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Me and Carlos were arriving my place and I saw my mom playing her usual game of solitaire. "Hey mom," I said. "Yo Ms. Wilson," Carlos said. "Oh hey boys. Oh Peter before I forget you got a letter. I put it on your bed," Mom said. Me and Carlos looked at each other confused. I never got mail. Ever. 

The two of us went up to my room and I grabbed the letter from my bed. I opened the envelope and took out the letter. It read:

Dear Peter,

Hey buddy! It's been a while hasn't it? But it's me your good old dad. If you're reading this then I must've gotten you through to be part of a special student's retreat at your school. Specifically for the top 5 swimmers on your school swim team. Specifically on a special island hotel-as in it's an island building. You'll be getting the permission slip to go tomorrow. And if I know you when it comes to field trips 'No slip, no trip, no trip, you flip'. Hehe. Anyways I hope you have fun at the retreat.



(P.S. You can bring a plus one. I suggest your buddy Carlos)

(P.P.S. Tell your mom I said 'Hi')

I was shocked. I hadn't heard from my dad ever since he and my mom got divorced. "Whoa. A student retreat to an island hotel? A plus one? A letter from your dad? This is too many things at once," Carlos said. I ran downstairs.

"Mom! The letter I got is from dad!" I exclaimed. Mom looked at me and abandoned her game. "Your father?" She asked. "Yeah. He signed me up for a student retreat on an island hotel with the other 4 other top swimmers on the school swim team and their plus ones," I said. "Oh Paul," Mom said using dad's name. Something told me she knew about the retreat. "You signed me up and were going to tell me later. The both of you," I guessed. Mom nodded. "I wanted to tell you  but your father beat me to the punch," Mom said. "Well he's never been one for keeping secrets," I said. Me and mom chuckled. "Well surprise you're going to an island hotel for a few days. And i'm guessing Carlos is going with you?" Mom said. "Well obviously. There's no way i'd pass up the chance to go to an island hotel with my best bud," Carlos said putting his arm around my shoulder. I chuckled. "I need to go start packing. Later Peter and Ms. W," Carlos said going up to my room to get his stuff before leaving the house. "I should pack my things too. Thanks mom," I said giving mom a hug. I let go and went upstairs to pack.

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