Part 2- The Accident

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!
"Huh, what's that noise?" Kagura asked herself, looking drowsy. "Oh, it's that annoying alarm again" she said as she reached out for her alarm. Then, she just remembered, it's GAME DAY. "Oh, my goodness! It's GAME DAY," she said in an excited voice. But at the same time, she felt nervous. She ignored it and started on her morning routine....
"Bye, mom. Bye, dad" Kagura said as she hugged her parents. "Oh, and good luck on your game" Her dad said. "Thanks" replied Kagura with a sweet smile, then she left.
On her way, she saw Tenma, Aoi, and Shinsuke walking to school. Kagura ran to them "Hi guys!" Kagura said actively. "Oh, hi Kagura!" Tenma replied. "Are you excited for the game?" Shinsuke asked her. "Well, I'm half excited and half nervous. But, I am really looking forward to the game." Kagura replied looking determined. "Haha, me too!" Tenma said with a big smile. 😄 .....
"I'm getting really nervous now." Shinsuke said as he went in the caravan. "It's okay. As long as you do your very best, we can do this." Coach Endou said. Everyone else nodded. "Okay, please fasten your seat belts now." The driver said. After everyone else fastened their seat belts, they started on the road.
On the way, the driver started feeling drowsy. He forced himself to stay awake 'No, I can't fall asleep!' He said to himself. About a minute later, the driver fell asleep! The caravan went out of control and they crashed into a huge tree. Kagura screamed. Then, everything went black....
"Huh, where am I" she asked as she opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was trees. Then, more trees. Everything is surrounded with trees. She stood up and looked behind her. She saw Tenma, Tsurugi, Shinsuke, and Aoi, still unconscious. She woke them up. "Hey guys, wake up, wake up!" She shouted. Soon everyone woke up. "Where are we?" Aoi asked still trying to recover. "We're probably in a forest." Tsurugi said. "A FOREST!" Shinsuke shouted in front of them, panicking. "Oh, no. Oh, no. This can't be happening. We can't be stuck in a forest FOREVER!!!!" Tenma said. Also panicking. "Sheesh guys, we're not gonna be stuck here forever... We just have to find our way out. That's all." Aoi said staying calm. "Easy for you to say, how are we going to find our way out of here?!" Shinsuke asked looking annoyed. "Um, let's just roam around. I'm sure help will find us soon. I think." Kagura said softly. "Hmm... Maybe she's right. Let's roam around until help finds us." Aoi said. But she was unsure. So, they started walking, wandering into the forest.

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