Nosaka Yuuma X Reader | Love Letter 💌

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Okay, this is a request for Samarbaby! Bear in mind I haven't seen Ares no tenbin so I know nothing about this guy! I'm just gonna go with the flow. Enjoy!

It was a usual end of the day at school, Y/n gathered her things from her locker, and shoved them in her bag. She decided to stop by her friend Nosaka's house later, and maybe hang out for a bit. It was no secret that Nosaka liked Y/n, and Y/n knew this perfectly well. She hadn't said anything to Nosaka, for fear of ruining their friendship, but she secretly liked him back too. Now it was just a waiting game until one of them confessed to the other.

Y/n was surprised when a pink letter fell out of her locker and onto the floor. She picked it up and opened it. It read:

Dear Y/n,

I've been wanting to say this for a long time. In short, I love you. I hope you return my feelings.

-Nosaka Yuuma <3

The heart was even drawn in her favourite colour. 'He...feels the same way? I have to find him.' Y/n clutches the letter to her chest and began a frantic search if the school, hoping Nosaka was still there. He wasn't. Sighing, she headed home, disheartened.

The next day at school, she was actually greeted by Nosaka. "So, did you get my note?" Y/n nodded, blushing. "Good." He leant over and whispered in her ear. "I know you feel the same way, so meet me after school at the park. I've got a surprise for you." He then walked off, leaving Y/n to blush a stand there.

For the rest of the day, Y/n couldn't stop thinking of Nosaka. He was so dreamy and cute, it was hard not to fantasise about him. Not to mention he liked her back. She just hoped it was real, and not a stupid prank. That would be crushing. She'd seen it happen to others, and that amount of hurt and pain, well, Y/n didn't think she'd be able to handle it. "Y/n L/n! Pay attention!" The teacher yelled. "Sorry sir!" Oops. Maybe she should spend more time focusing on the lesson instead of Nosaka. Haha, no.

"You came. I hoped you would." It was the end of the day, and Y/n had gone straight away to the park. "Of course I would, if you feel the same way, that makes me happy." Nosaka laughed. "Well, I don't feel the same way. Sorry." Y/n was crushed. "W-what?!" "Wait, let me finish. I don't feel the same way, I actually love you more than you could ever imagine. From your beautiful eyes, your smile, your hair, the way you laugh, everything, Iove it all. In short, I love you, Y/n. So, I ask, will you be my beautiful girlfriend?" Y/n felt like crying. "Yes! I love you too Nosaka!" and without any more waiting, they shared love filled kiss, which symbolised the start of a beautiful relationship.



AAAAH I'm so sorry its this late! I was taking a break from Wattpad and I completely forgot about the requests! I'm so so sorry Samarbaby! I hope this was good enough for you. Again, sorry! I struggled a bit since I haven't seen Ares, but I think I did okay. Thanks for reading. Bye!

-Author-chan 👋

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