ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟɪᴇ

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Everyone turned around to see who it was.

"Yo! Boys!" the boy said as he grinned.

"There are some girls here too you know." Rin murmured.

Fubuki giggled.

"Why do you guys seem so confused? Didn't you recognise me?" he asked. Hearing no reply he continued "Introduce me to them brother! Ah! Don't just stand there and giggle!!" 

"Hahaha! Alright bro!" Fubuki replied. "Well, so..he is my twin brother Atsuya/ You must have heard about him, didn't you?" he continued.

"Wait...so u mean...you are The Wolf Boy - Atsuya?" Mia-chan asked.

"Yep! I'm the one!" Atsuya replied as he winked.

"No way..." Icy-chan murmured.

"Yes way, my dear!" Atsuya said as he sat on his knees in front of Icy and took her hand in his hand and kissed it.

Icy started blushing.

"You dare flirt with my sister!!" Mia-chan yelled as she pulled his hair and made him fall on the ground.

"Ow...that hurts..." he cried in pain.

"Atsuya-kun...are you alright?" Icy asked.

"Don't you dare feel pity for him!" Mia-chan scolded her.

"O-Ok Sis!" Icy-chan said.

"Whoa..are you two siblings from same parents?" Kirino asked.

"Yes! We are!" Icy-chan replied.

"Wait..as far as I remember you didn't tell us your full names. I mean you didn't tell us your last names." Shindou said.

"Ummm..." Mia-chan murmured in a low voice.

"Got to think of it you two didn't fully introduce yourselves in the first place." Fei said.

"Umm..we...we...are..." Mia-chan was just saying but she stopped.

"Are...are...The Harune Sisters..." Icy-chan completed.

"No way!" Rin exclaimed. "You mean...you two are from The Royal family..?" Rin continued.

"Yes! We are." Icy-chan said.

"Eh? A Royal Family? Does a family like that even exists?" Serena asked curiously.

"Yes! Harune Family is the only royal family." Rin replied.

"Eh? What do you mean by 'only royal family'!?" Serena asked.

"By only royal family, Rin-chan means that..umm..to be precise...have you ever heard about a Royal family this generation of ours? No, right? That's it. There are no royal families existing besides ours." Icy-chan replied.

"But..how...I mea-" Serena was asking another question but wasn't able to complete her question.

"Well, there was a huge war which took place centuries ago between several kingdoms so that they could capture our kingdom. Well, mostly all the kingdoms were big and ours was the only small one so all the other kingdoms wanted to gain control over it. So, well, they fought and fought and one of the kingdom won the battle. And henceforth, we had a battle against it. We didn't have a big army but well, we somehow managed to defeat them. The war ruined everything. The kingdoms beside us were ruined.We were the only ones left. So, as the world progressed, there were no royal families left. We don't call ours a royal family either. We are just one of the rich families, that's all." Mia-chan replied.

Everyone was looking at them in a bit shocked manner.

"So...umm...that makes you Princesses!!!!!" Rin exclaimed as her eyes shined as bright as the stars.

"Ahm..ahm..stop daydreaming Rin. I know what you are thinking in that little brain of yours." Serena said as she smirked.

"S-Shut up!" Rin said as she blushed.

"I know you want to be Taiyou's darling Princess, right?" Serena asked while smirking.

"Shut up Tenma girl!" Rin shouted.

Serena started blushing.

"No! You shut up Taiyou girl! Serena shouted, still blushing.

"Stop..." Rin said as she blushed.

Taiyou and Tenma's faces were as red as tomatoes. 

"I never expected that you guys can blush too." Fubuki said as he giggled. 

No!! We're not blushing!!!" Tenma and Taiyou exclaimed as they blushed.

Everyone started laughing except Tsurugi and Fei who were burning in the flame of jealousy.

Suddenly they heard someone clapping. "Break Time's over everyone!" Endou said. "Whoa...our manages are here. Welcome to the team Mia and Icy!"

They were so shocked to see The Legendary Endou Mamoru, that they became very exited.

"He is the team's couch you know." Atsuya said.

"OMG!!! That's so cool!" Icy and Mia exclaimed.

"Alright! So now it seems like only our goalkeeper has to be chosen. Who would like to take this chance?" Endou asked looking at them.

"Me! I'll be more than glad to take this Golden Opportunity!" Serena said 

"Alright then Serena! But..." Endou said.

"But what Sir?" Tenma asked.

"You will be given only one chance to prove yourself." Endou said.

Serena and Tenma were very shocked to hear this. 

"Bu-" Taiyou was gonna say something but Rin stopped him.

"Don't worry Taiyou! She's gonna be all fine! You will see!" Rin said as she smirked.

"Serena! You know what you have to do!" Rin said her.

"Yep!" Serena replied, filled with confidence, her eyes were shining brightly.

She went and stood before the net. 

"Tsurugi." Endou said.

 Tsurugi nodded.

Tsurugi came and stood beside Endou and kicked the ball with all his power.

Serena was ready to catch the ball which was coming from the right side but as soon as she jumped towards the right, the ball changed its direction as it went towards the left and was going to make a goal from  the top. 

"Serena..." Tenma said in a worried tone.

"Don't worry! Just wait and watch." Rin replied as she smirked.

Serena quickly ran towards the left, as fast as the wind and within a glimpse of an eye she jumped up, it seemed as if she was flying, punched the ball and landed on the ground.

"What...just happened...?" Shindou said, pretty stunned.

Everyone was stunned by the sudden movement of Serena.

"Well done Serena!" Endou said as he clapped.

"Thank You Sir!" Serena said as she bowed. She quickly ran to Rin, Tenma and Taiyou and hugged them.

"You did it Serena!" Rin exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Serena said as she smiled.

"But..how did you do that?" Taiyou asked.

"What else do you expect from a basketball player?" Rin said as she grinned.

"Basketball player?" Tenma asked in a pretty confused way.

"Yep! Serena replied.

"Oh! So that's the reason you were able to jump so high!" Taiyou exclaimed.

"Eh? What do you mean by that Taiyou?" Tenma asked in a pretty confused way.

"Umm...I'll explain it to you later, okay?" Taiyou asked.

"Okay!" Tenma replied. "You know what Serena, I really don't know about that basketball thing but I loved that jump you made there!!! It was sooo cool! For a sec I thought that you had wings!!" Tenma exclaimed as he continued.

"Nothing like that exists Tenma. Human with wings? Nah!" Rin replied.

"But...I said it seemed that way." Tenma replied.

"Oh really? Did you?" Taiyou asked as he giggled.

Tenma puffed his cheeks childishly.

"Hahaha!" Serena burst out laughing.

"Alright everyone! Tomorrow morning when you all will come to practice, I'll tell you who is going to play in the team." Endou said

"Ok Sir! Thank You Sir!" Everyone replied as they bowed down.

"Serena! Come with me!" Endou said.

"O-Ok..." Serena replied in a pretty shocked way.

                              To be continued »


Where do you think Endou took her and why?

Comment below 👇 and let me now what you think. 

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