Ch-33 The London Dulha

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                In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet and Master Muhammad (s.a.s), all his blessed descendents and noble companions.’


Dedicated to Half-a-moon, for her comment regarding IYL is simply beyond sweet … Jazak Allahu Firdaus!


Chapter Thirty-Three

The London Dulha

Minnesota, U.S.A.


Seated comfortably with her long legs stretched and crossed at the ankles, Sophia took a dainty bite of a pizza slice and observed her friend who was giving the final touches to a very pretty fishtail blouse while beside her, the remaining pizza sat untouched.

“Tell me Maryam, why do I love it here?” Sophia looked around the simple room with personal style and splashes of colours in the form of quaintly framed photos, snazzy curtains, little speakers attached to a sophisticated stereo system, a large desk overflowing with bits of fabric, lace, beads and a hand-sewing machine, while in the corner was thrust a laptop and haphazardly arranged books. “…than my apartment for which I pay nearly half of my salary?”

Maryam looked up with a smile, and then laid aside the long blouse with a yawn. “Do you really wanna know the reason why?”

Sophia gave an amused smile as she nodded.

“It’s ‘cause you don’t have ‘ME’ there!” Maryam declared with mock seriousness.

Her friend snorted while Maryam laughed. “Lord, I’m so hungry!”

She soon began to dig in the pizza while her attention was now focused upon a large piece of cardboard at which she was frowning.

“What’s that?” Sophia inquired, making a lazy attempt to peer at the writing that Maryam was doing upon the cardboard.

“Nothing,” Maryam mumbled as she continued to write. “Just a chart I’m trying to make for all the prayers I miss, and guess what Soph? I’m not satisfied with the results. Not one bit!”

For some moments, there was complete silence as Sophia watched her friend intently.

“I suck!” Maryam announced wryly, throwing away the marker and covering her face. 

“Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

Maryam rubbed her eyes, then with a laugh lowered her hands at Sophia’s comforting tone. “Hard? I didn’t even come close to it! I have only been honest and I wonder what I will say to Allah when He asks me about my missed prayers…” Maryam stared into space, yet her face remained clouded.

“Gotta perform them all I guess.” She stated at the same time as Sophia said with a strange smile, “You have changed remarkably haven’t you?”

Maryam looked at her and Sophia shook her head, her smile deepening. “Alright, don’t give me that tell-me-something-that-I-don’t-know look. You know what? I have been thinking of saying this, I’m going to work with Mattie Jones the next month.”

“Jones? Really Soph?” Maryam’s eyes widened. “Gosh, her work is simply stunning!”

Her friend nodded indifferently. “But she would be releasing her collection in London this time…”

“London? Then you would be going too?” Maryam asked, a sudden feeling of dejection descending upon her.

Sophia gave a little smile, completely understanding her friend. “Hey just a month…besides I’ll miss you more.” She concluded softly.

Maryam smiled back, but it came all wobbly. “Yea only a month, it’ll fly by huh?” She sighed, and then directed an accusing glare. “Promise you won’t become so busy as to not even answer my messages?”  

Sophia rolled her eyes. “Don’t be silly, of course we’ll stay connected and talk almost every day. Satisfied?”

Grinning, Maryam stood up and giving Sophia a bone-crushing hug, declared sweetly, “Soph, you’re a wonderful person! Why do you love me so?”

The beautiful model returned the hug but said slightly wrinkling her nose, “I never said that Maryam. Don’t have delusions.”

Maryam laughed. “You stink Soph!”

“Nah …the smell’s coming from you.” Sophia replied tranquilly yet the emerald eyes shone with warmth and laughter looking at her best friend.


Chennai, India.   


“We the invincible superheroes come now to the rescueeee!” Saif yelled brandishing the hose of the vacuum cleaner, while Umar gleefully danced around his hero, giving vent to wild war cries. It was before Asr and both brothers were assigned the task of clearing the cobwebs in the house, which they had started from the Terrace room.

After a moment, Saif spotted his younger sister sweeping the floor and clearing his throat importantly, said with his usual grin, “Humair, it would boost up our heroism if you could just scream a little looking at this spider…”

Humaira paused in her task and looked at her brothers who were both regarding her with eager, profusely sweating faces while Saif was elaborating with a deliberate blasé air,

“…I don’t say that its hairy, a weeny bit maybe but –

His explanation of the deadly spider was cut short as his sister instead of screaming, calmly used her broom to sweep clean the ceiling of the spider’s flimsy home while the occupant itself scurried away yet not before it met its death by the other end of the broom.

Then climbing down from the chair, Humaira went back to sweeping the floor, while Umar looked at his sister in awe and Saif muttered to no one in particular, “She’s something isn’t she?”

It was after Maghrib and Humaira had almost finished her recitation of Surah al Waqiyah when Saira burst into her room.

“Humair,” She gasped, with wide eyes. “I just had a glimpse of him. He has come again, actually down now!”

Humaira, intent upon recalling the last verses looked at her sister with a frown. She finally asked,

“Who Di…?”

Saira sat down and took steadying breaths. “I quite forget this little one sometimes,” She stroked her stomach with an indulgent smile. “Ammi would give me a lecture if she had seen the way I ran and came up now. Well, he has come… you-know-who!”

Humaira’s eyes lighted at the words and she immediately lowered them knowing that her sister would start teasing.

“And I think Humair, you should seriously reconsider your decision of accepting him. He... he and you won’t be suitable at all.”

The light from the deep eyes dimmed a little as they searched Saira’s face and when they saw the unholy twinkle dancing in the black eyes, the sudden constriction in Humaira’s heart relaxed. Understanding that her sister won’t allow this chance of teasing to pass by, she smiled softly as she asked,

“Why do you think so?”

“Oh. First thing, he’s tall,” Saira’s glance took her sister’s entire figure as she commented, “And you’re small.”

But Humaira remained serene as she continued to look inquiringly at Saira. “So that doesn’t perturb you? Well, what do you say to this, he’s bald!” She announced triumphantly and not without a giggle.

Humaira laughed. “He has shaved his hair then? Alhamdulillah!”

Saira rolled her eyes. “But Humair he’s quite old…!” She argued further, while her sister replied with a calm smile.

“So? And I’m young. They say opposites attract, the matter is settled then.”

Saira smiled back, acknowledging a hit. Then her eyes softened, “You really like him so?”

“How much… only Allah SWT knows.” was the quiet reply. 

Down, Alex declined both to eat or drink and so Saif sat talking casually with him until Abdullah came.

“You look cool Ma shaa Allah!” Saif said with an appreciative grin, remarking upon Alex’s changed appearance.

“Thanks.” Alex gave a little smile. It had taxed him so much to shave his head completely. He couldn’t recall a single time in his life when his head had been without hair. Yet he was beginning to learn what it was to sacrifice your desires in order to please your Lord.  

Conversation soon turned serious and Abdullah finally stated,

“The best and quickest way to learn everything about Islam is to go in Tableegh Jamaath. As you’re eager to learn more, I suggest you go for forty days before the Nikah.”

The only thing that Alex’s mind registered was waiting forty more days for the wedding. “F…forty?” He looked at Saif who swiftly suppressed a smile.

“Or you can go after the Nikah In shaa Allah,” Abdullah said, smiling with understanding. “But you should go son, it would benefit you immensely. I gather you would be taking Humair with you to London. So I suggest, after Nikah leave her here and go in Allah SWT’s way. He will guide you, for in His way you’ll learn Ta’leem (Knowledge), Tazkiya (Purification of soul) and of course Tableegh (Da’wah)…”

“After Nikah, immediately?” Alex asked in a hesitant voice at which Saif burst into laughter.

Abdullah shook his head, the kind eyes twinkling with amusement. “Of course not. Maybe after a fortnight, Think about it and say tomorrow…”

Even though Alex was long gone, it was Humaira who had to endure the teasing from her brother the whole night and the next day.

“Ya Allah, the look on his face Humair!” Saif described to a grinning Saira. “Poor fellow, he really thought we would be sending him packing to Jamaath instead of a honeymoon as soon as he completes the Nikah with you.” Saif laughed, while Humaira blushed and remained silent.

“And oh Humair, he wanted me to tell you that he wished you to choose a name for him. So I said I’ll help you, what about Vasco da Gamma?”

“Hey let me help too,” Saira said, still grinning. “And don’t be silly Saif, Humair pick something amazing, awesome, mind blowing –” Saif rolled his eyes. “Like umm… Mujahid ul Islam?”

“Mine was good too.” Saif said, looking at his twin who seemed too pleased with herself.

“Don’t tell me you’re serious…?” She snickered, her eyes meeting Humaira’s.

“Alright don’t gloat like a fish, Humair what do you say to …hmmm… Ayman or Sa’ad or Sadiq or Zubair or Zaid or Haashim or Asadullah or Habibur Rahman or Muhajir ul…”

“Show off!” His twin muttered glaring, while Saif continued to spout names with complete ease, his lips curved into the usual teasing smile.

So they suggested, argued, even fought not noting that the one who should decide had left them with a smile and shake of her head.

That night, even before the Ta’leem Kadhija and Saira called Heena and the news was spilled. The whole wonderful story of Humaira’s dream, Alex’s reversion, his asking her in marriage etc. was repeated until nearly two hours passed before the Skype call ended, only for Habib to call them next enquiring what his wife was blabbering to him about romance and some London Dulha (groom) for their Humair. So, the whole thing got repeated again, this time by Abdullah and it was late when dinner finally ended while Ta’leem got postponed to the next day after Fajr.

The excitement finally subdued and the house hushed though the occupants still conversed in their respective rooms and in one particular room’s balcony, gazing peacefully at the giant black canvas of the sky with the white moon as the only drop of colour, Humaira remembered the breathtaking colours of the dawn that would come soon.

The whole day today, her heart had resembled a rainbow of sweet emotions. So much happiness bubbled delightedly from her heart like enchanting colours lighting up her whole soul. Yet she acutely remembered the days when her heart and world seemed to have turned black and white.

The melting eyes which were gazing at the heavens, had always believed yet knew now with certainty the miracles that happen with Hasbi Allah. For when we trusted Him with complete and beautiful belief, He SWT caused the rainbow of colours to emerge from your dreary world of black and white.


Alex released an unsteady breath that he didn’t realize he had been holding in. “Yes, it’s me Wil. How’re you? Everything fine there?”

“Yea everyone’s doing well. Was waiting to hear from you…so?”

“I … she accepted.” Alex smiled, passing a hand through his hair only to realize there was none. He shook his head yet the smile remained.

“Not a big surprise huh? I see the affluence and class of the Montex name and power works even there…”

The smile froze as did the blue eyes. “What’re you saying?”

“Please don’t pretend you don’t understand. Didn’t she or her dad do the background check on your bank savings or are you saying that they don’t know that you would be the next successor to the whole group of hospitals?”  

“That’s enough Wil! You’re going overboard –”

Wilson laughed, yet the sound was unpleasant. “So I apprehend you have converted then?”

There was a pause before Alex replied quietly. “Yes, I’m a Muslim now. Just like Michael said that day…”

“And we both remember what happened to Michael soon after that…”


“Yes you in particular saw his end.”

“Violent no doubt, but only his body while his soul triumphed for eternally.”

“Have started preaching already Alex?” The tone was a sneer now. “What do you think Draco will do if he comes to know that his only son has gone to the religion of –”

He was broken short as Alex said cuttingly. “Don’t throw me back the words that I used to say, and I don’t give a da** what my father will think or do when he comes to know. Why don’t you update him like you always do about my affairs? And you will get to experience the results in live.” His voice slightly softened only to become bitter again. “I… I thought you would like to come to my… yet I see I had been a fool. Guess it would be the same with George and here I was saying just yesterday that I at least had true friends…”

“Don’t you dare blame us you sonof*****!” Wilson hissed. “First Michael, then you… God how I hate these fu**ing Muslims! And I warned you this would change everything. Don’t try to contact me unnecessarily, Goodbye then!”

“Michael my behavior to you our Lord has paid me back.” Alex said to the empty air. “And I have a feeling that this is just the beginning…” Sitting motionless and staring unseeingly, it was a long time before he realized that his cheeks were wet with tears.

“Wahal ataaka hadeethu Moosa?”

 (And has there come to you the story of Musa (Moses)?)

Recited a soft voice at which the snowy cat blinked her eyes dispassionately.

Humaira snorted. “What a silly cat you’re Snow! You don’t even know the story of Musa A.S? Alright, I’ll tell you, now listen and no sleeping off.” She warned but before she could begin again, Saira entered the room breathlessly.

“Oh Humair hide me!” She cried, then went and hid behind the bedstead.

“Saira come out now!” Misbah’s voice came from the hall, and it sounded foreboding to Humaira’s ears.

“Shall I go?” Humaira asked with amused inquiry at her sister who looked pleased yet frightened at the same time.

“No!” Saira clutched Humaira’s hand. “He won’t come as long as you’re here, and I’m not planning to leave until his anger cools.”

“Saira!” the voice was becoming impatient now.

“You’ll kill me.” She answered in a squeak.

“If you come now, I would perhaps not consider it.”

Saira shook her head and looked torn between amusement and dread. Finally, amusement won as she succumbed to giggles.

“What did you do Di?” Humaira smiled, as she looked at her laughing sister.

“Ice cubes!” She said as Humaira’s eyes widened in understanding. “No, really?”

Saira nodded, her eyes dancing. “He was behaving like a grouch and I wanted him to relax…”

Humaira rolled her eyes. “He has just come back from work, of course he’ll be grouchy!”

Both the sisters looked at each other before bursting into merry laughter.

“Come sit Alex, Abba would be here soon.” Saif was saying when Misbah entered the room looking furious.

“Do you know what your sister did?” He glared at Saif, who looked taken aback for a moment.

“What?” He asked quietly, his glance going towards Alex then taking in Misbah’s ruffled appearance. “And why are you carrying that jug of water?”

“Look!” His friend spat, turning and showing a wet back to their view. “She put ice cubes inside my collar deliberately!”

For a second Saif stared, then burst into deep laughter while Alex suppressed a smile. “Why stand here? You could have done the same to her yaar!” He finally stated to his glowering friend.

“Ice cubes over.” Misbah said wrathfully. “But there was ice water,” He indicated his jug with a satisfied smile that soured as he continued, “And she went and hid in Humair’s room. Refuses to come out despite my threatening…”

Saif grinned. “Good move Saira! Humair is with her huh?”

Misbah nodded grimly, then brightened as if struck by a sudden idea.

“I can get her through you!” He declared and before Saif’s senses could comprehend their meaning, the splash of cold water drenched him.

“Yaar, Revenge is sweet!” Misbah commented wiping his brow with a wide grin as Saif stood dumbstruck.

Then in front of Alex’s eyes, Saif seemed to transform. His eyes turned menacing as he advanced towards his friend. “I’ll get you for this Misbah ul Haqq!”

Misbah laughed yet backed away and in a split second seemed to have vanished.

But instead of following him, Saif turned towards Alex and asked furiously,

“Where is it?”

Very much entertained, Alex raised a brow. “Where is what?”

Saif did not reply but muttered to himself as he pulled open the desk’s drawer and rummaged inside.


In Saif’s hand appeared a large grey feather. “He has Pteronophobia.” He explained to Alex while his smile turned wicked as he disappeared after that.

It was after ten minutes, Alex all the while could perfectly hear the shouts, cries and laughter that rang in the house, and when he was beginning to wonder whether anybody remembered his arrival, a grinning Umar came bounding with a tray of delicacies that he placed in front of Alex.

“Ammi said to eat!” He declared and still grinning ran off in the same speed that he came.

Alex shook his head with a slow amused smile curling his lips, if this was how it was when you live with these people…

Not long after, a wet Saif burst into his room with a mop in his hand.

“Abba!” He announced with a wild look to Alex. “I’m so sorry… I left you –” He furiously started mopping the floor that had become moist earlier due to Misbah’s jug of ice water.

Abdullah’s deep loud greeting was heard from the hall and Saif stood still. Then, when his father entered the room, he pretended to be seriously engaged in his mopping.

After replying to the greetings, Abdullah’s eyes took in his son’s drenched appearance. “Keeping your room clean son?”

Alex passed his fingers over his lips to hide his widening smile.

“It’s done.” Saif stated too brightly and was about to depart when Misbah entered the room without heeding anyone.

“Gotcha!” His cry and splash of water subsided and it was with growing horror he saw that he had soaked Abdullah.

Saif started to laugh only to become still again.

“Uncle,” Misbah breathed. “Uncle Allah Haqq I didn’t know it was you!”

Abdullah shook his head disapprovingly but the black eyes remained twinkling. “Is this how you two behave in front of a guest?”

Thus, that was how Alex found himself alone with Abdullah upstairs in Misbah’s room as Saif’s had become wet again and now was being mopped by a muttering Misbah.

Having changed into dry clothes, Abdullah sat drinking his coffee and talking with Alex.

“Saif told me how you didn’t see Humair’s pic,” Abdullah said with a warm smile. “It is actually Mustahab to see the girl whom you have proposed to marry…still as you wish, and Habib said yesterday that he wanted to talk with you son. There, I think he is available now.”

Alex looked at the laptop’s screen where the Skype window was displayed.

“Assalamu Alaikum Abba.” The voice was quiet and pleasant and it was with a shock that Alex realized that the man staring at him through the screen had the same deep brown eyes and they were regarding him seriously.

He greeted Alex next and gave a small smile.

Abdullah and Habib talked for some minutes about his work, children etc. before Habib directed a question at Alex.

“Your both parents are alive?”

Alex nodded, the first flicker of ice appearing in the blue eyes that evening.

“You haven’t informed them of your having accepted Islam?”


“And about the marriage?”

“Draco –My father knows.”

“Is it true that you’re your father’s only child?” Abdullah questioned with a troubled frown. “And that you would be the next successor to everything?”

“It seems so.” Alex remarked while he remembered Wilson’s words.

“I did not comprehend fully what you meant yesterday by your comments about living in exuberant houses of atrocious maintenances. But I spoke today with Ilyas, Ammijaan’s son who lives in London and he refused to believe me about you. He said that those…your Montex Hospitals are quite well known. Is it true then that your family is very wealthy and that your father occasionally appears in the social news of London?”

The face was stern now. “Yes, he thrives in the parties of London’s élite. As do my mother. Do you gleam that I may be the same?”

Abdullah shook his head. “I’m rather more worried about the wealth. I do not even want to imagine how much or how little would be Halal in it, I do not mean to boast son but even during the time when I have suffered severe losses and they were not few… I didn’t stoop to feeding my children through the money of Riba (usury). My children have never eaten even a bite of Haraam food and I would be seriously considering your Nikah to Humair if not for you being a doctor, which is Alhamdulillah something that I do not have to worry about. For treating, operating patients and curing sick is laudable as a profession.

“And the salary earned would be by your own sweat and wits, honest and halaal yes? If I was afraid that you would starve my daughter, that won’t have troubled me like this matter of your wealth does, she would become your trust and responsibility, you would be answerable to Allah SWT, but promise me by Allah now that you’ll never give or feed her anything from the wealth that even has the suspicion of Riba in it?” Abdullah asked seriously while Alex gave his word with a sudden disarming smile.

And only this morning, his friend had mocked him saying that they accepted his suit because of his wealth and status. If only Wil knew…!

“Alright, open and read it and tell us what name she has chosen. She refused to tell us.” Saif said, giving a similar folded paper to Alex like the last one.

Abdullah and Alex had still been discussing with Habib when Saif, Misbah and Umar had come in with smiles and grins to know what name Humaira had chosen.

“Now?” Alex asked, taking and looking at the small plain paper almost jealously.

“No, how about the next year?” Saif teased with his usual smile.

“We all suggested names to her last night. Let us see what she has picked son.” Abdullah urged, smiling at Alex’s reluctance.

With four pair of eyes plus one through the screen staring at him, Alex unfolded the paper and felt his heart dip low when he saw the now familiar neat writing. Yet when he read it, his heart leaped and soared in deepest delight. Raising his gaze from the writing, he informed them unable to stop the wide grin from spreading,


Saif raised his brows grinning back. “Sure?”

“Subhan Allah!” Misbah said with the now contagious grin.

“Wonderful Ma shaa Allah.” Abdullah agreed, smiling. “I see she has chosen the same name that Bibi Amina gave to her blessed son, and Rahmatul lil ‘Alameen. It is one of the names of our beloved Nabi SAW.”

“Do you know what it means?” Habib asked with his soft smile, and deep melting eyes.

Alex nodded. “She has mentioned here.” He indicated the paper.

“Hey Alex, do let us show what she has written, at least read aloud.” Saif feigned as if to snatch the paper from his hand at which Alex glared, shaking his head.

The others laughed and finally Abdullah said, “That’s it then. Everybody should call him by his chosen name now, only then he would become used to it. Agreed Ahmed?”

The man whose whole life was changing rapidly nodded and wondered how was it possible to feel utterly wretched and completely blessed in a single day. But more than that he marveled, staring at her writing with a vague disquiet whether he would ever feel worthy of having won someone as sweet and pure as her. He read again her words and felt the unease vanish while once again the wide grin of bliss seemed to creep from his heart to his lips.

…I chose Ahmed Yusuf Montex, for your Alexander Joseph Montex. I hope you like it too. For Ahmed means Highly Praised, and I pray to Allah SWT that may the day come soon when angels praise you much from the place you’re standing to the Arsh of the heavens, may you be praised and loved like your name denotes, both among people and among angels alike.

May your life’s every second be blessed for having His SAW’s name, and when you’ll be raised on the Last Day, may you be forgiven and granted eternal happiness and victory when you’ll be called forth by the name ‘Ahmed!’ to stand before the King of all Kings.

Aameen ya Rabbul ‘Alameen.


It seemed after Habib’s call and discussion, all everybody could talk was about the wedding. Mashwaras’ began in earnest and when it was suggested that the Nikah be at least after a month, the groom became gloomy and as for the bride, she had already stated her opinion that she was ready to marry Ahmed even tomorrow.

“But Ammi,” Saira protested. “There’s so much to plan and do, even a month is such less time.”

“But if Ahmed wishes for an early Nikah child…” Kadhija looked at Abdullah who had just come to his room after having discussed about the wedding date with Ahmed and the other men.

Abdullah nodded. “He says to at least make it after a fortnight from now, which Saif thinks is really impossible with so many people to invite and everything to arrange. Besides, we’ll do everything as we did during Saira child’s wedding. The Nikah would of course take place here in our Masjid In shaa Allah, and the venue of Valima I’ll discuss and confirm with Ahmed.”

“What do you say to S.I.E.T Pavilion or should it be Shiraz Mahal?”

“Abbu, what about Hajj Committee?” Humaira suggested. “Their halls are excellent and as the women would be exclusively upstairs, I don’t think we would have to worry about breaching Pardah In shaa Allah.”

“Yes, I think we would try it this time In shaa Allah. But the main thing is of course we would have to book in advance, and if the Valima takes place a day after the Nikah, we really don’t have much time. I’ll confirm with Ahmed and go and check it the first thing tomorrow…”

“Hey what if he wants to keep the Valima in London, after all – he is the London Dulha?” Saira asked with a mischievous grin.

An anxious frown appeared on Humaira’s forehead while Kadhija shook her head.

“Don’t talk silly child. Except our close relations, none would be invited for the Nikah. The real invite would of course be the Valima, and if it’s held in London, who in Allah’s Name would afford to attend it?”

“Just a thought Ammiji, just a thought…” Saira appeased her mother, still grinning.

“I’ll ask Ahmed.” Abdullah stated and left the women to discuss the hurdles and hazards of the whopping amount of shopping that would have to be done in record time for the wedding.

“Don’t ask about my studies! I swear every single person is planning and plotting secretly to not send me back to complete them. And now with wanting the Nikah so quickly, I think Ahmed you too have joined their league. Oh Allah poor me!” Saif who was sprawled on the sofa, moaned looking at the heavens, only to straighten up hastily when Abdullah joined them.

“Valima in London? No. No, I would prefer, I would love to rather have it here.” Ahmed said with a swift smile, clearing Abdullah’s tension that had been unnecessarily created by his elder daughter.

So the thousand other discussions went on and on with the only intermissions as Isha and dinner.

“Saifullah will read for us today yes?” Abdullah asked, looking at his son who was intent on making Umar giggle uncontrollably.

“Wha… yes Abbu.” He said with his usual smile and soon brought the Ahadith volume to their circle.

The women of course, owing to Ahmed’s presence still with them sat down in the small hall behind the curtains.

“Yup we do this thing nearly every day Alhamdulillah.” Saif replied to Ahmed’s question who was taking the whole scene of family gathering through a veiled yet starved glance.

His heart’s pounding increased as he discovered that she was very close now, just behind those curtains which he could almost touch and even part. Yet that was the inexplicable beauty of this people, who followed this Deen so beautifully. One knows one just has to raise a glance or use a hand to see what one must not see, yet the purity and sincerity of them was so, that it unconsciously affected you too and the thought of sin becomes suppressed so that you find doing even simple things in beautiful and true manners.

“Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.”  Saif cleared his throat, and then with a smile, began to read in a smooth tone.

Recorded by Imam Bukhari and Narrated by Abu Sa'id Al−Khudri r.a: Allah's Apostle SAW said,

"The thing I am afraid of most for your sake, is the worldly blessings which Allah will bring forth to you."

It was said, "What are the blessings of this world?"

The Prophet SAW said, "The pleasures of the world."

A man asked, "Can the good bring forth evil?"

The Prophet SAW kept quiet for a while until we thought that he was being inspired divinely. Then he started removing the sweat from his forehead and said," Where is the questioner?"

That man said, "I (am present)."

Abu Sa'id r.a added: We thanked the man when the result (of his question) was such.

Nabi SAW said, "Good never brings forth but good. This wealth (of the world) is (like) green and sweet (fruit), and all the vegetation which grows on the bank of a stream either kills or nearly kills the animal that eats too much of it, except the animal that eats the Khadira (a kind of vegetation). Such an animal eats till its stomach is full and then it faces the sun and starts ruminating and then it passes out dung and urine and goes to eat again. This worldly wealth is (like) sweet (fruit), and if a person earns it (the wealth) in a legal way and spends it properly, then it is an excellent helper, and whoever earns it in an illegal way, he will be like the one who eats but is never satisfied."

“Without doubt without doubt!”Abdullah nodded, then asked for another Hadith. So Saif began to read the next,

“Narrated 'Uqba bin 'Amir r.a: The Prophet SAW went out and offered the funeral prayer for the martyrs of the (battle of) Uhud and then ascended the pulpit and said,

"I am your predecessor and I am a witness against you. By Allah, I am now looking at my Tank−lake (Al−Kauthar) and I have been given the keys of the treasures of the earth (or the keys of the earth).

By Allah! I am not afraid that after me you will worship others besides Allah, but I am afraid that you will start competing for (the pleasures of) this world."

“Repeat it son.” Abdullah stated quietly.


“Narrated 'Uqba bin 'Amir r.a: The Prophet SAW went out and offered the funeral prayer for the martyrs of the (battle of) Uhud and then ascended the pulpit and said,

"I am your predecessor and I am a witness against you. By Allah, I am now looking at my Tank−lake (Al−Kauthar) and I have been given the keys of the treasures of the earth (or the keys of the earth).

By Allah! I am not afraid that after me you will worship others besides Allah, but I am afraid that you will start competing for (the pleasures of) this world."


For a long time, everybody sat still as Abdullah remained silent with bowed head. Deep, strange emotions were stirring inside Ahmed and he saw that the usual joking and teasing between the two friends was nil now as they sat with attentive, pensive looks watching Abdullah. Even Umar stole worried glances at his father who at last raised his head and it was plain to see that tears shone in his kind eyes.

“Ya Rasulullah,” he said brokenly as if he had forgotten his family’s presence. “What you have feared is taking place in vogue now.”    

In the silence that reigned, Ahmed heard a woman’s hastily suppressed sob.   

Saira pressed a hand to her trembling mouth while Humaira was leaning against the wall, with her eyes shut yet tears flowing freely similarly to Kadhija’s who was seated in front of her.

That night was a revelation to Ahmed who went back to the hotel after having again refused the invitation to spend the night, for he realized now in what atmosphere and with what people his bride to be was brought up. No wonder, the angels themselves vied to protect her constantly.

The way the news of Humaira’s Nikah to a London Dulha spreading to all their relatives could be aptly compared to a forest fire. It took Kadhija nearly a day to inform all her eight siblings, then the phone began to ring incessantly from Abdullah’s siblings who were his three younger sisters, one being the mother of Misbah. The other two were equally married and mothers of quite a number of children. Just the eight siblings and spouses, all their children plus the three sisters of Abdullah and their spouses, together with the children consisted of the immediate family. If one went to the count the second cousins, the third, etc. and their children, the list would make your head spin, as Saira pointed out cheekily.

The curiosity regarding the London Dulha escalated to dizzying heights and the fact that he himself had come all the way from London to ask for Humaira’s hand added fuel to the fire, (for the real story concerning Ahmed was related to others only in bare facts minus all the details).

Hence, it was not long before the uncles who were situated in Chennai flocked their home and that very evening before the Imam and elders as witness, Abdullah performed the engagement proceedings in the Masjid, stating that his daughter (mentioning her name) was now engaged to Dr. Ahmed Montex of London. Soon everybody dispersed with Kaffara. The nearest of relations embraced and did Musaafa while laughter and smiles ruled the day.

“Leaving to London tomorrow?” Saif repeated Ahmed’s words, as they all came out of the Masjid. “But… you’ll be back by the time of Nikah right?” His dark eyes danced.

Ahmed smiled. “Have to arrange and take care of so many details. I’ll be back, never fear.”

“Your parents will come?” Saif queried softly, not noting in the dim lights that the smiling face had turned severe.

“No.” The voice was curt and as Misbah asked something to Saif then, the topic was soon forgotten.


“Listen Ahmed, have you left yet?” Saif asked anxiously the next day calling him before noon. “No? Alright tell me your shirt size, and say what you would like to wear for your Valima, whether it is a Sherwani, or Jhubba, or Thobe… what? Yes yes we would be buying for you! Ya Allah we aren’t going to any trouble for you,” Saif grinned at his twin who was listening to a one-sided conversation sitting beside him. “It’s a kind of custom in our families. The girl’s side would buy the groom’s dress for the Valima and the boy’s side would buy the bride’s dress for the Nikah. Yea, that means you would have to buy Humair’s dress for Nikah. Satisfied now? What? Yes you can buy anything for her, I don’t mind,” Saira groaned, slapping her forehead. “You want to know her dress size? What’s Humair’s size?” He asked Saira in a loud whisper and when she glared at him in frustration, he called out, “Humair HUMAIR! Come quickly, your Dulha’s on phone!”

So, the next two days passed in a hectic rush and amidst this Abdullah announced his intention of painting the entire home anew.

Habib and his family announced that they won’t be able to come as the work was particular demanding, and Habib couldn’t acquire leave. This news had a dampening effect on all especially Humaira who had been very much looking forward to Heena Bhabi and the adorable kids. Yet, she too had to accept the inevitable, and the continuous way she was dragged to various shops by her mother and sister soon subdued her feelings of sadness.  

Humaira’s children were granted a long indefinite leave while Kadhija, she and Umar had to shift temporarily to Saira’s house as the men feverishly took care of the whole change of décor with the painting-men after having consulted the women regarding the colours.



London, U.K.


The man tossed and turned restlessly caught in a heart hammering and mind numbing clutches of a nightmare. When he finally panted awake in the darkness, Ahmed found himself covered in cold sweat.

His heart still pounding madly, he stared dully to the waking consciousness. The dream had been terrible, he had went back to Chennai – but it was only to be said that Humaira had died and they had all just come back after burying her. The wedding had turned into a funeral… and she had died without him having ever seen her.

No! He had screamed but none looked at him or minded him, they were all talking in subdued tones or saying in hushed voices how serene she had looked even in her death. Just a bad dream! Ahmed told himself repeatedly until his heart stopped shuddering. He rubbed his face taking a deep breath… it was all this new stress of coming to London as a Muslim.

If his servants were surprised, they hid it well and didn’t question his various orders. Besides, he had yet to meet Wil, George…, and Draco.

“Saif?” Ahmed felt his palms clammy as he held the phone shakily.

Saif answered thickly, “Yea? I was just dragging my sleepy self to the bathroom for Tahajjud. Now tell me what do you want at this ungodly… sorry – blessed hour?”

He listened to Alex’s question with a yawn. “Such a caring son-in-law you’re Ahmed. Calling in the middle of the night and inquiring about us,” he chuckled. “Yea Alhamdulillah everybody’s fine… What? Ya Allah why do grooms go mad?” He groaned audibly. “I can’t go and check upon Humair! She and Ammi is staying at Saira’s home… for Allah’s sake Ahmed, do you know what’s the time? You expect me to call her now?”  

“Fine,” Saif finally agreed with a long sigh. “I’ll contact you soon In shaa Allah. But I’m telling you this Ahmed, I have had enough of this weddings and grooms and I’ll be the first to go crazy in happiness when she becomes yours to call and to hold…” He mumbled unintelligibly before ending with Salaam.

Chennai, India.


“Yes Saif Bhaiya I’m doing well Alhamdulillah, but why have you called now to ask that?” She asked in an amused voice.

“Heh heh, what can I say except it’s quite difficult to convince crazy Dulhas calling in the middle of night inquiring about their bride?” Saif said with assumed sarcasm.

Humaira chuckled then turned serious. “Are you saying he really called you now Bhaiya?”

“Nope, I decided as I didn’t have enough excitement all these days, to make up a mad tale of Ahmed calling me just so…”

He was cut short as Humaira inquired anxiously, “But Saif Bhaiya if he has called now, then something must be serious, are you sure he’s alright?”

“Ya Allah! There she goes now!”

On top of having to endure all this besides performing various other tasks, the duty of pacifying Dadima fell upon Saif. That she was incensed was an understatement, when she heard that the Dulha of Humaira was from London just like her grandson but not her grandson. Thankfully, all her accusing and scolding took place through phone as she was in Delhi staying with one of her daughter for nearly a month. Whether she would be able to attend the Nikah was held in speculation, and Saif listened patiently to all her complaints against Abdullah, Kadhija, Humaira, Ahmed…

“But Dadima, he’s not a nobody. He’s a Montex of London.”

“I don’t care what Tex he is…!”

“She made Ahmed into some new species of dinosaur like T. Rex.” Saif later said to a laughing Saira.


Minnesota, U.S.A.

“Sorry!” Maryam said incoherently after having bumped unceremoniously into a girl.

She hurried away with the one thought of going to some place where she won’t be disturbed. Tears were pricking at the back of her eyes and she knew they would start falling anytime soon.

Finally, she found the place she was seeking and sure enough, there were none loitering in this part of their campus. Or even if there were, they were wholly engrossed in themselves. Inside the pleasant grove, Maryam paused under the shade of a large tree and pulled out her phone.

The message had come sometime before and Maryam felt her tears at last give away as she read it again.

“…so it’s like being caught in the middle of a cyclone Maryam. Except the times when I stand for Salah, I don’t think I have even a minute to call as my own.

I wanted to tell you the best news for last. Remember the Doctor who saved Saif Bhaiya aboard Costa? Do you recall his name? He was Dr. Alex Montex.... But He’s Dr. Ahmed Montex now, yes he has reverted to Islam Alhamdulillah and well… oh alright! It’s him whom I’ll be marrying In shaa Allah. It’s a long story, will tell you when I’m not being dragged and pulled to so many places by so many people at the same time…       

I have a sent an invite to Jo too, remember her? She was the mother of a big adorable baby. And I doubt whether she’ll come, but I really really wish you could come Maryam. I know I’m informing it at such short notice but, do you think you and your Abbu could manage In shaa Allah? It would be so wonderful to have you with us…”

Her heart had leaped at the thought, to be able to see him again, to be with that family even for only a day or two… yet yet –

Maryam couldn’t account for her tears, she only knew that having received that particular message from Humaira was like a sign, that impossible things do happen, that she…

When she finally replied back, her heart had subdued yet so many emotions had been renewed, three months would be over soon… since she last saw him.

She thanked Humaira but said frankly that it wouldn’t be possible for them to afford the cost of ticket, visa etc. so quickly. Most of her father’s savings had gone for her course and tuition fees just two months before... yet she too wished very much, anyways you’ll always be there in my Duas, for what I’m now Humaira, is all because of you and him. And when you can spare time, do keep me updated…!



Chennai, India.

“Humair Di wake up wake up! Uncle Ahmed is here!”

“Wa… what?” Humaira sat up groggily, her exhausted mind trying to register her brother’s words.

“Uncle Ahmed is down! I opened the door.” Umar said with a beaming smile.

When she finally understood what he was saying, she hastily got up from the bed. Sleep was still clouding her mind yet she made a desperate effort to wake up completely. Her parents had been gone the whole day to invite their various relations for the Valima. And Saif Bhaiya was still at Saira Di’s home most probably sending e-invites to those relations who were far.

Only she and Umar were here, and for the past two days she had been bringing her entire home back to some sort of order. For tomorrow, all their nearest relations would be arriving to stay until Valima. Utterly fagged, she had fallen upon the bed after praying Maghrib Salah. Humaira looked at the clock and it was not yet Isha. She had slept only for fifteen minutes. With a sigh, she asked tiredly,

“You told him that Ammi and Abba were not here?”  

He nodded. “And I told him that you were sleeping…” He informed cheerfully.

“Then why come and wake me up,” Humaira muttered to herself, then still mumbling something about Allah SWT being Blessed and Peace be upon His beloved Nabi SAW for having commanded women to observe Pardah from Na Mehrams… (Humaira knew she was a terrible sight just now and hence all the heartfelt Praise to her Lord and His Prophet as Ahmed won’t be seeing her in this state)

“Go and loosen the curtains from their tassels, I’ll come and make something for him.”

She watched her brother skip away and felt her lids closing, then giving herself a serious shake she followed him down slowly.

“Uncle Ahmed, Humair Di said she will make something for you.” Umar informed the weary looking man with a beaming face.

The reply was worried, “You woke her up? I said there’s no need to…”

He was not allowed to finish as Umar asked seriously,

“Uncle Ahmed, are you really going to marry Humair Di?”

There was a sudden smile in the blue eyes. “Yes but…”

“Saif Bhaiya said you would be taking her away to London, really?”

This time Alex didn’t bother to reply but simply nodded as his lips twitched.

“And you would be showing Humair Di all the hearts?”


“Those hearts which you cut out and keep in jars!”

“Ah yes… yes in the Fridge.” This was said with a serious face, though the blue eyes couldn’t suppress the laughter.

“Can I have one too? Please?” The round black eyes looked at him in adoration.

Ahmed wondered how his parents managed to dissuade him from anything that he wanted when he asked with such a cute face. “No. That is, what I meant was, you’re still a little boy Umar. When you become big as… as your Saif Bhaiya then you can have one.”  

 The small face that had drooped at the beginning beamed again at Ahmed’s last words.

“Really? When I become as biiiig as Saif Bhaiya, I can have one?” Umar became serious. “Allah Haqq?”

After Ahmed assured him, the boy went to the kitchen with a satisfied grin. When he came back, he was carrying a small tray with a tall glass of ruby red drink.

Ahmed thanked him, and took the glass.

Back in the kitchen, Humaira leaning against the wall was nearly asleep. She had mechanically made the grape mocktail. At least, there was no lack of fruits in their home, for which she was deeply thankful to Allah SWT as Ahmed never took tea or coffee.   

“Humair Di!”

“Ya Allah!” Humaira started awake. “Umar, why do you shout so?”

“Uncle Ahmed is gone. He said to thank you for the drink. It was good he said.”

“Oh he’s left huh,” All Humaira’s sleep deprived mind could think was she could go back to the bed now. Then she felt her stomach rumble. It looked like the lunch was long gone. She thought of making herself some coffee, then her glance fell upon the remaining mocktail. She was not a great fan of juices, still why Israaf…?

“Don’t sit too long staring and wake me up for Isha Salah dear.” She said to Umar, who was back in front of the PC, playing some noisy game. With Humaira’s marriage looming in view, he was having a great time by taking leave from school, enjoying hugely all the chaos and fiascos that usually surrounds an Indian Shaadi (wedding).

“Humair Di!”

“Yes?” She turned back, the glass of juice still in her hand.

“There’s something Uncle Ahmed said to give you. It’s on the sofa.”

Even if her mind was still clogged with sleep, her heart awoke fully now.

For minutes, she stood blinking and staring at the slim wrapped parcel as butterflies fluttered in her stomach, then clashed with her growing hunger. Yet, keeping the glass down, she picked the parcel with a now madly racing heart.

“Oh.” Humaira’s sleepy eyes lighted up in pleasant surprise as she gazed at the single beautiful shoe in her hands. And she still had the other one carefully treasured in her room. So he knew…   

She wrapped it up again, then finally turned to the glass to fulfill her stomach’s growling demands.

Only a sip she took, but for the next stretching minutes, Humaira sat still. Then she looked down at the juice in growing dread and hurried back to the kitchen. And when she saw the identical jar of salt instead of sugar on the counter beside the juicer, she sat down heavily upon a nearby stool. Covering her face in humiliation, Humaira groaned, “Somebody kill me!”   

“Yes of course I’ll ask her, Don’t you worry Kadhija, I will see to it that she comes and helps ‘til the wedding gets over,” Their neighbour Susila, a cheery Hindu woman with bushy eyebrows assured Kadhija about sparing her maid to perform the extra work because of the marriage. They talked about the salary when Susila caught sight of Saif who had just entered their home.

He hurried inside, with a slight nod yet he could still hear her gusty sigh as she said loudly,

“If only I had a daughter Kadhija…”

Kadhija suppressed a smile. “But you have three nice sons.”

Susila nodded. “Yes yes I know I have three sons, whether nice or not would be proven after they marry and bring along their wives, but what I was saying… if I had a daughter, I would have her married to that son of yours!”

Kadhija shook her head in amusement, the brown eyes twinkling.    

“If only I had a daughter…!” Saira sighed dramatically as Saif glowered.

“If you say that once again…” He warned grimly. “Ya Allah, why should that woman have to be a friend of Ammi’s?”

“Neighbours –” Saira rolled her eyes. “You become friends whether you wish or not, besides she’s so good as to spare her maid for a few days… so no bad thoughts about her!” She said sweetly and with a laugh hurried away before Saif could murder her.

“Well here it is!” Saif brought in a mini luggage trolley inside their hall. He had just come back after having visited Ahmed at the Hyatt. “Humair, yours lovingly has sent this for you, come and open please!”

With the exception of Misbah, everyone was present as Humaira unzipped it with queer trembling fingers. Inside it was again two boxes and another that most definitely looked like a jewel case. The larger box yielded a dress wrapped in soft tissues.

“A gown!” Saira exclaimed, her mouth nearly hanging open at the sight of the long, silver dress that shimmered and gleamed like it had been stitched using moonbeams and millions of tiny stars.

“Say Ma shaa Allah!” Saif closed her mouth shut with a grin.

“Subhan Allah!” Humaira murmured in a daze as she gazed at it open wonder.

“Ammi its gorgeous isn’t it? Ma shaa Allah!” Saira still gawked at it, unmindful of Saif’s teasing.

“Wear and see it child, we would see about the alterations.” Kadhija replied practically.

Abdullah remained silent, though he smiled while Umar reverently touched the dress.

The other box contained similar silver shoes and the jewel case displayed an elegant platinum necklace and eardrops studded with tiny diamonds. It had a card inside that Humaira hastily hid after reading, passing the case for the family to see.

The card just bore a man’s handwriting,

My simple gift… for your everything.       


It was after ten in the morning and even though it was Thursday [not the weekend], the house was filled with guests upon guests – (just the near relations) aunts, uncles and their children etc. as tomorrow the much talked about Nikah would be taking place.

“And here I thought I would be marrying first!” Arifa indignantly declared after she had hugged the breath out of her best friend.

“Only because it’s you that Abba agreed for my staying over tonight. To no other friend’s house he would have allowed.” She continued, looking interestingly around at the messy room. “Your room looks great huh?” She grinned as Humaira rolled her eyes.

“I have cleaned it a thousand times; don’t ask me how it becomes like this again. Everybody who’s staying over tonight is getting a job, and your’s is to tidy up this whole place beautifully.” Humaira informed with a mischievous twinkle.

“We’ll see about it later.” Her friend agreed with a chuckle. “But first tell me do you have a pic of him somewhere here?” Arifa went and peered at a large desk’s surface containing various sheaf of papers and cards. Not finding what she was seeking, she pulled open a drawer.

“You’re nosey Arif.”

“No change of topic please…”

“Well no, there’s none here.” Humaira said, as she again began tidying up the room.

“Somewhere in the house then?” Arifa asked hopefully.

Laughing, Humaira shook her head. “I don’t know. Most probably not.”

Her friend groaned then let out a dramatic sigh. “Everything is so romantic Humair, I would never have thought it about your marriage and blue eyes…”

“Don’t swoon please,” Humaira remarked dryly. “I already have so much to do, can’t add in it the worry of reviving you,” Arifa mock glared as Humaira continued, “Besides, you’re engaged young lady.”

“Yeah yea keep reminding me of the fact, dunno how I tend to forget it.” Arifa mumbled.         

“Silly, did they confirm the date yet?”

Arifa sighed. “Not yet, but they said they’ll call this weekend to decide.”

Humaira nodded. “That’s great Alhamdulillah. But Sunday is the Valima In shaa Allah, you would be coming right?”

“Won’t dream of missing it.” Arifa grinned.

Humaira dimpled. “Sweetheart! You said about blue eyes, tell me what’s the colour of your fiancé’s eyes?”

“Black, of course.” Arifa slightly blushed.

“Then don’t you know that the greatest man on earth, that the most beloved to Allah SWT, that for whom this whole world was created – our Nabi e Kareem SAW had black eyes too? Then why sigh about blue? And neither do I have black, it’s we who have to be jealous of you…!” Humaira ended softly, the deep pools staring into her friend’s black ones.

Arifa came and hugged her again. “You say such beautiful things Humair, and people wonder why I love you so!”

Humaira shook her head, warily eyeing her friend. “What need you O flatterer?”

Arifa rolled her eyes yet said with a grin, “A billion rupees if you please –in cash, no cards!”

“Humaira Muskaan, tell me the whole story and in return I would draw mehendi designs all over your body.”

“Jazak Allahu Khair Fahima Di, but I would prefer if you concentrate on just my hands and feet.” Humaira said, suppressing a smile.

The girl so addressed was one of her elder cousin, a practicing gynaecologist, a down to earth person despite being known in their families as the first child who became a doctor. Her marriage was also fixed somewhere in the next year to a man of similar profession. And she was a terrific henna designer, with a passion for romantic stories.         

She was now urging Humaira to reveal the whole story surrounding her marriage to Ahmed, to which Humaira was politely refusing.

“No accepting bribes?” Fahima said dolefully to which Humaira shook her head with laughing eyes.

“Then Humair Di, tell us some other story.” Another cousin piped in.

“Yes do tell us some other story.” Her little sister repeated.

Humaira looked around the roomful of teenage girls surrounding her and then catching Arifa’s eye, she began with a mischievous smile,

“Once upon a time…”

“Oh no!” Someone cried.

“Not that please!” Another begged.

“…there lived a King…”

“In a beautiful palace?” A new voice mocked.

“…with no one beside him as a Queen –”

“Hmm…that’s interesting,” was the comment of another cousin.

 “Maybe she died huh?” Someone mused.

“In childbirth perhaps?” Fahima supplied suddenly while another elder cousin said disparagingly, “All you think of is deliveries!”

Some sniggered while the younger ones giggled when suddenly a middle-aged woman in a long, beautiful hijab entered the room and started shouting,

“Hey girls Salah, Salah hey hey! Out with you all, it’s Zuhr time, the men have gone to Masjids, the house is yours! Up get up hey hey Salah!”

Most of the girls dispersed hastily, while Arifa whispered in Humaira’s ear,

“Do you think we resemble as cattle to her?”

Humaira chuckled, looking at her aunt who was still shouting and in between gave a wink to Arifa showing that she had heard the comment, which made Arifa blush while her friend laughed and said,

“She’s actually a great person. You’ll love her.”

Arifa looked uncomfortable yet smiled as the aunt went out saying,

“Salah hey! Never forget Allah after He surrounds you with blessings…! To attain Falah (success), don’t miss your Salah hey hey!”

A colourful shamiana (marquee) being erected in the terrace, all the men and boys were sent up, and the elderly ones occupied the front part of the house. While the women took up the other half downstairs, the whole first floor became the exclusive property of the girls. The spreading of dastarkhaan for lunch for so many represented an orderly bedlam. Saif, Misbah and other young boys and men saw to the serving of men’s side while there was no lack of help in woman’s side as everybody helped everybody else.

It was after the lunch that the drawing of henna started. Especially of the bride.

“Sure your Wudu will hold ‘til Maghrib at least?” Fahima asked, giving the mehendi cone a final snip.

“In shaa Allah.” Humaira murmured, already feeling like she would have to use the bathroom.

At the same time, trays of sliced fruits came from below with the firm instruction that only empty trays should be sent back. It was soon followed by mouth-watering jamuns that even those girls who said they were on a strict diet weren’t able to resist from at least tasting them.

Someone started singing a romantic song, while all the attention focused on the reaction of the Dulhan (bride) who tried very hard not to betray any emotion to the incessant jokes and teasing.

“Alright girls, I want only the experienced here,” An aunt who had just come from below, began with a huge smile looking at the bevy of cousins in the hall surrounding Humaira.  

“There’s flowers, colours, glittering streamers and what not,” She indicated the bag she was holding. “And I want that room,” Her head motioned towards Humaira’s room. “…to be decorated beautifully before the night ends.”

The elder cousins took hold of the task while Arifa too joined them after saying to Humaira with a grin, “My job I think.”

Thus, the time flew and soon it was Asr which Humaira prayed sitting in the same place as her legs were covered with wet Henna. Maghrib soon followed, then finally came the dinner.

“Who wants the honour of feeding the Dulhan?” Saira asked with dancing dark eyes, a plate of food in her hands.

“Definitely not me!”

“Noooo! Please don’t say it’s me!”

“Where’s the Dulha? Call the Dulha to feed his Dulhan!”

“Yes we want THE DULHA!”


“Arif, just take the plate from Saira Di’s hand,” Humaira begged.

Arifa laughed. “I never knew a wedding could be so much fun. Nah I’m not going to spoil everything. Let them bring the house down by demanding the presence of your Dulha.”


“Let me feed my darling girl.” Some aunt offered, and Saira handed over the plate with a wide smile.

“Who knows maybe tomorrow In shaa Allah he’ll be feeding you?” Arifa speculated a bit loudly, not minding her friend’s glare.

“Or maybe kissing…” The feeding aunt murmured with a chuckle in Humaira’s ear, making her blush furiously.

“I heard that.” Arifa grinned after some time.

“Would you at least quit?”

“Hey c’mon when do we get to tease you like this after this?”    

Humaira sighed, and accepted her fate with laughing eyes and smiling lips.

Not far away, staring blankly from a window at the indigo sky sprinkled with light dusting of stars sat a man with cold blue eyes and severe lips. He had sent the invite to the only two persons he cared, and there had been no response.

Ahmed had no doubt now that his friends won’t be coming tomorrow. The mind sometimes is such a morbid thing, for all Ahmed could remember this night was the night before Wilson’s marriage some years ago when all four friends had had such a great time teasing, drinking and laughing. Yet how strange and completely opposite this night before his own wedding was unfolding. No teasing, no jokes, no laughter, no family, no friends to keep him company except Him at whose handiwork he was staring now.

Ahmed’s gaze fell upon the table near him and the coldness melted from the eyes as they saw the two plain, neatly folded papers.

The lips almost smiled as he wondered what she was doing now, just a night more… He had been counting the day and nights ever since his proposal to her. So many women he had seen and with some he had even been, yet it was only she who evoked pure, beautiful and true emotions in his heart, for the thought of marriage he had never entertained to any other before her.

And the beauty of Allah SWT’s ways was such he had barely seen her, yet loved her like he had done no other person in his life. O Allah, just a night more…!

“Somebody anybody please keep mehendi for me too…” dramatically wailed a cousin displaying both her arms, then as none seemed to mind her, she asked in a loud tragic voice, “Nobody?”

“Ya Allah cut that awful noise. Do you realize what the time is?”

“Yea I know…it’s gonna be one and that’s why I want someone to keep at least a little design of flowers for me, so that I could go and sleep happily.”

“Come here,” called another weary cousin. “I’ll keep for you when I finish her’s.”

“Really? Oh gee thanks Di!”

Humaira’s henna keeping had ended before Isha Salah and finally managing to escape everybody, she had just entered her room and stood staring at the wholly transformed place.

For a moment, she blinked and wondered whether she had entered some other room.

“Great huh?” Arifa grinned from beside her.

“It’s amazing Ma shaa Allah! Jazak Allahu Khair Arif!”

“Thank you thank you!”

“Hey who’s taking all that credit?” came a teasing voice from the hall.

Arifa chuckled, then called back. “It’s the bogey man.”

“I thought you were a girl?” immediately came back the response amidst laughter.

Arifa rolled her eyes with a giggle.

At last, everybody were ready to drop asleep when the jokes, stories and henna keeping ceased. The time was two a.m in the morning. Only the boys and the men up in the terrace and down in the hall and Saif’s room had slept punctually at 10 and 11 p.m.

“Already up? What’s the time Humair?” Arifa mumbled sleepily after some hours as Humaira started leaving the bed where they both had been sleeping.

“Go back to sleep. I just… I have to use the bathroom.”

“Want any help?”

“No. I’m fine, really. Jazak Allahu Khair, now close your eyes.”

Arifa smiled blearily at the stern command issued in a soft tone. She did not need to be said twice.

It was after half an hour that Kadhija found her daughter half-asleep on the Musallah.


“Ammi?” Humaira immediately became wide-awake. “What is it?”

“Nothing child,” Kadhija smiled. “As it is Tahajjud time, I thought maybe you would be awake.”

Humaira smiled back. “Yes, I woke up sometime before.”

“Took off the mehendi?” Kadhija asked, peering in the dim light at her daughter’s hands.

“Yes, Alhmadulillah it looks good.”

Kadhija slowly seated herself down beside her daughter. “Alhamdulillah then, is that Arifa who’s sleeping on the bed?”

Humaira nodded.

“All the other girls are in the halls and the other room? The pillows, blankets were sufficient?”

“Saira Di saw to it Ammi, Alhamdulillah everything was enough.”

“Alhamdulillah. It’s been a long tiring day huh?” Kadhija placed a hand tenderly upon her daughter’s head.

“For you all especially Ammi,” Humaira replied in a grateful voice. “What did I do except to sit and eat and sleep?”

“That’s what a Dulhan does before her big day,” Kadhija chuckled. “It’s our responsibility child, we parents love doing all this for our children. We do our best for you all, never any less… ensuring your happiness in this world and the next is what matters to us always.”

“We can never be thankful enough to you both,” Humaira hugged her mother as tears started falling uncontrollably.

“There, there sweetheart,” Kadhija hugged back, and then kissed her daughter’s forehead. “Don’t start crying now, only last night your sister was saying that this is a great wedding as no tears had been shed, as you won’t be leaving us soon. I came to tell you something that I told to your sister too before her Shaadi, which my mother told me before mine.”

Humaira smiled through her tears and still enveloped in her mother’s arms listened as Kadhija continued,

“Tomorrow this time you would be a wife In shaa Allah, so listen carefully to the words of our Nabi SAW that my mother told me before my marriage,

It was narrated by Anas r.a who said that our Prophet SAW asked: Shall I inform you about those women among you who will enter Jannah?  

The Sahabadh replied, “Please say O Rasulullah!”  

Then Prophet SAW said: “Wadud – she would be loving to her husband; Waluth – she would bear children; If sometimes she becomes angry, or if her husband does something to hurt her, or if her husband becomes angry with her… in all these three situations, she’ll say ‘Here, I have placed my hand upon yours. Until you become pleased with me, I would not sleep at all.’”   

It won’t be easy child,” Kadhija smiled, with the knowledge of experience. “For marriage is not an easy thing. Sacrificing your ego for his, even though you are right is like a Jihaad. Understanding, Adjustment are some crucial words that keeps the marriage going but it is Love that smoothes and looks over, covers up the other’s faults and is delighted in their good points, even if they are few.

Remember always Humair, your husband would just be a man –not the prince charming that you read in stories. He’ll have his flaws. Only a wife will come to know how deep or terrible they are. Bear with him and still honour him. For the more you respect him, the more he’ll love you and forgive your own flaws.

And if he does minor wrongs now and then, but doesn’t go near major ones, then have Sabrun Jameel, for your husband was not brought up like you in a Deeni atmosphere, besides he is a man –so don’t try to change him completely but hint subtly or tenderly and if he remains unconcerned, then continue doing your Dua to Allah SWT, for it is He Who has the power of changing men and their hearts and ways. Do you know who is the honoured Saḥābī (companion) for whom our Nabi SAW said that all the eight doors of Jannah would invite him?”

“Abu Bakr Siddiq r.a.” Humaira replied smiling, her throbbing heart earnestly absorbing her mother’s every single word.

“Yes, among men he would have such an honour, but do you know what our Nabi SAW said,

When any woman prays her Salah (five times), observes Sawm (during Ramadhan), guards her body and obeys her husband, it would be said to her, ‘Enter Jannah from whichever doors you wish!’”

 “Awesome!” Humaira murmured and Kadhija chuckled. “Yes we women have it easy huh? We don’t even have to do all those Nafl deeds, just five times prayer, fasting during Ramadhan, guarding your chastity and obeying your husband –there, you’ll have a first class ticket to Jannah but then why does our Nabi SAW said,

“I saw women in Jahannam in large numbers!”

Humaira nodded with a gulp, suppressing the heavy feeling that descended upon her heart.

“When it was asked to our Nabi SAW why it was so, Prophet SAW replied, ‘Because you are habitual of cursing everything, showing thanklessness to your husbands and scowling at the things given by them.’   

Listen child, this reminds me of another similar Hadith,

Ibn ‘Abbas r.a narrated that our Nabi SAW said: “I was shown the Hell-Fire and that the majority of its dwellers were women who were ungrateful.

It was asked, “Do they disbelieve in Allah?” (Or are they ungrateful to Allah?)

He SAW replied, “They are ungrateful to their husbands and are ungrateful to their favors and the good (charitable deeds) done to them. If you have always been good (benevolent) to one of them and then she sees something in you (not of her liking), she will say, ‘I have never received any good from you.’”

So never be ungrateful child or speak thankless words to your husband, and thank him lovingly for his gifts and favors. And the most important thing is to thank him during difficult times too when he isn’t able to bestow gifts upon you. For you know what my Abba used to say?”

Humaira slightly shook her head, looking with an expectant smile.

“To test a woman’s true love, see it in penury. For a woman who really loves, loves you for you. Not for your wealth or status or gifts!”

For a long minute after that, Kadhija remained silent while Humaira’s heart whispered, Just like you had been to Abbu Ammiji.  

“Please do continue Aunty!” suddenly urged a voice from the bed.

“Ya Allah child! Did I wake you up by my chatter? I’m so sorry…” Kadhija was contrite.

“No no, it’s okay. I see now from where Humair has learnt the way of saying most beautiful things –”

Kadhija laughed delightedly. “Your friend is a flatterer Humair!”

“Yea I know Ammi.” Humaira chuckled.

The Fajr Adhan sounded then, making Kadhija get up hastily and her daughter stood up with her.

“All these things I have not said by my own, they are our Nabi SAW’s blessed words. By trying to follow them In shaa Allah, not only our Akhirah Allah SWT would bless, but even this world He would turn into Jannah for you! No matter what, you’ll always be my little daughter…” Her voice broke, as she kissed Humaira again before saying with a smile, “Go, pray to Him like you have never done before, then we’ll get you ready for your Dulha!”    

Humaira stood still, watching the doorway through which her mother had disappeared.

“Hey!” Arifa came and stood beside her. “C’mon Humair,” she said softly then smiled. “You’ve cried enough; do let’s pray Fajr together and then we can get you ready for your Dulha!”

Humaira slightly smiled, pushing her friend away, and started walking towards the bathroom.

“Humair show me the mehendi! How did it turn out?”

But Humaira had almost closed the bathroom’s door and the last words she heard of her friend were, she was shouting back to her shouting aunt,

“Everybody’s awake in this room aunty! Shall I join you? Hey wake up hey hey Salah Salah…!”

Ishraq hour had just begun, when Saira was heard saying sternly to her younger sister,

“Young woman, I want you in there for at least two solid hours,” She pointed towards the bathroom making Humaira roll her eyes.

“Make it three!” one aunt suggested.

“But how can I bath for so long aunty?” Humaira complained, and then glared at her grinning friend.

“You’ll. Just keep thinking of your Dulha.” Another aunt winked.

Humaira covered her burning face, mumbling, “As if you all allow me to forget even for a second.”

“We heard that, now get in!”

“Humair do you think you know this cutie?” Arifa asked, entering the room with a baby girl in her arms where Humaira was drying her hair while the elder cousins were surrounding her.

“Who, show me… HAFSA!”

Humaira nearly shrieked and pulled the completely wrapped up little girl from her friend.

“How…when –where?” She spluttered, after kissing her niece repeatedly.

“Calm down, calm down it’s the first thing to do in a panic attack!” Arifa said maddeningly, looking at her stunned friend.

“If she is here,” Humaira mused aloud. “Then her mamma’s here, if her mamma’s here, then her papa must be here too!” Humaira looked delighted and her face showed every intention of shrieking or dancing in joy.

“It’s the wedding stress, don’t you mind her,” Arifa commented sadly to a cousin, shaking her head. “Turns one into loony.”

Just then, Saira entered with a laughing Heena and a sleepy Yahya trailing behind her.


“Humair sweetheart, Assalamu Alaikum!”

Humaira stared and had a crazy feeling that she was imagining all this.

“Well, have you reserved all your hugs for your Dulha and none for your Bhabi?” Heena smiled lovingly, as she pulled Humaira into her arms.

“Oh Bhabi! But …how?”

“I know right? Even ‘till yesterday morning, your Bhaiya was not sure about getting leave. Then the moment he said yes, I grabbed all I could and we came Alhamdulillah, didn’t want to raise all your false hopes by informing before…”

“Jazak Allahu Khair! It’s the best gift you and Bhaiya could give me – both your presence!”

“There, she has started crying again!” Arifa looked at Heena. “Do take the baby away before she drowns the dear thing in tears.”

Heena smiled, “Just like her niece then, the whole way she won’t stop crying for a second. I don’t want to know what the other passengers thought, but look at her now – as if she’s the example of tranquility!”

“My poor Hafsa,” Humaira murmured, her wet cheek caressing the child’s soft one.

“Alright alright! Let’s get moving and doing! And oh Bhabi just wait ‘til you see the dress!” Saira gushed, with black shining eyes.

“What do you mean aunty it’s not a bride’s colour?” Saira asked in a horrified tone.

“Elders!” Arifa groaned silently.

Humaira stood quietly as the discussion between her mother, aunts, Saira and Heena all went on in full force.

“Okay, what’s a dulhan’s dress colour then?”

“Red or green,” immediately replied one aunt.

“And of course even golden would be beautiful but white…”

“It’s silver!” Saira muttered.

“Well then, let her wear the Ghagra we bought for her Valima,” Kadhija smoothed the matters. “It’s green and has shades of scarlet and worked in golden zari. Let her wear Ahmed’s dress for the Valima In shaa Allah, everybody satisfied now?”

At least they all looked so except Saira who looked at the gorgeous gown, then at her well-meaning relatives, then raised a beseeching glance towards the heavens.

“You don’t mind child?” Kadhija whispered, patting her daughter’s cheek worriedly.

Humaira shook her head, smiling and assuring her mother it’s alright. It doesn’t matter whether she wore it for the Nikah or Valima, she’ll wear it In shaa Allah –that’s what mattered.

“There, that’s done!” A very handsome looking Saif in pure white thobe and black amamah commented after having tied a golden amamah around Ahmed’s head who was looking stern and distinguished in his deep black suit.

“Thanks. But why should I wear that?” Ahmed dispassionately eyed the simple garland of jasmines that Misbah was holding in his hands.

“So that people doesn’t mistake me for the groom.” Saif said with his usual teasing smile.

Misbah rolled his eyes.

“You’ll look cool!” He assured Ahmed, who looked quite the opposite –very tensed.

“Relax Ahmed, let’s see,” Saif checked his watch. “We have an hour to reach the Masjid before the Qaazi Sahib arrives In shaa Allah. I guess we should get going then, Abba and all the others would be waiting.”

“Hmm… yea, that’s perfect, what do you think?” Heena asked turning to Saira, who had been hovering behind and watching her Bhabi do the entire makeup for Humaira.

“Beautiful Ma shaa Allah! Humair open your eyes and check whether you find everything alright…” Saira said, and shook her head with a chuckle when Heena offered to do for her too.

“No Jazak Allahu Khair, You did for my Shaadi too remember Bhabi? I followed your advices for a fortnight then became bored having to do all that every day, besides he said I looked best just as I’m, give me the good ol’ Pond’s powder and a pencil of Kajal and I’m ready to face the world!”    

Heena laughed and helped Arifa with a few touchups.

The commotion in the entire house was loud and diverting enough to stop strangers on the road to pause and stare wonderingly. The large gates were thrown open the entire day, after the breakfast had been over and their mammas getting them ready, laughing children ran around all over at the same time of whom Umar seemed to be some sort of leader. Groups of boys and teens passed comments on each and everybody praying in their hearts fervently that they look cool to others, inside the home girls and women were beautifully and colourfully decked and dressed in sparkling sarees, heavy lehengas, long gorgeous churidars while they sat gossiping, or helping each other or joking or teasing good naturedly.

“Latest update, fifteen more minutes before the Dulha and co can reach the Masjid In shaa Allah!” Saira announced with a grin.

“Yayyy!” cheered the giddy cousins.

“Who started the rumor that a plane load of Ahmed’s relatives and friends would be suddenly arriving upon us on the Valima?” A beaming aunt questioned, trying to appear stern.

“Dunno,” Fahima replied with a shrug. “But I think we should add some more to it, how about the Dulha’s parents being haughty people and they are gonna find fault with each and everything? Particularly, the food!”

“Why is she talking nonsense?” a cousin asked to another.

“Are his relations’ really going to come during Valima?” someone else queried.

“I don’t think so, as he’s a revert, they would most probably be against it.”

It was amidst this, that Saira asked Arifa and the other cousins to wear their abayas and Hijab as Abdullah and Habib and an uncle were coming up to get the Dulhan’s signature.

Though her heart was thudding madly, Humaira signed the paper with a steady hand and when her uncle stated the Mahar, then asked about her approval of the Nikah, she gave the reply in a tone that slightly betrayed her trembling.

“Abbu…” Abdullah embraced back his daughter, and then hastily wiped away his tears.

“Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah my child!” He said hoarsely.


“Oh Bhaiya Jazak Allahu Khair for coming!” Humaira blinked back her tears as her elder brother lovingly patted her cheek.

“Alright then, Ahmed and the others would have arrived, we’ll keep you informed.” Abdullah, still trying to stop his tears hurried out of the room.

“That’s done then,” Arifa took Humaira’s hand and squeezed it comfortingly, sitting beside her.

Humaira nodded mutely, the nerves in her stomach clenching into a painful ball. She knew she had to calm down… but with her heart’s beat only increasing every second –

“Ya Allah Ahmed, smile man! Look happy not freezing! You do want to marry Humair right? Or should we call this whole this off?” Saif teased, yet his dark eyes shone in understanding.

“There, I told you the Qaazi Sahib would be painfully punctual!” Misbah indicated with his head towards the elderly man in the snowy Jhubba and amamah, his beard equally white.

Just with all their nearest relatives of uncles and cousins, the Masjid appeared full and the only outsiders were the Imam and the Muadhdhin, and of course the Chief Qaazi of Tamil Nadu who was also a close friend of Abdullah and who usually performed most Nikahs around the city.

Soon the Qaazi Sahib started with the Blessed Name of Allah SWT and beautifully praised the Lord of ‘Alameen, switching fluently from Arabic to English to Urdu, and after a short sermon about husband’s duties and responsibilities towards the wife quoting Nabi SAW’s Ahadith, asked Abdullah whether he gives his daughter in marriage to Ahmed.

Ahmed was then asked whether he accepts it, to which he replied quite clearly. The icy blue eyes, no longer freezing yet not tranquil either.

The witnesses were mentioned, the Mahar was then specified, Ahmed signed and the Qaazi Sahib completed the proceedings with a sudden beaming smile,

“BaarakAllahu Lakuma, wa Baaraka 'Alaykuma, wa Jama'aa Baynakuma Fee Khayr!”

(May Allah bless for you (your spouse) and bless you and may He unite both of you in goodness!)”

“Announce the Nikah to all today in Jumu‘ah’s Khutba!” He instructed the Imam and after doing Musaafa and congratulating the Dulha, embracing Abdullah, the revered Qaazi hurried away to perhaps perform another Nikah in some other place of the large city.

“Nikah’s over BarakAllah!” Saira cried joyously, hugging whoever was near her.

 “BarakAllah! BarakAllah!” rang out the loud happy echoes as dates and misri (crystallized sugar lumps) were passed to all the children and girls.

“Son in law Mubarak Kadhija!” Her sister hugged Kadhija, after popping a misri in Kadhija’s mouth.

“Mubarak ho! BarakAllah!”

Only then, somebody realized that the bride was not among them.

“Where’s the dulhan?”

“Yes, where’s the dulhan?”

“Inside.” Arifa calmly motioned to the now panicking crowd with a grin towards the room. “She’s praying.”

Kadhija found her daughter in her familiar place, sitting upon the Musallah, and lost in conversation with her Lord.

When she finished saying Salaam, it was her mother who first embraced her with flowing tears and soft blessings. Then came the aunts and cousins and the whole lot.

“BarakAllah silly!” Saira sniffed, hugging her sister tightly. “Mubarak ho!”

All Humaira could do was hug her back, not trusting her voice.

“Looks like someone’s just got married…” Arifa stated, wiping Humaira’s tears and hugging her, then kissed on the cheek saying with a sweet smile, “Mubarak sweetheart!”


“What did you say?” Saira shouted, trying hard to close out the din around her, and to hear what Saif was saying.

“We would be there in another five minutes In shaa Allah, Ahmed would come up to meet Humair with Abba, tell everyone to go and hide somewhere or just wear their abayas and lower their gazes!”

“You… you!” Saira gasped, hearing her twin’s maddening laughter.

“What, the Dulha’s coming!” A cousin shrieked.

“Then whom did you think it would be? The President?” Her sister sarcastically asked.

“But the Dulha oooh…!”

“Who’s the dulhan here? Look she’s so calm and peaceful…!"

“Only Allah SWT knows what’s taking place inside me,” Humaira mumbled to her friend who grinned reassuringly.

“Okayyy! Everyone’s in their abayas? Those who wear their Niqaab, please do! The Dulha is on the stairs!” Saira exclaimed lowering her own Niqaab, and except for Kadhija and the aunts, all the girls scurried outside Humaira’s room yet not too far as to not have a glimpse of the London Dulha.

Ahmed’s heart pounded loudly was an understatement, he was sure that Saif heard the pounding but was too polite to say anything.

“So we would have to go back to Masjid again for the Jumu‘ah before coming back for the lunch…” Abdullah was saying to Habib when they all reached Humaira’s room.

Kadhija and some of the aunts had their faces uncovered, while their black hijabs and abaya hid their beautiful dresses.

For the first time, Kadhija looked properly at her son in law who was still standing in the background. Then turning to Abdullah, she smiled lovingly,

“Mubarak ho for your son in law!”

Abdullah took her hand and smiled back in the same way. “Mubarak ho ya Umm Habibullah!”

“Ahmed, this is your mother!”

Ahmed looked down at Kadhija and found the familiar deep brown eyes staring at him from a small face. She was a small woman he noted, and with mixed feelings saw her smile sweetly as she said,

“Assalamu Alaikum Ahmed!”

He responded unsteadily and for the first time since he had entered the room, allowed himself to look past all the crowd towards his bride who was sitting at the back. He could not see her face, but Lord! Such a welcome sight without her abaya as he took in her heavily worked Ghagra.

“Come,” Abdullah took Ahmed’s hand and the women parted for them to approach Humaira. Ahmed saw that she did not raise her head but stood up when they approached near. With a queer feeling, he realized she was the same height as her mother, and felt his heart thud away like thunder.

A smiling Abdullah then took Humaira’s hand and placed it in Ahmed’s amidst loud cheers.

He felt it trembling and small against his, and heard Abdullah asking Dua for both to Allah SWT. Then with a final nod, Abdullah looked at Ahmed as if saying, I have entrusted her to you!    

“Out out everybody out!” Saif cheekily announced to his aunts with his teasing smile, as soon as Abdullah and Habib left.      

“I’ll go now Saif beta, but do wait and see what I’ll do when you marry,” An aunt said winking. “I won’t budge from your dulhan.”

“Who said I’ll invite you aunty ji?”

Kadhija shook her head smiling at the banter and giving a parting glance at her daughter and Ahmed, went out with the others.

“Alright you have exactly ten minutes Ahmed! Then I’ll come again, for the Jumu‘ah Salah is nearing. Your time starts… Now!” With a deep laugh, Saif closed the door shut upon the husband and wife.

Ahmed stared at the closed door, and then turning back his head, he found himself looking directly into her eyes.

Her face! All his mind could think of was to register it forever in his memory. Like her mother, he realized as the blue eyes took in the small face in which her large eyes dominated. And what undid him was the fact that those eyes that had haunted him were now looking at him with shy tenderness. As if that wasn’t enough to still his heart, he heard her speak in the same melodious tone that he well-remembered.   

“You shouldn’t take Saif Bhaiya seriously,” Quiet laughter bubbled in her voice. “There’s more than an hour yet for the Jumu‘ah.”

As he simply continued to gaze at her without replying, Ahmed saw that she lowered her eyes, while slightly tugging at her hand from his clasp as if to pull free.

At that gesture, his stunned senses seemed to revive, and his stilled heart burst out like a dam finally set free. Instead of releasing her hand, Ahmed did the opposite. He pulled her to his heart.

As she went still, Ahmed wondered wildly for a moment whether he had been hasty. Then the next moment his heart shattered in infinite particles of throbbing love as Humaira uttering a little cry of half sob and half delight, melted in his arms and pressed her face against his coat.     

All these days, Ahmed had dared not imagine yet sometimes tried to picture how he would find her or what she’ll say. Yet now, the way she had responded took his breath away and with an effort, he held back himself from tightening his arms and instead focused on gathering his scattered senses.

His hand slightly shook as he touched her covered head, and the next moment Humaira found her chin being lifted up by his slender fingers towards his lowered head.

“You… are crying!” They were his first words to her.

Humaira dimpled, and the look in her melting eyes showed him that she had laid bare her heart and soul to him. Drowning in those pure shining depths, Ahmed knew – he was lost to the entire world outside.


A/N ;)

Of course, IYL lives in my head no doubt, but I have a life to live outside too and writing takes time? ;P

Yet I must say this, the way you guys had been exercising Sabrun Jameel shows that IYL’s teachings had been beneficial after all… Alhamdulillah ;)

Jazak Allahu Khairan Kaseeran Kaseera! Never thought I would complete this story until here, my heartfelt thanks to each and every single dear reader and awesome supporters ❤

Finally, Shukran Lillahi Walhamdu Lillahi Rabbil ‘Alameen!   


With my every Dua for you,


p.s. Don’t get the hopes high, who knows the next chapter may have only three pages! ;D   Remember in Duas.

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