Yandere! Fubuki Shirou X Reader X Yandere! Fubuki Atsuya | The Show Must Go On

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[Yep this book is not finished, not by a long shot yet. This idea was given to me by _-Angelic_Demon-_. Oh and yes they're Yandere's. Enjoy! Oh and this is part one.]

"Y/n! Oh thank god you're here, it's a catastrophe!" Several girls rushed up to Y/n as soon as she entered the drama studio. "What?" "It's the three main roles, they can't perform! The main girl got into an accident, and and the other two boys had to move away! We can't perform without them!" One of them cried out. "Calm down, I'm sure we can fix it. We just need more actors, right? I'll find someone, don't worry." Y/n comforted the distressed girls.

Y/n was a director for the schools upcoming performance, which was quite daunting for most, but Y/n handled it the best she could. She had her friends to support her, and an excellent team helping, so what could go wrong?

"So, I need a girl and two boys to help.... I wonder...." Y/n thought. "Hey, watch out!" Y/n snapped out of her thoughts by someone shoving her out of the way, just in time to miss the football flying past. The shove had ended up with Y/n on the ground, in the snow, with some stranger on top of her. The boy had coral orange hair and grey eyes. "..." There was a long moment of silence while they just stared at each other, before Y/n realised what position they were in.

"Could you please get off now?" She asked, face flushing pink. "Sorry, right." He quickly stood up and helped her up. Upon closer inspection Y/n saw that he was wearing the Hakuren football uniform and a white fluffy scarf, draped over his left shoulder. "Atsuya! Is she alright?" An almost identical boy ran up beside them, a concerned look etched into his features. "I think so. You're okay aren't you?" Y/n nodded, finally realising who the two were. The first boy, with silver hair was the captain of the football team, Fubuki Shirou, and the second boy was his younger brother, Fubuki Atsuya. Oooooooooooooohhhhhhhh now the football uniforms make sense.

"I'm so sorry about Atsuya, he's just reckless." "Hey! At least I stopped her being hit!" Shirou chuckled and then turned back towards Y/n. "Y/n, right? The one who's working on the performance." Y/n nodded. "Well, sorry about this whole ordeal. Is there any way we can make it up to you?" Y/n shook her head. "There's no need. You've already done enough by just apologising." She gave them a bright smile. "If you say so." Atsuya muttered. "Well, I gotta get back now. I'll see you guys round, I guess. See ya." Y/n flashed one last smile, and then headed off, back towards the school.

Once she was a far enough distance away, the twins grinned to each other. "Y/n huh? I think we've found the perfect girl, right Atsuya?" "Yep, I'd have to agree with you there. C'mon, let's get back to practice."

Y/n's POV

I still haven't found a suitable replacement for the missing actors yet... Its too bad, I know they'd have done a great job... Oh well, I've searched everywhere, who could possibly help now?

"Y/n, you're back! Did you find anyone?" The same girl instantly rushed up to her. "No, I'm sorry, I let you down..." Y/n looked down in despair. "Cheer up Y/n. You tried your best." Someone tried to comfort her. "Wait, Y/n, I think I have an idea! Of who could replace the three!" Someone suddenly exclaimed. "What, who?" "You know all the main girls part, right?" "Yeah...?" "So you could do it! You're a great actress, we know you could do it!" Y/n thought. "I suppose I could, yeah, but who'll replace the boys?" "There's a certain captain and his younger brother ejo we'd think would be perfect for the role." She said, grinning. "You mean the Fubuki twins?" "Yes!" "Okay I guess I could ask if they'd be willing to help out. I ran into them earlier, they seem nice enough." The girl nodded frantically. "Uh huh, now go ask them!" And with that Y/n was pushed out of the drama studio, back into the corridor.

'Great, just great.' She thought. 'I have to trek through that awful snow and I didn't even have time to grab my green jacket, I've just got this stupid shirt!' I thought, looking outside. Ignoring my thoughts, I made my way back outside, shivering.

(So y'know how Hakuren's uniform in the main series is that green jacket thingy and trousers? Yeah well the reader wears that bit instead of trousers it's a thick knee length skirt and thermal tights/leggings. That's why she needs her jacket, because she only has a white shirt on underneath. Cos fashion or something.)

"Y/n?! What the hell are you doing without your jacket?!" Y/n finally found the twins, practicing alone. Before Y/n could even speak she found herself draped in a several-sizes-too-large jacket, by Atsuya. "You're gonna get seriously ill if you walk around like that all the time. Why don't you have it this time?" Y/n hugged the jacket tighter around her body, enjoying the warmth. "My 'friends' in the studio shoved me out before I could grab it." She explained. The Twins looked horrified. "But thats-- you can't just let them do that, you know? You could have gotten frostbite, or pneumonia, or something like that!" Shirou worried. "It's fine, I'm alright now." They simultaneously sighed. "No, that's not...oh whatever, let's get you back inside. I assume because you came to find us it's something we should know?" Y/n nodded, and they began heading back to the studio.

"Y/n! You didn't take your jacket, we thought you were going to get so sick!" The moment Y/n entered the room with the twins, she was nearly crushed in a hug by that girl. You know what, let's call her.... Abe. "It's fine, I didn't get sick or anything, and I found the twins for you." Y/n smiled. "Great!" Abe beamed. [Annoyed by this girl yet? Don't worry, she doesn't get a happy ending 😉]

"So, why are we here again?" Atsuya asked bluntly. "Atsuya! I'm sorry about him, really." Abe just laughed. "Oh don't worry about it. You're here because we want you to star in our performance! The other actors couldn't do it in the end, and we thought you fitted the roles better anyway." The Twins looked at each other. "I don't know..." "Well, Y/n us playing the main female role, so maybe-" "Okay, we'll do it." Shirou interrupted. "Really? Awesome! You! Go get them new scripts and the outfits!" Ave commanded. "Abe, are you sure I should play the main character? I mean...i don't know, I'm not a great actor, so--" "Nonsense, you'll do great." The Twins said in sync. "Thanks you two. You know, I didn't know you were into acting." "We usually aren't, but we know how long this has taken you and you're team." Y/n smiled. "Yeah, it sure has been a while. Although I'm not really a big fan of acting myself, I prefer organising it." At that point, Abe ran up to her, and placed her hands on Y/n's shoulders rather forcefully. "Oh Y/n, you have to act! You'll let down everyone if you don't..." She said slyly. "Well.... In that case of course I will... I just don't feel at all comfortable with it." "Oh well, you'll get over it. Now go get started!"

The Twins were shocked to see Abe treat Y/n so horribly. They knew from the moment they'd first met her when she first join Hakuren that she was special, and that they had a strange obsession with her, so seeing her being so disrespected like this... It made their blood boil. "Excuse me, Abe, but I think you're hurting Y/n." Shirou glared. "Oh, oops! Silly me, OK sorry! I'd best go, I'm sure someone needs me." After she'd walked off, the twins asked Y/n about it. "Oh, Abe and I have never really gotten on, but it's fine. We'd best go ourselves." She said, gesturing for them to follow her. As they were walking, the twins made a mental note to get rid of Abe asap. And they had a good idea how...

And part One is done! Yeah, so this book isn't really finished, it was seriously annoying me that it was at 74 chapters. And I'm planning on getting to 100. Part Two will be out soon. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go listen to my new favourite song. If you can guess it I'd be really surprised. I know RobinRoulette knows it. She could probably guess it. Anyway, that's all for now. Sorry for not updating last night, I promise I'm trying to update more now! That's all for now, love you all, bye!

-Author-chan ❤️

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