Freedom (Book 2 Epilogue)

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Book 2 Epilogue: Freedom


Sapphira groaned in annoyance at the annoying beeping sound that filled her ears. Straining her eyes open, she was greeted by a plain white ceiling that had a few embedded ceiling lights above her.

"What?" Sapphira's other senses returned as she smelled fluids which she took notice of an IV drip and blood bag that were hooked into her veins, and a Sylveon and Scarabax Beetle curled up together between her waist and right arm that the tubes connected to right beside near her as they slept together peacefully.

Sapphira despised the feeling of the tubes up her nose that helped her breathe, but it was easily blocked by the sight of Fae and Click by her side as they slept together while curled up against her. She was always worried how the two would get along, but all those worries melted away at this sight as they were both there for her no matter what differences they may have.

Hearing a door open, Sapphira looked up as she took notice of a familiar-to her-redheaded woman with amber colored eyes which had a pair of silvery grey eyeglasses over them, wearing a bage turtle neck underneath a soft maroon trenchcoat, a pair of lightish blue skinny jeans and a pair of brown ankle boots entered the room.

"Auntie Clara?" Sapphira asked in disbelief of the sight of the woman in front of her. The woman looked at Sapphira and a smile full of relief and joy at the sight of the blue-ette being alive and well, spread across her face. "Oh by the Great Beings Sapphira your okay." The redheaded woman that was Sapphira's Aunt Clara said as she hugged her niece close to her in joy, which caused Fae and Click to wake up.

Sapphira's eyes widened in shock at her word, her aunt knew of the Great Beings? "I-what?" Clara pulled away from her niece as she carefully held her shoulders, being mindful of the stitches on her left shoulder as she sat next to her on the hospital cot. "You have no idea the amount of lies I had to tell these doctors at how rapid your injuries were healing for them to not question so much, because that damn Great Spirit decided to let his energies heal you." Clara ranted to her niece, keeping her tone quiet so no one else heard them.

"Auntie, you know about all of them?" Sapphira asked her aunt, still trying to grasp every single ounce of what was being told to her. Clara sighed as she rubbed her eyes, "Yes I do, I was there to help Mata Nui's mother when it came to her having that said boy and his brother's." Clara began to explain, "Sapphira your parents and myself are far from human, we're the only five still known Toa that were created from the Great Beings themselves, permanently Toa and unable to die unless our masks are shattered which also goes to our own descendants and offspring." Clara continued to explain, brushing some of her niece's dyed royal blue hair that had some hints of her golden blonde locks of hair peeking through the fading hair dye.

Click and Fae laid in Sapphira's lap to help keep her comfortable and calm as her Aunt continued to explain. "Irene, Eric and myself wanted nothing more than to keep you safe, but when it came to a strict rule for us by the orders of the Great Beings themselves, when something is destined to happen in the future that even me and Eric are able to see of happening, we must force ourselves to let it happen matter what that is that the Great Beings want to happen." Clara explained, noticing the tears that slowly fell from Sapphira's eyes. "Did they want me to be abused then?" Sapphira asked her aunt quietly.

Clara sighed as she shook her head while brushing away Sapphira's tears, "If there were times I could be able to ask them questions, I would've long asked them that, believe me." Clara admitted to Sapphira as she gave her niece a gentle kiss on her forehead. Sapphira looked up at her aunt, "Does that make you a Toa like mom and dad too?" Sapphira asked her aunt, Clara smiled softly at her niece. "Yes I am, I'm a Toa of Seasons." She admitted making Sapphira's eyes sparkle at the truth she wasn't the only Toa in her family with her parents being dead, deadish.

Clara looked at the door into Sapphira's hospital room before back at her neice. "I'll continue explaining later, the doctor is coming in." Clara said making Sapphira confused as she didn't hear anyone else besides the two of them and Fae and Click before she heard a few footsteps before her door to her room opened as a doctor walked in with a clipboard.

He looked up at Sapphira and gave a thin smile, "Glad to see your awake Miss Aquamarine." He said as he looked back at his clipboard.


It had been three days since she woke up in her hospital bed and now Sapphira was in a new set of clothes as her aunt was checking her out of the hospital now that the blue-ette teen Toa girl was able to leave finally.

Fae walked by her side with her neck ribbon feelers wrapped around her right forearm as Click sat proudly on her right shoulder.

During the time she was restrained to her hospital bed her aunt explained a lot of things to her of what she could of the Toa powers. Sapphira inheriting her parents Toa powers, her mother's Toa of Ice powers and her father's Toa of Darkness powers, her aunt explaining how her and her brother/Sapphira's father were originally planned to be a single Toa of Seasons and Darkness before an unplanned split which gave them similar abilities of their masks powers, and how Sapphira's bracelet was a weakened form of her mother Irene's mask.

Clara explained that Irene was the last to be created of Toa by the Great Beings themselves and her mask was able to turn into a charm bracelet if she was in an organic form, the voice Sapphira had been hearing from the bracelet-or actually known as The Charm of Ice-was her mother's spirit speaking to her, though she wasn't even close to dead she still had a connection to The Charm of Ice as it's her mask and helped Sapphira guide her of her Toa of Ice powers which also freed those powers from dormancy.

Sapphira was more than happy to have the bracelet now on her wrist at the news it was the closest you could get to her actual mother. Though it had been silent for a long while, Clara explained to her that it was Irene trying to focus her powers to continue regenerating her body.

Sapphira currently sat in a chair by the desk as her aunt signed the papers to have Sapphira leave. Pulling her phone out from her hoodie pocket, Sapphira looked at the lock screen which was a photo of Hawks from My Hero Academia as the time and date read August 25th 2018 4:21 PM, she put in her passcode and went onto YouTube as she took her earbuds out to watching one of her favorite YouTubers, The Russian Badger.

Sapphira knew Click and Fae were watching her as she pulled up the video, so she quickly turned on captions for them to know what was going on as she had her earbuds still in.

After a bit of watching the video she saw a familiar pale hand tap her knee making her look up as she paused her video seeing her Aunt holding her bag as she smiled softly, "Let's head to the car." She said, which Sapphira nodded as she took out her earbuds and stuffed them with her phone in her pocket as she got out of the chair and followed closely behind her aunt with Fae still at her side and Click still on her shoulder.

Once they left the automatic front doors of the hospital, Sapphira stretched her arms making Fae grab Click from her shoulder as the blue-ette took a large breath of the cool air around them. "Ah fresh air! Well," Sapphira paused to think as Clara took her keys from her purse. "As fresh as the air in Los Angeles you can get." Sapphira said making Clara roll her eyes at her neice in an amused manner.

Walking up to the car, Sapphira and Clara entered with Fae laying in Sapphira's lap with Click on her head. Sapphira buckled herself in as her aunt had already done so as she pulled out of her parking spot.

Sapphira watched the scenery pass by as she looked out the passenger door window. Clara looked at Sapphira briefly as she drove, "I know your not gonna like the court case against Agatha." Clara said quietly, making Sapphira sigh as she closed her eyes, "Is it that obvious?" Sapphira asked her aunt in a joking manner attempting to lighten the mood, Fae rewrapping her neck feelers around Sapphira's forearm and Click went to her shoulder while still being careful of the blue-ette's stitches on her left shoulder.

"Well at least I have some good news." Clara said making Sapphira open her eyes as she looked at her aunt, "What's that?" She asked her, brushing some of her dyed blue hair out of her face. "Your friends are already staying at my home instead of that old building, I'm surprised that thing was stable." Clara told her, then joked a bit at the end.

Sapphira's eyes widened at that, "Your joking." Sapphira said in shock. Clara barked out a laugh, "Hardly, I helped Hyria with not only Mata Nui's birth but also his brother's and the idea you were around not only Mata Nui but also four Glatorian to protect you was pretty sureal especially since Glatorian are the closest thing you can get a born Toa." Clara explained making Sapphira tilt her head.

"Okay, first half of that, to much information on that auntie," Sapphira began making her aunt laugh a bit. "And second, what do you mean four Glatorian?" Sapphira asked once her aunt had calmed her laughter down. "The only Glatorian there were Ackar, Gresh and Kiina. I'm pretty sure Mata Nui doesn't count." Sapphira told her aunt causing her to sigh as she stopped at a red light.

"Sapphira, apparently you haven't gotten of your schools to where how growth is delayed by lack of proper nutrients." Her aunt explained making Sapphira raise a blonde brow in confusion before her blue eyes widened in realization. "You mean Berix is a Glatorian?" She asked in disbelief, Clara nodded showing her niece she was right.

"But I thought-" "You thought he was an Agori, I know. They all thought that." Clara interrupted her niece as she drove again once the light turned green. "But Agori are like Matoran, usually don't fight. And you can see Berix is wanting to learn what he can of fighting and like the other Glatorian you mentioned, he has the energies of a Toa element." Clara continued her explaination, Sapphira looking more shocked at her words.

"What element is he then?" Sapphira asked her aunt after a moment of uncomfortable silence. "Gravity, his element is Gravity and with that he'll need and the training he can get with my help to help of that since when they found out you woke up finally, he made himself and the other's float in the air like they were in space which did make Kiina and Ackar jump in alarm, Gresh laughing completely and Mata Nui was just amused of the reaction his powers had." Clara explained, making Sapphira laugh at that while throwing her head back.


Clara parked the car into her home's driveway making Sapphira's eyes widen and sparkle to see her friends and boyfriend again. Sapphira threw her seatbelt off as she opened her door and rushed out the car making her aunt laugh as she left the car and locked it behind her as she walked to her niece at the front door.

Clara opened the door after unlocking it making Sapphira rush in, Fae staying close to her as Click stayed on the Sylveon's head. "Sapphira!" The said blue-ette girl was suddenly tackled in a hug by a taller Berix making her yelp in alarm.

"Berix?! Dude why are you taller?" Sapphira asked the boy as she hugged him back and seeing the bright smile on his face. "Given he's finally able to eat properly as he should for his age, his body is catching up on his missed growth spurts." Clara explained as she fixed her glasses on her face. Berix was now at Sapphira's stomach in height where he was originally near her hips of her being five foot nine tall.

Sapphira patted the top of his head, "Well good to see you get to be healthy and live to your full potential Berix." Sapphira told him making him smile more, "Thanks Sapphira." He thanked her, Sapphira was suddenly picked up into a hug by Kiina making the blue-ette squeal in alarm before laughing as she hugged the Water Glatorian back. "Good to see you too Kiina." Sapphira said though her laughter.

"I had to deal with these guys way to much Sapphira you have no idea how frustrating it was!" Sapphira howled in laughter at that statement as Kiina put the woman on her feet again. "I'll take your word for it." Sapphira said as she then was taken into a side hug by Gresh as he gave her noogie.

"GRESH!" Sapphira yelled through her laughter as the Wind Glatorian was laughing himself. He stopped his noogie and hugged her normally, "Good to see your back and good now Sapp." Gresh told her making her roll her eyes. "Yeah thanks Greenie I appreciate that." She said making Berix and Kiina laugh at that nickname as she hugged Ackar which the Veteran Fire Glatorian hugged her back.

"Glad to have you back kid, your aunt though is pretty much something I'll admit that." Ackar told her making the blue-ette roll her eyes. "Hey take my aunt to dinner first before you flirt okay?" Sapphira joked making Berix snort a bit of his laughter. "She said before she's dating someone already and I am going to respect that." Ackar told Sapphira as the two parted their hug. Sapphira looked at her aunt who rolled her amber eyes in an amused tone, "You'll meet her soon." Clara said, making Sapphira raise a brow. "I knew you weren't straight too." She said making Ackar laugh along with Gresh as Kiina face palmed with Berix laughing himself.

Sapphira heard footsteps making her look seeing Mata Nui walk in with a tall female figure. They were robotic like her friends and boyfriend but had reptile like features to her of a snout, tail and claws as she had long blue almost like hair from her head in box braids and wore over her gunmetal grey armor pieces a turtle neck sweater dress that went to her knees and some knee socks.

Mata Nui took notice of Sapphira, which stopped his conversation with the woman. Sapphira's eyes widened as she smiled.

"Mata Nui!" The said Great Spirit was nearly tackled off his own feet as the blue-ette tackled him a hug making him laugh as he hugged Sapphira back while a smile painted his own face.

The Great Spirit was careful of her healing injuries as he held her close, more than happy to have her in his arms again. "Are you okay?" He asked Sapphira quietly making her laugh a bit as she rolled her eyes playfully. "I am now that I get to be held by you again." She said making Mata Nui chuckle as he kissed her nose.

Sapphira then looked at the woman who was now standing next to her aunt. "Who and what is she?" Sapphira asked, pointing to the woman making her and her aunt laugh. "No need to fear me, I am Roodaka, a Vortixx." The woman, now identified as Roodaka, introduced herself.

"Vortixx?" Sapphira was confused, "Vortixx's are intelligent creatures my mother created when she was still newly created by the Great Beings, their intelligence manage to surpass most Matoran and Agori." Mata Nui explained to Sapphira, which made the said blue-ette look up at him as he talked.

"Yes and with most part, Roodaka is a skilled warrior herself." Clara said, making the Vortixx chuckle a bit as she hugged the woman from behind. "You honestly flatter me to much dear." She said giving Clara a soft kiss on her cheek.

Sapphira still watching the two, eyes widened in shock and realization. "No way..." She muttered making Mata Nui laugh along with the others. "Does that mean I can't get a cousin?" She asked randomly making them burst out in hysteria.

Clara's face was red as she buried it behind her face, causing her glasses to slip up as Roodaka buried her snout in the woman's shoulder. "You can do a poly relationship with Ackar so-" "SAPPHIRA!" Ackar yelled as his face flushed red that put his armor to shame as everyone else laughed again.


Clara was currently sitting outside on a balcony of the rooms to her home, a cup of hot chocolate in her hands as she looked at the few stars above. She had her flute in her lap and occasionally looked at it from time to time with the thoughts of her brother Eric.

"You and Irene may had not been able to raise Sapphira for long, but you both raised her well and she's a perfect woman now." She said aloud knowing her and her brother's connection to let them talk wherever the other was, he would hear her words. "Yeah, we know." She heard his voice briefly making her smile as she sipped her hot drink.

Roodaka walked to the door of the balcony as she knocked on it with her knuckles. "You busy?" She asked as Clara looked at the Vortixx woman, smiling as she did. "Just a brief talk with Eric is all." She said as she stood up, "What's up?" She asked as she walked to the Vortixx.

Roodaka just smiled a bit, "I think you should come see this." She said making Clara raise a brow but follow after her love nonetheless. Reaching to the living room where the curtains were closed, a fire was lit in the fire place, and the tv still on but playing quietly. Sapphira, Mata Nui and the Glatorian were at the couch, huddled together as they all slept.

Kiina was at one end of the couch leaning against Gresh, Ackar laid in the middle while making sure in his sleep Berix didn't fall from his lap as the boy slept snugged into the Fire Glatorian's warmth, while Mata Nui was at the other end with Sapphira snuggled in his lap as Fae and Click were asleep in her lap. Clara's Sawsbuck Willow was near the fire while still on the rug, sleeping soundly.

Clara smiled at the sight, she was more than happy her brother's only child was happy, having friends that care for her, a loving boyfriend and finally fully knowing of who she was from her family.

Clara flinched as her abilities usually a Toa would have from their mask suddenly activated showing one of her future visions of one half of it as her brother usually saw the other half. Showing her Sapphira on the island with the six Toa Mata Nui created, her brother and Irene's companions by her sides, the Mask of Light in her nieces protective arms, and the shadowy form of Makuta's corrupted self behind them.

Clara snapped back to reality as she leaned against Roodaka making the Vortixx wrap her tail around her to support her as she took the mug from her hands. "Another vision?" She asked her, watching as Clara breathed heavily as she had her hands balled up against the Vortixx's chest. "Y-Yes, it had Sapphira, Irene and Eric's companions, the six Toa, the Mask of Light and Makuta's form being behind them all." She explained briefly, Roodaka's glowing blue eyes widening at that.

"Should we warn them in the morning?" She asked Clara, which the red headed woman shook her head. "No, they've been through enough with Agatha. Let them rest from it all until then...." she told her, Roodaka headed her words as she picked up Clara in one arm to take the two of them to bed.

~The End~


Thanks for reading book 2 in the Ice Toa series In Your World!

For those older readers who've been here since this book was first published, I apologize for the update notifications of the editing and the loss of chapters in this editing

Make sure to check out the rest of current books in the Ice Toa Series

An Ice Toa, But Human (Book 1 of the Ice Toa Series)

You're My World (Book 3 of the Ice Toa Series)

You're My Strength (Book 4 of the Ice Toa Series)

I hope you all enjoyed and I'll see y'all in the next book/You're My World!

Sirenalagirl53/Siren Stormer-Furno

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