Chapter 3

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Author's POV:

Like a bird spreading its wings and disappearing in the sky the days too were flying in a full swing...

Since the last encounter, Roohi worked on his suggestions and made sure not to get into any arguments with the bad gang...

One day when Roohi was writing an assignment her phone beamed up with a notification...

It was an unknown number saying "Hi"

She checked the account name being 'MSD' and sighed knowing the owner of that number...

It was none other than the great Dhoni's fan Mr Meet...

But before she could reply one more message popped up

"Sorry I was supposed to message my was accidental"

"It's Ok" she replied and another message from kajal made her laugh

"Rooh yaar it's Meet...he accidentally messaged you...he said sorry don't take him wrong"

"That's absolutely fine Kajal" she typed as she suppressed her laugh

Why is being so good boy types?? It's not a big deal...getting numbers from the college group is an obvious thing and moreover, he is not like those bad boys and if he does something I have the block simple as that...

Why being so serious Mr Serious??

She laughed while on the other hand, Meet was biting his nails...

I want to talk to her but how???

And what will I talk about??

Somehow he managed to send a 'Hi' but he thought she would turn red again

What if she thinks I am just another guy trying to flirt with girls??

What if she thinks bad about me??

He immediately covered up with a reason and asked Kajal to clarify the same...

And since then the numbers were saved in their devices but never a notification from each other's number was audible

Everything was going good with them...a subtle smile on their lips when their eyes met and a very few words in extreme need...this was their routine until that day...

Roohi's birthday...

It was Sunday and the college had planned for the contouring project on the holiday itself making Roohi a bit disappointed...

The whole day they had to work in the hot sun but Roohi was ok with it...

She was wide awake till 12 waiting for her friend's wishes but nothing happened...she waited an hour more and finally sighed in defeat saying 'No problem they'll wish me in the morning'

She woke up but still, there was no notification on her mobile screen...

She went to college...her classmates celebrated her birthday and later they drove to the hilltop for the project...

Half of the day she was sad as her friends Kinjal Pooja Shweta and Gaya didn't wish her...she was sad to think that her best friends forgot her birthday...

The sadness on her face was evident and Meet couldn't hold himself back and came up with his tricks...

He came up to work in her section of the project and when she saw him she thought he would wish him like her other classmates but he didn't...

He began annoying her with his stupid talks...he kept asking her silly questions...he made all efforts to bring smile on her sad face but she was adamant she went on giving him cold shoulder but he didn't give up and continued his efforts till the sunset down and they were on the way back to college...

It was time to retire home and everyone was getting into their respective buses...Roohi sat in the window seat looking at the sky with a cry baby face and that's when she heard a friend asking her to get down the bus...

She got down and found Meet sitting on the concrete slab of the college...

As soon as he saw her he got on his feet and looked into her eyes for a second and lowered his lashes as the edges of his lips curled up...

Why is he blushing???

Roohi thought and looked back over her shoulder conforming whether is there someone else behind her back that he is blushing like a rose...

Finding no one behind she asked him bluntly "What??"

And that's when he lifted his lashes...extended his hand and softly whispered "Happy Birthday"

And that's when Roohi smiled wholeheartedly...

With that much-awaited smile, she took his warm and rough hand and chirped "Thank you"

Two people kept looking at each other and smiling...their deep eyes like rivers gently flowing under the moon all shining and sparkling...

Her liking for him started with liking his gesture...she liked him at that first sight...

With that new feeling surged up in her heart she got back on the bus...

She got a message from Shweta to come to their regular spot...

She went there and enjoyed her surprise birthday celebration...her happiness had no bounds...she was happy that her friends didn't forget her birthday...

Once she was back home and rolling on the floor all tired with whole day's sun her phone glowed with a message

"Hey did you reach home??"

Since the day of his so-called accidental message, it was the first time she got a word from him

"Yes...and you??"


No messages for the next few minutes and finally Roohi ended the silence

"Thank you"


"For your efforts to make me smile"

"You noticed??"

"Of course"

The tradition of silence followed and then a message

"Friends Roohi??"

"Already we are Meet"

"We are??"

"Of course"

"Thank you 😊

"Ok so now as we are friends I need to show you the right path...whether you like it or not I'll do it"

"What do you mean??"

"Look are too emotional and sensitive which is not good to survive in this cruel world...the whole day you were sad only because you didn't two words from a few people...Why???

Why the key to your happiness is in someone's pocket??

Why do their words matter a lot to you??

If they didn't wish you...leave it...why be sad

Those are just a few temporary words Rooh...nothing else...

Your happiness shouldn't be dependent on someone else's mere actions or sugar-coated words...

Just because of your expectations you ruined your day...


Instead of waiting for their messages, you could have enjoyed your day on the hilltop...not everyone gets to celebrate the birthday on the hilltop you know

What happened when you were sad...nothing a cry baby you kept roaming here and there cursing your friends and see finally you got a surprise from then and regret your actions...

Why curse and why regret later?

Better never do the things that end up with regret

I know they are your best friends but Rooh remember...

There will be times when no one will be by your'll have only you for yourself...whether good or bad...whether happiness or are the lone warrior of your battle

Never expect anything from anyone

No matter what be strong enough to protect yourself...

Your life is yours Rooh...

Don't make it sad because of others words and actions

How simple it is"

The messages went on popping one after the other giving no time for her to react...


Good night
Take care😊

Once again Happy Birthday😊

And sorry 😊"

He went offline while she kept staring at the screen counting the number of words Mr silent has spoken to her for the second time...

His words always left a strong impact on her mind...

That day she had learnt a new lesson from him...

And one more positive impression of Meet got rooted in her heart when she started learning more about his hardworking and dedicated nature...

Meet belonged to a middle-class earn money for the education expenses he had worked in cafes as a waiter since he was in std 10...his dedication towards his dreams was so determined that made Roohi respect him but at the same time she was pissed off because of his irritating behaviour...

They had developed such a bond that he would tease her over petty issues and she would hit him as her answer...

At points when his fun would go over the top, she would become a balloon with red cheeks for which he would shamelessly say "I love annoying look more red when you are angry"

Roohi had got habituated to his annoying stunts and sometimes instead of getting annoyed she would end up laughing

Their fights were worth laughing and scratching heads at the same time...

And soon they were named Tom and Jerry

But still, there was something that kept bothering Roohi...

His abrupt ignorance that would shine up like full moon...

He used to help everyone with the assignments except her...
He used to take follow-ups of everyone's submission except her...

Does he think I am not a sincere student??
Does he think I am a dumb girl??

Every time he ignored her mind would flood with innumerable questions and she would burn in rage...

She failed to implement his words

She would complete all the work before her friends only to prove him wrong

And once in a blue moon if he asked she would raise her chin and proudly say "No thanks...I have completed it"

The burning rage caused her to improve in academics

And especially when it was the submission period he would give priority to Vaidehi and Saniya that pricked somewhere Roohi

She wasn't understanding herself...

The more he used to ignore her the more she would burn in rage and think about his actions...

Call it infatuation hormones or the complicated human psychology the more a person ignores the more your mind rotates around him

And that's what happened with Roohi...

His ignorance forced her mind to rotate around him as if the earth would rotate around the sun

And Roohi being a straight forward who prefers to be at peace ended up asking "Why do you ignore me??" for which he simply answered "I didn't"

His cold answers would disturb her more...

The same went for don't know how long...

His ignorance...
Her restlessness

At a point, she began giving damn shit to his ignorance as she realised that she was wasting her energy on unnecessary stuff and focused on herself

All this while during his ignorance the whole class began shipping him with Shivani...

Shivani was a good friend of Roohi...

She was kind and helpful...

Roohi admired her a lot...

Deep down she too believed that Shivani and Meet really make a good compatible pair...

But little did she know that her small belief make her lose her sanity one day

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