How to find Mr. SAARC

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The SAARC Gang - *is at an event*

Bhutan - That was fun!

Bangladesh - Agreed, bro! And the food was amazing! 

Maldives - Which is why I'm absolutely happy that I came here!

Sri Lanka - Mal, you fell down 2 flights of stairs-

Maldives - I know, but still! What's the worst that could happen, right Mr. SAARC?

*No response*

Nepal - SAARC? *turns around to see no SAARC*

Bangladesh - People, I think we lost Mr. SAARC!

India - *raising eyebrow* Did we lose SAARC or did SAARC lose us?

Pakistan - Forget that- we need to find him. Fast. Anyone has a phone?

Sri Lanka - Wasn't that the reason why he was so morose on the way here? He missed the alarm as his battery was dead, na?

Maldives - Riiiiight.....

Afghanistan - What if we never find him?

Bhutan - What if we're lost here forever?!

Bangladesh - I wouldn't mind, to be honest, because the food-

Pakistan - Arre, calm down!

Afghanistan and Bhutan - *together* DON'T TELL US TO CALM DOWN!

Pakistan - Don't tell me what to tell you!

India - Arre, chup! We'll just go to the announcement center and ask for him, he'll find his way there, and BOOM! Happy ever after!

Maldives - OR, I KNOW WHAT TO DO!

Sri Lanka - You do?

Maldives - *cups his hands together and screams* 2 + 2 IS 5!!!!!!!

SAARC - *appears out of nowhere* WHO. SAID. THAT?!

Nepal - Found him-

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