Fubuki Shirou X Reader X Fubuki Atsuya | Happy Easter! [Part Two]

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[Part two is here, let's just get this over with. Also the pic above (灬♥ω♥灬) the artist is soooo good]

The next day at school, Y/n could not be further from happy. She literally had boys coming up to her in the halls asking how to win/cheat to win so they could get a kiss from her. And obviously, this did not go down well with Y/n.

"Hey Y/n-- whoa, is everything alright? You look mad." Y/n laughed sarcastically. "Oh, everything is totally fine, I'm not mad, why would i be mead when i'm in THE WORST POSSIBLE SITUATION RIGHT NOW ATSUYA!!!!" Y/n threw her arms up in despair with the comment, and Atsuya shrunk back almost in fear. "Alright, i get it, geez..." "It's not that bad Y/n, c'mon, cheer up." Shirou placed a hand on her shoulder.

Y/n sighed. "Sorry, if I'm mad at anyone it should be Yuna... She's the one who started it all." "Yeah, why take it out on me?!" Atsuya exclaimed, annoyed. Shirou and Y/n giggled.


"So, we start here?" "Yep, good luck you two. Just find the two golden eggs and both of you have won. Don't fail on me, okay?" "Okay. We'll do our best for you." Y/n was stood with the twins at the beginning of the hunt, seeing them start with the rest of the people contesting. Surprisingly (Or not surprisingly, whichever way she looked at it) Y/n saw a ratio of 2:1 boys to girls. There was still loads of people competing, but it was a majority of boys this year. Wonder why.... [Y/n's anger intesifies]

"And the contest....starts.... now!" Y/n heard Yuna declare the start, and Y/n watched everyone dissipate, some running off, some meandering, but eventually everyone left. "So, Y/n, which boy do you reckon's gonna want a kiss from you? I reckon it's those Fubuki twins, what do you think?" Y/n looked at her in horror. "No! I hope it's no one, especially not Shirou and Atsuya..." "Yeah right, keep telling yourself that. Well, I gotta go. See ya Y/n." And with that, Yuna left, presumably to go flirt with some boy knowing her.

Y/n grinned once Yuna was gone. Of course she'd have set up a prize like this, it was Yuna. Although, she was now very worried. Shirou said he wanted to win right? Atsuya too... What if they really wanted-- no, don't be silly Y/n, of course they don't want that. Maybe... Y/n shook her head. She was being stupid. She trusted what they said, but then again... No, Y/n was just overthinking. She hoped...


"Y/NNNNN Y/N Y/N Y//N Y/N Y/N--" "What!?" Yuna took a deep breath, barely stopping herself from squealing. "You won't believe it but... SHIROU AND ATSUYA WON!!!!! OMG GET IT GIRL!" Y/n dropped her pencil in surprise. "They what? Are you serious?!" "Yeah! Get up get up get up we gotta go find them!!!!" Without another word Yuna very unceremoniously dragged Y/n by her wrist out of her seat and with her to wherever the twins were.

"Hey snow twins! Congrats on winning!" Yuna found the twins in a spare classroom, surrounded by a bunch of people. "Okay people clear off!" Yuna's yell scared off anyone in the room, and soon it was just the four of them. "Told you we'd win Y/n." Atsuya grinned at her. "So which prize are you two choosing? The booooring egg and bunny.... or the kiss from our beloved Y/n~?"

Shirou glanced at Atsuya, and the two nodded. "We'd like prize two please." Y/n's jaw dropped. "What?! I thought... huh?" The twins laughed. "Well, we thought you're reaction would be funny. And it is! C'mon Y/n, it won't be that bad." Y/n sighed, and then a clever idea formed in her mind. "Okay, i guess I have to."

She then in turn kissed both twins hands, giggling to herself afterwards. "Never specified what kinda kiss~." She gloated. Yuna grinned. "I have taught you well. C'mon, let's go. Better luck next time you two." And then Yuna promptly dragged Y/n off again.

"....There's always next year." Shirou sighed and shook his head, but couldn't help the small smile on his face. "True, or we'll--" "Don't finish that sentence aniki, you never have good plans." "Hey!"


Damn, Shirou is a straight up savage in this chapter! Lmao i wish he was like that in the actual anime, that'd be so funny. Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this little Easter special, just felt like writing something away from the stress of requests and dark themes of other books of mine. And plus, the Fubuki twins are pretty easy to write about, if I do say so myself. That's all for now. Love you all, bye! Hope you guys had an amazing Easter! (◕‿◕✿) 

-Author-chan <3

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