I won!

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Suzuno: Hahahaha~ I won~ my hair is sparking like stars~! I am popular! *smirks and flips hair*

Aphrodi: *crying in the corner* T-This can't be true.... I am the one who is fabulous....

Suzuno: Yes you are... But! Not in the first place~

Aphrodi: Oi don't forget that you are taking beauty tips from me...

Suzuno: Well sometimes I do... But I don't need beauty tips, To be pretty... Since I won the hair competition.... I can tell you the secret of my fabulous hair~

Aphrodi: E-Ehh??? *confused look* secret?

Suzuno: *winner face* Yep~ And that is.......

Use L'Oreal and other shampoos!!!

Aphrodi: *roll eyes* I knew you are gonna say something about L'Oreal.... (✖﹏✖)

Suzuno: Because I am wroth it~ *brushing hair*

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