David Quagmire X Reader | I Love You More Than Anything

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So, I've decided that David is having an X Reader (It's Saginuma Osamu by the way). This is also a present for Shadowkitty01, my beautiful cousin. Enjoy the chapter!


"Y/n, what's wrong sweetie?" David was concerned for his girlfriend. Since she'd come home from school, she'd been acting rather off. And he hadn't the slightest clue why. "I'm fine, really." came Y/n's voice from the other room. 'Great, she won't even speak to me on person!' David sighed and headed to wherever Y/n was.

"Y/n, I can tell you're upset, please tell me why." Y/n sighed. "I told you it's nothing." "But it's not though! I'm worried about you, and you know you can tell me anything." He sat next to her on the bed and pulled her into a hug. "Tell me what's wrong." "Fine, fine, you win. Its....some people in my class. Saying that I don't deserve you and you don't really love me." She murmured sadly. "Oh, darling, you know that's not true! I'll always love you, and it's me who doesn't deserve you. Listen to me, do you remember how we met?" Y/n couldn't help but smile as she remembered.


Y/n walked through the cafeteria, holding her tray of lasagne in front of her. She was rather happy, since she would be sat with her friends eating her favourite food. However, she was so happy that she wasn't looking where she was going, and walked right into someone-- causing both of their trays to collide, messing them both up. "I'm sorry! Please forgive me!" Y/n quickly apologised, and the boy simply laughed. "It's fine, it was an accident. I'm sorry, but we look ridiculous right now." He was right. They were both covered in lasagne. And people were laughing. "Oh god, I'm such a clutz!" Y/n blushed in embarrassment. "Oh well, at least we're both looking stupid. I'm David, by the way." "Y/n, I'm Y/n." "Y/n, huh? I like that name. Well, I'll not forget you anytime soon, so don't forget me either. Now, you should probably get cleaned up and so should I. I'll see you around, Y/n. Hopefully when we next meet we won't cover ourselves in food." Y/n blushed, nodded, and then turned to leave. Little did the two know that they were going to be more than friends.


"Yeah, I remember, why?" "Well, do you want to know what I thought after that collision?" "'I need a shower?'" "Haha, no. I thought-- no I knew, that you were special. But I'd have never guessed that I'd end up dating you." "Neither would I, but here we are." "Yep, we're here and happy, and no stupid classmates can take that away from us. It'll probably just fuel out love even more." "Thanks David. What did I do to deserve a boy like you?" "Oh, I don't know, but the real question is are you happy now?" "Yes, you've really reassured me." "Good. You know I love you, right?" "Yeah, but I love you even more." "Impossible. I love you more than anything, so clearly I love you more." "Fine, fine, you love me more. But I still love you loads, and I always will." "Good. And next time please talk to me when you're upset." "I'm not making any promises." "Y/n!" "Alright, I'll tell you! Dork." "Well, jokes on you cos guess who's in love with that dork."



Okay, I'm gonna leave it there. I hope you all enjoyed this, especially if you, Spider! (No one gets that because I'm a weirdo. Also I'm not using real names because privacy.) Well, it's one in the morning, so I'm getting some sleep. Love you all, bye!

-Author-chan 👑

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