Caleb Stonewall X Reader | Where's My Towel?!?! 😱🚿

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Hey! It's Caleb turn! Sorry my update schedule is stupid, I only really update when I have time. Anyway, this was an idea given to me by my cousin, Shadowkitty01.
Hope you all enjoy!


"Hey, I'm just going to take a shower okay Celia?" (Y/n), a fellow manager of Inazuma Japan told the ex-journalist. "Okay! Just remember your dressing gown this time!" she grinned. "Will do!" she grabbed her dressing gown and black towel, and headed to the showers. She locked herself in a stall, before adjusting the dial.


"Really? I have to that? Come on Caleb, can't I forfeit or something?" David begged. "Nope. You have to. A dare is a dare." "David, you may be my best friend, but I swear to god if you flirt with Celia I will hurt you." Jude warned. "Sorry, Jude. Make sure what's left of my body makes it home." and he got up and headed towards the managers room. "Uh oh." they all thought.


"Caleb, Truth or dare?" Nathan asked. "Dare." he replied, confidently. 'Perfect! Now we can get revenge!' "(Y/n)'s taking a shower right now, you know." "Yeah, so?" "Your dare is to take her towel." Caleb's jaw dropped. "No way! I can't go in while she's showering! What if she catches me?! I may be annoying but I'm no pervert!" he yelled. "A dare is a dare, Caleb. That is, of course, unless you are to chicken to do it?" Jude smirked at him. "I'm not a chicken! I'll do your stupid dare. You'll see." He got up and crept towards the bathroom. He took a deep breath, and silently opened the door. He saw a single black towel laying on the side. 'Great!' he thought. He was actually starting to think this would be funny, so he quickly grabbed the towel and snuck out.

"Well?" Caleb held up the towel triumphantly. "She's gonna be furious..." muttered Nathan, then he chuckled. "Still, she's cute when she's mad. So I guess it works out." They all smirked. It was only a matter of time before (Y/n) realised her towel was gone, and ultimate chaos began.

5 M I N U T E S L A T E R

"WHAA?! WHERE'S MY TOWEL?!" A scream could be heard from the showers as (Y/n) realised there was no black towel on the side. Shawn and Axel ran into the room quickly, concerned. "What happened? We heard screaming." Nathan and Jude glanced at each other. "Well...Caleb took (Y/n)'s towel, and well...she only just realised." they explained. Shawn and Axel burst out laughing. "You guys are so dead. She's gonna be furious you know." Axel grinned, before they both walked out. "(Y/n)?
W-what are Y-you doing I-in just a d-dressing g-gown? Y-you'll c-catch a c-c-cold." Shawn asked, stammering and blushing at the fact that the attractive (h/c) girl was dripping wet and only wearing a short white dressing gown. So help them if it came undone. Curse you teenage hormones! (Y/n) growled. "Some idiot had the smart idea if taking my towel as a joke. Now I'm soaking wet, cold and mad. It wasn't either of you two was it?" she glared at them. "N-no, it w-was Caleb." Shawn stammered and pointed at the room the four boys were in. "That little- STONEWALL! GET YOUR MOWHAWK ASS IN HERE RIGHT NOW OR SO HELP ME I'LL KICK YOU TO KINGDOM COME!!" As you can probably tell, (Y/n) was mad. Very mad. Terrified, Caleb walked into the hall, only to find (Y/n) dripping wet and only wearing a dressing gown. "Wow. Didn't know you looked this good when soaking wet. I should've taken your towel earlier." he smirked. "You ass hole! Give me my towel back right now!" He laughed. "Or what?" "Or else I'll kick so hard, where the sum don't shine, that you'll be preying for your future kids!" she glared at him. "Feisty. I like it. Tell you what, if you can get your towel of me, you can take it. If you can't, I'll keep it. Deal?" (Y/n) frowned. "And why can't I just take my towel?" "Oh (Y/n). That wouldn't be any fun, would it? Come on, it's just a towel. Don't think you can do it?" That did it. With the force of a freight train, (Y/n) charged forward and tackled him to the ground. She grabbed his collar, pulling him closer, and raised her fist. "Give. Me. My. Towel. Now." she threatened. Caleb gulped and handed her the towel. The moment she let her guard down though, Caleb rolled over, pinning her to the ground instead. "You're forgetting one thing. Look down." (Y/n) looked down, confused, until she realised something. She was still wearing her dressing gown. And when she'd tackled him to the ground, it'd come slightly undone. Exposing the top of her cleavage. "My, my (Y/n). A girl like you shouldn't be dressed like that, don't you think? A girl like that attracts the wrong kind of attention, and you've certainly caught mine." and he leant down and kissed her. Poor (Y/n) had no time to register what had happened before he pulled away. He then grinned. "Next time I'll take your dressing gown too." he then leaned down and whispered in her ear. "I'm warning you.~" he then got up and walked off, leaving (Y/n) a confused, blushing mess.

Wow. I wrote something half decent! Much better than that love triangle. Sorry if Caleb was a little OOC, but that's just how I imagine he'd act in that sort of situation. Hope you all enjoyed! Byeeee!

-Author-chan 💎

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