Truth or Dare

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Hello people your fabulous author is back~! Hahaha just kidding! But seriously I'm back and I'll try to update more chapters and books for now bear with me please Thank You!! Now let's get started I don't own Inazuma Eleven if it was mine I would have made a lot of yaoi pairings.


Me: Yo minna!

Hera,Kazemaru,Lize(InazuEzil),and Aphrodi: Hello Chi!

Mizuki: *she's silent*

Me: Uhhh.. okay? But guys~! Let's play truth or dare!

Mizuki: Hmmm...... I have the perfect dares for you guys. *she smirks*

Me: *she looks terrified*

Aphrodi: Mizuki that is just plain scary.

Mizuki: Hehehe... Come on let's start unless you guys are scared~!

Me and the whole IE gang: No we are not come on  let's start!

Mizuki: *she giggles*

Me: Yosh! let's start! *gives a bottle to lize*

Lize: *she spins the bottle the bottle lands on Sakuma* Truth or Dare?

Sakuma: Dare.

Lize: I dare you to be my brother for 10 chapters and take me to the JoyPoP Arcade.

Sakuma: Okay!

Lize: Yay! Nii-chan let's go! *she grabs Sakuma*

Sakuma: *he goes to the arcade with Lize*

Me: okay?

Mizuki: *she smiles* Can it be my turn?

Me: Sure. *gives the bottle to Mizuki*

Mizuki: *she spins the bottle the bottle lands on Kazemaru* Truth or Dare?

Kazemaru: Dare.

Mizuki: I dare you to kiss Aphrodi.

Kazemaru: Ehhh?!?!

Aphrodi: -///- Why?!

Mizuki: Just do it Kaze.

Kazemaru: *he kisses Aphrodi on the lips and pulls away blushing red*

Aphrodi: *he was blushing as red as Hiroto's hair*

Me: Awwww....

Mizuki: Next one! *she gives the bottle to Kazemaru*

Kazemaru: *he spins the bottle the bottle lands on Aphrodi* Truth or Dare?

Aphrodi: Truth.

Kazemaru: Was that your first kiss?

Me: *she squeals*

Aphrodi: *he blushes* Y-yeah...

Kazemaru: *he blushes as he remembered it was his first kiss too*

Mizuki: Woohoo their first kiss was each other~!

Me: *she giggles*

Aphrodi: *he spins the bottle the bottle lands on Mizuki* Truth or Dare~?

Mizuki: Hmmmm.... Dare~!

Aphrodi: I dare you to hug Hera!

Mizuki: Hmmm.. okay.. *she hugs Hera for a few seconds and pulls away  from the hug as she went back to her place*

Me: Guys that'll be all for now if you want part 2 vote and comment here please~!

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