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Bella: *laying in bed reading a book waiting for Kishibe.

Kishibe: *walk into her room and flop onto her bed exhaustedly* Don't say anything just let me sleep.

Bella: You know that's not gonna happen. *pulled him to sit up* Now how was practice?

Kishibe: *barely awake* Crap as usual.

Bella: You know what I want to hear.

Kishibe: *groan* Fine.

-At Practice-

Aphrodi: OK guys today defense against offense. We're strengthening our defenders and goal keepers today. No holding back.

Team: Yes coach! *everyone got into position then kickoff*

The forwards head into the defenders' territory with the midfielders right behind them.

Yoshihiko: Nii-san! *pass the ball*

Souske: *received the ball and smirk* Out of my way amateurs! *runs past the defenders and pulls out his avatar*

Kishibe: Stop Souske! *kick a soccer ball at him*

Souske: *angry* What the hell is your problem?!

Kishibe: You went too far again!

Souske: *up in his face* And the problem is? That's no excuse for you to kick a ball at me! I don't care if you're the captain or the coach!

Kishibe: *about to punch him* Care about this!

Aphrodi: Kishibe stop! *grabbed his hand* You know better than that. Both of you twenty laps around the field. Now!

Souske: tch.

Kishibe: *fuming* Whatever.

Both boys: *start running*

Aphrodi: *supervising*

-Bella interrupts-

Bella: Wait you're angry and worn out because you had to run laps? *feeding him doughnuts to keep him awake*

Kishibe: My story isn't done yet. Stop interrupting me. *eating the doughnuts*

-back to practice-

Boys: *finished and panting*

Aphrodi: I hope you learned your lesson.

Souske: Whatever.

Kishibe: *roll his eyes at his teammate's attitude*

Aphrodi: Now back to practice. And I'll extend it today.

-practice goes on with the team getting tired-

Souske: *kick a ball at Izumi*

Kishibe: *stopped the ball* Why can't you behave for once?!

-Bella interrupts again-

Bella: *laughing* He sounds like me!

Kishibe: He's a lot worst. Now let me finish. I'd like to sleep.

-back to practice-

Souske: I do what I want when I want.

Kishibe and Souske: *staring at each other with lightening between their eyes*

Aphrodi: Since the two of you can't get along naturally I'll just have to force you.

Souske: Whatever you say Blondie.

Aphrodi: *walk onto the field* If both of you can stop my shot individually or together then I won't put you through what I have in mind.

Souske: *push Kishibe behind him* I've got this. *bring out his avatar*

Aphrodi: God Knows! *shots the shot which is much stronger than it was ten years ago*

Souske: *tried to stop it but got pushed into Kishibe who hit the goal post with his shoulder*

Kishibe: *sitting on the ground holding his shoulder* Ow.

Souske: *sitting on the ground holding his leg*

Aphrodi: You two are acting like ball. Your fighting is getting you nowhere. When it gets to be too much you crash into the team and hurt it bringing it down. Fix your attitudes or I'll be looking for a new forward and a new captain. Practice dismissed!

-End of flashback-

Bella: Does your shoulder still hurt?

Kishibe: I don't know. I haven't felt it since the end of practice.

Bella: Let me take a look at it.

Kishibe: I'm not taking off my shirt.

Bella: Then let me do it.

Kishibe: No Bella.

Bella: You're acting like you sleep in shirts anyway. Just take it off. *start fighting him*

Kishibe: Get off me woman! And leave my clothes alone!

Akane: *only heard their conversation at the end of the flashback* What? *blushing with a nosebleed* I have to tell reader-chan.

-thirty minutes later-

Bella: *covered up a half naked Kishibe with her blanket while he slept* Sweet dreams Taiga. *throw away the ice pack she was holding*

Akane: *blushing worst from all of the screaming, moaning and groaning* OTP confirmed.

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