Real Man (Prinxiety)

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Virgil was leaning against his boyfriend, Roman, as they lay on Roman's bed. His head was tucked into the princely man's shoulder and chest, and his hand was resting on his chest. Roman's fingers were gently cascading up and down Virgil's arms and sides absentmindedly, but although Roman didn't notice, Virgil did.

Virgil held his breath every time Roman's hand got close to his chest, wondering every time if the creative side could feel his chest binder through his thick hoodie. Virgil's stomach twisted in guilt, knowing that he should've told Roman that he was trans before they started dating. At least so that he would've known what he was getting into.

Virgil wished that he wouldn't have to ever tell anyone about it, but he knew that it wasn't fair not to tell his boyfriend. He even tried a couple times to do so, but every time he did, fear crashed down over his body like a large, cold wave. What if Roman left him? What if he would be disgusted by Virgil afterwards?

Virgil took a deep breath, trying to force out the words. Knowing that he'd have to tell Roman eventually.


"Yes, my love?"

Oh god, Virgil wished that Roman wouldn't call him that right now. It sent a pang to his heart.

"I-I, uh, need to tell you something."

"Oh. What is it?" Roman asked curiously, looking down at Virgil, his hand moving to stroke his hair.

"I... I'm trans."

"Trans? Transgender?" Roman frowned a little. Virgil gave a small nod in reply.

"Are you... a girl? Like, you feel that you're a girl inside?" Roman clarified.

"No." Virgil sighed. "I've already transitioned. I was born female, and became a male."

"Oh, I see." Roman said, his tone and feelings unclear.

"I'm sorry. I know I should've told you sooner. But... I... I-I was scared, and—"

"Why were you scared?"

"I guess... I guess I just thought maybe you wouldn't want to date me anymore, or be grossed out by me. Because I'm not... you know... a real man."

Roman sat up, taking Virgil with him, so that he could look him in the eye.

"Virgil, you are a real man, okay? Body parts do not define who you are. Just ask Disney!" Roman said, dead serious.

Virgil blinked. "Disney?"

"Yes, of course! According to Disney, in order to be a man..." Roman burst into song. "You must be swift as a coursing river, with all the force of a great typhoon, with all the strength of a raging fire, mysterious as the dark side of the mooooooooon!"

Roman missed Virgil gently, before giving him a reassuring smile. "See? No dick of any sort."

Virgil was quiet for a while, before he smirked. "You know, Princey, this is why I love you."

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