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There they were fighting the advanced elipson. Who is this 'they' you may ask? Well they are none other than the raimon eleven. The raimon eleven is a soccer team who is currently fighting against alius. With coach Kira in tow. Let's see how the match is going right now. 

"GOD HAND!" Yelled the captain endou mamarou. God hand was yet to work and the ball landed into the raimon's goal and scored the second goal. "AH FRICK!" Yelled Mark. "Come on everyone up your game!" Yelled Kidou. "I feel like I'm gonna faint." Said fubuki holding his head. "MEDICS WE NEED MEDICS!" Yelled gouenji. "Come on fubuki! Pull yourself together! Just a few more minutes and then we'll take you back to the inazuma bus!" Yelled coach Kira. "Okay ugh I feel so weak, my legs are shaking, it feels like the next step I take my legs will give out." Said fubuki his head pounding and at the verge of losing consciousness "okay then sit down I don't wanna risk you fainting again." Said coach Kira as endou and gouenji carried fubuki back to the bench. The match carried on. "Fubuki why do you feel like you're about to faint?" Asked Kira. Fubuki just slept on coach Kira to try to recover a bit. He woke up after a few minutes. "How long was I asleep for?" Asked fubuki. "Only for a few minutes." Said coach Kira. Suddenly the ground began shaking. The match paused as a portal appeared. 

Meanwhile elsewhere...

"HAHAHAHAHAHAH! With this portal alius will be able to take over other dimensions!" Yelled wyles (if I spelled it wrong correct me then). 

Back at Okinawa...

The gang stood completely frozed even advanced elipson were shocked but ran into the portal anyway. "THERE TRYING TO GET AWAY!" Yelled gouenji. "WE NEED TO GO AFTER THEM!" Yelled endou. "But endou we don't know what's on the other side." Said kidou. "Yeah and what if we get separated?" Asked a worried fubuki. "Well if that does happen meet up at the closet town." Said coach Kira. "Kazemaru you are temporarily captain of the raimon eleven till me gouenji kidou and fubuki get back!" Said endou. "You have my words." Said kazemaru. Endou looked at the portal and gulped. "Who knows where this portal might take us?" Said endou. "I wish you four the best of luck." Said coach Kira. And with that endou fubuki kidou and gouenji went into the portal with aki in tow. 

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