Ash's dream

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Ash's pov,

I opened my eyes and saw that I wasn't in my room anymore, I didn't even know where I was. 

It looked like some kind of...shrine. It was beautiful yet so confusing. I got up and looked around in a hope that I could find some kind of clue of where I am. I saw a mysterious bell that said, 'ring me, I need to speak with you'. I asked myself, "Should I ring it?" Well if it's the only way for any answers, I decided to ring it. "One...two...three!" I said as I ringed it. Nothing happened. Maybe it wasn't loud enough. I decided to try and ring it again. "One...two...three!" I said as I rang it harder. No answers. Maybe if I ring it really loudly they'll hear me. "One...two...THREE!" I yelled and rang it very loudly. 


That should be loud enough. I looked around when everything turned golden. I thought it was a dream. But that was when I saw a very mysterious figure. Two. One that looked like he was 21. And one that looked younger. Though it looked like he was torturing him. 

It was at that moment I knew I only had seconds to think of a way to stop that white haired man. Not knowing what to do I heard a voice that said,

"Ash."  I asked, "yeah?" The voice replied by saying, "ash, first you must get that whute haired man's attention." I nodded and decided to try yelling. The voice said, "here!" As he finished his word he made a mysterious blue aura appear which kinda surprised me. That was when my voice felt louder. "You must yell! Hurry! Yell!" The voice chanted. I nodded and yelled, "HEY!!!!!!!" Wow. Holy heck, was that loud or WHAT!? but what shocked me the most was that...I didn't lose my voice when I yelled. The magic must've prevented me from losing my voice when I yelled. 

"Hmm." The man said. 'Okay voice in my head, now what?' I thought. "Now you must first make the choice, do you, attack him? Or, do you, talk to him? The choice you reject will be used in the third step." The voice said. 'I choose, talk to.' I thought. "Very good my child, now walk to him slowly and carefully, remember no running, it will cause too much noise and will make him think you are trying to rescue the boy. You must trick him by walking slowly to think your on his side." Said the voice. I nodded and walked slowly taking each step carefully my feet making thuds each time they hit the floor. 

*step* 1

*step* 2

*step* 3

It took at least 20 steps to get close enough to him. 'Okay, what next?' I thought. "Do not ask him if he could let go of the boy, it will cause him to believe your not on his side, ask him what he's planning to do to him." I nodded and asked him in a stern tone, "what are you planning to do with him?" "Kill him." The second that word 'kill' struck my ear I needed to think of something. " Ash! Now you must tell him that nothing should be solved with death!" The voice said. I nodded and said, "you know, nothing should be solved with death." All he did was remain silent and held a gun at the dark grey haired boy's head. "ASH! NOW! YOU MUST ATTACK!" The voice had yelled. I nodded and kicked him. He fell to the ground and dropped his gun. Suddenly he disappeared. 

As I let the boy cry in my shoulder I smiled. Man it must feel good to help someone. SAVE someone's life. I felt like a hero. "Thank you so much." Said the boy. "Maybe you're the boy who will save our universe!" He added. I looked at him. Confused. What did he mean by, 'save our universe'? And who is this 'our'? Is there more than one? I'm confused. Well it's one minute to six. I should be waking up in 3, 2, 1...!

In the real world...

I woke up and looked around I was back in professor kikui's house. Still who was that boy I saved in my dream? I placed my hand on my head and sighed. What if that dream I had...was a message...?

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