glance fell upon a pretty, red-haired girl with shining eyes who was smiling too as she looked at both the brothers.

 Vaguely Alex wondered whether she had understood what was going on for most people had already moved on unable to understand what the man and boy were speaking.

Maryam’s smile only softened when she heard Saif say in English looking at both the boys.

“…both of you have behaved badly. Umar, ‘I couldn’t help it’ is not a reason to hurt others. Don’t you see that it was your laughing at his language that prompted him to insult yours? Try never to repeat such behavior again. Apologize to him now and you Aadi,” Saif turned to the other boy. “The same goes to you, even if others hurt you in some way, don’t insult them just like that without thinking or pausing because as far as I know Malayam is a rich and splendid language and Keralites most wonderful people, for I study in Kerala and know that Malayalis forgive quickly and become great friends”

Aadi returned a reluctant smile to the warm smile of Saif’s.

Saif looked at Umar who hung his head mumbling something like “I’m sorry.”

“Is he forgiven Aadi?”

The boy nodded his head, his anger a thing of past.

“Come now both of you, shake and be friends!”

To Alex, the sight stirred something long forgotten in his heart. He looked at both the boys who now looked at each other in a shyly defiant manner.

As the boys finally shook hands, a lanky man came up and said to Saif,

“I came only now but saw how squarely you dealt with both boys, though I think he must be your own brother. And Aadi is my son,” He said indicating towards the children who in typical kids style had forgotten their brawl and were conversing animatedly. “I’m Vineeth.”

Saif took his extended hand and said with the usual teasing smile. “Syed Saifullah.”

Alex watched as both the men continued talking while for Maryam she seemed to had forgotten that the world existed and openly stared at Saif, her heart throbbing in inexplicable bliss. Why... did she feel such happiness just looking at his smiling face? She knew she was in danger of being attracted to him with no effort of his.

Ten minutes later, both the brothers were seated under one of the umbrellas exactly opposite to the one under which Maryam sat, while Alex sat not far under a similar umbrella.

Saif faced the direction of Maryam while from his table, Alex could see and hear both Umar and Saif.

“…and then Bhaiya I saw the pool, it was so huge. There were two small pools too but Saif Bhaiya…” Umar paused in his descriptions with a slight frown, the spoon in his hand pausing in mid-air, for a surprising moment it looked like he had forgotten even the delicious scoops of ice cream which he had been tucking in.

“…I saw that there were many girls too and they were all wearing noth…”

“Umar!” Saif cut him before his naïve brother could launch into innocently graphic descriptions of unknown girls.


“Who taught you to swim?” Saif asked the first question which popped into his mind in a desperate attempt to change the topic.

“You Bhaiya.” Umar replied, beaming.

“And who taught me?”

“Abba of course. Why do you ask these questions Saif Bhaiya?”

 “Because do you think Abba would be pleased if he had heard what you were going to say about some unknown girls? What is it Abba always taught us boys concerning girls and women who were not our mother or sisters?”

Again Umar’s spoon paused in mid-air as he scrunched his small face in an effort of concentration.

“Look down!” He exclaimed, having recalled his father’s wise words.

“Yes that is right,” Saif said smiling. “And what reward would Allah SWT would give if you do so?”

“Jannah Forever!”

Saif twinkled and still smiling looked casually around, his gaze resting upon a man’s stern face with chilling blue eyes.

To say that Alex had been interested in the conversation between the brothers was an understatement. For a moment, he returned Saif’s stare but both immediately looked away when Umar spoke in a small, thoughtful voice,

“Saif Bhaiya, can we do anything like anything in Jannah?”

Saif nodded, his teasing smile deepening.

Having finished his bowl of ice cream, Umar stood up with the same thoughtful expression in his face while Saif followed his action.

Maryam looked at Umar and wondered with a smile what he wished to do in Paradise with such a hopeful look.

“Can Allah SWT really allow us to do anything there?” He asked again, looking hopefully at his hero of a brother who nodded again with a smile.

Alex’s curiosity was aroused as he watched and thought what such a little boy would want to do so badly in Paradise.

“Then can I, may I …do you think Allah SWT would mind if I played cricket whole day like always and always?”

His own self surprised Alex as he burst into laughter and looked at Saif who was laughing heartily too.

“Of course Allah SWT wouldn’t mind.” Saif finally replied, controlling his mirth and for a second his eyes rested upon Maryam who was laughing merrily as both the brothers began to walk away.

Maryam’s laughter died while her heart began its mad beat as she saw his eyes settle upon her for the second time and noted that there came a flash of recognition in them only to be quickly replaced by some inscrutable emotion as Saif lowered his eyes and moved past her.

If she had been close enough to him, she would have heard him mutter to himself the two words repeatedly, “Look down!”

Though the library section was almost empty except for some elderly persons, the Internet café in the same hall on the opposite side was completely full, as it was the only place from where the passengers could contact and communicate at a reasonable price with the world beyond the sea.

It was past noon and Alex’s long slim fingers hovered upon the keyboard upon hearing a familiar little voice close by his side.

“No Humair Di, I will be really very quick…was I not right? See there is no one here.”

Glancing to his right where the library was, Alex saw for the first time in clear light the woman who had spoken last night in the darkness.

“Umar is right Saif Bhaiya, you just go and rest now…we will both manage greatly Insha Allah.”

It was the same soft voice and Alex’s gaze took in her appearance and noted that she barely reached her elder brother’s shoulder who was now standing looking around the hall distrustfully.

“Now go Saif Bhaiya, you woke up for Suhur and has not slept since…Umar is there with me and I’m sure we will both enjoy nicely here or if you prefer we will both come with you to the cabin now.”

Removing his Topi, Saif ran his hand through his hair and looked at his sister with the usual smile when she stopped speaking.

“Ready to sacrifice even your books for me Humair?”

Humaira slightly pushed her brother towards the entrance.

“If you tease me…” She began in a laughing voice. “But yes Bhaiya I will come then, I know how sleep becomes Haraam for you when your mind knows that we both are wandering somewhere in the ship instead of being besides you.”

Saif chuckled. “Alright alright I will go and rest but I don’t promise that I will sleep and now you both promise you will be back in an hour?”

“The book cabinets will be closed again in an hour. I don’t think we will have any reason to stay here after that.” Humaira assured him and finally watched him turn and go.

During that time, Umar had skimmed through the children’s section and now brought a thick volume to Humaira.

“Humair Di this?” He asked excitedly handing it to her.

Alex noted that her hands were gloved as she took the book from her brother. In fact, he saw that except her eyes there was nothing visible about her appearance through the long, dark abaya and Niqaab, which she was wearing.

“Alice in Wonderland?” He heard her say softly. It is a good book yes, but Umar the story revolves around a girl called Alice. Are you sure that you want me to read it?”

“A girly book?” Umar asked back in alarm.

“Not exactly but…” Even before she could complete, Umar snatched it away from her hands and hurried to the children’s section again.

In the meantime, Alex watched her wander gracefully from one section to another finally pausing quite close to the café. He saw her gloved fingers slightly touching the books spines as she scanned the titles.

Then suddenly his mind filled with her melodious voice reciting,

Rabbanaa maa khalqta hadhaa baatilan subhaanaka faqinaa 'Adhaaban naar 

Alex opened his mouth as if to ask her what it meant, but shook his head at his sudden stupidity and turned to concentrate instead upon the reply that was pending to Wilson.

Only after he had clicked the ‘Send’ that Alex saw with a shock what he had sent to his friend. He had unconsciously written his thoughts towards the end of the message,

‘…I wonder how she looks’

Umar came back before Wilson’s reply and pulled Humaira’s abaya.

She looked down and took the book from him.

“Robinson Crusoe? An excellent story, yes yes we shall begin it now.” She laughed as her brother almost dragged her towards the couch.

For a moment more as he watched them both, Alex’s eyes turned a deeper shade as if polished sapphire then he turned to look back at the screen and saw Wilson’s bantering reply,

‘Fading vision Alex? Is there no oculist on board? Go check your eyes and look at her again…On a serious note though, if she has really caught your fancy and makes you wonder, I won’t be surprised if she turns out to be da** gorgeous!’    

Alex’s gaze automatically looked towards her direction and his lips curved into a queer smile realizing that no oculist on board could make him see her unless of course she herself wishes to reveal.

Yet soon he became engrossed in his other messages and mails and when at last after what seemed to be a long time, he stretched himself and turned his head in her direction, Alex saw that both were gone.

As Saif’s Iftaar consisted again of only fruits, his growling stomach made him almost hurry to the MDR for the dinner. Umar excitedly looked forward to the sumptuous seafood that Saif had ordered while Humaira eyed the large shrimps suspiciously after being placed near her.

From her table a little far away, Maryam had watched them enter and if not for Laura and the other two tablemates who kept incessantly chatting with her, she would have soon forgotten even to eat. Their talk made her smile and nod mechanically as she tried to steady the irregular beatings of her heart that had begun as soon as she saw Saif. She noted that as the dress code was not formal tonight, most men were wearing T-shirts and shorts or jeans. Yet like yesterday, Saif and his siblings stood out among the rest and to Maryam’s scrutiny, they didn’t seem to be aware of it or if they were, didn’t seem to care about it.

Alex was half way to the Costa restaurant when suddenly something seemed to strike his mind. Retracing back his steps, he took the lift and finally came and stood in front of the glaringly lit MDR.

Only a few glanced up at his entrance and Alex’s gaze wandered, finally coming and resting upon the table that he had sought. Umar seemed to be stuffing in the typical hungry manner that boys stuff themselves whether be it breakfast, lunch or dinner while Saif was obviously teasing his sister with a large shrimps, which looked startlingly alive.

Alex’s gesture called a maitre d’hôtel to his side and said calmly,

“I want my dinner to be served there.”

His hand indicated the one opposite to Saif’s table.

The maitre d' took in Alex’s appearance and stopped short when he reached the cold blue eyes. With an effort, he managed to blurt out,

“But sir, you can’t…it is impossible, it is already reserved…”

Giving him a bored look, Alex called a passing waiter.

“Can you find Captain Sy and bring him here in the next five minutes?”

As the frightened waiter nodded and scurried away, the maitre d' stood still as if stunned. When his speech returned, he saw that Alex was already crossing towards the before mentioned table.

“Godda** it Dr. Montex! Of course you can have any da** table you want, but that doesn’t mean you can frighten my crew so.” Sy exclaimed with a glint of anger, looking down at Alex who was coolly consulting the menu.

“I didn’t, I merely asked and when he refused, called you .” Alex replied glancing up.

“Oh.” Sy said, looking at him then turning his gaze away and wondering vaguely why under heavens this man’s icy blue eyes looked as if they perfectly saw one’s hidden secrets and thoughts.

 Then shrugging the creepy feeling, Sy looked around the MDR with interest as he checked out all the girls who sat near Alex’s table.

For it was ‘cause of a chick Dr. Montex had come here, Sy had no doubt about it.

His gaze ticked off each girl but he was not satisfied with any except perhaps Maryam at whom he stared a little long, yet he finally concluded she was seated a little far off.

When he saw the Niqaab covered Humaira, it was only to pass his glance from her to the American’s girlfriend as if she was invisible. Women who were completely covered did not come under his sphere of attraction.

“Alright I give up, who the fu** is she?”


Not wanting to meet those eyes directly for a second time, Sy mumbled something like ‘Good night’ and was soon off. If he had turned around, he would not have missed the amused smile upon Alex’s lips. As Sy was not dressed in his uniform, his presence in the crowded MDR did not cause much comment.

Like the American tablemate who was disappointed last night, if Alex was disappointed tonight when he saw that Humaira ate without removing her Niqaab, then his face did not show it. Yet his eyes repeatedly went towards her while she in turn often looked at her brother who like always sat commenting funnily while he ate the dinner.

Even though Alex sat at the opposite table, he was unable to catch what they were speaking in the loud clatter and din sounding all around them. Therefore, as he ate alone at his table, Alex could only watch and think.

“So ready for Taalim?” Saif asked his siblings, settling back comfortably upon the sofa. As they both nodded, Saif continued, “We missed reading it yesterday, hence today we will listen to a long, beautiful Hadith Insha Allah…what say?”

“Yes yes yes!” Umar declared happily, rolling upon the bed then getting up and sitting properly again with a huge grin.

Humaira smiled back at her brother’s smile and waited for him to begin.

Thus, Saif slowly began in his deep voice, the smile still playing upon his lips.

“Bismillah. Reported by Imam Ahmed, Abu Daawud, Haakim,

Bayhaqii and others,

Sayyidina Baraa bin 'Aazib Radiyallahu 'Anhu says, Sayyidina

Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam said:


"When a Mu-min is in the state of leaving this world and approaching the hereafter, malaa-ikah (angels) from the sky come to him, whose faces are white and shine like the sun. They have with them kafn (dead person's shrouding) of Jannah (paradise) and fragrance of Jannah. They seat themselves until (the distance) where the eye can see.


Then Malakul maut (Angel of death) comes and sits at his

headside and says:

'O soul, who was content with the commands of Allah, come out towards the forgiveness and mercies of Allah'.


It (the soul) comes out (with ease) like (water) drops flow out of a water bag, although (outwardly) you may witness a state other than this (that life comes out with difficulty. The difficulty is on the body, and the ruh [soul] experiences easiness).


They (the malaa-ikah) take out the ruh. After taking it out the Malakul maut does not leave it in his hands for a split moment, but puts it in the kafn and fragrance of Jannah. Such a fragrance emits from it like the strongest musk fragrance in the world.

Then they go up with it.


Whichever group of malaa-ikah they pass, they [those

malaa-ikah] ask, who is this good and pleasant soul. They say:

'So-and-so, son of so-and-so, They mention the best names with which he was well-known in the dunyaa (world). (In the same manner) They take him towards the next sky (samaa-ud dunyaa) from there they carry on till they reach the seventh sky.


Allah Ta'aala commands, record his name in the 'illi-yiin, and return him to the earth (for questioning in the grave). His ruh is returned to his body (pertinent to the barzakh and not the world).


Two angels come to him and make him sit up. They both ask him:


'Who is your Rabb (Lord and Master); and what is your


He will say: 'My Rabb is Allah and Islam is my religion.'


They both then say to him: 'Who is this person who was sent

to you and among you.'

He will say: 'He is the Rasul (messenger) of Allah (i.e.

Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam).'


They both then say to him: 'How did you know?'.

He will say: 'I read the Kitaab of Allah Ta'aala (Qur-aan), brought Emaan (faith) on it and accepted it as the truth.'


A caller (from Allah Ta'aala) will then call out from the heavens:


'My bondsman has given the correct answer. Spread out for him a floor-covering from Jannah; clothe him with the clothing of Jannah; and open for him a door towards Jannah.'


Hence a breeze of sweet fragrance blows towards him. His grave is widened as far as (the width) the eye can see. A well dressed person with a sweet smelling fragrance will come and say to him: 'News of glad tidings of happiness to you. This is the day that you had been promised.'


He will ask: 'Who are you? Your countenance conveys blessings and excellence.'

The person will say to him: 'I am your pious deeds.'


He (the deceased person) will then repeat: 'O Rabb (hasten)

Qiyaamah (the day of reckoning), O Rabb (hasten) Qiyaamah, so that I may return to my family and possessions (which will be attained in the hereafter)."'

Saif stopped closing the book and looked at Humaira, who murmured with tear-filled eyes, “May Allah SWT grant such a death to all of us! Aameen.”

“Aameen Summa Aameen.” He said wistfully, which was promptly echoed by Umar.

And tonight after Umar was finally asleep, it was Saif himself who asked, “A romantic stroll?”

Humaira chuckled at his teasing but soon accompanied him to the same place as last night.

If Saif had not been pre occupied with his thoughts, he would have seen the man lying on the deck chair close by them in the shadows. Yet his thoughts were far away, as he watched his sister leaning upon the railing and looking at the sea roll by.

Alex as he leaned back in the shadows was not a bit surprised when he saw the brother and sister come and stand close by him near the rows of deck chairs. He was actually waiting for them.

Yet he was surprised when both did not speak a word even after ten minutes had passed but seemed to stand there, simply content with each other’s company.

Then suddenly he heard her soft voice speak and the very soul of Alex seemed to thrill at it in the darkness.

“Do you think Saif Bhaiya it was a bad idea bringing Umar to this cruise…I have been thinking about what you said about Umar’s view of the pool and the girls there, I think I have been very selfish. I never thought how closely he would be exposed to such things here…and then at the MDR, almost every one seem to drink wine, then they started the dancing at today’s dinner…oh Saif Bhaiya, do you think in my selfishness I did not think about him and just grabbed the chance of going in a ship?”

Her deeply worried tone affected both the men who were listening to it. And her kin was first to respond to her distress.

“Listen little Humair, it was Fate written by Allah SWT. Bound to happen, you couldn’t have changed it even if you have wished it. Eventually, Umar will come to know the reality of this world and all its shamming treacherous ways. Let it be rather that he learns all this now with us, than alone after some years without knowing then where to turn or whom to confide in.”

“Then you think he would be alright?”

“He is your brother isn’t he, do you still doubt he will not turn out good or are you worried that he might have a streak of me?”

“Saif Bhaiya!”

And again to the two men who listened, her laughter seemed the most sweetest thing in the world.

“Humair tell me something will you?”

“What Bhaiya?” Humaira slightly turned her head and tried to decipher her brother’s face in the dim light.

“Honest now… I often catch you looking at the heavens. Why so?”

For some moments, there was no reply then when he opened his mouth to speak again, Saif heard her say quietly in the tenderest tone,

“Are you asking me why I often look towards the One Who is always looking at me?”

Then it was his turn to be silent until he finally said,

“I never saw anyone love Him as you do Humair…”

“I…just can’t…help doing so Bhaiya…” She replied tremulously and Saif knew that her eyes were wet with tears as he heard her breath shakily.

“It is most beautiful…you don’t know how you inspire those around you Humair.”

That made her laugh amidst tears. “What silly things you say Bhaiya, enough about me… now tell me what you were thinking standing here in the darkness?”

“I was remembering our Taalim Humair and was asking Allah SWT Du’a that we all should be among those people whom He speaks to so beautifully in the Qur’an as,

Yaa Ayyatuhan Nafsul Mutmainnah, Irji’ii Ilaa Rabbiki Raaddhiyatam Mardhiyyah…

(O soul that is at rest satisfied. Return to your Lord well-pleased (with Him), well-pleasing (Him).)


Saif paused in his soft trembling recitation looking in her direction obviously waiting for her to continue.

 “…Fadkhulii Fee Ibaadii Wadkhulii Jannatii.”

(…So, enter among My servants, and enter into My Paradise.)

 Humaira’s melodious recitation ended sweetly and seemed to spread peace and bliss all around them.

To Alex, who lay awake staring in the darkness, her words and recitation seemed to touch the innermost chamber of his heart which lay throbbing, queerly content and at peace.

Even long after they were gone, he still lay awake searching for the One in the dark heavens Whom she had said was always watching.


A/N ;)

Ever listened to the gentle pitter-patter of rainfall in the hush of dusk? Isn’t it absolutely heavenly melting our heart of hearts…Blessed be Allah, the Lord of the Worlds Who blessed me with such a sight! <3333 May He forgive and protect us all! Aameen Summa Aameen.

With Duas and Salaam,

abdurRahman (Gudi ;))


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