Meeting axel and hailey!

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Normal pov,

"I do hope you've enjoyed the welcome we've prepared for you." Said a voice. "Controlling the minds of the weak is so easy."he added. "What do you mean, "controlling"?!" Asked Kayla. "Who are you!? answer me!" Yelled Jude who had just arrived at rose blossom high. "Ah Jude when did you and Celia get here?" Asked Tasha. 

Meanwhile at the local kamaya city hospital...

Hailey's pov,

I was buying some flowers for my brother in the hospital gift shop when my brother was little he got ran over by a truck. I'm his younger sister. My brother loves the colors red and blue so I'm buying him red and blue flowers.

When hailey got to her brother's room,

My brother was in a coma. "These are for you, brother." I said in my soft voice. "Hailey..." Said a familiar voice. I gasped. My brother Marco was awake. "Brother...?" I asked trying my hardest to hide my emotions. I just wanted to cry but I did my best to hold it in. "Hailey..." Said my brother who was reaching for my hand. I couldn't hold it in any longer and broke down. My brother smiled softly. "Brother!" I yelled crying tears of pure joy. "Brother! It's me hailey! Can you hear me?" I asked. "Yes." Said my brother. "I..I did it, we won, we're the best football team in the country." I said. "I know I could hear your voice Hailey." Said my brother. "Huh?" "I was always there for you hailey, when that truck was about to hit you, I ran into the road and pushed you away from the truck and saved your life." Said my brother. "Thank you." He added. "Oh my, doctor this is incredible!" Said the nurse. "What on earth?" Asked the doctor. "Your brother appers to be completely...fine!" He added. "This is nothing short of a miracle!" He adds. "So brother will be..." I said. "He appears to be on his way to a full recovery!" Said the doctor. "You don't need to worry about him anymore." He added. "Thank you doctor!" I said. "Brother, I'm so relieved!" I added. Just then we heard a thud. "?!" "What was that?" I asked. "Brother! Are you Okay?!" I asked. "What was that noise!?" I asked. "I'll go see what it is." I said running outside. "Ouch..." Said a voice. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked.

Axel's pov,

I was just trying to find my friends when this portal appeared and sucked me up and now I'm at the hospital. 'Kamaya city hospital.' I said In my mind before seeing a girl with glasses having her hand at me. "Need a hand?" She asked. "Uh yeah thanks." I said before she helped me up. "Uh who are you?" I asked. "My name is Hailey blossom!" Said Hailey. "I'm axel blaze." I said. "What was that?" I asked. "I think it came from rose blossom high." Said Hailey. "Better go see then Hailey!" I said.

To be continued...

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