Kariya Misaki X Reader X Kirino Ranmaru x Shindou Takuto | Love wars Pt 2❤️

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Please don't kill me! I'm sorry this is late! I only just remembered this was supposed to be out like a week ago! I'm sorry! Please enjoy the late story! Oh yeah, Kariya and Kirino are both Spanish, so I'll be using that idea a bit in this chapter. *'Eres Lindo' means 'You're cute' in Spanish.😁


(Y/n) POV

"Thanks for walking me home, Kariya! See you tomorrow!" I hugged Kariya and then walked inside my house. That was fun. Apparently some people think Kariya is a rude, annoying person but I think he's a sweetheart! He's so kind and well-mannered. I should get on with my homework, then I can daydream all I want.

(Kariya's POV)

Wow. She hugged me! My face is so red now, I hope she didn't see! Wait till I tell Kirino-senpai and  Shindou! They'll be so jealous. On another note, (no pun intended) what was that note she was reading earlier? A love letter? A threat letter? From a friend, enemy or stranger? I haven't a clue. Oh well, I'm home now. I should get on with my homework, but I'm tired. I think I'll take a nap.

T I M E S K I P (Y/n POV)

Hmm, this town has a park right? Okay, I'll check it out then. I grabbed my soccer ball and jacket, and headed out. Yes, I play soccer. Only for fun, though, as I'm not too good at it. Let's go!

Hey, isn't that Kirino? He's playing soccer, all by himself. Maybe I should join him? No, I'll watch or a bit. Get used to his style. Yeah, good idea. I sit down on the grass, several metres away from him, and set my soccer ball and bag down next to me. Oh, that's right. I prepared tea for at least three people. I thought I might run into someone, and it'd be rude not to offer any. Several minutes pass (around 15) before Kirino finally notices me. "(Y/n)?! What are you doing here? We're you watching me?!" he seemed shocked to see me. I smiled. "Yeah, I wanted to play some soccer, but then I saw you and thought I'd watch you play. You have some amazing skill, I'm impressed." he blushed at that. 'Cute!' I thought. "Oh, also I made a sort of picnic, if you want to eat?" I offered. He shook his head. "No I'm fi-" he was cut off by a large growl from his stomach. I watched, amused, as his face went bright red. "Okay, so what do you want to eat?" he walked over and sat beside me, still flustered. "Hey, you're Spanish right?" he nodded, still too flustered to speak. I chuckled. "Eres lindo."* I didn't think it were possible, but he went even more red. Okay okay, I'll stop teasing him. "W-w-w-what?" I grinned. "You're then Spanish kid, not me." I lied. More teasing! I pulled the cool box with the food in it out of my bag, and handed him a sandwich. "Eat up. I made it myself so I'm not paying the medical bills if it poisons you." I grinned.

e smiled, his face returning to its usual colour. He took a bite, and I nervously watched. He swallowed and his eyes sparkled. "That's delicious! You made this yourself?" I nodded, pleased. We spent the rest of the afternoon talking, laughing and eating. Eventually, the sun began to set and we began to pack up. "Do you want me to walk you home? It's getting dark and I don't want anything to happen to you." I smiled at the offer. "Thanks, I think I'll take you up on that." We walked together, to the park exit, and his hand accidentally brushed against mine. His face flushed, but I just laughed and took his hand in mine. He was flustered at first, but held my hand as well, so I guess it was fine. We arrived at my house and he let my hand go. "Well, we're here. I had fun with you today, maybe we could do it again sometime?" he asked, still blushing. I chucked softly. "I'd love to. Thanks for walking me home, Kirino." I hugged him, before pulling away and walking inside.

(Kirino POV)

Wow. Just wow. We were holding hands and she hugged me! It was like a date. I'm so happy right now, I could sing!

"So, have fun on your little date?" I froze when I heard a voice from behind me. "Kariya. What do you want?" I asked coldly. "Oh, I was just passing by, and I saw you and (Y/n) hugging, and well, I was curious. Hey, you're blushing. Wait a minute, you've got feelings for her, don't you?" I blushed furiously. "You do! Oh man, this is rich." he laughed like a a mad man, which is what he basically was. "H-hey, at least I-I'm not the o-only one!" I stammered. "True, you're not. I k ow for a fact that me and Shindou both do. That makes three of us." he smirked. "Why are you smirking? Do you honestly think that you have a chance with her?" he glared at me. "What, and you do?" he snapped. "No need to get so worked up about it. Good luck, by the way." "What?" "You'll need it." I turned and walked away, leaving Kariya standing there.


"Shindou! Good morning!" (Y/n) greeted the brunette happily, and they made their way to school. Shindou had decided that walking to school with the girl was enjoyable and he wanted to do it again. She could be quite a fun and enjoyable person to be around. Her personality was just charming, plus she was his new crush, so there was that. They walked to school, chatting, when (Y/n) said something that made Shindou rather jealous. "Oh, me and Kirino went on a date yesterday." Shindou froze. "A...a date?" (Y/n) nodded. "Well, I went to the park, and Kirino was there too, so we had lunch together, and then we just hung out as friends. He then walked me home and we said we should do it again. I quite enjoyed myself, so I guess it wasn't really a 'date' per say, but more of a accidental hanging out." she explained. "Ah, I see." he then realised they were at school, and he needed to get to piano practice. "Hey, (Y/n)? I kinda need to get to piano practice, sorry." "You play piano? That's so cool! Can I listen to you play?" she asked hopefully. 'Well, Kirino listens to me sometimes, and that's allowed, so I don't see why not.' "Yeah, okay. Come with me, I'll show you where they are." The two walked in a comfortable silence, until they arrived at the music practice rooms. They walked in, and Shindou took his seat at the piano-seat-thingy (You know what I'm talking

(Y/n) POV

I sat on the seat nearby, and Shindou began to play. His music was mesmerising, each note was perfect, it sounded like an angel was playing. I recognised the song he was playing as Sad song by We The Kings, and began humming along, my voice and Shindou piano playing perfectly in sync with one another. After the song ended, Shindou turned to me. "You have a lovely voice, you know. Your singing was incredible." I felt my cheeks heat up at the compliment. "Thanks. You are one amazing piano player. How long have you been playing?" he chuckled. "Thanks, I've been playing for a few years now." I was impressed. "That's really impressive."

We continued Shindou's practice for a while, until we had to head to class. Unfortunately, me and Shindou weren't in the same class, so we went out separate ways. I had geography, which was boring, but I wasn't paying attention to European countries, I was thinking about something else. 'So, Shindou, Kariya, and I'm pretty sure Kirino a have crushes on me, huh? I'll need to pick one, I can't stay stuck in a love mess forever! I if I had to choose one, I think I'd choose...' RIIIIIIINNGG! Oh, the lunch bell! Perfect! I know who I've chosen, so now I'll be able to confess! Now to go find him!

.-Shindou Ending-.

I found Shindou at the cafeteria. "Shindou! I need to talk to you privately, please." Shindou seemed slightly confused, but he followed me into the empty classroom. I turned to him and spoke. "Shindou, I know I've only known you for a few days, and I know that's not very long, but when I'm with you I feel something I've never felt with anyone else before. That feeling, Shindou, is love. Putting it shortly, I'm in love with you Shindou. I hope you return my feelings." I looked down, nervously blushing, awaiting his answer. "(Y/n)? Look at me." I looked up, and looked into his beautiful brown eyes. "I love you too." he said, and pulled me into a gentle kiss. It was sweet, passionate and gentle, everything I imagined a kiss from Shindou would be. We pulled away, and I hugged him. "Thank you, Shindou."

.-Kariya Ending-.

I saw Kariya sitting alone under a tree outside. He looked kinda sad. "Kariya!" I called out to him. "(Y/n)?! What are you doing here?" he asked, trying to mask his sadness. "I was looking for you, actually. You look sad, are you alright?" he shook his head, and I saw a single tear slide down his face. "Kariya..." I placed my hand on his. "-sniff- It's Kirino-senpai. We...we both love the same girl...he said I had no chance with her...and he's right..." he was crying now, tears freely flowing from his eyes. I pulled him into a hug, gently comforting him. "I think I may know who this girl is." I said once he'd stopped crying. He pulled away and looked at me, a tint of red on his cheeks. Without warning, I crashed my lips into his, pulling him into a sweet, tender kiss. He seemed a little shocked, but then kissed back, with the same amount of passion. We eventually pulled away for air, and Kariya smirked. "How'd you work out I liked you?" I placed a finger on my lips and smiled. "That's for me to know and you to never to find out." he laughed. "Fair enough." and he pulled me into another passionate kiss.

.-Kirino Ending-.

I ran through the school in search of Kirino, but no such luck. I gave up after a while, and began thinking. 'I've been everywhere, except....the library! Of course!' I ran to the book filled room, entered and saw him sat at a table, reading a large looking book. I walked over to one of the shelves, pulled off a random book to make it look like I was there for a reason, and walked over to him. "Hey. Mind if I sit here?" I whispered. He looked up from his book and went a tiny bit pink once he realised it was me. "Sure." he whispered back. We read in silence for a while, before I plucked up courage enough. "Kirino?" I whispered, placing my hand on his. "Y-yeah?" he blushed. "I have something to admit. I'm in love with you." he nearly dropped his book, but quickly regained his composure in time. He held up the book, so no one could see our faces, and then pulled me into a passionate, slightly rough kiss. A library may have been a strange place to confess but hey, at least I got to do this.


Hooray! I finally completed the love wars! I'm so sorry its late, I've been having a little trouble writing recently. I hope you enjoyed it! Please go check out my other book, Want good artwork? Don't click here! It's just a bunch of really bad funny edits, of myself, Inazuma eleven characters, and anything anyone wants! The entire book is for comedic purposes only, so don't take it too seriously. That's all for now! Byee!


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