Bryce Whitingale X Reader X Claude Beacons | I Can't Choose!

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Hi! It's another request! This time it's a love triangle with Bryce and Claude. Oh, sounds interesting. This was requested by Rainerose14. Hope you enjoy!

"You idiot! Stop harassing (Y/n)!"
Claude's yells could be heard over the entirety of Alias Academy. "Moron! I was not harassing her! I was cooling her down because she's too warm! She's been spending too much time around Prominence." Bryce's yells could also be heard. "W-wait..." (Y/n) stammered. Okay, if you're wondering what's happening, let's rewind a bit.


"(Y/n)? Why didn't you show up at practice today? You're a Manager, you're supposed to be helping." Bryce lectured the poor girl. "*sniff* sorry, Gazelle. I'm just n-not feeling gr-great today." Gazelle immediately began worrying. It was no secret that the cold hearted striker had a soft spot for the girl. He was actually on love with her, but had never confessed, because of two things.
1) fear of rejection
2) his rival, Claude/Torch was also in love with her.
Yeah, not good. He was snapped out of his daydream because of (Y/n) coughing. "Here, let me cool you down." Bryce placed his cool hand on her burning forehead, making her feel better. Hey then moved another hand on her chest, feeling her temperature. To the two of them, it was just Bryce checking (Y/n)'s temperature, but to anyone looking in from outside, well... Let's just say it looked... Wrong...
So when Claude came in, worried about (Y/n), he misinterpreted the situation quite badly. Hence the argument going on now.

P R E S E N T  T I M E

Claude turned to (Y/n). "Why would you let him do that?!" he yelled at her. "Don't yell at (Y/n) like that!" Bryce shouted at Claude. The yelling continued, getting louder and louder until Xavier and Jordan stormed in, annoyed at the yelling. "What's going on in here?" Xavier yelled. Jordan began comforting (Y/n), who had begun crying because of the two Captains. "Gazelle was harassing (Y/n)! He had his hand on her chest and everything!" Claude accused. Xavier gave Bryce a dirty look. "I was not! She's got a fever, I have a cold body, I was cooling her down! And I had my hand on her chest because I was checking her temperature." Bryce explained impatiently. Xavier looked relieved, and Claude was blushing in embarrassment. "I-" "Save it tulip head. Get back to practice." Bryce stated coldly before storming out. Claude gave an angry cry and followed him. Xavier frowned after the two boys. "Jordan, look after (Y/n)." And with that he left.


"Gazelle! Gazelle! Ga-" "I heard you the first time! What?!" Claude flinched. "I think we owe (Y/n) an apology." he explained. Bryce nodded. "Let's go." They walked to her room in silence, feeling awkward.


They entered, and looked at her sleeping figure. Jordan had since left, leaving her to sleep. She was looking a lot better, her fever had gone down and her temperature was stable. She opened her eyes, and looked shocked to see Bryce and Claude sat on the end of her bed. "Gazelle, Torch? What are yo-" Claude placed a finger on her lips. "Ssh. We're here to apologise. We're sorry about this morning. You should get some rest. Otherwise your fever will just get worse." he smiled at her, and then got up to leave with Bryce, but (Y/n) reached out and grabbed their sleeves. "Stay..." she muttered. Bryce and Claude smiled. (Y/n) shifted over and the pulled the two boys into the bed, wrapping her arms around both of them. Bryce smiled, and pulled the covers over all three of them. He looked down at her sleeping face, and couldn't hold back. He quickly leant down and placed a kiss on her forehead. He noticed Claude kissed her hand before snuggling up to her and then closing his eyes. (Y/n) noticed and opened her eyes sleepily. "Hey,
(Y/n)? If we both told you we loved you, who would you pick?"
"Hmm~ I can't choose. I love you both equally." she replied, before falling asleep. "That makes me happy." he replied, before also falling asleep.

Anyway, even though I think it's trash, I hope someone enjoyed, and I hope you enjoyed it Rainerose14! Sorry if it sucked.
That's all for now! Byeeee!

-Author-chan 💓

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