Fubuki Shirou X Reader X Fubuki Atsuya | Yandere Love ♥️

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... So.... Here we are... Writing a Yandere x reader x Yandere. Why? I still haven't worked that out yet but whatever. Might contain gore. Warning: read at your own risk. If you hate gore then don't read!

(Y/n POV)

It was a perfectly normal day at Hakuren Jr High, nothing seeming too out of the ordinary, when I ran into the two most popular boys in school: the Fubuki twins. I've never really been that fond of these two. I'm polite to them, of course but I never go out of my way to talk to them. "Hello (Y/n)," Shirou gave me a kind smile. I smiled back and continued walking. Something about those two puts me off big time. I think it's the fact that they're "perfect". A little too "perfect" if you ask me. I walked up to my locker, opened it and frowned. "Not again!" I groaned. It was full of pink and red envelopes: love letters. Begrudgingly, I began stuffing them into bag, not caring if they got damaged. This happens everyday. It was once so bad that I had to ask my friend to put some in her bag because I didn't have room. I chuckled wryly at the memory and turned around to head to class, and walked into Fubuki Atsuya. "Oops. Sorry sweetheart, are you okay?" he gave me a classic Atsuya smirk. "Yeah, I'm fine. Sory for walking into you, Atsuya." I apologised and headed too class. I could've sworn someone was following me, but when I looked behind me there was no one there.

(Shirou's POV)

I chuckled as I watched (Y/n) walk straight into my brother. She can be a real clumsy girl sometimes, but that just makes her more cute. Me and brother both love (Y/n), even though we know she's not too fond of us. That won't stop us trying though. We hate it when other boys try and win her affection, as there is a chance we could loose her. So far, we've terrorised any boy who gets too close to her into leaving her alone, and that seems too work for now. Oh, (Y/n)'s leaving. Atsuya turns too me and nods, and we begin following her. Technically this is classed as stalking, but we are in the same class for nearly everything, so if anyone asks we just say we're heading to class. It always works, partly because it's true, and partly because people tend to believe us alot. Being the most popular guys in school has its perks.



ts after class now, and me and Atsuya are not happy. A boy, Aaron (I just made up a name) is flirting with (Y/n). And she's enjoying it! This isn't good. If it continues she may fall for him. I think we should teach him a little lesson on who
(Y/n) belongs to: Us, not him. Atsuya turns to me and I can tell we are thinking the same thing. After school, we'll trap him in an alleyway or something, and give him a beating he won't forget. That'll teach him to mess with our (Y/n).


"Shirou, Atsuya? Can I help you?" Aaron asked us. "Yeah, actually we'd like you too meet us in the alleyway in Field street after school. It's important. Be there by 4 okay?" Atsuya asked him. The idiotic moron Aaron nodded, oblivious to what was going to happen to him in about 25 minutes. "He'll regret ever talking to (Y/n), won't he Atsuya?" "Yep. We'll make him pay for toying with her emotions like that."

(No one POV)

"Stop, p-please! I won't touch (Y/n) again, I'll l-leave her alone! She's yours, you can have her! Stop it, stop it! Agh!" Aaron collapsed onto the ground as the Fubuki twins finished beating him senseless. His shirt was torn, he had a busted lip, a nosebleed, a black eye, bruises all over his body, and several scratches too. The two brothers grinned terrifyingly at the poor boy, and asked him a few more questions. "So, let's try this again. You will not go near (Y/n) ever again, or else I promise we will make your life a living nightmare, trust me. And if you tell anyone we did this, we'll hurt you ten times worse than this, we can guarantee that." The Fubuki twins turned around to walk off, only to see someone standing there, shaking like a leaf. "(Y/n)!" Atsuya yelled, and as if a switch had been turned on, she gasped and bolted down the street, heading away from the two boys. The Fubuki twins quickly ran after her, quickly gaining on her. She ran into a nearby alleyway, which turned out to be a mistake, as it was a dead-end. She turned around and yelped, seeing that they were only a few metres away from her. Slowly, she began stepping backwards, as the twins began walking forwards. She gasped when her back hit the cold stone wall, and she trembled where she stood. The twins continued walking towards her until they stood directly in front of her, and then she spoke. "D-d-don't hurt m-me, p-please!" she cried out in terror, and Shirou stepped forward, moving even closer, until his face was mere centimetres away from hers. "Oh (Y/n), we would never  hurt you- unless you told anyone what you just saw, but you wouldn't do that now, would you?" (Y/n) shook her head, terrified. "Good girl. You made the right decision." Shirou took the opportunity to take in her breathtaking features, from her soft (h/c) hair, to her beautiful (e/c) hues. Carefully, he tucked a few loose strands of hair behind her ear, causing her to flinch when he touched her." Relax, (y/n). Shirou won't hurt you and nor will I. You have nothing to fear." Atsuya commented, standing next to his brother and taking her hand.
"D- don't touch m-me, you, you... Psycho!" she said, trying to pull her hand out of Atsuya's iron grip and run off, but he pulled her back into his chest, so he was now embracing her from behind. Shirou chuckled and leant forward, whispering into her ear "Nice try
(Y/n), sweetie, but if Atsuya lets go of you, you'd run off and we can't have that now, can we?" his voice sent shivers down her spine, and she shifted uncomfortably in Atsuya's grip, but made no attempts to escape. "Good girl, see, it wasn't that hard to stay still, was it? Maybe you should have a reward.~" he said in a bemused tone and leaned forward and captured her lips in a kiss. (Y/n) is is tried to push him away but he just smirked and continued the kiss. He then licked her lips, trying to get her to open her mouth, but she didn't, so he forced it open and slid his tongue inside, angling his head a bit to depend the kiss. Once the need for oxygen kicked in, he pulled away, smirking. (Y/n) on the other hand was disgusted, shocked, saddened and scared, all at once. She wiped her mouth with the back of her sleeve, obviously not having enjoyed that kiss at all. Atsuya glanced at his brother and they nodded at each other. Atsuya released his grip on the poor girl, and Shirou pinned her up against the wall. She gasped she her kissed her again, this time a bit rougher, and she subconsciously opened her mouth, before realising her mistake, and and Shirou slid his tongue back into her mouth. (Y/n) moaned slightly and tried to push him away, but she had to admit, the kiss was amazing and clouding up her mind. She placed her hands on his chest and feebly tried to push him away. Shirou smirked through the kiss and tilted her head back so he could deepen the kiss further. Eventually, he pulled away, panting slightly, a trail of saliva trailing from her mouth to his mouth. "What do you say we continue this at our house, (Y/n)?" He whispered huskily in her ear. (Y/n) shook her head, meaning no, but that earned a laugh from Atsuya. "You don't have a say in this, (Y/n)." And they pulled her forward, taking her to their house. Their parents were out for a few days, so that meant they could do whatever they pleased
with (Y/n). They pushed her into Atsuya's room and pushed her onto the bed.


Me: Wow. That ending though. Speaking of the ending, I was thinking of next chapter being a Smut. I've never written one before, although that Hiroto x reader was going to be one originally. Comment down below if you want a Smut. I'll probably write one anyway, but whatever.
Shirou: Me and Atsuya will have a Smut with the reader? Are you crazy?
Me: yes, now stop Complaining or else!
Shirou: sorry...
Me: Whatever, anyway hope you enjoyed! I re-wrote the ending because I wasn't satisfied with it, but this one I am, so yay! That's all for now! Byeeee!~

[I unpublished the second part 'cos I was unhappy with it. Like really, really unhappy with it. So no second part. Hope you understand.]

-Author-chan 💖🔪❄️

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