Flower girl Aphrodi

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Fubuki: I have returned! From the 卄モㄥㄥ!! .. ╥﹏╥

Aphrodi: Whats with the title..?

Fubuki: Oh, Yes! You'll see that very S口口れ~ I mean NOW!

Aphrodi: Wait stop!!! What is this?!

Fubuki: this is you~ The most beautiful woman in the 山口尺ㄥ刀~

Aphrodi: You made those cute flowers on my head?!

Fubuki: Yes~ 口下 匚口∪尺Sモ!! Wanna see more?

Aphrodi: Nuuuu you're making me blush! >/////////<

Fubuki: 匚∪匕モ~ ^//////////^

Aphrodi: Oh I almost forgot that how much fabulous I am~ *flips hair*

Fubuki: My flowers made you even more fabulous~

Aphrodi: Hmmm.. yes, yes. Keep on.

Fubuki: I bet Endou-kun is in love with Terumi-kun.

Aphrodi: *smirks* Everyone wants to love a pretty woman! Keep going, Kawaii wolf~

Fubuki: *face heat up*

Aphrodi: Ah~ even Kidou has fell in my trap~

Fubuki: You are freaking cute, Aphrodi-kun!

Aphrodi: Not much as you, Snowball~

Fubuki: S-Snowball? *blush*

Aphrodi: *Angle smile*

Fubuki: can I be the second Angle?

Aphrodi: You can be the first one.

Fubuki: Those flowers looks really perfect on you!

Aphrodi: It's because I'm the flower girl~

Fubuki: Should I stop here?

Aphrodi: No!

Fubuki: you look even more pretty when you're surprised!

Aphrodi: Gods are always look beautiful in every situation.

Fubuki: Okay I should-

Aphrodi: WAIT!

Fubuki: It was really hard to shot this pic in running pose..

Aphrodi: You're a spy..

Fubuki: This is the last one!

Aphrodi: WHY?! *broke up*

Fubuki: I have to make more! But not you this time..

Aphrodi: Who else can be more fabulous THAN ME?!

Suzuno: *jumps out of nowhere* It's none other than me you fool!

Fubuki: Ah~ My ice cousin will be the next flower girl~

Aphrodi: *cries* You.. You.. *sniff* (ToT)

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