Fei Rune X Reader | Please Be Mine?

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[Yeah so Fei us gonna be super OOC for this cos wynaut? Lol enjoy the chapter]

"Hey Y/n." "Don't talk to me." "Why not?" Yep, Y/n was talking to the one and only playboy of the school, Fei Rune. He dated girls and then broke up with them after like a day. And now he was targeting Y/n, the one girl that hadn't fallen for him. "Because you're a jerk." "Oh come on, you can't hate me forever~." Y/n rolled her eyes and picked up her bag, getting up. "Don't leave, I was having fun." He winked at her. Y/n rolled her eyes and walked off, ignoring Fei. 'Geez he's such an asshole.'


I closed my locker and nearly screamed when I saw Fei leaning against the wall. "Hey Y/n, miss me~?" I glared at him. "Of course not, and don't scare me like that!" Fei laughed. "Sorry, but you look adorable." I blushed. No no no Y/n don't blush he's a jerk don't show him weakness! Fei smirked at me. "You're blushing, maybe you do like me after all~" I growled. "Yeah right, there's no way I do, why would I become another one of your victims?" "Because, Y/n, I'm irresistible." I rolled my eyes. "What? Oh come on, you'll fall for me eventually." "Uh huh, I'll do that when Tenma gives up football. Bye Fei." I turned around and walked off, not realising I'd dropped my phone from my bag in the process. 'Perfect.' Fei thought, as he picked it up and pocketed it.


Where the fuck is it? No no no no no where is my phone. Shit. Maybe its at lost property at school. Oh god oh god oh god this is bad. That thing was expensive. Uuuuuuggggghhhhhh fine I'll go outside. Maybe a walk in the park will calm me.

Oh hey look an ice cream van all my troubles are gone. I got up and bought a vanilla ice cream, and when I returned to the bench I had been sat on I realised I left my bag there while I left. I quickly thanked the gods it wasn't stolen, and checked inside to see if anything was missing. Oh. My. God. My phone is here?!? But how? It wasn't there before was it?! I quickly checked it, and saw I had a message from an unknown number. Double oh my god. That green haired player stole my phone! That jackass. And he had the audacity to ask me on a date! I'm going to go and tell him just how mad I am. It's for one hour from now, at a local cafe. Great. I'll meet him there and then I'll murder him.

T I M E S K I P (Again, I know)

"So, you came?" I saw Fei sat at a table, with a milkshake. He'd bought a second, actually in my favourite flavour. I sat down and he handed it to me. "What?" "I thought you'd be thirsty. This is a date, I invited you, therefore I should pay." "You stole my phone, I'm not very happy." "Yeah but you got it back unharmed. What's the problem?" He grinned at me and sipped his milkshake. "What's the problem? You stole it! That's illegal!" He laughed. "Oh well. So, enjoying your milkshake? I know it's your favourite flavour." I pushed it towards him. "I don't want it. You probably drugged it or something." He frowned. "No I didn't. I just thought it would be nice. Unless you want a different flavour or something?" He offered. That's surprisingly nice of him. "No, I'm not thirsty." I lied. Yes, I do want it, but I don't want to give him the idea that I like him when i don't.

"... Fine. Yes I do want the milkshake." He smiled at me as I took a sip, and honestly it is kinda cute. "Great! I'm glad, if you didn't want it I would have been sad." Ugh, this guy. "Yeah yeah, whatever. Well, it was nice coming here and everything but I never actually agreed to come on this date with you so-- mmph!" He put his hand over my mouth. "You didn't say yes, yet you came. That tells me that you wanted to come here." I gave him a bored look as my mouth was still covered.

"So, you want me to stay then?" "Uh huh." I sighed. "Fine. But for one hour." "Yay! Trust me, well have loads of fun." He smirked at me. Oh brother here we go...


So he took me to an Amusement park. I mean it could have gone worse [I'm lazy so this is after it happened]. "So, have you had fun today?" Fei asked as we walked. Yes he's holding my hand, I can't get my hand out if his I think it's broken halp. "Surprisingly, yes, thank you." "That's good, we should do it again sometime." I rolled my eyes but smiled. "Sure, why the hell not? You're still a jerk but you can be nice when you want to." Fei grinned. "That makes me happy." We arrived at my house and I went to pull my hand out of Fei's, but he wouldn't let go. "Uh Fei, I have to-- mm!!" He kissed me. He cut me off by kissing me. He (finally) let go of my hand and then put his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. Wow he's a good kisser. I put my arms around his neck subconsciously and returned the kiss, cos it was actually good. We pulled away, panting ever so slightly. "Wow..." was all I could say. "Y/n, I know you don't like me that much, but I love you, really. Please be mine?" I smiled. "Sure. I guess my opinion of you has changed drastically. I love you too Fei." And we shared another kiss.

Okay its longer than I thought but that's good. I know Fei was super OOC but it's fine. I hope you guys liked it! Love you all, bye!

-Author-chan 👋

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