Best in Me (Moxiety)

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Patton was over at the Sanders' house again, babysitting Virgil while Logan and Roman were out for dinner. Patton didn't mind babysitting, in fact, on the contrary. He loved being able to spend time with any of the neighbourhood kids. But, although he'd never admit it, he always had a slight preference toward the Sanders' household. They left him snacks.

Virgil came running into the room, holding a piece of paper in his hands.

"What do you have there, Virge?" Patton asked, as Virgil clambered up onto the couch next to him.

"A dwawing." Virgil said happily. Although he was almost seven, he still sometimes let his "r"s  slip when he was tired. He held out the drawing to that Patton could see. The drawing was of the two of them as stick figures, smiling and playing patty cake under a (quite literally) smiling sun. The words "Best Frendz" were written in messy lettering across the top.

Virgil always loved drawing, and showed Patton some of his art every time that he came over. Patton acted just as enthusiastic every time.

"Awww, Virgil! This is so sweet!"

"Can you do the voice?" Virgil asked shyly.

Patton laughed a little, taking the drawing from Virgil. "Of course." He cleared his throat, before launching into a dramatic, sports-commentator-like voice.

"What form! This level of colouring is out of this world! Why, I haven't seen such perfection with Crayola in over ten years!"

Virgil giggled.

"Oh, and what is this? Oh, Jeffery, this is quite a risk that the artist took... a smiling sun? I haven't seen one used since... since nineteen-thirty-two! I gotta day, Jeffery, this is just splendid. Magnificent work here. Real good, fine stuff." Patton said boisterously.

Virgil giggled some more, and Patton joined him. Patton handed him back the drawing, and Virgil paused, looking up at him.

"Patton... do you actually like it?" He asked, quietly.

"Of course I do, kiddo!" Patton exclaimed. "You're gonna be a famous artist one day, I just know it."

Virgil smiled widely. "You think so?"

Patton nodded, and booped him on the nose, making Virgil giggle again.


Patton opened his email, checking it for that email from his boss that he was supposed to get today. He did indeed have a notification, but not from his boss. It was sourced from a "Virgil Sanders".

Virgil Sanders. Patton knew that name. That was the little boy that he'd babysat for all the time when he was a teenager! He hadn't seen the Sanders' in... years.

He opened the email, and took a sip of his tea. He set it down, and started to read what Virgil had sent, no idea what to expect.

Hey Patton.

I know that you and I haven't talked since I was little, but, I wanted to reach out. You see, I just got accepted into 3 renowned art schools for university. After I got the letters, I knew I had to find your email and thank you. You're one of the reasons I even got to this place in my life.

I'm not very good at writing emails, so I'm sorry. But you have no idea how much your support and your silly voices motivated me to pursue what I love. I wouldn't be here without you, so thank you. Seriously.

I hope you're doing well, wherever you are in your life right now. The dads say hi.

Thanks again,
Virgil Sanders

Attached to the email, was a photograph. Patton opened it, to see a familiar drawing from years ago. Of him and a certain kid playing underneath a smiling sun. Underneath, was a manually edited in text that Virgil had added.

Thank you, to somebody who saw the best in me.

Okay so this low key ended up being really long but it's fine. Moxiety hasn't been over here like, at all. So I needed to have at least a little bit of it, even if it's only platonic.

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